Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Belthamel.2563


Bow down To your supreme gandara Norm overlords!

Supreme being Gandara Tchuu Warrior Belthamel

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: multivira.7925


Dius, Yak, XXX, TDA, CTNK, IC, INT, anyone I miss? Looking forward to pulling this off again <3

Proof you don’t need them veils

You know that only works because you are TUP and everybody is happy to chase a single TUP cookie around the world. There’s a decent enough chance to bag one of your forum warriors and that’s bonus points!

Twirling – Pie Eating Guardian – MM – Gunnar’s Hold

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Empyre.2531


Hey Riverside guys !
To see you always blobbing is annoying enough so… try not to cheat and use zoom hack… It’s ridiculous… Third time this week that I see you doing this… A DTK guildie on Hill on AR borderland this time.

Prove pls ^^ without screens you are All Talk.

Dont mind him tbh.
Dont mean to criticise fellow gandarans but the level of understanding of what you can do with siege if pretty low amongst many of our players.
I’d say about 1 in 50 reports of zoom hacks are actually zoom hacks (at best).

That’s correct. Most of the zoom hacks is abuse of game mechanic and stretching the window (if that still works).


Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Menaka.5092


Dius, Yak, XXX, TDA, CTNK, IC, INT, anyone I miss? Looking forward to pulling this off again <3

Proof you don’t need them veils

Mate, that backpack looks heavy, you sure it wont slow you down in the fight?

Hopefully the Great Random Number Generator In The Sky will have us fighting again soon

In the meantime, have fun and goodluck!

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dranul.2094


@multivira ah but you see if someone sees a TUP tag, they usually get them rage faces on ready for a good scrap. Using an alternative tag, lulls people into “ah random inside our keep smash him” bloodthirsty mode At least I don’t like randoms in my keep grounds <3

@menaka I’m the one targeted (Dranul) no way would I be caught with that “fashion” accessory – give me some credit, I have more taste than Quecc <3

Anyways back to your matchup /exit stage left

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: General Ragefist.3952

General Ragefist.3952

Hey Riverside guys !
To see you always blobbing is annoying enough so… try not to cheat and use zoom hack… It’s ridiculous… Third time this week that I see you doing this… A DTK guildie on Hill on AR borderland this time.

My answer to your claim that we cheat. Home you enyoy yourself beginner.

Edana Atreides, Elementalist
DTK | Die Technokraten – Guild Leader
Flußufer/ Riverside [DE]

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: FirstBlood.7359


Moa’ed and then killed by a dozen of zerglings. That’s the true spirit of WvW.

Tz tz

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: IDarko.4709


Votf on some next level kitten .

Dius had some great roaming practice in the last few days and had a bit of confidence going in, despite knowing it would be REALLY, hard against one of the best GW2 guilds.

We got steamrolled, schooled, r*ped, whatever you wanna call it.

GG and tyvm for the GvG.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lideric.9645


Thx to all players on Gandara-Map tonight. We have had a lot of fun against both servers. We´ve got very good fights against well played guilds, hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. It was a 2 way road and i didn´t have sooo much fun in our last matchups for the last couples of weeks.


Sepsis [SPS], Zornig [ZORN], Last Legend Standing [LLS]

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ragnar.4257


Votf on some next level kitten .

Dius had some great roaming practice in the last few days and had a bit of confidence going in, despite knowing it would be REALLY, hard against one of the best GW2 guilds.

We got steamrolled, schooled, r*ped, whatever you wanna call it.

GG and tyvm for the GvG.

Indeed, we’ve lost GvGs before to some good teams (SCND, Mya, and WAR just the other day) and we’ve beaten some good teams too, but VoTF was unlike anything I’ve ever come across. Even RG, who we never GvGed, but did meet roaming a few times, didn’t seem to hit as hard (although we were never close to downing them). When we’ve lost in the past, it was through attrition, slowly losing people to silly mistakes. This time…… it felt like fighting a team with perma-quickness. We were instantly shattered on engage, and never even given half a second to recover.

Hats off to you for the fight of a lifetime.


Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Beri.3156


Hai TDA and gandara =) Hows the match up ?

AG is having pretty much fun with FSP and UW ^^

Awesome charr necro 66,000 kills
Aurora Glade

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jackie.1829


Thanks for the gvg Dius, was definitely enjoyable and we look forward to fighting you again in the future and seeing more of your gvg endeavors

Ty for the good sportsmanship and kind words,

GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Hai TDA and gandara =) Hows the match up ?

AG is having pretty much fun with FSP and UW ^^

I’m kinda jelly. It’s hard finding good fights this week outside of chasing Riverside Omegas around EB. Great for loot bags, but not a particularly interesting week. I really would like an AG vs Gandara vs Miller’s matchup sometime soon. Call me old fashioned, but I kind of preferred the old matchup system…..

“Heretic, burn him!”


Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Beri.3156


Hai TDA and gandara =) Hows the match up ?

AG is having pretty much fun with FSP and UW ^^

I’m kinda jelly. It’s hard finding good fights this week outside of chasing Riverside Omegas around EB. Great for loot bags, but not a particularly interesting week. I really would like an AG vs Gandara vs Miller’s matchup sometime soon. Call me old fashioned, but I kind of preferred the old matchup system…..

“Heretic, burn him!”

Omega golems what are those ?

Awesome charr necro 66,000 kills
Aurora Glade

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dropper.9176


Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Hai TDA and gandara =) Hows the match up ?

AG is having pretty much fun with FSP and UW ^^

I’m kinda jelly. It’s hard finding good fights this week outside of chasing Riverside Omegas around EB. Great for loot bags, but not a particularly interesting week. I really would like an AG vs Gandara vs Miller’s matchup sometime soon. Call me old fashioned, but I kind of preferred the old matchup system…..

“Heretic, burn him!”

Omega golems what are those ?

Okay, if we come up against AG we will have to organise an open field golem battle. None of that Omega nonsense – I want everyone punching each other to death in Alphas.

P.S. Kites are mandatory


Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: climbatize.8729


Hai TDA and gandara =) Hows the match up ?

AG is having pretty much fun with FSP and UW ^^

Its better than we expected =)

What happent with you guys btw dawn still runing?


Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: street.2176


augury rock guild BLAK:
1vs1 run
3vs3 run
1vs5/10 charge we can win!



Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: aegnosis.8037


For yesterday we had arranged GvG with [Way] guild like 1 week ago. as One Night Stand [ONS] it would be our first GvG experience and we really did prepared well. Guess what? they didnt showed up and they didnt even inform us. when I pm’ed their leader he said “sorry dude we wont come today our commander left” just 20 minutes before the fight.

then we do our routine, went to Augury Rock BL and suprise [Way] was there and they are running full zerg

as conclusion we fought them 3 times at open and we did really good against them.

Guardian of One Night Stand[ONS] Gandara.

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pheppo.9286


btw … we saved yesterday the middle keep of Augury Rock as we destroyed about 10 Golems of Gandara on their way to the middle keep.

… Gandara … sry for that, but we could not resist
… and Augury Rock … we want a crate of beer for our effords

Server: Riverside [DE]
Chars: The fluffy Flapsi (Ele), Fipsip (Mesmer), Flappo (Necro), Fenix (Engi)

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Bow down To your supreme gandara Norm overlords!

Hahaha :P Why does Tekno Viking call you failthamel? xD

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


Bow down To your supreme gandara Norm overlords!

Hahaha :P Why does Tekno Viking call you failthamel? xD

who doesn’t?!

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Awesome funsies on EB tonight At the end of our raid one of our necro’s got caught in Jerrifers wall and got stuck, he would have jumped out if possible :<

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Smok.2385


A big shoutout and thanks to VotF for the GvG today. You guys are for sure one of the top WvW and GvG guilds (at least imo) and it was an honor to have all those fights against you.
When fighting such better opponents shows that we have alot to improve and work on. I hope we will fight each other again in the future and that we give better and more challenging fights or maybe that we will win

Mucho love from Yaks <3

Smokkz – Warrior of the Yakslappers [YaK] Warband
Gandara (EU)

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nemesys.7251


hope dont met river again if u kill 50+of them with 20+they will come back with 60 if u kill them again they will come back with 100 and follow u around the whole map,this server deserve to play much higher tier against elona or baruch or seafarer or vizuna not against a server like gandara where almost all are moving with 15/20 ppl,just put all the german national server against each other all of them like play this way they can enjoy more the game.

Nem Bloodworthy[XxX]

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Spitjaw.2987


They also /inv you to tell you dat you suck,when you beat them…they mad.

Spitjaw The Punching Bag Guardian Of Judge Legends[JDGE] @ Gunnars Hold EU

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Victim.3016


<3 Yaks

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: icey.7368


Thank you VOTF for the wake up call we needed as a guild and as a sever ….
Gandara is broken in general , hope they watch the vids and addapt to the meta

[YaK] Gandara EU- WvW officer
contact :

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


hope dont met river again if u kill 50+of them with 20+they will come back with 60 if u kill them again they will come back with 100 and follow u around the whole map,this server deserve to play much higher tier against elona or baruch or seafarer or vizuna not against a server like gandara where almost all are moving with 15/20 ppl,just put all the german national server against each other all of them like play this way they can enjoy more the game.

Grats that you killed some nameless pugzerg with your Guildraid, and special grats to generalize once again over whole RS, some people will never change……..
Ask Centrix and Amelia perhaps they could explain whats wrong with your complaining, at least they have understand some things at all.

Greets Myrmi

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pheppo.9286


Toward the end of the week i have to thank Gandara and Augury Rock for the nice fights.
This week has been a pleasure
Especially Augury Rock has been a surprise. Good guilds and quite well organised.
And as usuall … some really nice guilds on Gandi which can deliver some heavy punch during fights

Server: Riverside [DE]
Chars: The fluffy Flapsi (Ele), Fipsip (Mesmer), Flappo (Necro), Fenix (Engi)

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: jaimy.4108


My expectations of meeting AR have been totally wrong, and I have to admit I sincerly enjoyed this week fighting AR. Many guilds who roam on their own and several who aren’t afraid of a fight.

Looking forward to meeting you again!


Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Parthis.2091


Thank you VOTF for the wake up call we needed as a guild and as a sever ….
Gandara is broken in general , hope they watch the vids and addapt to the meta


Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moraine.7382


Its a pity that this matchup ends today:(
I rly enjoy the whole week, good smallscale fights and duells especially against AR peoplzz! Keep at it i rly like your playstyle and hope we meet again in future!!

Best Regards
Dalenty – ZORNIG -

(edited by Moraine.7382)

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: icey.7368


Thank you VOTF for the wake up call we needed as a guild and as a sever ….
Gandara is broken in general , hope they watch the vids and addapt to the meta


Lol ok …. Go JDGE

[YaK] Gandara EU- WvW officer
contact :

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: jaimy.4108


Ya which wake-up call actually? I don’t get it =\


Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: MRA.4758


hope dont met river again

Well, never say never …

this server deserve to play much higher tier against elona or baruch or seafarer or vizuna not against a server like gandara where almost all are moving with 15/20 ppl,

No, we have been there, and we are not really a match for the servers you mentioned. They have a “larger” WvW population (by which I mean especially the coverage at off-hours) and they show a much better discipline than we do (sadly, the likelihood of a queue for Riverside is still reciprocal to the strength of our opponents — aka our “Schönwetterspielerproblem” — and only about 50% of our players use TS).

Our current rating in the 1700 to 1800 range is actually a pretty accurate estimation of our capabilities.

just put all the german national server against each other all of them like play this way they can enjoy more the game.

I tend to agree, I never played more intense sieges as the ones against Abaddons Mouth, or even Kodash (many months ago). Sieges by or against these servers did sometimes last for hours, demanded for every trick up your sleeve, and had been really great gaming experiences. Unfortunately, the predominant “spot-weakness-and-strike-fast-with full-force” meta of WVW makes usual sieges last way below 3 minutes. I wish more servers would defend properly.

Having said that, thanks to both opponents of the week for the many interesting fights. It was a dream match-up for me, personally, since Augury Rock is the server where “my account was born” (I created my first character there, back then at BWE1, before it was given to France by the powers that be), and Gandara was the server I almost joined instead of Riverside at BWE2. I will particularly remember the Siege of Jerrifers on Wednesday (?) morning. Augury Rock was severely outnumbered but fought brave with cunning and skill. Kudos. Also, nice try to come back during the week and win the match. Also, while Gandara may not have the same manpower than the other two servers have, you always knew that you should better be vigilant when [Yak] and [dius] are on your map. Those guilds proved that they are renown for a reason.


IGN: Peavy (Asuran Engineer)
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas

(edited by MRA.4758)

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Parthis.2091


Ya which wake-up call actually? I don’t get it =\

Indeed; one guild’s GvG highlights the failings of us all.

Grats on your GvG; leave the in-depth assessment of the rest of us out of it.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Scryd.3945


Again, our respectful Greetings to [SanG] – next time come out and play

i ve really enjoyed this week, lets matchup again soon.


had to edit this after seeing the footage from last night. btw SanG bashed us too to be fair. Oh yeah here s wvw episode 3, featuring DTK, Tz, VM and naturally SanG

Piken Square
Forsaken Gamers [FG]
Ugly Asuran Necromancer

(edited by Scryd.3945)

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


Cheers to everyone at ar and rs we fought this week, one of the most fun weeks for us in the last couple of months. Decent small scale action, open field fights, plenty of duelling and the good old zergs that just don’t give up chasing a 5 man team.

I hope we face each other again soon^^

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Empyre.2531


hope dont met river again if u kill 50+of them with 20+they will come back with 60 if u kill them again they will come back with 100 and follow u around the whole map,this server deserve to play much higher tier against elona or baruch or seafarer or vizuna not against a server like gandara where almost all are moving with 15/20 ppl,just put all the german national server against each other all of them like play this way they can enjoy more the game.

Grats that you killed some nameless pugzerg with your Guildraid, and special grats to generalize once again over whole RS, some people will never change……..
Ask Centrix and Amelia perhaps they could explain whats wrong with your complaining, at least they have understand some things at all.

Greets Myrmi

Haven’t seen a single RS guild run alone in maybe 6-7 matchups vs the server. I must be really unlucky. Fighting RS there’s just nothing more then the pu zerg, when all your individual guilds melt into one blob.
If you ever played solo with the size of xxx raid vs 60+ pu zerg you would know that killing them is actually not a piece of cake or let’s say surviving the random damage (and res flood) coming from the ball. Seeing your answer, I know you never did.

About what Nemesys wrote. Nah, RS wouldn’t stand a chance vs BB, Elona or even Viz. They are unorganised, their prime is mediocre to say the least and their night force is just big enough to outcap AR during RS planned night raid on holiday season, there’s no natural night and morning force.


Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: gitflap.9031


Best laugh of the week, 5 RS and 1 AR cows with kites running round our border.

Cows with Kites…gotta be a band name, surely?

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Osicat.4139


<3 to the PSY Warrior and Guardian who offered a good fight last night beside the camp in south west. Nice skills, I do understand why you fleed when your mate died thu.

Might put the movie up laters


Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Space.8053


fun times on south rs border last night, shame i was too tired and had to log off early. XxX & the rest of the gandarans did a great job holding AR and that riverside horde coming for redbriar!

Fat Rob

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pheppo.9286


hope dont met river again if u kill 50+of them with 20+they will come back with 60 if u kill them again they will come back with 100 and follow u around the whole map,this server deserve to play much higher tier against elona or baruch or seafarer or vizuna not against a server like gandara where almost all are moving with 15/20 ppl,just put all the german national server against each other all of them like play this way they can enjoy more the game.

Grats that you killed some nameless pugzerg with your Guildraid, and special grats to generalize once again over whole RS, some people will never change……..
Ask Centrix and Amelia perhaps they could explain whats wrong with your complaining, at least they have understand some things at all.

Greets Myrmi

Haven’t seen a single RS guild run alone in maybe 6-7 matchups vs the server. I must be really unlucky. Fighting RS there’s just nothing more then the pu zerg, when all your individual guilds melt into one blob.
If you ever played solo with the size of xxx raid vs 60+ pu zerg you would know that killing them is actually not a piece of cake or let’s say surviving the random damage (and res flood) coming from the ball. Seeing your answer, I know you never did.

About what Nemesys wrote. Nah, RS wouldn’t stand a chance vs BB, Elona or even Viz. They are unorganised, their prime is mediocre to say the least and their night force is just big enough to outcap AR during RS planned night raid on holiday season, there’s no natural night and morning force.

hmmm … then you should better open your eyes.
Plenty of small RS guilds where running alone. From 5 to 20 people …

Boring and lame accusations from allways the same guys and guilds.
And as for you Empyre … need some cheese for your whine?

Server: Riverside [DE]
Chars: The fluffy Flapsi (Ele), Fipsip (Mesmer), Flappo (Necro), Fenix (Engi)

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Spitjaw.2987


Well its pretty obvious what wake up call Icey thought about,regarding wvw meta.

It is also obvious that gandara was never about huge guilds steam rolling machines of doom, but rather about smaller,skilled groups fighting larger forces,having fun on battlefield..or die trying:P
I wouldnt change our WVW community for any META oriented community as i know what that would look like,tho i also have understanding for Icey’s wiev aswell.

Unfortunatelly COG is pretty much dead atm and we roam solo or up to 3 men most of the time,but having JDGE,Yak,XxX,Bannanas and rest of our wvw guilds( soz guys i cant even remember all guild tickers but luv ya all) on Gandara is more than enough for me to still love WVWing on this server.


Spitjaw The Punching Bag Guardian Of Judge Legends[JDGE] @ Gunnars Hold EU

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: MRA.4758


Haven’t seen a single RS guild run alone in maybe 6-7 matchups vs the server. I must be really unlucky. Fighting RS there’s just nothing more then the pu zerg, when all your individual guilds melt into one blob.
If you ever played solo with the size of xxx raid vs 60+ pu zerg you would know that killing them is actually not a piece of cake or let’s say surviving the random damage (and res flood) coming from the ball. Seeing your answer, I know you never did.

About what Nemesys wrote. Nah, RS wouldn’t stand a chance vs BB, Elona or even Viz. They are unorganised, their prime is mediocre to say the least and their night force is just big enough to outcap AR during RS planned night raid on holiday season, there’s no natural night and morning force.

Best laugh in this thread so far.

FYI, the only part of your post that is factually correct is the statement that we wouldn’t stand a chance against BB, Elona or Viz.


IGN: Peavy (Asuran Engineer)
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas

(edited by MRA.4758)

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nemesys.7251


we only met the pvp guild from riverside playing ALONE on 5 evening from sunday to thursday,we dont met any single other guild from riverside running as guild for 5 evening we played,so yes im generalizing(??right word?)and im really surprised about augury rock a complete different server with a lot of roaming guild,yes many are big but like how is augury now.

Nem Bloodworthy[XxX]

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gahn.8150


To be completely honest yesterday night i logged out in disgust after seeing all of 3 servers mainly zerging the kitten out of each other, while we kept going out in Guild Group of 15 and i saw all of the good tags we fought on even terms the rest of the week: [dw], [TIA], [Pony], [BLAK] and co involved in aformentioned zergs.
That said rest of the week was quite fun and intertaining fighting same tags so i won’t complain that much ^^

Gahn Lonewolf [TDA]
Norn Guardian

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Scryd.3945


we only met the pvp guild from riverside playing ALONE on 5 evening from sunday to thursday,we dont met any single other guild from riverside running as guild for 5 evening we played,so yes im generalizing(??right word?)and im really surprised about augury rock a complete different server with a lot of roaming guild,yes many are big but like how is augury now.

well you missed something yesterday on gandara borderlands (i think). At least DTK, PAIN and PvP were running Guild Zergs, as well as our beloved WvW-Guilds from the other Servers. Best evening in the whole week.

Statemi bene XxX la prox volta che ci vedremo improviseremo un pó, giusto per avere qualche bella battaglia Siete grandi!

Piken Square
Forsaken Gamers [FG]
Ugly Asuran Necromancer

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: VladR.9827


hope they watch the vids and addapt to the meta

you mean to start the blob? or continue with killing the www with gvg?