Guild Leader
Aurora Glade - Miller's Sound - Drakkar Lake
Guild Leader
come on, can’t believe this match up
Me neither… but bunny jumping towards enemy made my night a while ago. Cheers, Kael
Aurora Glade ~ Army of Forgotten Souls miniguild [AoFS]
yet again another rubish match up just german 60+ blobs this is never fun!
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Millers, what is up with Hetaeria Ignis? There’s a group of 5 sitting at the top of the well in EB JP for 3 hours.
Aurora Glade
Hey it could have been worse; you could have got AM.
Serious though, they’re like the improved RS, they use just as many if more superior carts and mega-blob perpetually. I wonder where they ended up this week.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
Thank you for the fights tonight [Mya],[QQ]. Hope we can have more throughout the week.
Had really good fun tonight, especially since at the moment I’m not able to play much at all (managed to log on 3 times in the last month ). Being able to join my guild for wvw and then having as much fun as we did was just awesome!
Despite the hiccups with the start, which honestly gave more fun to the evening than took away anyway, we had some fantastic fights and action was never far away. We had some epic battles.
Special shout outs to [Mya] and [QQ] for the constant battles and bringing such a challenge to the game. Although I probably won’t be on again until next reset (kitten you real life!) I hope we get to cross swords again soon in the future. I’m sure you’ll give my guild mates something to talk about during the week though!
Leucetius Vier – Necromancer | Adiella Vier – Ranger
Proudly representing The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade.
Sandwiched between the Germans again I see, there is something attracting them to us I just know it! Hoping for a good match-up and good luck to all ^^
LOL poor AG. 15/
Something positive
AG Bl near garrison. Two d/d eles met and started a fair duel. After a prolonged fight the better of the eles downed the other. Instead of stomping me the winner went away and bowed. I rallied and bowed back.
That noble d/d ele was from Miller Sound, MYA guild. Utmost respect to this individual and his guild. It’s always a pleasure to meet any of you, guys
Cheers and thanks for the fight!
AG, DAWN guild.
Hehe, quite funny reset last night
After entering w3 and talking to some Raniks in the map-chat, w3 was resetted an wuhuuu AG and DS were on the line. Good to see some good opponents in the matchup.
Had a lot of fun with 4 gildies to open DS-Bay nothern gate with a single ram and hiding in the outer ring. After 20 mins of waiting and hiding (for nothing) we tried to enter inner ring as AG and DS were fighting – much tooo early and maybe more a joke than a good move, but we were too bored.
Eve ended with some nice fights against TUP – so finaly an eve with lot of fun and good fights.
Hope this continues
HF and good fights to everybody
We’re searching for GvGs again. Please contact me if you’re interested. Minimum size should be 15vs15.
heh… 6-7 rotation WvW and always 1 german serwer or 2… 2 or 3 rotation back we fight again 2 german server and now we fight again… this new match system is “bad”…
finally not the same opponents as the 2 (or 3) weeks before. and what do we get?? Millers, who we had for a month or so, what a letdown.
Happy though, to have aurora glade. never fought them till now. Already had some nice fights against them. and don’t forget, there aren’t only germans on this servers, there are also nice countries where german is spoken.
and grats to the little asura messmer from TUP, man you can play, we had a hard time to kill you with our groups and you came straight back for more.
Makes me really sad to see so many people saying bad things about germans :’-(
Who is this asura mesmer stealing my thunder – I’ll pass the message on. Last night I was on my asura ranger throwing myself at the germans, couldn’t find many 1s or 2s by themselves, always sent 5 or more after me. Which by itself is understandable to an extent.
What isn’t is the lack of class from the majority of both MS and DL zerglings. Several times tonight had a blob of 20 upto 60! Chase one guy (detoured and chased me for 30+s) so none of this was enroute to defend or attack something.. didn’t like my colour scheme? :P
The worst is when a guild group of 12 + pugs go out of there way in the middle of nowhere, no other enemies around and chase 1 solitary guy for 1minute. I’m looking at you RHG from DL – come find me sunday evening please
Cya on the battlefield and hopefully you don’t cower behind towers and ACs – wtf is with the obession with ac’s btw?
Aurora Glade EU
Makes me really sad to see so many people saying bad things about germans :’-(
not to ppl… but play always with german 1 or 2 serwer is borring… and from couple week AG got 1 or 2 german server… maybe for 1 week give us french or spain?
Makes me really sad to see so many people saying bad things about germans :’-(
Nothing against the germans, it’s just that german servers seem to have a different playstyle to non regional servers. You mainly focus on points and holding objectives at all costs, whereas we care less about points and more about open field fights.
Both playstyles are valid, but when there are no big fights to be had, people spend their time complaining on here instead.
Aurora Glade
Great fights today and much of bags. Hope we can hold the fun and dont talk always about blob’s, each server have there own blobs…
Thx to DAWN, TUP, Dsun and NO for some great fights and nice loot today ;-)
See ya in w3, QQ !!
[oO]Delfurion Stormrage [Thief]
-= [oO] Deadly Fusion =-
Cheers to both sides for the fun and action in Drakkars BL this evening. Was good stuff. Shame on my guys for wiping to a blob while I was akitten <3
Relentless defending of your bay in the evening Drakkars – I counted what 60 people with enough siege for 1/3 of you Was quite painful lol. Managed to take out all the inner siege (except the 8+ acs etc in the lord room!) – appreciate millers for taking that after we went looking for a more mobile fight
Opened up the map and had quite a few good scraps.
Kind Regards TUP
o7 ARMY, QQ + others.
Aurora Glade EU
Nice fights at Miller’s BL during our struggle to hold Briar tower. Team did what they do best which is to take on massive odds and more than hold their own.
Unfortunately I lagged out at the end. Anyway, it was nice to have some proper fighting done with my hammer warri. It’s been enjoyable overall as far as I’m concerned, no complaints.
(edited by TheGreatA.4192)
After taking SM we were doing some patrols when someone mentioned that DL were building a Ram at a wall, I had to come see for myself:
Still laughing…
After taking SM we were doing some patrols when someone mentioned that DL were building a Ram at a wall, I had to come see for myself:
Still laughing…
yeah, it’s always funny to see flamerams at odd places. But be honest, on your server there aren’t people, who, in the heat of battle, put the wrong blueprint down? even more so, in the early hours of the day, or after hours of playing?
on an other note, what were you guys from AG doing yesterday evening at sunnyhill? we destroyed your siege, then you went on for half an our or so to run arround in circles, doing nothing.
and what a messy battle at our bay, i’m still a bit confused
So far, based on the score, this is a ballanced fight.
And it’s also nice to actually fight against people instead of a gazillion AC’s
There are really great Guilds across the 3 Servers that love a good organised fight
(and don’t tend to blob up that much).
Keep it up and let’s have an awesome week!
Thanks to the [tup] ele players just now. Was a very exciting fight. On Thursday 20 clock is behind the mill Duel evening. I hope I see you there. Aurora Glade Borderlands.
I’m sorry. My English is very bad
Been some great fights this week, it’s a shame the skill lag is such a game ruiner for everyone! Whenever all 3 servers come together it pretty much becomes unplayable! Been a few times when we’ve had commanders shouting “push!” and we all basically just laughs because skills just don’t want to work haha.
I think all of us on AG were pretty much dreading facing two German servers this week, you both have very different play styles than we do but its been quite fun anyway so keep it up everyone!
Also rather impressed that all 3 servers have pretty well coordinated zergs this week, even though there are a lot of pugs everywhere people seem to be moving as 1 and working well together, just goes to show that you don’t have to be in an organised guild to contribute to the action!
Whats with guild groups much bigger than us Waypointing out to their spawn several times after a few wipes to us earlier in the same evening?
A good smush all round last night, lost one we shouldn’t have but kudos to the enemy, and lost another to mass numbers. No complaints was a solid evening, my only complaint is both MS and DL seem to disappear for several hours in the late evening. Makes it time consuming to look for the action.
o7 cheers for the good fun guys.
Aurora Glade EU
Thx [Army] for your loot bags and badges. You need more for those portals cause i need more of your badges and loot bags =)
This match up has been pretty good. Both german servers pushing us more than others which is normal cause we are the “outsiders” of this match up. Well at least we got more people to kill if anything =)
Aurora Glade
I wanna meet you next week Aurora Glade! <3
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
i hope we meet
Guild Leader
Ty for the fights on Drakkar Borderland, sad that Drakker was running one single blob
Shootout to Army guild we found you running alone and not blobbing, keep it up
Also to the Ranger from sin tag guild from drakkar that just suicede every single time, you give no WXP
Guild Leader
Cheers Millers Guild [QQ] for the GvG – was a nice change to our normal evening. See you and the others in the lakes tomorrow evening.
Kind Regards TUP
Aurora Glade EU
Had a nice evening with our guild alliance on aurora HL. Lots of bags, some nice open field fights. got a bit sandwiched outside of hills between aurora and mya. But one can always learn, even in death.
to the people complaining about the blob on DL homelands, where are your randoms playing mostly, and what do you do with them?
If aurora blobs post pls, when i play on AG map usually the max i see of us is 40 if there is more we split, on DL map yesterday i saw 60 easy, lagging to death us with just their presence.
The guild playing on AG the activile trying to not blob, i didn’t see the same thing happening on DL part, i hope guild on DL the can show me that they play alone, because i respect that and i gave credit to army yesterday because they run alone instead of the blob
Guild Leader
If aurora blobs post pls, when i play on AG map usually the max i see of us is 40 if there is more we split, on DL map yesterday i saw 60 easy, lagging to death us with just their presence.
The guild playing on AG the activile trying to not blob, i didn’t see the same thing happening on DL part, i hope guild on DL the can show me that they play alone, because i respect that and i gave credit to army yesterday because they run alone instead of the blob
Here you can see blob time of your server but, it was okay, cause they split sometimes. Was really funny. We tried always again if we died :P.
Time: 0:41:00 | 0:55:30 | 1:09:00 | 1:25:30
Hope to get more of these epic fights
as far as i know, guilds like dsv, dss, dsun, and others play often alone. and that they can play together, they have to leave our DL homelands, cause between 18 and 23 central european time, we mostly have a queue. on homelands, there are the small guilds, single roamers and a whole lot (+/- 70%) of randomplayers, a lot of them not in TS3 and simply following around the commander.
and i’ve a hard time believing, you on AG haven’t got some similar problems on your homelands.
So if you want to see some single guild roaming around, you shouln’t come to our BL.
41:00 i see 40 of AG and a kittenton of Miller, Big Group of Ag but Miller had more.
55:00 AG blob time oh my god our pugs are useless that snakeing that was around 60-70 ag maybe more
1:12 Ag blob time probably the same commander from before, i don’t know who was commanding most guild in AG don’t like that
1:25 Ag blob time, same thing even if the seem 2 group they are too near
Said that yes Ag server blobs sometimes, from Drakkar,Riverside,AM i see only blobs 90% of the time, when i see single guild running i’m very very happy.
I can say that DAWN, TUP and NP they don’t blob and they activile try to split.
I wish there was more guild like Mya that splits.
@Shadowresli yes we have queue on Ag border most of the time, but when we get in usually i see 2-3 commander all arond the map, i don’t know why yesterday there was way too many Ag in one single group.
Problem is Ag has queue, EB has queue, Drakkar we were outmanned at the start, Miller nothing was getting flipped, i decided to go to drakkar with my 16 people, next time i’ll choose Miller because they usually split a bit more as a server, in this matchup i played only a bit so i wanted to see how Drakkar was.
Anyway i’m more mad about the status of wvw than of single server, i’ll problably stop playing soon if things don’t change, no challenge no fun.
Guild Leader
(edited by Amelia Knox.9362)
at drakkar the problem is, that on DL homelands, with lots of players not in TS3 it’s very complicated to split our zergs, and to find an additional commander is a real pain. it’s not that we don’t want, it’s more often that we cant split.
it’s also hard to see myself die in myas vid, multiple times :-(
(edited by Shadowresli.3782)
I like how Drakkar runs ‘separate’ guilds
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
I’m getting fed up with MS gank squads in Obsidian sanctum. While peeps from DL tend to be okay and we can have fun in the JP. All it tends to take is one MS to ruin the party for everyone involved…
Good Fun tonight on MS BL, AG had taken most of the BL by the end of the night. Later in EB we spent the night painting that Red, some MS stood guard on the Towers and Keep, you can thank them for keeping your upgrades
Looking forward to our first GvG tomorrow against [Mya]!
Ex-Guild/Raid Leader/Commander
..Looking forward to our first GvG tomorrow against [Mya]!
Yeah we are already hot to the GvG and hope we will have some great fights! Maybe you guys can join the site and apply your guild:
Cheers Millers Guild [QQ] for the GvG – was a nice change to our normal evening. See you and the others in the lakes tomorrow evening.
Kind Regards TUP
Thx for the nice match, you guys are realy strong!
We hope to get a rematch in the near future
keep it up
…Maybe you guys can join the site and apply your guild:
Already put it up, just waiting for it to be confirmed.
Ex-Guild/Raid Leader/Commander
So with Devon Carter saying “Holding a tower against all odds with some smart siege placement and a bit of luck may be one of the most fun things I’ve ever done in a video game.” Makes me wonder is he german and does he play on a german server regularly?? :P
Cause I mean if that’s the most exciting thing he’s done in a video game, he really hasn’t played his own game. Try joining in as a guest into one of the many roaming guilds within your game. Fighting 2x, 3x, 4x your number in intense action, where teamwork and co-ordination wins – not the strategic placement of OP Arrowcarts while hiding behind a wall.
Option A =
Option B
To Devon Carter – on behalf of my guild The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade EU, we cordially invite you to join us for a raid. On the 14th June we are combining our two favourite pastimes, drinking while gaming. We will be having a drinking warband for the reset of the 14th June – our own drinking rules apply! You are most welcome to attend, heck even try your hand at the helm, you can lead the raid for the evening. With 20-30 loyal die hard misfits at your command, combined with copious drinking, you can’t go wrong.
Aurora Glade EU
Ha! Game on!….
Grab the bottles and drop the siege! What could possible go wrong? :P
Grab the bottles and drop the siege! What could possible go wrong? :P
Grab the bottles and drop the siege!
Grab the bottles and drop the siege!
Dran, I move to vote that this become the new TUP slogan.
Leucetius Vier – Necromancer | Adiella Vier – Ranger
Proudly representing The Unlikely Plan [TUP] on Aurora Glade.