Desolation / Elona Reach / Kodash
Hmm. Double threads on same topic?
A big disappointment again. No chances to win this match up.
Arenanet, stop being so uncaring towards your player base. Also those who haven’t won deserve a fair chance to win. Developers please explain us this: Why Desolation is constantly (6+ months) being matched against servers with superior coverage and numbers?
Well, at least the enemy has higher quality players on the average and tons of sturdy tanks. But I am gonna hate that lag as both German servers blob so much there isn’t a corner in the maps without lag.
80 player Elona zerg on Kodash border, sick! Ok then they split up 40 / 40 for 2 garrison doors. Looks amazingly boring. i have to ponder how that can be possibly fun for anyone.
At least we got some kind of holiday from the masses last week. But Desolation, lol poor chaps.
2 blobby server = skill lag… epic!
Wow, only few minutes in this new Matchup and People alrdy start to complain about the same old things.
The Fact that you are suprised about massive player numbers few minutes after Reset in Prime Time , makes me wonder if you have been in W3 before.
(edited by Dropper.9176)
As always – I will be streaming again during the evenings – http://en.twitch.tv/grotesquexg
Stream 80 blobby “elonasquare” at Deso BL… and AC wars
(edited by GorHanis.7563)
80 player Elona zerg on Kodash border, sick! Ok then they split up 40 / 40 for 2 garrison doors. Looks amazingly boring. i have to ponder how that can be possibly fun for anyone.
At least we got some kind of holiday from the masses last week. But Desolation, lol poor chaps.
what should we do? forbid players to join wvw? flame them so they leave?
please dont showcase the blob dilema as the players would be at fault
Not our problem Deso is not the current EU FOTM server anymore.
Stream 80 blobby “elonasquare” at Deso BL… and AC wars
80blob? on deso bl? we have a 60 man main zerg and a roaming 20 man group, we had so far 2 fights together, the rest was always splitet…
and seriously if you cant fill your homelands with more then 60 people the fault is not on us
(edited by lunoh.1963)
Not our problem Deso is not the current EU FOTM server anymore.
Care to list when it ever was…
Seriously, some of the remarks here make you wonder if the people making them ever bothered to enter WvW since game release.
and seriously if you cant fill your homelands with more then 60 people the fault is not on us
Neither is on us, since I cannot point guns to people’s heads forcing them to play WvW.
Forum warriors singing the glory of their server because it has huge numbers are rather pathetic tbh.
(edited by MagnusLL.8473)
Lets try to keep this thread clean from flaming and other unnecessary statements! Everyone blobs when they have the numbers!
Looking forward to this week and hope we can get some awesome fights! See you mostly around EB
I am having a blast at ER BL = thank you Kodash and Elona for the Loot bags – <3 [CS] guild. It would be a difficult but fun week.
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Hot pink movement!
What started out as a team building evening for us Eternal Invictus [INVI]lads, how our Veggie would describe us: bunch a testosterone filled drama queens, got a little twist. 1h before the event our guild member suggested: LETS ALL GO PINK! HOT PINK!! And we all went pink into Elona Reach [DE] bl! Soon enough I popped my tag and the rule was if you wanna fallow INVI you gotta be in hot pink dye (which i provide if you send me a mail)! Soon enough we got trolled and got called not manly and gay. So we made another twist
! For the support of our LGBT brothers and sisters, we made a hot pink dye movement! I challenged everybody on the borderland to go pink and I will provide the dye. In the matter of moments people whispered me and started sending me mails that they wanna support the movement, and want the dye! In the amount of 3 hours over 50 dies were handed over to people by me and many more were provided by the members of the other guilds. Soon enough the manly Vikings of Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA] were pink, and wicked people Candy Shop [CS] were pink
Bottom line, it is nice that the majority of the community of WvW is still healthy, besides your random warriors!
So yeah guys I will quote Macklemore and say: I might not be the same, but that’s not important, no freedom till we’re equal, kitten right we support it!
So yeah guys I challenge you overly manly gamers out there dye yourself in hot pink dye!
Eternal Invictus [INVI]
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA]
Candy Shop [CS]
Manly Desolation militia
—— Already done it!
GvG Officer
Profession Leader
GvG Officer
Profession Leader
Hmm. Double threads on same topic?
A big disappointment again. No chances to win this match up.
Arenanet, stop being so uncaring towards your player base. Also those who haven’t won deserve a fair chance to win. Developers please explain us this: Why Desolation is constantly (6+ months) being matched against servers with superior coverage and numbers?
Well, at least the enemy has higher quality players on the average and tons of sturdy tanks. But I am gonna hate that lag as both German servers blob so much there isn’t a corner in the maps without lag.
Ironic thing is we are actually in tier 3 this week, and our rating has been going up for the past two weeks. This new rating system is simply taking too long to even things out. A simple winner goes up, loser goes down system would’ve been so much more effective.
Just to throw the stats out there, this will probably be our 8th straight 3rd place and our 22nd week running without a matchup win. You’d think it was quite obvious we didn’t belong here.
Just to throw the stats out there, this will probably be our 8th straight 3rd place and our 22nd week running without a matchup win. You’d think it was quite obvious we didn’t belong here.
Exactly. If we had winner goes up and loser goes down, we would now be in tier 9, but of course that is not our real tier either. Tier #4, rank 10-12, just like I speculated months ago.
I cannot stop the Germans or anybody else from blobbing or playing WvWvW, but Desolation simply cannot muster more players to WvWvW. I just hope that at least some of our enemies would have a bit of human soul left in them and feel a bit of pity. You maybe someday be in the same situation.
Well I wonder why they don’t merge servers if they are having trouble with their rating system. I think there are quite a few lower tier servers that struggle even more than Desolation. Why not simply merge them together…? Transfer the smaller server to the bigger server → more players → hopefully more equality in WvW.
It might get boring for other servers to hear those complains but Desolation really has the problem to get anything running besides EB+Deso BL while our enemies can rather easily keep all 4 maps busy. So bare with us, we just get a bit frustrated with those matchups…
I don’t normally complain about tactics on these forums, but can I please ask Elona to stop building 10 acs to defend a wooden tower? It ruins the spirit of the game. Let’s just have some good fights guys. No one likes when there’s a million arrow carts to defend a tower.
Council of The Inner Sanctum [Coin] | Blackgate
I don’t normally complain about tactics on these forums, but can I please ask Elona to stop building 10 acs to defend a wooden tower? It ruins the spirit of the game. Let’s just have some good fights guys. No one likes when there’s a million arrow carts to defend a tower.
Well, uhhh…Elona learned that from the best:
Kodash ^;..;^
Join us, we got cookies
I cannot stop the Germans or anybody else from blobbing or playing WvWvW, but Desolation simply cannot muster more players to WvWvW. I just hope that at least some of our enemies would have a bit of human soul left in them and feel a bit of pity. You maybe someday be in the same situation.
I can tell you a lot of Kodashis will feel your pain. We got hammered week after week by Elona in T2 back in the days of quasi-locked tiers when you guys fought it out with Vizu and SFR in T1. Together with some internal quarrel this lead to the departure of many big WvW guilds – at the moment you will have to search very hard to find monotag-groups with more than 20 ppl here.
Luckily we seem to still have a substantial playerbase consisting of smaller guilds…
Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash
Well I wonder why they don’t merge servers if they are having trouble with their rating system. I think there are quite a few lower tier servers that struggle even more than Desolation. Why not simply merge them together…? Transfer the smaller server to the bigger server -> more players -> hopefully more equality in WvW.
It might get boring for other servers to hear those complains but Desolation really has the problem to get anything running besides EB+Deso BL while our enemies can rather easily keep all 4 maps busy. So bare with us, we just get a bit frustrated with those matchups…
Yay, great idea! This way all the servers would have Elona blob lag fun.
So happy to face only 50 ppl AM blobs atm with moderate skill lags around 2-10 sec.
(currently on Piken)
Had great fun last night! I can feel a marvelous week upcoming against very structured German Servers. Definitely learning a lot from you guys!
Before accusing Elona zerg with zoom hack, i wanna ask that is it possible to kill any siege weapon in the middle of courtyard behind the gate? (no catapult, treb or mortar was used to kill them).
I`m enjoying this matchup already a lot more than last week`s. A lot of roamers and people who like to fight, Piken was somewhat different, they prefer running and waiting for the odds being in their favor before considering to fight.
But please, could someone ask this Deniara guy to stop venting his frustration in each and every thread around? Kodash has been in quite a similar situation, past matchup information is accessible for anyone interested, but I don`t read nearly as much crying from the entire Kodash server compared to Deniara alone.
Thank you for your understanding and good luck & have fun.
Best regards
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
Kodash has been in quite a similar situation, past matchup information is accessible for anyone interested
You won last week. Also week 6, 7 and 8.
Last win by Desolation was week 4.
So no, you most definitely are not in a similar situation.
(edited by MagnusLL.8473)
Pathetic attitude, MagnusLL. We are not in the same situation, never doubted that, but we are indeed in a similar situation: Mass exodus of guilds due to being locked for months as the weakest contender in unwinnable matchups…
But it`s ok, oh so poor Deso is a special little princess that deserves to cry the loudest. Please don`t bother arguing with me, you seem to feel very comfortable playing the victim, no point in discussing with such people.
True Deso fighting spirit! Hua!
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
Pathetic attitude, MagnusLL. We are not in the same situation, never doubted that, but we are indeed in a similar situation: Mass exodus of guilds due to being locked for months as the weakest contender in unwinnable matchups…
But it`s ok, oh so poor Deso is a special little princess that deserves to cry the loudest. Please don`t bother arguing with me, you seem to feel very comfortable playing the victim, no point in discussing with such people.
True Deso fighting spirit! Hua!
Care to say something significant except for empty insults? It doesn’t take a genius to understand that frustration builds up slowly with every passing unwinnable match, and having won one last week is completely different from not having won one in 5 months.
Apart from that, and even more importantly, there’s also the practical effect of not being able to WvW at all right now in Deso unless you play in EB. I’ve been in Deso BL a couple hours today, Elona had a zerg thrice our size and every time we recapped anything they just facerubbed the gate and got it back, it was impossible to stop it even using multiple superior ACs (although they probably also used zoom hacks to destroy those). Denara commands in Deso BL, try to do that in a situation in which you are completely powerless and cannot even play in any significant way for months on end, then you can start talking again and doing the though guy impersonation.
I can tell you a lot of Kodashis will feel your pain. We got hammered week after week by Elona in T2 back in the days of quasi-locked tiers when you guys fought it out with Vizu and SFR in T1.
Like I wrote already in our 1st match up thread (weeks ago) about Kodash. You got some really good supply camp / roaming teams. And Desolation can certainly learn from you as you use some different strategies than the other servers I have faced. It goes without saying that Kodash and Desolation are both the under dogs in this match up.
Now I tried a completely different profession and brand new WvWvW build today. I need to tweak the build for some more escape options. This week is gonna be experimenting with the chances the patch brought us. I will try to experiment with all professions against real human players if I have time.
Here is a public apology of all of my moaning in this thread and the others.
@ MagnusLL:
Why do you act as if this was a phenomenon solely concerning Deso? Ask some Kodash BL commanders about their feelings, i`m confident you would identify similarities pretty soon.
But it seems I was right, your way past the point where you would consider not proving to anybody that you are the kid who got hurt the most. It`s ok, have fun complaining…
@ Deniara:
Thanks for lighting up the mood. I`m actually with you with most of your (always well-worded) complains, but it`s just too much.
Best regards
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
(edited by Moon.6371)
I am so so sick and tired of constantly being out-manned every kitten match-up!
Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of being the underdog but this has been happening for months now.
Also do ER have anything other than Thief?
Also do ER have anything other than Thief?
Yep, I usually play my Necro in WvW and I don’t even have a Thief. Kodash used to have the better Thiefs during our last matchups anyway.
@ MagnusLL:
Why do you act as if this was a phenomenon solely concerning Deso? Ask some Kodash BL commanders about their feelings, i`m confident you would identify similarities pretty soon.
But it seems I was right, your way past the point where you would consider not proving to anybody that you are the kid who got hurt the most. It`s ok, have fun complaining…
Never said it was “exclusive” to Deso. What I said is that Deso has been on a far longer losing streak than almost anyone else (Vabbi and Fissure of Woe are the obvious exceptions).
It’s fun. I write a short post containing a couple undeniable facts, and you fly into a frothing rage. Oh well, not my problem.
As for your other remark, as far I can see Kodash has no problem whatsoever defending at least its own BL so once again I fail to see the similarities (not to mention, the situation was undoubtedly completely different during the weeks in which you won).
As a bare minimum a Kodash player can choose wether to play in EB or the one BL under control; a Deso player, this morning, didn’t have such luxury; it was either blobbing in EB or dying to Elona zergs. This isn’t just about being able to choose a different map either; the play style is (usually) quite different between EB and the 3 BLs, so once you are effectively barred from playing into the borderlands you’re cut out from the type of WvW you’d like to play.
ill join the fun at sunday night. hope to find some fine small scale balltes!
cya on the battlefield
Stomp some Piken!
@ MagnusLL:
I have to warn you he is from [Buka] … so it’s normal for him.
Just ignore him… there is no reason to discuss this with him…it will end like every time, he thinks he is right and it’s ok to react like he does
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
You are a funny little man, Dominik.
By the way, who are you? What`s your problem? Is your problem addressing me or the guild in general?
Tell me, who is it, that`s hurting your feelings, mate? It seems you feel hurt quite a lot, at least anough to backstab me on the forum and pull generalizations out of your kitten.
In case you have complaints about me or my guild why don`t you contact us directly, since we`re on the same server? How would you like me being as smart as you and pulling your guild through dirt just because I don`t like you?
Bring it on, bad boy.
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
(edited by Moon.6371)
You want to know why i am reacting like this? Well, ok then please read it..
I take it personally that your guild is the main reason because Helga, Era, Boa and other really good players left Kodash.
You guys flamed them for blobbing in the night…and i still can’t understand why you were doing this, they were saving points for our server…
So what the hell is going on with u ?
And this is my personally opinion not EoW’s!!
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
And you really think, this is the place to discuss your issues? How old are you, dude?
The people who left were arguing on the same level as you do, they put themself with their whining in a position with no backup, so they desperately chose to take the easy way out.
End of story.
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
The funny thing is…they were right..
And that is the true story
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
Get a room already…
I do happily invite you to address me on the Kodash forums directly to discuss whatever you think is important to discuss.
Why do you think the public matchup thread is the place for your complaints? Do you really think Deso or Elona are interested in our internal issues, anyways?
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man
I don’t care if they are interested or not…since Buka is the only issue Kodash ever had.
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
The funny thing is…they were right..
They weren’t. Kodash offers a place for everybody’s style of play. If one does not agree, you still have lots of players sharing your opinion. Getting kitten, then just leave without either trying to solve one’s issues or just ignoring them, is the easiest and most unfun way out.
This does not apply to everyone who left the server, as some of them were pretty reasoned about it, but putting the shame on single players or guilds who could’ve been easily ignored (if you don’t agree and don’t want to talk with them), is just a kittenpiece of soap novel drama queenery.
I’ve had many nice situations and experiences with Buka. They show a great quality in gameplay, are almost always helpful, do sneaks and raid-supportive distractions and are pretty nice guys if you don’t fool them.
As for the match up: Thanks to the Desos and some Elonians for the nice duels at the Deso spawn on Kodash BL during the night! Some Elonians were pretty cool and offered some great challenging fights (thank you, guys!), while others are really just kitten in their heads; either running away like cowards whenever they get low on HP, or trying to steamroll with superior numbers. Simply poor play style, and embarrassing when you still have to cover in sAC range to catch a straw…
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
(edited by maeggle.6021)
Not sure why, but noticed a heck of a lot more lag and for the first time lag related crashes during the short run of this match up.
Thanks Elona and Deso for this nice evening.
Greets from EoW
Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]
I’m actually starting to think Elona taught Vizunah how to use arrow carts. 10 minutes into reset night elona has 3+ ac’s defending their wooden hills. Now tonight im roaming around solo in Elona bl and I go to cap a sentry. As soon as I step foot in the ring I have arrow carts raining down on me.
I mean I know you guys must be proud of your blue border and I know you must really like your sentries, but lets try and get a bit more fun and skill involved in the game shall we?
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
I’m actually starting to think Elona taught Vizunah how to use arrow carts. 10 minutes into reset night elona has 3+ ac’s defending their wooden hills. Now tonight im roaming around solo in Elona bl and I go to cap a sentry. As soon as I step foot in the ring I have arrow carts raining down on me.
I mean I know you guys must be proud of your blue border and I know you must really like your sentries, but lets try and get a bit more fun and skill involved in the game shall we?
Well,we do what is needed to keep our points.Actually we got lots of fun.
lets try and get a bit more fun and skill involved in the game shall we?
How? Zerging with equal numbers?
I have a dream that one day we will organize a ZvZ. A zerg versus zerg!
60 vs 60. Let’s find out which pug raid is the best!
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
I’m actually starting to think Elona taught Vizunah how to use arrow carts. 10 minutes into reset night elona has 3+ ac’s defending their wooden hills. Now tonight im roaming around solo in Elona bl and I go to cap a sentry. As soon as I step foot in the ring I have arrow carts raining down on me.
I mean I know you guys must be proud of your blue border and I know you must really like your sentries, but lets try and get a bit more fun and skill involved in the game shall we?
Well,we do what is needed to keep our points.Actually we got lots of fun.
I guess you gave out the command to siege up a sentry then? “ARROW CARTS!! ARROW CARTS!!! SIEGE UP THE SENTRIES! GOD FORBID WE LOSE ONE” Has Elona really dropped low enough to siege up a sentry point, if so that’s really nothing to be proud of.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
lets try and get a bit more fun and skill involved in the game shall we?
How? Zerging with equal numbers?
I have a dream that one day we will organize a ZvZ. A zerg versus zerg!
60 vs 60. Let’s find out which pug raid is the best!
Well as a player from a respected wvw guild I do hope you aren’t defending the act of placing arrow carts to hit a sentry point. The fact you think hiding behind a wall and just building arrow carts rather that pushing the enemy in an open field fight is horrible. And every server blobs so the 60v60 happens often, so long as Elona dont become viz and run from fights to the safety of their arrow carted towers.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.