[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]
Hey body Bond,
you are right, it wasn´t fair that we didn´t figth the equal 4 vs 12 and kill you immediality….
But it was so funny to see you guys jumping to the spawn safe spot.
We had a lot of fun, may be we bring it as intro on our next Video and call it chicken run…I think everybody knows our style. We are always open for a hard figth.
CU you at your North camp.
You were 4 by the time you got to the invis spot because we had killed half of you.
If you want to call it ‘chicken run’ please do but there is no need to be so harsh on yourselves, I mean you obviously worked out you were out skilled!!!
37 WvW kills, R2 PvP and no legendary
Hahahah, still more Piken Square ppl complaining!
Why? Are you not tired of spanking Vabbi? For a change get spanked some times :-D. Well we got spanked as well a lot of times during the past match ups vs SFR and VZ. But those were still I will say equal match ups.
Over here we are like 70 people running after one solo roamer to kill him. some times it is hillarious though. A poor match up in the end. No one is really having fun. We come home from work tired and all ready to cheer up our mood for a bit of wvw and ohh noes we already have everything :/
Well we haven’t played with Vabbi. There were more chances to play with you than Vabbi btw, learn the facts first. Also kitten if you find it boring 70 people chasing one guy you can run on your own. There are people that have the necessary body parts to run even solo you know.
Hey body Bond,
you are right, it wasn´t fair that we didn´t figth the equal 4 vs 12 and kill you immediality….
But it was so funny to see you guys jumping to the spawn safe spot.
We had a lot of fun, may be we bring it as intro on our next Video and call it chicken run…I think everybody knows our style. We are always open for a hard figth.
CU you at your North camp.You were 4 by the time you got to the invis spot because we had killed half of you.
If you want to call it ‘chicken run’ please do but there is no need to be so harsh on yourselves, I mean you obviously worked out you were out skilled!!!
Are you sure? May be you kill some Illu´s. I have checked it in on stream. 4 vs 12 and no Random ad on our side. You will see it on the next Video.
Anyway it was fun for us. Don´t be angry, sometimes you are the dog and sometimes you are the Tree. Have fun. Bye
I’m enjoying the match up.
Piken has Gunnars and Abaddons on farm so we can all go around levelling alts with birthday bonuses and get free loot bags everywhere from you.
“Anyway it was fun for us. Don´t be angry, sometimes you are the dog and sometimes you are the Tree. Have fun. Bye”
37 WvW kills, R2 PvP and no legendary
Why? Are you not tired of spanking Vabbi? For a change get spanked some times :-D. Well we got spanked as well a lot of times during the past match ups vs SFR and VZ. But those were still I will say equal match ups.
Over here we are like 70 people running after one solo roamer to kill him. some times it is hillarious though. A poor match up in the end. No one is really having fun. We come home from work tired and all ready to cheer up our mood for a bit of wvw and ohh noes we already have everything :/
we never fought against vabbi lol
teaming up is what wvw was made for
I’m enjoying the match up.
Piken has Gunnars and Abaddons on farm so we can all go around levelling alts with birthday bonuses and get free loot bags everywhere from you.
1vs1 you can’t even farm ambient creatures.
Those bunnies are tough. Have you seen their teeth?!
I’m enjoying the match up.
Piken has Gunnars and Abaddons on farm so we can all go around levelling alts with birthday bonuses and get free loot bags everywhere from you.
My thoughts exactly! lmao
Arenanet should hang their heads. We did nothing to deserve this.
Hahahah, still more Piken Square ppl complaining!
Yeah and this is the sad thing of the story. Sad and funny at the same time
I may be destined to become a lootbag for an underlevel Piken player who will farm me, but I promise to give you as much hell as I can in this process ;-).
This matchup might be harder than usual, but I definitely prefer this one to a matchup where we have > 400 tick and I have to wait even 5 minutes in a queue.
/salute to Piken and Abaddon. See you on the battlefield, good luck and have fun! May our corpses drop you lots of exotics ;-).
~Gunnar’s Hold roaming mesmer.
@Jayne: thanks again for the fights, it was really a pleasure to fight against you.
@All smallscalers whom I killed and who killed me: thanks for those fights, no matter the outcome.
Why? Are you not tired of spanking Vabbi? For a change get spanked some times :-D. Well we got spanked as well a lot of times during the past match ups vs SFR and VZ. But those were still I will say equal match ups.
Over here we are like 70 people running after one solo roamer to kill him. some times it is hillarious though. A poor match up in the end. No one is really having fun. We come home from work tired and all ready to cheer up our mood for a bit of wvw and ohh noes we already have everything :/
Well we haven’t played with Vabbi. There were more chances to play with you than Vabbi btw, learn the facts first. Also kitten if you find it boring 70 people chasing one guy you can run on your own. There are people that have the necessary body parts to run even solo you know.
1. Get yourself some humour.
2. run solo!! nah I prefer running in a naked blob in these kinda match ups
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks
Today I was the tree. Yup.
Props to Piken Smallscale! \o/
P.s.: http://www.twitch.tv/fliyr/c/3009576 – Piken farming us all week.
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |
Is it possible to find a group of Piken like 25-30 nowadays?
Ty for 1k souls tonight.
Still looking for GvG on Wednesday and Thursday. Is Piken GvG spirit dead or what?
Props to RuNL for having balls, see you there!
GoW, i’m curious.. what and why?
my stream: http://twitch.tv/Para_Streaming
All names start with Para
Actually it’s still possible to get some good fights during the ~2-3h that guilds raid. The karma trains after 10pm are where it usually gets scary and i’m glad we went back to silver league.
Thanks for the fights to GoW and SWD for the fights, although in some fights we outmanned you by quite a bit.
P.S. to all the piken players that bring their underleveled, naked alts (despite me not really noticing many upleveled) to wvw due to the boredom of this week… Why don’t you just leave the karma train/?
Don’t think anyone’s really that bored. I had a nice duel with Rorik yesterday.
P.S. to all the piken players that bring their underleveled, naked alts (despite me not really noticing many upleveled) to wvw due to the boredom of this week… Why don’t you just leave the karma train/?
Because if they do it’s like beating up a 3 year old kid with a skateboard trying to run away.
Thanks for the fun on GHBL tonight. We can’t win this week, or probably even get second, but we can try and have some interesting fights. GoW and CS were a welcome change to what we experienced over the weekend, skilled groups mostly doing their own thing. Hopefully we get to see each other again during the week, and thanks to CS for celebrating New Member Day by going pink!
[Re] Rerolled
Sorry for playing badly and blobbing – that’s what happens when your server is ticking 500+ and you play without really caring about managing your skills right.
I respect the fact that we are playing against servers with lower coverage and I never bring my level 20something alt (even though he’s my last one and I’d like to level him eventually) since I consider that to be an insult. You guys have enough to deal with already because of our numbers to be worthy of respect. I apologize but I won’t stop playing WvW for a whole week, though, even if that means that I have to run this week in a blob spamming my 1 button without even bothering to get on teamspeak.
I hope that some guild raids will be fun for all of us, because the blobbing isn’t fun for us either.
Let’s try to remember the nice parts of this matchup. For example, I had the luck to fight (together with a warrior from my server) a duo of mesmer/guardian from AM and I can say I really enjoyed that fight.
PS : good job @ GH for the Stonemist and EB keep cap
Since this matchup is so unfair because of our numbers and coverage I’m going to just be roaming this week, had some good fights so far, some of you gunnars are really good and win fights 3 v 5 (d*mn warrior with his two thief buddys, can’t remember what guild you were in but good fight).
Going to try and look at this week as an opportunity to have some fun small scale fights that you rarely find in t1, and I’ve honestly not really done. Will be a fun change!
[AC] – Antani Curse / Far Shiverpeaks
Props to Piken Smallscale! \o/
P.s.: http://www.twitch.tv/fliyr/c/3009576 – Piken farming us all week.
Hehe! Seriously that is smallscale comparing to what i have seen this weekend
As for the 1-2 people, not more, from Piken claiming that they are farming us check the video carefully and you may recognise yourself there
Piken had a reputation not only for the skills their players had but also about the respect they showed to their opponents, especially when they are outmanned all day and night. Don’t spoil that.
I would like to point out that Piken is still one of the least blobing servers. Take in consideration that the guild raids starting smth around 5pm GMT. I am pretty sure you then can see guild groups running on their own and minimum blobs. Ofc we are cooperating in case of taking heavily defended keep or to defend our keep against many enemies. Besides the prime time you will mostlikely see blobs as the guilds can’t get decent numbers to run on their own. I quess all servers do this.
We suffer from the blobs too as it cause long queues and half of our guild was stucked in queue yesterday, I hope it will get better durring the week.
We had great evening ytd on GH BL, FURY and RAGE surely gave us some nice fights and I hope we will meet again. Also hope we manage to get more numbers so we don’t have to team you up with GoW :P (although we love coop with GoW <3)
Well, yesterday I was doing a dungeon for the second time this year. And I blame Piken for making me do this. The first dungeon I made this year, was when they introduce that random matching first time and we end it up with Piken again when we have like 0.3% chances to be against them.
One question for piken, do you guys having fun playing like this? I was watching from spawn point your zerg. I get the front part of the zerg for getting some action but the end of the zerg I dont think they seen 1 enemy all day, they just running all day? Even in towers mabye the first 20 get to lordroom, but the zerg is so big that it continue to the stairs, courtyard and some dont even have chances to get in the tower until the brocken door shuts in front of them because tower flipped. For lower tier servers its a wtf moment seeing that :P
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.
P.S. to all the piken players that bring their underleveled, naked alts (despite me not really noticing many upleveled) to wvw due to the boredom of this week… Why don’t you just leave the karma train/?
Because if they do it’s like beating up a 3 year old kid with a skateboard trying to run away.
Now seriously all of this mess happened due to the attitude of AM and GH at reset. Atleast it is what I will say happened on Friday reset. We had 4 guild groups raid on Piken border and what GH and AM had at reset was 70-80 man blob which in no way was a fair fight. We merged our raid groups to bring fights to equal footings but still could not handle the masses you guys had. Remember the start of the match up when Piken had lowest PPT than both of you. Yeah that is the time I am referring to.
I do agree that this usually happens on reset but people from GH and AM actually started bragging about it on forums as well (hehe). As a result you did see us blob over the week end. However over the weekdays you will find us running in the same guild groups like before. The only problem is we will be always more than you guys on a single map at any time. As for me I am not even playing this week. So stop telling us to be not be on a karma train that is not usual thing over the weekdays but we still blob when we see AM. they dont know any other language hehe
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks
I have to say that GH has some amazing Forum-Coverage!!!
But guys..seriously..its the weekend and reset for as long as most players play this game you should know that weekends doesnt equal the week at all^^
This matchup has Guilds to fight this matchup has blobbs to fight! With the skilldelay almost gone its possible now to fight blobbs….sure its hard but even if u lose you now can give it a good try since skills work properly.
After all its a game so everyone relax and dont blame superior server for the matchup^^
So have fun everyone..i am looking forward meeting CE..very eager to see how u guys turned out i will def join some evening raids for that purpose
GL and have as much fun as u can get out of such matchup
P.S. to all the piken players that bring their underleveled, naked alts (despite me not really noticing many upleveled) to wvw due to the boredom of this week… Why don’t you just leave the karma train/?
Because if they do it’s like beating up a 3 year old kid with a skateboard trying to run away.
Now seriously all of this mess happened due to the attitude of AM and GH at reset. Atleast it is what I will say happened on Friday reset. We had 4 guild groups raid on Piken border and what GH and AM had at reset was 70-80 man blob which in no way was a fair fight. We merged our raid groups to bring fights to equal footings but still could not handle the masses you guys had. Remember the start of the match up when Piken had lowest PPT than both of you. Yeah that is the time I am referring to.
I do agree that this usually happens on reset but people from GH and AM actually started bragging about it on forums as well (hehe). As a result you did see us blob over the week end. However over the weekdays you will find us running in the same guild groups like before. The only problem is we will be always more than you guys on a single map at any time. As for me I am not even playing this week. So stop telling us to be not be on a karma train that is not usual thing over the weekdays but we still blob when we see AM
. they dont know any other language hehe
Well mate i only saw one guy from gunnars posting a screenshot with no intention to mock you but to say that we are doing well and we are surprised we had the highest tick, that is all.
Noone bragged and you can check the thread to see this.
As for the blobs, you don’t have to apologise as every server does this from time to time, some more, some less it doesn’t really matter. Personally i don’t care about blobs, i was a part of a blob, i have been chased by a blob as one single roamer many times,
But you cannot accuse othe servers about blobbing when you are doing exactly the same and it is as simple as it is.
Props to Piken Smallscale! \o/
P.s.: http://www.twitch.tv/fliyr/c/3009576 – Piken farming us all week.
Oo i see IMA!
200,000 WwW Kills
I don’t have a problem with the blobing. Actually my guilds purpose it to fight these groups. Games mechanics reward the players doing it so i understand why they do it. One of my favorite servers to fight is AM and we all now how the like to do it. The thing is that, they actually admit the fact that they like this playstyle so i enjoy playing with them.
What i can’t accept is people from server rank 3 coming and trying to convince us that the reason they beat a rank 14 server is because of skill when the only difference we have is a huge gap in covarage. Leagues are starting in 2 weeks, have some patience, enjoy the fights and have fun.
What i can’t accept is people from server rank 3 coming and trying to convince us that the reason they beat a rank 14 server is because of skill when the only difference we have is a huge gap in covarage. Leagues are starting in 2 weeks, have some patience, enjoy the fights and have fun.
Nobody ever said that mate. Or maybe they have considering I have not read all the posts in this forum. And those if any I am sure are not old Pikeneers who hold the values of community we have here. But that is not the general view here. We respect guild groups from other servers. Lots of respect for FURY as well, I have a mate running in your guild too. One Man Tank if I may refer. INC as we know just transferred from Piken to GH and we respect them. they played their part in building the community we have today. We shout like crazies when we see FG tags running around on the map and take care when we should encounter them. Run away at times as well when we have to or after loosing a fight. Why would anyone ever disrespect you guys?
We had a mega blob on saturday on GH border and after some time you guys made us taste dirt in a couple of fights. The thing is you just imply we dont respect you when you are loosing with that much margin. We are made of guild groups and respect guilds from other servers in this regard. This is what drives Piken community. Everyone has skills in fight its just no one has the guts to accept enemy wins over themselves like I just did or even brag about it.
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks
What i can’t accept is people from server rank 3 coming and trying to convince us that the reason they beat a rank 14 server is because of skill when the only difference we have is a huge gap in covarage. Leagues are starting in 2 weeks, have some patience, enjoy the fights and have fun.
Nobody ever said that mate. Or maybe they have considering I have not read all the posts in this forum. And those if any I am sure are not old Pikeneers who hold the values of community we have here. But that is not the general view here. We respect guild groups from other servers. Lots of respect for FURY as well, I have a mate running in your guild too. One Man Tank if I may refer. INC as we know just transferred from Piken to GH and we respect them. they played their part in building the community we have today. We shout like crazies when we see FG tags running around on the map and take care when we should encounter them. Run away at times as well when we have to or after loosing a fight. Why would anyone ever disrespect you guys?
We had a mega blob on saturday on GH border and after some time you guys made us taste dirt in a couple of fights. The thing is you just imply we dont respect you when you are loosing with that much margin. We are made of guild groups and respect guilds from other servers in this regard. This is what drives Piken community. Everyone has skills in fight its just no one has the guts to accept enemy wins over themselves like I just did or even brag about it.
Nice post mate maybe this thread can turn for the best now
I do remember one of our piken weeks when we fought against SFR: Barely any commanders during off peak, few pugs etc.
It’s just the normal effect when dominating completely. We’ve been there as well against servers lower than us.
Concerning FURY, our perception is a bit distorted since we end our raids about 1-2h later than most piken guilds. That means that we are bound to fight against those giant late night trains that are very well organized, disciplined and have players from all major guilds in them (same goes for AM). I really miss the days when kill-hungry, glass cannon, underleveled rangers were the backbone of a zerg…
Also, please don’t be overly concerned with us. A lot of us are stuck in boring jobs and these forums are a key factor in keeping us from falling asleep on our desks. We may not be the best warriors in the game, but we certainly strive to be the best on the internet.
Also, please don’t be overly concerned with us. A lot of us are stuck in boring jobs and these forums are a key factor in keeping us from falling asleep on our desks. We may not be the best warriors in the game, but we certainly strive to be the best on the internet.
lol I just can not believe you wrote that. From one office desk to another hahaha. Apart from that our guild raids end usually after each guild has spent like 2 hours playing in a closed raid in prime times. After that usually people left over still hungry for blood shed will follow the tagged up commanders on the border lands. Hence, the birth of late night mega blobs on Piken servers.
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks
LoL yeah nothing better than sitting bored at a desk at work and then suddenly valiantly to defend your server or your guild at the forums
Is there anyone here who was in the MEGA Piken Blob which tried to capture our Garri at 11 PM GMT?
I am so proud that we only built 1 AC to counter that 70men blob and still managed to wipe you twice. I’m positive any other server would have built dozens of siege.
Is there anyone here who was in the MEGA Piken Blob which tried to capture our Garri at 11 PM GMT?
You have to mention which day? Though people tend to cover their faces after a miserable loss of a battle. You might hardly get a response.
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks
Is there anyone here who was in the MEGA Piken Blob which tried to capture our Garri at 11 PM GMT?
You have to mention which day? Though people tend to cover their faces after a miserable loss of a battle. You might hardly get a response.
It was yesterday
Best fight I had in the whole matchup. Got 200 kills in 1 hour. Should have recorded it, shame on me
Solo roaming is so pointless these days since those boodthirsty 30men blobs DO bother to chase me even as a Thief and I spend most of the times running away than actually killing something, so I’ll be using my Ele for guild raiding for the time being.
Yeah well as I already mentioned I am not playing this week. Its work until I get back home on thursday. I played the reset night and the following Saturday. It is good to know atleast you guys are having fun at around prime time.
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks
Is there anyone here who was in the MEGA Piken Blob which tried to capture our Garri at 11 PM GMT?
You have to mention which day? Though people tend to cover their faces after a miserable loss of a battle. You might hardly get a response.
It was yesterday
Best fight I had in the whole matchup. Got 200 kills in 1 hour. Should have recorded it, shame on me
Solo roaming is so pointless these days since those boodthirsty 30men blobs DO bother to chase me even as a Thief and I spend most of the times running away than actually killing something, so I’ll be using my Ele for guild raiding for the time being.
Hehe i still remember with horror when i capped vale at 05.00 Saturday morning and the moment i passed the gates i saw a sea of red names running wild to check what was happening.
If it was GH border most of us would have been too drunk to see you there or realise you were the enemy :p
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks
Omg I need to start working!! Just realized I am replying after every post here lol!!
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks
If it was GH border most of us would have been too drunk to see you there or realise you were the enemy :p
Yeah it was GH borders and no hard feelings mate that you steamrolled me
If it was GH border most of us would have been too drunk to see you there or realise you were the enemy :p
Yeah it was GH borders and no hard feelings mate that you steamrolled me
Awww yeah you shud not keep any hard feelings about that. I dont even remember that. drunk effects :p
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks
FG and Fury on GH… and not to forget NNF? seems like this is gonna be a fun week
Guild Leader Varangian Guard [VG]
meeeh i wanna play this matchup…but well i think if i rly have to decide scotland holidays or playing gw2 this week well
i still would be in scotland
keep calm, have fun ^^
FG kill some PS for me
PS kill some FG for me
= me happy