[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Casta.5697


This guy

“We came to Piken because high tiers are pro and we want to be a pro, mkayyyy? Bigger the queue bigger the skill yo! It’s fun.”

Also kitten if you find it boring 70 people chasing one guy you can run on your own. There are people that have the necessary body parts to run even solo you know.

1vs1 you can’t even farm ambient creatures.

P.S. to all the piken players that bring their underleveled, naked alts (despite me not really noticing many upleveled) to wvw due to the boredom of this week… Why don’t you just leave the karma train/?

Because if they do it’s like beating up a 3 year old kid with a skateboard trying to run away.

Finally after 3 pages gets a reply from pikener:

I’m enjoying the match up.
Piken has Gunnars and Abaddons on farm so we can all go around levelling alts with birthday bonuses and get free loot bags everywhere from you.

Reads it as:

What i can’t accept is people from server rank 3 coming and trying to convince us that the reason they beat a rank 14 server is because of skill when the only difference we have is a huge gap in covarage.

the insecurity is strong in this one

I lol’ed irl

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Genotix.6804


This guy

“We came to Piken because high tiers are pro and we want to be a pro, mkayyyy? Bigger the queue bigger the skill yo! It’s fun.”

Also kitten if you find it boring 70 people chasing one guy you can run on your own. There are people that have the necessary body parts to run even solo you know.

1vs1 you can’t even farm ambient creatures.

P.S. to all the piken players that bring their underleveled, naked alts (despite me not really noticing many upleveled) to wvw due to the boredom of this week… Why don’t you just leave the karma train/?

Because if they do it’s like beating up a 3 year old kid with a skateboard trying to run away.

Finally after 3 pages gets a reply from pikener:

I’m enjoying the match up.
Piken has Gunnars and Abaddons on farm so we can all go around levelling alts with birthday bonuses and get free loot bags everywhere from you.

Reads it as:

What i can’t accept is people from server rank 3 coming and trying to convince us that the reason they beat a rank 14 server is because of skill when the only difference we have is a huge gap in covarage.

the insecurity is strong in this one

I lol’ed irl

As you probably don’t know there are some posts that Los Re was refering that got deleted and infracted

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: vanash.2671


To be fair Milton has been dangling his troll carrot the whole match up thread. Someone was bound to bite.

From a solo roamer’s perspective this week sucks ;p Some proper baddies include a pearl greatsword using ranger that ran away from me until he had 2 other friends (DSV guild or similar??) A group of 10 randoms that chased me from north camp to the centaur as if i’d deflowered one of their sisters. In fact you Pikeys are probably the worst I’ve encountered for adding into fights and not being solo.

If last weeks match up was a guide of how silver league will play out then the sooner the better, this is just daft atm.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


Solo roaming is so pointless these days since those boodthirsty 30men blobs DO bother to chase me even as a Thief and I spend most of the times running away than actually killing something, so I’ll be using my Ele for guild raiding for the time being.

Hehe sounds like my story…. in a single statement I will describe it as “I used to solo roam as a thief killing people up close and personal but then I took an arrow to the knee and started range dps’ing people as an elementalist.”

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sceinna.3561


I’m not going to name any names but that D/P thief spamming me with “Headshot” 24/7.. you do realise theres other skills in your already OP and unbalanced build, right?

Cmon how can it be intended some guy can keep you perma locked without doing anything other than pressing 4, extremely frustrating…

There entire fight daze 1s undazed daze and this non stop for like 5 minutes until I’m eventually dead, gg. Such a troll.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Los Re.4607

Los Re.4607

This guy

“We came to Piken because high tiers are pro and we want to be a pro, mkayyyy? Bigger the queue bigger the skill yo! It’s fun.”

Also kitten if you find it boring 70 people chasing one guy you can run on your own. There are people that have the necessary body parts to run even solo you know.

1vs1 you can’t even farm ambient creatures.

P.S. to all the piken players that bring their underleveled, naked alts (despite me not really noticing many upleveled) to wvw due to the boredom of this week… Why don’t you just leave the karma train/?

Because if they do it’s like beating up a 3 year old kid with a skateboard trying to run away.

Finally after 3 pages gets a reply from pikener:

I’m enjoying the match up.
Piken has Gunnars and Abaddons on farm so we can all go around levelling alts with birthday bonuses and get free loot bags everywhere from you.

Reads it as:

What i can’t accept is people from server rank 3 coming and trying to convince us that the reason they beat a rank 14 server is because of skill when the only difference we have is a huge gap in covarage.

the insecurity is strong in this one

I lol’ed irl

I can’t do anything for the posts that gets deleted. Btw my insecurity got alot better when i realise how much time you spent to make this post about me. Thank you.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: hihey.1075


I’m not going to name any names but that D/P thief spamming me with “Headshot” 24/7.. you do realise theres other skills in your already OP and unbalanced build, right?

Cmon how can it be intended some guy can keep you perma locked without doing anything other than pressing 4, extremely frustrating…

There entire fight daze 1s undazed daze and this non stop for like 5 minutes until I’m eventually dead, gg. Such a troll.

I usually spam Headshot when I want to troll people who are trying to 1v3, it’s so funny XD

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


I’m not going to name any names but that D/P thief spamming me with “Headshot” 24/7.. you do realise theres other skills in your already OP and unbalanced build, right?

Cmon how can it be intended some guy can keep you perma locked without doing anything other than pressing 4, extremely frustrating…

There entire fight daze 1s undazed daze and this non stop for like 5 minutes until I’m eventually dead, gg. Such a troll.

Was his name Piken Scout? That kitten!! :p

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fast Asleep.8475

Fast Asleep.8475

I dont know if it is that boring for Piken in non primetime hours but the times i got wiped out by ps zergs (that were cleary no guild groups) while camp flipping alone is fascinating.

Gunnars Hold [Chvc]

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


Non prime times you will never see any guilds raiding. If there is a commander tag on borders or EB and the commander is on TS people will follow him coz talking and chit chatting through those hours is more fun than being in your own world alone. that eventually leads to off peak blobbing as well. Wait for prime time you will see guild groups.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Genotix.6804


I dont know if it is that boring for Piken in non primetime hours but the times i got wiped out by ps zergs (that were cleary no guild groups) while camp flipping alone is fascinating.

I don’t think they find it boring at all.
I even saw 30 people attacking an empty tower and they were blasting waterfields:)

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


lol did you see the unbuilt siege we lay down infront of hills in GH border on Saturday night?

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Hey Piken, let’s make a deal. You leave our stuff for us to recap sometimes and then you can come and take it afterwards. Then we both get maximum WXP!

@anet, This is about what happened today when we went around in a circle for hours doing this. Not a serious suggestion.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

(edited by Svarty.8019)

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sceinna.3561


I’m not going to name any names but that D/P thief spamming me with “Headshot” 24/7.. you do realise theres other skills in your already OP and unbalanced build, right?

Cmon how can it be intended some guy can keep you perma locked without doing anything other than pressing 4, extremely frustrating…

There entire fight daze 1s undazed daze and this non stop for like 5 minutes until I’m eventually dead, gg. Such a troll.

I usually spam Headshot when I want to troll people who are trying to 1v3, it’s so funny XD

It’s kinda lame tbh lol, theres literally nothing u can do to stop it. I’m surprised he didn’t go perplexity runes with that .. and just keep perma dazing 1 target stack up with confusion, that’d be “amazing”

I actually tried something similar on S/D a while ago

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


FG and Fury on GH… and not to forget NNF? seems like this is gonna be a fun week

Dood you forgot INC our ex.pikeneers.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: mtRXX.8793


WBC looking for GvG, pm me ingame.

Herb The High / Herbaliser / In Between Space
We Be Chilling – High Commander

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: dani.1956


Great play GH and Abaddon and dont worry , Piken will be farmed as usual like they been farmed 1 week before and they will be farmed after this ! Anet just kittened up as usual with the game random stuff !

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moralio.4701


I usually the last one to complain but this is far from being an even match. PS bein able to deploy a regular blob 24/7 on almost every map, really killed the morale of my server.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


I usually the last one to complain but this is far from being an even match. PS bein able to deploy a regular blob 24/7 on almost every map, really killed the morale of my server.

Actually that’s one blob teleporting between maps.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Svarty.8019


It is of some consolation to me that the Pikeys are spending so long queuing.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Great play GH and Abaddon and dont worry , Piken will be farmed as usual like they been farmed 1 week before and they will be farmed after this ! Anet just kittened up as usual with the game random stuff !

“Get farmed as usual”

In your fantasy world we didn’t get to rank3 by being farmed.

Sounds like you are angry.

(edited by milton.1796)

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: sendmark.4731


“Get farmed as usual”

In your fantasy world we didn’t get to rank3 by being farmed.

When did you bandwagon on to Piken? Before last week Piken lost 5 matchups in a row.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


“Get farmed as usual”

In your fantasy world we didn’t get to rank3 by being farmed.

When did you bandwagon on to Piken? Before last week Piken lost 5 matchups in a row.

Been on Piken since release.

Next question.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


“Get farmed as usual”

In your fantasy world we didn’t get to rank3 by being farmed.

When did you bandwagon on to Piken? Before last week Piken lost 5 matchups in a row.

Even if we lost we still did well enough to score points positive to get to higher ranks. In one of those match ups we even beat SFR (no matter what the reason) landing at second place after Vizunah was first. It is not really about winning or loosing. it is about how well you do or manage to do even on an uneven match up.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


WBC looking for GvG, pm me ingame.

I forgot WBC is here as well. Greetings from ex WSR to another.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Phobos.8106


Had a lot of fun and good fights this evening on Gunnar BL. Hope the rest of the week will be like this evening.

Syn Di Cate – Necro, Syn DĂ­ Cate – Warrior
Retired Good Old Days[GD] & Disturbed Squad[DISS]

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: dikamilo.7519


Thanks [RuNL] for GvG, was fun

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


Was fun today on Gunnar! you reagated realy well our sneaky keep portal capping

Just the WvW

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Devitz.2136


GG RuNL, cool tactic in last round! :p
See you around

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jue.6493


Papa bear is taking a break for a week or two whilst I sort out real life shiz that’s going down. FG will be back in action soon, shame aswell since I’d love to kill some sour pickles.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: dani.1956


We all know that piken been farmed 5 weeks in a raw ! Now why you talk back at me ?

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: dani.1956


Great play GH and Abaddon and dont worry , Piken will be farmed as usual like they been farmed 1 week before and they will be farmed after this ! Anet just kittened up as usual with the game random stuff !

“Get farmed as usual”

In your fantasy world we didn’t get to rank3 by being farmed.

Sounds like you are angry.

I come from SFR and when we catched you guys we FARMED you good ! And now i saw that you’ve been farmed 5 weeks in a raw ! MUHAHAHA , thats all i got to say : MUAHAHAHA ! Soon another 5 weeks ! Get some lube !

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aponax.7140


Great play GH and Abaddon and dont worry , Piken will be farmed as usual like they been farmed 1 week before and they will be farmed after this ! Anet just kittened up as usual with the game random stuff !

“Get farmed as usual”

In your fantasy world we didn’t get to rank3 by being farmed.

Sounds like you are angry.

I come from SFR and when we catched you guys we FARMED you good ! And now i saw that you’ve been farmed 5 weeks in a raw ! MUHAHAHA , thats all i got to say : MUAHAHAHA ! Soon another 5 weeks ! Get some lube !

don’t worry pikeneers, I’m sure he is a WTJ

- Abaddon -

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


Great play GH and Abaddon and dont worry , Piken will be farmed as usual like they been farmed 1 week before and they will be farmed after this ! Anet just kittened up as usual with the game random stuff !

“Get farmed as usual”

In your fantasy world we didn’t get to rank3 by being farmed.

Sounds like you are angry.

I come from SFR and when we catched you guys we FARMED you good ! And now i saw that you’ve been farmed 5 weeks in a raw ! MUHAHAHA , thats all i got to say : MUAHAHAHA ! Soon another 5 weeks ! Get some lube !

Actually this is a very fine example of some one who came from low level wvw server(Vabbi, etc). No matter what you say I am sure it is not very long since you transferred to gunnars. Get to know people around actually join a decent guild and learn how to respect and get respect.

Unless you are a minor then I take everything back and you can do or write whatever pleases you.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


Actually this is a very fine example of some one who came from low level wvw server(Vabbi, etc)


Huh? need explanation for my statement or what? And seriously lol.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


Ohh well in that regard if you have been to a low ranked server they really do not play together. They honestly have no sense of co ordination or playing as a proper guild or even a blob. That does not mean I am taking into account ranked 15 or 16 servers hence I mentioned Vabbi. Over there people only go out in wvw for solo roaming and the mentality basically is to get as many loot bags, exp, karma as you can while you are at it.

I come from WSR where I din even have a guild that used to be involved decently in wvw and I honestly did not understand wvw more than that. But still was not dumb enough to comment like our good friend just did above.

Comming back to the comment “And now i saw that you’ve been farmed 5 weeks in a raw ! MUHAHAHA , thats all i got to say : MUAHAHAHA ! Soon another 5 weeks ! Get some lube !”

So about it either the OP is a real weirdo who has actually followed PS through out those last 5 weeks and been in one of our competing servers to know we have not been able to kill decently enough anyone we faced and have been farmed by other servers ooooorrrrr his judgement is purely based on PPT. I will take the latter as being more reasonable basis which implies that since in this match up we are winning by so many points against AM and GH means that we have been farming like crazy all AM and GH wvw’ers in this week? Which anyone sane enough will be able to understand is due to the coverage PS has and not that all mid tier servers are actually bad. Currently only Vizunah, SFR and Riverside give us tough times in terms of PPT so does that mean that all servers below us are bad in terms of fighting skills? Should we treat all servers below us like a piece of Shet?

Answer is “no” most of the time GH and AM does not even have people on the maps whom we can fight and say we won or farmed them. We just cap most of the stuff and the other servers dont even have man power enough to flip it back. But clearly the OP does not understand that and have the mentality of low ranked server wvw’er or like I said minor in which case I dont mind any posts from him.

Genius wrote all that while at work in office. :p

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: qweman.5298


Great play GH and Abaddon and dont worry , Piken will be farmed as usual like they been farmed 1 week before and they will be farmed after this ! Anet just kittened up as usual with the game random stuff !

We all know that piken been farmed 5 weeks in a raw ! Now why you talk back at me ?

I see some ppl thinking that Piken is care about points. How cute ^^

3rd day SPRT off-raid because of one Piken open raid can hold all 4 maps with inc 500+

Qwe Man
Visceral Effect [vE]

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: dani.1956


Great play GH and Abaddon and dont worry , Piken will be farmed as usual like they been farmed 1 week before and they will be farmed after this ! Anet just kittened up as usual with the game random stuff !

“Get farmed as usual”

In your fantasy world we didn’t get to rank3 by being farmed.

Sounds like you are angry.

I come from SFR and when we catched you guys we FARMED you good ! And now i saw that you’ve been farmed 5 weeks in a raw ! MUHAHAHA , thats all i got to say : MUAHAHAHA ! Soon another 5 weeks ! Get some lube !

Actually this is a very fine example of some one who came from low level wvw server(Vabbi, etc). No matter what you say I am sure it is not very long since you transferred to gunnars. Get to know people around actually join a decent guild and learn how to respect and get respect.

Unless you are a minor then I take everything back and you can do or write whatever pleases you.

I’ve played only in SFR and moved to GH ! Your server piken will be farmed coz it got no core wvw guilds , you guys only blob all the time ! Even when i was in SFR I still remember you guys only blobing and wiping you in 20 men guild raids like EC did yesterday !) i was sitting and loling how can you fail so bad with a 40-50 blob vs 15 good guys haha !

The guy above that think they are the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best by holding 500 points on 3rd day on a row or something like that) you are pathetic mate ! Go leaderboards and check the ranks and after that go l2p a bit !

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Genotix.6804


I think this discussion have gone too far and with no reason.
Piken and Abbadons have their way of playing as we have, nothing wrong with that.
Let’s move on and focus our talk at good battles since the ppt discussion is pointless at this matchup.
It is exactly like we are facing vabbi (no disrespect to vabbi just that we have the same rank difference as, piken has to us) and saying that it is easy to maintain +500 tick.
It is pointless.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Monkeymonger.9235


3rd day SPRT off-raid because of one Piken open raid can hold all 4 maps with inc 500+

A shame, i was looking forward to fighting you, although i don’t quite understand your admiration for an off-peak, map-hopping karma train.

Edit: Also, sorry to MYA for leaving you on gh border yesterday. There was no way we could have gotten a fair and good fight there. Thanks to everybody who delighted us with their presence on Abbadonns border and eb (Yes, we have the luxury of being able to almost freely swap maps in this matchup. Praised be the blow out matches and the lower tiers!)

(edited by Monkeymonger.9235)

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


Great play GH and Abaddon and dont worry , Piken will be farmed as usual like they been farmed 1 week before and they will be farmed after this ! Anet just kittened up as usual with the game random stuff !

“Get farmed as usual”

In your fantasy world we didn’t get to rank3 by being farmed.

Sounds like you are angry.

I come from SFR and when we catched you guys we FARMED you good ! And now i saw that you’ve been farmed 5 weeks in a raw ! MUHAHAHA , thats all i got to say : MUAHAHAHA ! Soon another 5 weeks ! Get some lube !

Actually this is a very fine example of some one who came from low level wvw server(Vabbi, etc). No matter what you say I am sure it is not very long since you transferred to gunnars. Get to know people around actually join a decent guild and learn how to respect and get respect.

Unless you are a minor then I take everything back and you can do or write whatever pleases you.

I’ve played only in SFR and moved to GH ! Your server piken will be farmed coz it got no core wvw guilds , you guys only blob all the time ! Even when i was in SFR I still remember you guys only blobing and wiping you in 20 men guild raids like EC did yesterday !) i was sitting and loling how can you fail so bad with a 40-50 blob vs 15 good guys haha !

The guy above that think they are the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best by holding 500 points on 3rd day on a row or something like that) you are pathetic mate ! Go leaderboards and check the ranks and after that go l2p a bit !

GH, Mya, SPRT, SFRJ, DSUN, DVG, EXE, III, CS, DsD, ENI, GOW, SWD, HELM, iV, Lion & WiC, RuNL, VG, WAR and XT are our currently active guilds in wvw. Clearly you have not been on SFR or any good wvw guild to know the real world facts. I will still say you moved from a server where wvw was inexistent and whatever server you are now GH or AM, have just tasted what its like to be in some good fights and I do not see you handling it very well.

Ima gona ignore what you write from now on….I think that will be in best interest of everyone. trolling is all I can understand here and I don’t feed trolls much. I thought I could bring sense to your arguments but trolling is trolling.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

(edited by UnknownRH.4592)

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: qweman.5298


Your server piken will be farmed coz it got no core wvw guilds , you guys only blob all the time !

So if you can’t kill usual piken pug raid, what will happen if you will see core wvw piken guild (which a lot of in piken)?

There is only one serious guild in SFR – ZDs, others prefer to run back in t3 keeps when they see piken “core wvw” guild

Qwe Man
Visceral Effect [vE]

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


I think this discussion have gone too far and with no reason.
Piken and Abbadons have their way of playing as we have, nothing wrong with that.
Let’s move on and focus our talk at good battles since the ppt discussion is pointless at this matchup.
It is exactly like we are facing vabbi (no disrespect to vabbi just that we have the same rank difference as, piken has to us) and saying that it is easy to maintain +500 tick.
It is pointless.

+1 to that Geno but some people are just born to annoy others :p

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: qweman.5298


A shame, i was looking forward to fighting you, although i don’t quite understand your admiration for an off-peak, map-hopping karma train.

A sample dialog before raid beggining:
- Guys, income 500+, empty maps, a lot of pugs produced queues in all borders except piken bl
- Oh fail, let’s go to kill another one Tequatl

Qwe Man
Visceral Effect [vE]

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grok.6714


Your server piken will be farmed coz it got no core wvw guilds , you guys only blob all the time !

So if you can’t kill usual piken pug raid, what will happen if you will see core wvw piken guild (which a lot of in piken)?

There is only one serious guild in SFR – ZDs, others prefer to run back in t3 keeps when they see piken “core wvw” guild

/teleport in

Coming from SPRT, that’s pretty rich

/teleport out

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


Your server piken will be farmed coz it got no core wvw guilds , you guys only blob all the time !

So if you can’t kill usual piken pug raid, what will happen if you will see core wvw piken guild (which a lot of in piken)?

There is only one serious guild in SFR – ZDs, others prefer to run back in t3 keeps when they see piken “core wvw” guild

/teleport in

Coming from SPRT, that’s pretty rich

/teleport out

Thank you for all the time you took to teleport in > Troll > teleport out!! We really appreciate it.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


I think this discussion have gone too far and with no reason.
Piken and Abbadons have their way of playing as we have, nothing wrong with that.
Let’s move on and focus our talk at good battles since the ppt discussion is pointless at this matchup.
It is exactly like we are facing vabbi (no disrespect to vabbi just that we have the same rank difference as, piken has to us) and saying that it is easy to maintain +500 tick.
It is pointless.

So Geno I have heard last night was much better than week ends. A lot of roaming party action and fun time?

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Genotix.6804


Yeah it was awesome, constant action, more about equal forces (you had more but not by much). Overall it was a good night.
Props to the Piken team for seeking head on battles and not hiding inside keeps and towers (not that you do).
I have heard positive feedback from prime time too, though i was able to catch the end of prime time only.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


Open field battles is what makes wvw more fun. We believe in that and I trust my fellow pikeneers to live upto it. Winning or loosing does not really matter to a server like us. It is the battle experience that matters and the lessons learned from it.

Daym missing so much of it. stuck in this office job away from home :-/

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Genotix.6804


Well mate this morning is kinda boring so you are not missing much if it makes you feel better at work:)