Elementalist S : DD
From my Experience with Maguuma So Called Roamer’s is when its 1vs1 they start running for the hills or just run into they find guildies they turn on you right away once they out number you.
Nice screen. Did you learn tower hugging from JQ or is it just an innate skill in T1?
I don’t know you tell me should i initiate that 1vs10? I actually got chased from your tower side to this side by all 10 of these maguuma’s, If it was 1vs1 2vs1 i would gladly fight it. This is pretty much all i have ran into all week while roaming, Guilds running zerg like tactic’s
That’s true but I noticed exactly the same types of groups from BG in ruins, that’s probably the real reason they’re out there. It doesn’t seem a very solo-friendly place at this tier but I’ve found plenty of good fights and duels in the last few days roaming mainly between the camps. Mostly BG but also some SoR. I have to say this match is much better roaming than last week where literally every JQ would run from a 1v1 unless there were 2 or 3 more just out of sight… but maybe just anecdotes.
I think the real reason you haven’t found many Mag roamers is because there are so much more of you, while in NA primetime where mag shows up in force, it’s not to roam.
yeah jq is by far the worst server, not a single person will fight unless they outnumber you.
after fighting jq numerous times in the past, i was worried all T1 servers were going to be like that.
well i hope we on BG did not disappoint MAG with regards to the type of fight you guys wanted. also thank you for the fights MAG.
also noticed alot of SOR are roaming already you can see them in EB and BLs 1 up to group of 5. it was nice. they too have pretty good people.
thanks for the duels in BG BL near the ruins, MAG and SOR.
Indeed it was a lot of fun! and badelementalist you sure do put a lot of pressure with your condition build and very nice active defense you have!. It was also great seeing that other ele from maguuma 1v1 very well with a staff.
Was really fun dude! I only won like 1/3 of the duels.
I didn’t do any better. I must admit, the duels I had with him were some of the most intense and enjoyable I have had in quite a while. Can’t do much trash talking this week.
I can’t wait ’til they arrive…
So i am seeing all the current match-ups on MOS and what i see is that each and every match-up has been unbalanced. Just look at it. The closest servers ppt-wise are HoD and SF and those too also have a 30K difference. And i doubt this is hardly a question of this week.
When people asked to spice up WvW, i am pretty sure this is not what they wanted.
So i am seeing all the current match-ups on MOS and what i see is that each and every match-up has been unbalanced. Just look at it. The closest servers ppt-wise are HoD and SF and those too also have a 30K difference. And i doubt this is hardly a question of this week.
When people asked to spice up WvW, i am pretty sure this is not what they wanted.
Exactly. I believe that is why these match-ups are so stale. You know the outcome before they even started. That is why the first week for T1 at least was great. Close match. But when all the servers one their specific bracket, people transferred like crazy and stacked servers even more. Hense the blowouts that have been happening. Has been like this since week 2. Not really one close match-up at all.
I think that is why people are not really trying that hard. If you cannot win, just out for a short while and have some fun and then log. That is about it. No point in defending anything because in the end it means nothing because it won’t matter. Until Anet finds a way to balance things to some degree, WvW will die a slow death.
Yay reply 1000! I rule.
So i am seeing all the current match-ups on MOS and what i see is that each and every match-up has been unbalanced. Just look at it. The closest servers ppt-wise are HoD and SF and those too also have a 30K difference. And i doubt this is hardly a question of this week.
When people asked to spice up WvW, i am pretty sure this is not what they wanted.
Yeah, but at the same time if we continue leagues on a regular basis I think we will see players and guilds dispersing. Apart from the first week every week on BG has been extremely boring and there is nothing to do or fight for. Its made me want to leave the server for the first time since I arrived there. I suspect there would be guilds who would feel the same way.
Leagues has shown us just how unbalanced things really are and has taught some of us that winning is not equal to enjoyment in the game.
So i am seeing all the current match-ups on MOS and what i see is that each and every match-up has been unbalanced. Just look at it. The closest servers ppt-wise are HoD and SF and those too also have a 30K difference. And i doubt this is hardly a question of this week.
When people asked to spice up WvW, i am pretty sure this is not what they wanted.
Yeah, but at the same time if we continue leagues on a regular basis I think we will see players and guilds dispersing. Apart from the first week every week on BG has been extremely boring and there is nothing to do or fight for. Its made me want to leave the server for the first time since I arrived there. I suspect there would be guilds who would feel the same way.
Leagues has shown us just how unbalanced things really are and has taught some of us that winning is not equal to enjoyment in the game.
Or they could discontinue leagues and we’d be back to match ups like Week 1.
We were on a better course to achieving server balance during ladders than we are if we continue leagues.
Any chance to see an actual organized RIOT roaming group before the end of the week?
Just seen duelers and solo roamers so far.
Any chance to see an actual organized RIOT roaming group before the end of the week?
Just seen duelers and solo roamers so far.
Dude, I’m on the same server as them, so far only seen 2 or 3 in the same area… I think they might be a GvG only guild?
Any chance to see an actual organized RIOT roaming group before the end of the week?
Just seen duelers and solo roamers so far.
Get 10 RIOT together and opp would probably accuse them of blobbing it up
(edited by Tarkus.4109)
From my Experience with Maguuma So Called Roamer’s is when its 1vs1 they start running for the hills or just run into they find guildies they turn on you right away once they out number you.
This kind of sums it up ironically which is surprising given the first half of this thread. The few times I’ve spotted roamers from Maguuma it is about 2 or so that kind of retreat into a larger group. This doesn’t matter though because generally when I plague and run away from the higher numbers they don’t really continue chasing me so haven’t ever died yet to them.
I will say that I did run into 2 people from kitten and 1 pug guy (tag I don’t recognize) and the 3 of them were ganging up on someone on ruins and when I joined the fight (to make it 2 on 3) they didn’t run at least. I mean they didn’t win either we killed all three of them, but at least they stayed which was cool. I appreciate kitten because they appear to be outside of the norm of what I have seen from Maguuma.
I think what I am trying to get out of this is though is that I haven’t seen a great roaming presence from a server touted at being the best roamers. I’ve actually had better roaming competition against SoR. It might not be a good representation because I’ve mostly just been going to Maguuma BL this week, only spent one night on SoR BL, and one night on EBG so who knows they could be using another BL depending on the night or EBG?
Also the people I have encountered don’t seem to be running very roaming based builds so beating them hasn’t been too much of a problem between both servers so in the essence of being fair to kitten that is probably why they lost a fight with numbers in their favor on ruins is because maybe they were using more group oriented builds.
In short roaming presence all the way around this week has been very low despite the suggestive comments otherwise being made in this thread. I’ve been playing since reset night this week, I generally roam mostly solo (I have ran around with APeX off and on a few nights, and the night I was on EBG I ran with 4-5 from my own guild), and I’ve only died 3 times so far this week 2 times to SoR and 1 time to a 30-40 man zerg from Maguuma that we were just pestering for the fun of it (LOL). I think people should end the complaints about roaming because none of you are really doing it or doing a good job of it. Just play haz fun and be fwendly.
P.S. The snuggle is real!
P.S.S. Apparently using [DERP] without the brackets = kitten. :/
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3
(edited by ReverendChan.8467)
Any chance to see an actual organized RIOT roaming group before the end of the week?
Just seen duelers and solo roamers so far.
Get 10 RIOT together and opp would probably accuse them of blobbing it up
Get 2 mesmers with clones out and opp will call you a zerg.
wall of text I made the mistake of reading
Are you seriously looking for roamers on their home BL? The place where they have to spend the most time just running from spawn to a place where roamers usually roam? The place that’s usually being karma-trained by two unfriendly blobs?
Try some common sense next time.
It might not be a good representation because I’ve mostly just been going to Maguuma BL this week
You might as well be looking for roamers at the skritt.
wall of text I made the mistake of reading
Are you seriously looking for roamers on their home BL? The place where they have to spend the most time just running from spawn to a place where roamers usually roam? The place that’s usually being karma-trained by two unfriendly blobs?
Try some common sense next time.
Your guild was there “trying” to roam on your own BL so I don’t get it? :/ I guess common courtesy isn’t something that is mutually extended since I was trying to give your people some sort of praise in my post.
Also the 2 nights I was on SoR and EBG I didn’t see any raomingz from Maguuma. I also put in my response “might not be a good representation” as a disclaimer.
Don’t see what the fuss is about really as I don’t feel “anyone” is roaming or haz right to brag about it.
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3
(edited by ReverendChan.8467)
lol you don’t really find any Mag unless u spend quite sometime looking for it.
but the amount of their posting / bragging in forum make it looking like they have numbers on every map …
hint : way easier to find random SoR / even though they are not roamer
wall of text I made the mistake of reading
Are you seriously looking for roamers on their home BL? The place where they have to spend the most time just running from spawn to a place where roamers usually roam? The place that’s usually being karma-trained by two unfriendly blobs?
Try some common sense next time.
You guild was there “trying” to roam so I don’t get it? :/ I guess common courtesy isn’t something that is mutually extended since I was trying to give your people some sort of praise in my post.
Also the 2 nights I was on SoR and EBG I didn’t see any raomingz from Maguuma. I also put in my response “might not be a good representation” as a disclaimer.
Don’t see what the fuss is about really as I don’t feel “anyone” is roaming or haz right to brag about it.
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3
No one is going to read your original post in its entirety because it is a lot of blah blah blah so the fact that you put a disclaimer in there means nothing.
Every night I play I see lots of roamers and the odd small group from every server, maybe you just play in a time period where there is no one, or you do look for folks at the skritt. You only spent one night where you might find roamers.
Hey MAG…FA here, how are you dealing with all the terrible guilds on BG and SoR?
BT no need to reply, I know what you guys are doing lol.
Hey MAG…FA here, how are you dealing with all the terrible guilds on BG and SoR?
BT no need to reply, I know what you guys are doing lol.
Sticking around in paper objectives that should get hit soon, downing 6+ guys when they blob the gate, and running away laughing.
(edited by Player Character.9467)
People have been saying WvW is dying since month 2.
Leagues have put more people into WvW than have been in there for months, the queues were bad, for all servers in that first week, thats a GOOD THING for WvW, it means people are playing, and it means people find that its worth waiting for. If the devs had put even an ounce of thought into the schedule, we wouldn’t have this stupid repetitive matchup problem, and JQ SOR and BG would probably all have full queues still.
If queues get too long for individuals, or even for guilds, they will transfers off and go lower, something I think everyone can agree is a good thing. That was DIEs main reason for leaving SOR and BG has lost several guilds to it and after seasons are over I’m sure some more will too.
Things will continue to shift and change just like it always has.
All rounds from our GvG vs Ark on Tuesday, apologies for how late it’s coming out!
Tough fights, respectful opponents! We learned a lot from fighting you guys.
ONE is recruiting for our GvG team!
(edited by greenslab.9425)
lol you don’t really find any Mag unless u spend quite sometime looking for it.
but the amount of their posting / bragging in forum make it looking like they have numbers on every map …
hint : way easier to find random SoR / even though they are not roamer
You realize that we have a much smaller population then the other two servers right? Anyone thinking we have numbers on every map has unrealistic expectations to start with.
People have been saying WvW is dying since month 2.
Leagues have put more people into WvW than have been in there for months, the queues were bad, for all servers in that first week, thats a GOOD THING for WvW, it means people are playing, and it means people find that its worth waiting for. If the devs had put even an ounce of thought into the schedule, we wouldn’t have this stupid repetitive matchup problem, and JQ SOR and BG would probably all have full queues still.
If queues get too long for individuals, or even for guilds, they will transfers off and go lower, something I think everyone can agree is a good thing. That was DIEs main reason for leaving SOR and BG has lost several guilds to it and after seasons are over I’m sure some more will too.
Things will continue to shift and change just like it always has.
^^^ignores the fact that the queue’s were filled with PvE achievement hunters not people invested in WvW.
People have been saying WvW is dying since month 2.
Leagues have put more people into WvW than have been in there for months, the queues were bad, for all servers in that first week, thats a GOOD THING for WvW, it means people are playing, and it means people find that its worth waiting for. If the devs had put even an ounce of thought into the schedule, we wouldn’t have this stupid repetitive matchup problem, and JQ SOR and BG would probably all have full queues still.
If queues get too long for individuals, or even for guilds, they will transfers off and go lower, something I think everyone can agree is a good thing. That was DIEs main reason for leaving SOR and BG has lost several guilds to it and after seasons are over I’m sure some more will too.
Things will continue to shift and change just like it always has.
^^^ignores the fact that the queue’s were filled with PvE achievement hunters not people invested in WvW.
Of course. And those players will be back to PvE when the season is over. I think what Kin was referring to are players who entered WvW primarily for the achievements, found they actually liked it, and joined WvW focused guilds to play the format more or exclusively in the future. I think when all is said and done, many servers will end up with more WvW regulars than before the season started, which is a good thing overall I think.
People have been saying WvW is dying since month 2.
Leagues have put more people into WvW than have been in there for months, the queues were bad, for all servers in that first week, thats a GOOD THING for WvW, it means people are playing, and it means people find that its worth waiting for. If the devs had put even an ounce of thought into the schedule, we wouldn’t have this stupid repetitive matchup problem, and JQ SOR and BG would probably all have full queues still.
If queues get too long for individuals, or even for guilds, they will transfers off and go lower, something I think everyone can agree is a good thing. That was DIEs main reason for leaving SOR and BG has lost several guilds to it and after seasons are over I’m sure some more will too.
Things will continue to shift and change just like it always has.
^^^ignores the fact that the queue’s were filled with PvE achievement hunters not people invested in WvW.
it’s week 4 already. im sure almost of all of them ( pver ) are done already.
People have been saying WvW is dying since month 2.
Leagues have put more people into WvW than have been in there for months, the queues were bad, for all servers in that first week, thats a GOOD THING for WvW, it means people are playing, and it means people find that its worth waiting for. If the devs had put even an ounce of thought into the schedule, we wouldn’t have this stupid repetitive matchup problem, and JQ SOR and BG would probably all have full queues still.
If queues get too long for individuals, or even for guilds, they will transfers off and go lower, something I think everyone can agree is a good thing. That was DIEs main reason for leaving SOR and BG has lost several guilds to it and after seasons are over I’m sure some more will too.
Things will continue to shift and change just like it always has.
^^^ignores the fact that the queue’s were filled with PvE achievement hunters not people invested in WvW.
it’s week 4 already. im sure almost of all of them ( pver ) are done already.
This is a comment Ive seen quite regularly from BG players. I have rarely seen any players or guilds in WvW who haven’t attended WvW regularly before leagues started. The bigger effect I have seen is from players playing extremely long hours (overtime).
wall of text I made the mistake of reading
Are you seriously looking for roamers on their home BL? The place where they have to spend the most time just running from spawn to a place where roamers usually roam? The place that’s usually being karma-trained by two unfriendly blobs?
Try some common sense next time.
You guild was there “trying” to roam so I don’t get it? :/ I guess common courtesy isn’t something that is mutually extended since I was trying to give your people some sort of praise in my post.
Also the 2 nights I was on SoR and EBG I didn’t see any raomingz from Maguuma. I also put in my response “might not be a good representation” as a disclaimer.
Don’t see what the fuss is about really as I don’t feel “anyone” is roaming or haz right to brag about it.
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3No one is going to read your original post in its entirety because it is a lot of blah blah blah so the fact that you put a disclaimer in there means nothing.
Every night I play I see lots of roamers and the odd small group from every server, maybe you just play in a time period where there is no one, or you do look for folks at the skritt. You only spent one night where you might find roamers.
I spend most of my time around the Bloodlust points or trying to fight people out in the open on the BLs. If I’m bored enough I’ll go to someone’s spawn and wait till they oblige me in a fight. I also go to windmill from time to time to, but that is more dueling and less roaming in that regard. I don’t really know where you expect me to find all the “apparent” roamers unless they are transitioning or going after camps.
Now if what you meant to say is Mag doesn’t roam on their own BL because they don’t care about controlling their own bloodlust points or defending it all to begin with then I can see where you are coming from. I guess that in itself should be apparent because of the fact that around the time I play, which is generally late NA, by the time I’m finished this past week we have your entire BL painted in blue/flipped. Me personally I’ve roamed around on my BL before because capping bloodlust helps our zergs on the map and I can also take back camps where needed. Too top it off there are 2 spawns I can go after people for fun that funnel out of it, when you actually decided to make a move for our area, I can swap between (I check the live maps to make sure I’m not wasting my time prior to queuing it).
I would like to reiterate however, I did play on EBG and SoR BL 2 times this week though still didn’t see these “ever so bountiful roamers”. Now if you want to blame it on lack of population or anything else go ahead that is fine.
I have no issues with Maguuma at all I just think the gist of roaming being touted when I’ve seen none is kind of silly. I think trolling me with excuses and telling me that I don’t know where too look for roamers, as when all I do is roam around going after people because I come from the sPvP community and that is my typical mindset, is also silly.
At any rate good luck to you and your “roaming” this week, and I hope you guys keep at it.
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3
I felt overall my comment was friendly and just hitting on the fact that queue times have led to the annoyances associated with opportunities for us to face each other as we like
We meet again in a couple weeks, maybe que times will be better for you then.
Yea, hasn’t changed much other than the dip after week 1, still 1 hour queue peek for BL’s and 3 hours+ for EB unless someone has a taxi going
. Looking forward to more engagements!
Sorry to hear that, not sure how you guys handle that all the time. Time to transfer down tier I think
We’re holding out that edge of the mists will alleviate our queue concerns.
Is the Karma Train on yet?
Any chance to see an actual organized RIOT roaming group before the end of the week?
Just seen duelers and solo roamers so far.
Dude, I’m on the same server as them, so far only seen 2 or 3 in the same area… I think they might be a GvG only guild?
Prior to the introduction of Seasons, we would easily have anywhere from 5-10 of us (we split up our roaming groups) on a map or split between two and we also bounced around runes a lot (when they were more valuable). Now with the queue issues, it’s rare for us to have anymore than 1-3 together, let a lone a full group, and even then it’s because someone had a taxi setup or we all waited a hour to simply play with each other. Nonetheless, we did get some 4-5+ group roaming in last night in EB and that was also caught on our stream (we get most of us loaded into EB around minute 45: http://www.twitch.tv/teamriottv/b/479569786).
From my Experience with Maguuma So Called Roamer’s is when its 1vs1 they start running for the hills or just run into they find guildies they turn on you right away once they out number you.
This kind of sums it up ironically which is surprising given the first half of this thread. The few times I’ve spotted roamers from Maguuma it is about 2 or so that kind of retreat into a larger group. This doesn’t matter though because generally when I plague and run away from the higher numbers they don’t really continue chasing me so haven’t ever died yet to them.
I will say that I did run into 2 people from kitten and 1 pug guy (tag I don’t recognize) and the 3 of them were ganging up on someone on ruins and when I joined the fight (to make it 2 on 3) they didn’t run at least. I mean they didn’t win either we killed all three of them, but at least they stayed which was cool. I appreciate kitten because they appear to be outside of the norm of what I have seen from Maguuma.
I think what I am trying to get out of this is though is that I haven’t seen a great roaming presence from a server touted at being the best roamers. I’ve actually had better roaming competition against SoR. It might not be a good representation because I’ve mostly just been going to Maguuma BL this week, only spent one night on SoR BL, and one night on EBG so who knows they could be using another BL depending on the night or EBG?
Also the people I have encountered don’t seem to be running very roaming based builds so beating them hasn’t been too much of a problem between both servers so in the essence of being fair to kitten that is probably why they lost a fight with numbers in their favor on ruins is because maybe they were using more group oriented builds.
In short roaming presence all the way around this week has been very low despite the suggestive comments otherwise being made in this thread. I’ve been playing since reset night this week, I generally roam mostly solo (I have ran around with APeX off and on a few nights, and the night I was on EBG I ran with 4-5 from my own guild), and I’ve only died 3 times so far this week 2 times to SoR and 1 time to a 30-40 man zerg from Maguuma that we were just pestering for the fun of it (LOL). I think people should end the complaints about roaming because none of you are really doing it or doing a good job of it. Just play haz fun and be fwendly.
P.S. The snuggle is real!
P.S.S. Apparently using [DERP] without the brackets = kitten. :/
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3
I ran from Mag spawn to BG north camp and didn’t see anyone.
Clearly Blackgate and SoR are dead servers with a population of zero.
(edited by Caffynated.5713)
From my Experience with Maguuma So Called Roamer’s is when its 1vs1 they start running for the hills or just run into they find guildies they turn on you right away once they out number you.
This kind of sums it up ironically which is surprising given the first half of this thread. The few times I’ve spotted roamers from Maguuma it is about 2 or so that kind of retreat into a larger group. This doesn’t matter though because generally when I plague and run away from the higher numbers they don’t really continue chasing me so haven’t ever died yet to them.
I will say that I did run into 2 people from kitten and 1 pug guy (tag I don’t recognize) and the 3 of them were ganging up on someone on ruins and when I joined the fight (to make it 2 on 3) they didn’t run at least. I mean they didn’t win either we killed all three of them, but at least they stayed which was cool. I appreciate kitten because they appear to be outside of the norm of what I have seen from Maguuma.
I think what I am trying to get out of this is though is that I haven’t seen a great roaming presence from a server touted at being the best roamers. I’ve actually had better roaming competition against SoR. It might not be a good representation because I’ve mostly just been going to Maguuma BL this week, only spent one night on SoR BL, and one night on EBG so who knows they could be using another BL depending on the night or EBG?
Also the people I have encountered don’t seem to be running very roaming based builds so beating them hasn’t been too much of a problem between both servers so in the essence of being fair to kitten that is probably why they lost a fight with numbers in their favor on ruins is because maybe they were using more group oriented builds.
In short roaming presence all the way around this week has been very low despite the suggestive comments otherwise being made in this thread. I’ve been playing since reset night this week, I generally roam mostly solo (I have ran around with APeX off and on a few nights, and the night I was on EBG I ran with 4-5 from my own guild), and I’ve only died 3 times so far this week 2 times to SoR and 1 time to a 30-40 man zerg from Maguuma that we were just pestering for the fun of it (LOL). I think people should end the complaints about roaming because none of you are really doing it or doing a good job of it. Just play haz fun and be fwendly.
P.S. The snuggle is real!
P.S.S. Apparently using [DERP] without the brackets = kitten. :/
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3I ran from Mag spawn to BG north camp and didn’t see anyone.
Clearly Blackgate and SoR are dead servers with a population of zero.
Clearly, because if you are talking about “right now” (+565 tick) our entire BL is blue, so is Mag’s BL, and pretty much all of EBG. Must be tumble weeds in all those places.
Maybe SoR BL is where all the cool kid roaming groups hang out and there must be more snuggles there…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3
(edited by ReverendChan.8467)
I felt overall my comment was friendly and just hitting on the fact that queue times have led to the annoyances associated with opportunities for us to face each other as we like
We meet again in a couple weeks, maybe que times will be better for you then.
Yea, hasn’t changed much other than the dip after week 1, still 1 hour queue peek for BL’s and 3 hours+ for EB unless someone has a taxi going
. Looking forward to more engagements!
Sorry to hear that, not sure how you guys handle that all the time. Time to transfer down tier I think
We’re holding out that edge of the mists will alleviate our queue concerns.
You guys are beta’ing it right? How do you like it so far? Enough space to move around, or just lots of narrow spots that favors tight stacked balls of PVT heroics?
It’s Thursday, can we propose a Karma Train o,o
It’s Thursday, can we propose a Karma Train o,o
Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.
It’s Thursday, can we propose a Karma Train o,o
Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.
lol why not
It’s Thursday, can we propose a Karma Train o,o
Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.
lol why not
Because many people (myself included) came to the conclusion that karma trains can sometimes do more harm than good. Not everyone agrees with the opinion, but that’s just fine. Also, you won’t get a karma train out of Magumma so there you have it.
Much words.
Don’t care.
Clearly, because if you are talking about “right now” (+565 tick) our entire BL is blue, so is Mag’s BL, and pretty much all of EBG. Must be tumble weeds in all those places.
Maybe SoR BL is where all the cool kid roaming groups hang out and there must be more snuggles there…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3
If you didn’t have all these modifiers on your cuteness. We would have to fight for Supreme.
Any chance to see an actual organized RIOT roaming group before the end of the week?
Just seen duelers and solo roamers so far.
Dude, I’m on the same server as them, so far only seen 2 or 3 in the same area… I think they might be a GvG only guild?
Prior to the introduction of Seasons, we would easily have anywhere from 5-10 of us (we split up our roaming groups) on a map or split between two and we also bounced around runes a lot (when they were more valuable). Now with the queue issues, it’s rare for us to have anymore than 1-3 together, let a lone a full group, and even then it’s because someone had a taxi setup or we all waited a hour to simply play with each other. Nonetheless, we did get some 4-5+ group roaming in last night in EB and that was also caught on our stream (we get most of us loaded into EB around minute 45: http://www.twitch.tv/teamriottv/b/479569786).
Yeah the queues are very unfortunate. Maybe when we meet in the future the beta map will be out and we can do some roaming against each other then?
~dT[AoN] (my sig isn’t working)
Much words.
Don’t care.
Clearly, because if you are talking about “right now” (+565 tick) our entire BL is blue, so is Mag’s BL, and pretty much all of EBG. Must be tumble weeds in all those places.
Maybe SoR BL is where all the cool kid roaming groups hang out and there must be more snuggles there…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3If you didn’t have all these modifiers on your cuteness. We would have to fight for Supreme.
:O I promisez, unlike Cuddlestrike, I snuggle gently…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3
(edited by ReverendChan.8467)
It’s Thursday, can we propose a Karma Train o,o
Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.
lol why not
Word is karma trains are causing problems because casuals are going into WvW to play and creating queues for the regulars. Apparently BG now “frowns upon” karma trains and are looking to not participate/run/condone them anymore. Not sure how this happened. We only got one guild and suddenly we are massively stacked.
Ty for the bag farming session in BG bl garri
Much words.
Don’t care.
Clearly, because if you are talking about “right now” (+565 tick) our entire BL is blue, so is Mag’s BL, and pretty much all of EBG. Must be tumble weeds in all those places.
Maybe SoR BL is where all the cool kid roaming groups hang out and there must be more snuggles there…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3If you didn’t have all these modifiers on your cuteness. We would have to fight for Supreme.
:O I promisez, unlike Cuddlestrike, I snuggle gently…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3
I snuggle like a boa constrictor.
Much words.
Don’t care.
Clearly, because if you are talking about “right now” (+565 tick) our entire BL is blue, so is Mag’s BL, and pretty much all of EBG. Must be tumble weeds in all those places.
Maybe SoR BL is where all the cool kid roaming groups hang out and there must be more snuggles there…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3If you didn’t have all these modifiers on your cuteness. We would have to fight for Supreme.
:O I promisez, unlike Cuddlestrike, I snuggle gently…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3I snuggle like a boa constrictor.
Well that isn’t berry cute or fwendly…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3
Hey MAG…FA here, how are you dealing with all the terrible guilds on BG and SoR?
Hmmm … judging from mos.millenium, probably exactly the same as EB, IOJ and the rest of Silver League are doing against your stacked, zerging server?
Much words.
Don’t care.
Clearly, because if you are talking about “right now” (+565 tick) our entire BL is blue, so is Mag’s BL, and pretty much all of EBG. Must be tumble weeds in all those places.
Maybe SoR BL is where all the cool kid roaming groups hang out and there must be more snuggles there…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3If you didn’t have all these modifiers on your cuteness. We would have to fight for Supreme.
:O I promisez, unlike Cuddlestrike, I snuggle gently…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3I snuggle like a boa constrictor.
Well that isn’t berry cute or fwendly…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3
What’s not cute about a giant snake wanting to full body hug you to death? :’(
Much words.
Don’t care.
Clearly, because if you are talking about “right now” (+565 tick) our entire BL is blue, so is Mag’s BL, and pretty much all of EBG. Must be tumble weeds in all those places.
Maybe SoR BL is where all the cool kid roaming groups hang out and there must be more snuggles there…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3If you didn’t have all these modifiers on your cuteness. We would have to fight for Supreme.
:O I promisez, unlike Cuddlestrike, I snuggle gently…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3I snuggle like a boa constrictor.
Well that isn’t berry cute or fwendly…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3What’s not cute about a giant snake wanting to full body hug you to death? :’(
It huertz….
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3
Hey MAG…FA here, how are you dealing with all the terrible guilds on BG and SoR?
From what I am reading, their roamers are having one of the more exciting matches and don’t have much to complain:)
Much words.
Don’t care.
Clearly, because if you are talking about “right now” (+565 tick) our entire BL is blue, so is Mag’s BL, and pretty much all of EBG. Must be tumble weeds in all those places.
Maybe SoR BL is where all the cool kid roaming groups hang out and there must be more snuggles there…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3If you didn’t have all these modifiers on your cuteness. We would have to fight for Supreme.
:O I promisez, unlike Cuddlestrike, I snuggle gently…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3I snuggle like a boa constrictor.
Well that isn’t berry cute or fwendly…
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3What’s not cute about a giant snake wanting to full body hug you to death? :’(
It huertz….
Most Adorable Necro NA,
Schnigle <3
Only if you struggle. Just accept my snuggles. <3
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.