SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fannwong.3059




But I’ll be serious with you. PPT wins of >20%-30% deviation is a sign of coverage.

The SOR commanders want to thank instead the TC and Mags that came out to fight. You are true warriors. We respect you.


Grats to SoR for what appears to be their first win of Season 1

[SoX] – JQ

(edited by Fannwong.3059)

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


I’ll just leave this here…

what’s wrong with not wanting to duel? |:

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: ykyk.2740


I’ll just leave this here…

what’s wrong with not wanting to duel? |:

Then there’s no way to resolve the nerd rage =(

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sam Halleck.3156

Sam Halleck.3156

I’ll just leave this here…

what’s wrong with not wanting to duel? |:

Then there’s no way to resolve the nerd rage =(

I actually don’t think he was raging, he seemed pretty happy to have gotten a kill with less than 3 to 1 odds.

Sam Halleck – Maguuma
Guild: [iLL] Illusion
Male Sylvari Thief

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


I’ll just leave this here…

what’s wrong with not wanting to duel? |:

Then there’s no way to resolve the nerd rage =(

I actually don’t think he was raging, he seemed pretty happy to have gotten a kill with less than 3 to 1 odds.

i think ykyk was referring to you

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sam Halleck.3156

Sam Halleck.3156

I’ll just leave this here…

what’s wrong with not wanting to duel? |:

Then there’s no way to resolve the nerd rage =(

I actually don’t think he was raging, he seemed pretty happy to have gotten a kill with less than 3 to 1 odds.

i think ykyk was referring to you

No, read the post again. He used the term nerd. It’s quite obvious he was talking about his TC brethren.

Sam Halleck – Maguuma
Guild: [iLL] Illusion
Male Sylvari Thief

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: ykyk.2740


2 alpha 4 me

15 char

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


I’ll just leave this here…

what’s wrong with not wanting to duel? |:

Then there’s no way to resolve the nerd rage =(

I actually don’t think he was raging, he seemed pretty happy to have gotten a kill with less than 3 to 1 odds.

i think ykyk was referring to you

No, read the post again. He used the term nerd. It’s quite obvious he was talking about his TC brethren.

ah sorry we 2 nerdy for u

do you want me to write in binary next time. beep boop

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sam Halleck.3156

Sam Halleck.3156

I’ll just leave this here…

what’s wrong with not wanting to duel? |:

Then there’s no way to resolve the nerd rage =(

I actually don’t think he was raging, he seemed pretty happy to have gotten a kill with less than 3 to 1 odds.

i think ykyk was referring to you

No, read the post again. He used the term nerd. It’s quite obvious he was talking about his TC brethren.

ah sorry we 2 nerdy for u

do you want me to write in binary next time. beep boop

So hot right now. Hey ykyk, are you a twilight mesmer perchance?

Sam Halleck – Maguuma
Guild: [iLL] Illusion
Male Sylvari Thief

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Entioch.6594


This thread needs a lot more steamy ERP.

Hidden Sin[ONI]
ERP guild looking for members.

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kigera.9584


I’ll just leave this here…

Losing a 3v7 fight? And you’re from Mag? Reported for lies

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: ykyk.2740


I’ll just leave this here…

what’s wrong with not wanting to duel? |:

Then there’s no way to resolve the nerd rage =(

I actually don’t think he was raging, he seemed pretty happy to have gotten a kill with less than 3 to 1 odds.

i think ykyk was referring to you

No, read the post again. He used the term nerd. It’s quite obvious he was talking about his TC brethren.

ah sorry we 2 nerdy for u

do you want me to write in binary next time. beep boop

So hot right now. Hey ykyk, are you a twilight mesmer perchance?

Nope! I’m a terribad zergling ele. Also I’m poor because my repair bills are sky high since I’m terribad =/ twillight is ugly too

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


[TD] warrior. You are, by far, the worst warrior I have ever fought.

If you are going to run mace shield/GS, then you really need to improve on hitting your skullcracks. Then when you do, you need to make sure your weapon swap to GS does not take more than a fraction of a second. Yours were around 3 seconds.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

(edited by Gorefiend.9675)

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sam Halleck.3156

Sam Halleck.3156

I’ll just leave this here…

what’s wrong with not wanting to duel? |:

Then there’s no way to resolve the nerd rage =(

I actually don’t think he was raging, he seemed pretty happy to have gotten a kill with less than 3 to 1 odds.

i think ykyk was referring to you

No, read the post again. He used the term nerd. It’s quite obvious he was talking about his TC brethren.

ah sorry we 2 nerdy for u

do you want me to write in binary next time. beep boop

So hot right now. Hey ykyk, are you a twilight mesmer perchance?

Nope! I’m a terribad zergling ele. Also I’m poor because my repair bills are sky high since I’m terribad =/ twillight is ugly too

O, I guess I was hanging out with your guildies earlier then.

Sam Halleck – Maguuma
Guild: [iLL] Illusion
Male Sylvari Thief

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: x per fection x.2096

x per fection x.2096

Some vid’s of this week so far. Hope the rest of the week is just as fun.

Monday –
Monday 2 – (youtube stole the music)
Fri/Sat –


(edited by x per fection x.2096)

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


Shouldn’t SoR and Mag 2v1 TC to push TC into 3rd place?

Pffft why would we do that.

Clearly the SoR goal is to have there be a tie for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in Gold league.

If JQ beats BG who beats SoS
SoR beats TC who beats Mag

Then next match

JQ beats SoR who beats TC
BG beats SoS who beats Mag

Then the final match

JQ beats BG who beats SoR
TC beats Mag who beats SoS

JQ and BG will tie for overall first
SoR and TC will tie for overall second
SoS and Mag will tie for overall third

But that would mean that Mag would have to PPT…I would laugh if they were the only server not to place.

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hexin.5603


I’ll just leave this here…

…So clearly this shows that the rune slot 6 – mags self invite worked, and above that line of text was your trash talk after your self invite was accepted? But the 6 slot bonus is bugged, as retal somehow prevented it. I thought it was suppose to be unblock-able. =D

TC may be nerds but were not idiots, and I think you and your buds were on thieves too prior to switching over to mesmers (am I right, or is it sheer coincidence the 3 thieves from iLL left and 3 mesmers came online… how am i doing so far?)

Anyway, I don’t see how either side shows any thing but jokes ~ seems like harmless chat, even your jabs after being accepted (or did you not want to be accepted). Is that somehow perceived as nerd rage? You were even given a compliment… not to be perceived as ‘WHOA WHOA it’s trick it means bad kid cuss words about a virtual video game no one cares about….’

… or it was … legit? Seems more the latter to me, and should probably take it as a compliment if a support war doesn’t want to duel with your build. Common sense man.


Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

(edited by Hexin.5603)

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


this reminds me of my time in league when some enemy tryn wants me to 1v1 him at baron
plot twist: i was support sona

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: amanda.6178


I’ll just leave this here…

…So clearly this shows that the rune slot 6 – mags self invite worked, and above that line of text was your trash talk after your self invite was accepted? But the 6 slot bonus is bugged, as retal somehow prevented it. I thought it was suppose to be unblock-able. =D

TC may be nerds but were not idiots, and I think you and your buds were on thieves too prior to switching over to mesmers (am I right, or is it sheer coincidence the 3 thieves from iLL left and 3 mesmers came online… how am i doing so far?)

Anyway, I don’t see how either side shows any thing but jokes ~ seems like harmless chat, even your jabs after being accepted (or did you not want to be accepted). Is that somehow perceived as nerd rage? You were even given a compliment… not to be perceived as ‘WHOA WHOA it’s trick it means bad kid cuss words about a virtual video game no one cares about….’

… or it was … legit? Seems more the latter to me, and should probably take it as a compliment if a support war doesn’t want to duel with your build. Common sense man.


First of all, iLL has SO MANY thieves. Like an entire army of backstabbin’ fools. There’s more thieves than you have fingers and toes to count them.

Secondly, if you /laugh at anyone, you should always be prepared to defend your right to do so in a super srs honor duel. It’s only polite.

Rafiira | Guardian/Mesmer/Ranger
[EG] Ethereal Guardians

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


this reminds me of my time in league when some enemy tryn wants me to 1v1 him at baron
plot twist: i was support sona

Haha!! Too funny. What was he?

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at:

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: electriette.8952


he was like… jungle tryn i think? built for damage and stuff obviously
while i was buying all support items lol

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hydrobutter.9172


I’ll just leave this here…

…So clearly this shows that the rune slot 6 – mags self invite worked, and above that line of text was your trash talk after your self invite was accepted? But the 6 slot bonus is bugged, as retal somehow prevented it. I thought it was suppose to be unblock-able. =D

TC may be nerds but were not idiots, and I think you and your buds were on thieves too prior to switching over to mesmers (am I right, or is it sheer coincidence the 3 thieves from iLL left and 3 mesmers came online… how am i doing so far?)

Anyway, I don’t see how either side shows any thing but jokes ~ seems like harmless chat, even your jabs after being accepted (or did you not want to be accepted). Is that somehow perceived as nerd rage? You were even given a compliment… not to be perceived as ‘WHOA WHOA it’s trick it means bad kid cuss words about a virtual video game no one cares about….’

… or it was … legit? Seems more the latter to me, and should probably take it as a compliment if a support war doesn’t want to duel with your build. Common sense man.


I hope this shows up on the front page of infowars

Co-Guildleader: Wobbly Cat Squad [WCS]

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: NICKEZ.3671


Some guy recorded the SMC fight last night:

I stopped watching at the first or second bite of pizza – really who fricking records themself while mowing down pizza… yuck. I could hear him chewing… ::cringe::


[CERN] & [ZzZz] Xig
Asura Guard, Human Ele

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mirsa.1628


Found a [CERN] guy role-playing with farm animals.


[GS] Gun Squad
Guild Master

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


he was like… jungle tryn i think? built for damage and stuff obviously
while i was buying all support items lol

Wow, what a goober. I’d have 1v1’d him anyway – I’m a glutton for punishment.

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at:

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Handin.4032


Tarnished Coast Dolyak Parade
It’s that time again! A time for dolyaks and RPers and WvWers alike to gather together at the end of a long week, and just have fun! No pressure, no keeps, no towers, just good ol’ fashion relaxation!

For those who do not know, the Dolyak parade is a time where we get together and just have fun, and of course, parade around as dolyaks around the borderlands! Of course, you do not have to be a dolyak if you do not wish to be. In the past, everything from griffons to snowmen to elementals have flocked to our parade. So come out and celebrate the dolyaks, who sacrifice much for our endless war!


  • Where: WvW borderlands. The exact one will be chosen ~1 hr beforehand
  • When: Thursday (11/21) at 7 PM Server Time
  • Who: Anyone is willing to participate! If you come and need a tonic, just ask a friendly DOLY representative and we can give you some to join in!
  • How: If you choose to become a dolyak, there are 2 ways: a Ruminant Tonic, and a Dolyak Tincture (feel free to wiki these). Of course any other kind of tonic is welcome, or even none at all if you just want to run along!

If anyone has any questions, comments, concerns, or good dolyak jokes, feel free to send me a message!

PS: Any guild leaders/commanders that are going to have GvG’s on that day and around that time, let me know! I try to plan the parade around GvG’s as best as possible, to avoid meeting up at the same place, or the parade running through a GvG on accident. (I won’t divulge when/where the GvGs are to anyone else, I just want to try to make sure there are no cross-event mishaps!)

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hydrobutter.9172


Some guy recorded the SMC fight last night:

I stopped watching at the first or second bite of pizza – really who fricking records themself while mowing down pizza… yuck. I could hear him chewing… ::cringe::


don’t front ya’ll. dude prob gets all the hb4s and hb5s

Co-Guildleader: Wobbly Cat Squad [WCS]

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Some guy recorded the SMC fight last night:

I stopped watching at the first or second bite of pizza – really who fricking records themself while mowing down pizza… yuck. I could hear him chewing… ::cringe::


don’t front ya’ll. dude prob gets all the hb4s and hb5s

What’s hb4 and hb5?

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at:

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Some vid’s of this week so far. Hope the rest of the week is just as fun.

Monday –
Monday 2 – (youtube stole the music)
Fri/Sat –

Fun Fights

Looking forward to Weds/Thurs!

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at:

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nakoor.1980


For those that didn’t get to test or watch any streams.

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hexin.5603


I’ll just leave this here…

…So clearly this shows that the rune slot 6 – mags self invite worked, and above that line of text was your trash talk after your self invite was accepted? But the 6 slot bonus is bugged, as retal somehow prevented it. I thought it was suppose to be unblock-able. =D

TC may be nerds but were not idiots, and I think you and your buds were on thieves too prior to switching over to mesmers (am I right, or is it sheer coincidence the 3 thieves from iLL left and 3 mesmers came online… how am i doing so far?)

Anyway, I don’t see how either side shows any thing but jokes ~ seems like harmless chat, even your jabs after being accepted (or did you not want to be accepted). Is that somehow perceived as nerd rage? You were even given a compliment… not to be perceived as ‘WHOA WHOA it’s trick it means bad kid cuss words about a virtual video game no one cares about….’

… or it was … legit? Seems more the latter to me, and should probably take it as a compliment if a support war doesn’t want to duel with your build. Common sense man.


First of all, iLL has SO MANY thieves. Like an entire army of backstabbin’ fools. There’s more thieves than you have fingers and toes to count them.

Secondly, if you /laugh at anyone, you should always be prepared to defend your right to do so in a super srs honor duel. It’s only polite.

fek it… I give up… it’s easier. I may get infracted, again and suspended, again or banned who cares at this point, just a game … glhf

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

(edited by Hexin.5603)

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: NICKEZ.3671


Found a [CERN] guy role-playing with farm animals.


[CERN] & [ZzZz] Xig
Asura Guard, Human Ele

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: amanda.6178


I’ll just leave this here…

…So clearly this shows that the rune slot 6 – mags self invite worked, and above that line of text was your trash talk after your self invite was accepted? But the 6 slot bonus is bugged, as retal somehow prevented it. I thought it was suppose to be unblock-able. =D

TC may be nerds but were not idiots, and I think you and your buds were on thieves too prior to switching over to mesmers (am I right, or is it sheer coincidence the 3 thieves from iLL left and 3 mesmers came online… how am i doing so far?)

Anyway, I don’t see how either side shows any thing but jokes ~ seems like harmless chat, even your jabs after being accepted (or did you not want to be accepted). Is that somehow perceived as nerd rage? You were even given a compliment… not to be perceived as ‘WHOA WHOA it’s trick it means bad kid cuss words about a virtual video game no one cares about….’

… or it was … legit? Seems more the latter to me, and should probably take it as a compliment if a support war doesn’t want to duel with your build. Common sense man.


First of all, iLL has SO MANY thieves. Like an entire army of backstabbin’ fools. There’s more thieves than you have fingers and toes to count them.

Secondly, if you /laugh at anyone, you should always be prepared to defend your right to do so in a super srs honor duel. It’s only polite.

fek it… I give up… it’s easier.

Super srs man is super srs. Srs biznasty.

Rafiira | Guardian/Mesmer/Ranger
[EG] Ethereal Guardians

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hexin.5603


I’ll just leave this here…

…So clearly this shows that the rune slot 6 – mags self invite worked, and above that line of text was your trash talk after your self invite was accepted? But the 6 slot bonus is bugged, as retal somehow prevented it. I thought it was suppose to be unblock-able. =D

TC may be nerds but were not idiots, and I think you and your buds were on thieves too prior to switching over to mesmers (am I right, or is it sheer coincidence the 3 thieves from iLL left and 3 mesmers came online… how am i doing so far?)

Anyway, I don’t see how either side shows any thing but jokes ~ seems like harmless chat, even your jabs after being accepted (or did you not want to be accepted). Is that somehow perceived as nerd rage? You were even given a compliment… not to be perceived as ‘WHOA WHOA it’s trick it means bad kid cuss words about a virtual video game no one cares about….’

… or it was … legit? Seems more the latter to me, and should probably take it as a compliment if a support war doesn’t want to duel with your build. Common sense man.


First of all, iLL has SO MANY thieves. Like an entire army of backstabbin’ fools. There’s more thieves than you have fingers and toes to count them.

Secondly, if you /laugh at anyone, you should always be prepared to defend your right to do so in a super srs honor duel. It’s only polite.

fek it… I give up… it’s easier.

Super srs man is super srs. Srs biznasty.

Music? I don’t dirtnap for nothing. Need to be in the mood.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: amanda.6178


I’ll just leave this here…

…So clearly this shows that the rune slot 6 – mags self invite worked, and above that line of text was your trash talk after your self invite was accepted? But the 6 slot bonus is bugged, as retal somehow prevented it. I thought it was suppose to be unblock-able. =D

TC may be nerds but were not idiots, and I think you and your buds were on thieves too prior to switching over to mesmers (am I right, or is it sheer coincidence the 3 thieves from iLL left and 3 mesmers came online… how am i doing so far?)

Anyway, I don’t see how either side shows any thing but jokes ~ seems like harmless chat, even your jabs after being accepted (or did you not want to be accepted). Is that somehow perceived as nerd rage? You were even given a compliment… not to be perceived as ‘WHOA WHOA it’s trick it means bad kid cuss words about a virtual video game no one cares about….’

… or it was … legit? Seems more the latter to me, and should probably take it as a compliment if a support war doesn’t want to duel with your build. Common sense man.


First of all, iLL has SO MANY thieves. Like an entire army of backstabbin’ fools. There’s more thieves than you have fingers and toes to count them.

Secondly, if you /laugh at anyone, you should always be prepared to defend your right to do so in a super srs honor duel. It’s only polite.

fek it… I give up… it’s easier.

Super srs man is super srs. Srs biznasty.

Music? I don’t dirtnap for nothing. Need to be in the mood.

I have outmanned all the time. It’s fantastic. No F’s given.

Rafiira | Guardian/Mesmer/Ranger
[EG] Ethereal Guardians

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hydrobutter.9172


Some guy recorded the SMC fight last night:

I stopped watching at the first or second bite of pizza – really who fricking records themself while mowing down pizza… yuck. I could hear him chewing… ::cringe::


don’t front ya’ll. dude prob gets all the hb4s and hb5s

What’s hb4 and hb5?

its a term used by neckbeard primes unironically when describing chicks.

Co-Guildleader: Wobbly Cat Squad [WCS]

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Some guy recorded the SMC fight last night:

I stopped watching at the first or second bite of pizza – really who fricking records themself while mowing down pizza… yuck. I could hear him chewing… ::cringe::


don’t front ya’ll. dude prob gets all the hb4s and hb5s

What’s hb4 and hb5?

its a term used by neckbeard primes unironically when describing chicks.

I giggled so hard. I love this matchup.

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at:

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: ChapDev.7650


Speaking of Duels thank you SoR and TC people who were trying to Fightclub ^-^

Sorry I bowed out early but if Karma trains will keep rolling through i’m just going to go to bed.

(Ps – That lag.)

Bad Looking Necro Tryhard [BLNT] ~ Maguuma

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: akamon.2769


Tarnished Coast Dolyak Parade

Handin, Handin, will there be an SEA one this time around??D

also, server time is… PST?

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hexin.5603


I’ll just leave this here…

…So clearly this shows that the rune slot 6 – mags self invite worked, and above that line of text was your trash talk after your self invite was accepted? But the 6 slot bonus is bugged, as retal somehow prevented it. I thought it was suppose to be unblock-able. =D

TC may be nerds but were not idiots, and I think you and your buds were on thieves too prior to switching over to mesmers (am I right, or is it sheer coincidence the 3 thieves from iLL left and 3 mesmers came online… how am i doing so far?)

Anyway, I don’t see how either side shows any thing but jokes ~ seems like harmless chat, even your jabs after being accepted (or did you not want to be accepted). Is that somehow perceived as nerd rage? You were even given a compliment… not to be perceived as ‘WHOA WHOA it’s trick it means bad kid cuss words about a virtual video game no one cares about….’

… or it was … legit? Seems more the latter to me, and should probably take it as a compliment if a support war doesn’t want to duel with your build. Common sense man.


First of all, iLL has SO MANY thieves. Like an entire army of backstabbin’ fools. There’s more thieves than you have fingers and toes to count them.

Secondly, if you /laugh at anyone, you should always be prepared to defend your right to do so in a super srs honor duel. It’s only polite.

fek it… I give up… it’s easier. I may get infracted, again and suspended, again or banned who cares at this point, just a game … glhf

I posted the pic of the missing 3 sentences for you to read =) no need to thank me. Yesterday was a pure Mesmer roaming day for me, so I did not switch from thief to mesmer, but we have a lot of both (to dodge zergs sometimes) and i do main my thief. *L*ike raf said, its surprising to me when I troll people contributing to a WvW server, and they decide to kill me and laugh, dance, sleep, and cry on your body but go on about there business. It astonishes me how they are actually contributing and wont stop to waste time to duel me. The ~support warrior enjoys playing~ dumb and avoid talking to avoid the embarrassment of being unable to duel on a great dueling class =P or felt the need to feed the troll his meal

Fixed. and corrected spelling

… Still I scratch my head … what do they teach in uni these days.

Wearing blinders 101? No, couldn’t be … likely majoring in misdirection as you are a mesmer after all, and a good one will give you that ~ you pop more clones and phantasms than a nursery ward produces babies.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vespa.1790


Speaking of Duels thank you SoR and TC people who were trying to Fightclub ^-^

Sorry I bowed out early but if Karma trains will keep rolling through i’m just going to go to bed.

(Ps – That lag.)

Why don’t you guys just start using Obsidian Sanctum? that place is empty and Karma trains won’t derail to mess with you guys.

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: amanda.6178


I’ll just leave this here…

…So clearly this shows that the rune slot 6 – mags self invite worked, and above that line of text was your trash talk after your self invite was accepted? But the 6 slot bonus is bugged, as retal somehow prevented it. I thought it was suppose to be unblock-able. =D

TC may be nerds but were not idiots, and I think you and your buds were on thieves too prior to switching over to mesmers (am I right, or is it sheer coincidence the 3 thieves from iLL left and 3 mesmers came online… how am i doing so far?)

Anyway, I don’t see how either side shows any thing but jokes ~ seems like harmless chat, even your jabs after being accepted (or did you not want to be accepted). Is that somehow perceived as nerd rage? You were even given a compliment… not to be perceived as ‘WHOA WHOA it’s trick it means bad kid cuss words about a virtual video game no one cares about….’

… or it was … legit? Seems more the latter to me, and should probably take it as a compliment if a support war doesn’t want to duel with your build. Common sense man.


First of all, iLL has SO MANY thieves. Like an entire army of backstabbin’ fools. There’s more thieves than you have fingers and toes to count them.

Secondly, if you /laugh at anyone, you should always be prepared to defend your right to do so in a super srs honor duel. It’s only polite.

fek it… I give up… it’s easier. I may get infracted, again and suspended, again or banned who cares at this point, just a game … glhf

I posted the pic of the missing 3 sentences for you to read =) no need to thank me. Yesterday was a pure Mesmer roaming day for me, so I did not switch from thief to mesmer, but we have a lot of both (to dodge zergs sometimes) and i do main my thief. *L*ike raf said, its surprising to me when I troll people contributing to a WvW server, and they decide to kill me and laugh, dance, sleep, and cry on your body but go on about there business. It astonishes me how they are actually contributing and wont stop to waste time to duel me. The ~support warrior enjoys playing~ dumb and avoid talking to avoid the embarrassment of being unable to duel on a great dueling class =P or felt the need to feed the troll his meal

Fixed. and corrected spelling

… Still I scratch my head … what do they teach in uni these days.

Wearing blinders 101? No, couldn’t be … likely majoring in misdirection as you are a mesmer after all, and a good one will give you that ~ you pop more clones and phantasms than a nursery ward produces babies.

Fixed and corrected spelling? Really? I applaud you. I imagine it’s really difficult to find a dictionary or grammar handbook when you’re so high up on that horse.

“Just a game.” But let’s get really defensive about our moral high ground of genuine contribution to the war effort.

P.S. Do you even lift? Seriously, who craps on someone for spelling and then makes such a basic grammar error.

Rafiira | Guardian/Mesmer/Ranger
[EG] Ethereal Guardians

(edited by amanda.6178)

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Hi, I am looking for some erp on tc, preferably with multiple men. Message me in game what you want to do with my body. If I am satisfied, I will reply back with a time and location to my lemon party.

Bad Elementalist

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Having a lot of fun tonight, TW/ONE/RET – you guys are a lot of fun to fight whether you are separate or all together! ♥ Thank you for not spamming arrowcarts and other useless open field siege on us during the fights.

And thank you to the [ONE] charr dude who was throwing down siege making little shapes or something on the ground with it – and for giving us an omega, haha that was silly! Sorry that the pubbies killed you :\ we gave them a spankin’, just so you know!!

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at:

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I’ll just leave this here…

…So clearly this shows that the rune slot 6 – mags self invite worked, and above that line of text was your trash talk after your self invite was accepted? But the 6 slot bonus is bugged, as retal somehow prevented it. I thought it was suppose to be unblock-able. =D

TC may be nerds but were not idiots, and I think you and your buds were on thieves too prior to switching over to mesmers (am I right, or is it sheer coincidence the 3 thieves from iLL left and 3 mesmers came online… how am i doing so far?)

Anyway, I don’t see how either side shows any thing but jokes ~ seems like harmless chat, even your jabs after being accepted (or did you not want to be accepted). Is that somehow perceived as nerd rage? You were even given a compliment… not to be perceived as ‘WHOA WHOA it’s trick it means bad kid cuss words about a virtual video game no one cares about….’

… or it was … legit? Seems more the latter to me, and should probably take it as a compliment if a support war doesn’t want to duel with your build. Common sense man.


First of all, iLL has SO MANY thieves. Like an entire army of backstabbin’ fools. There’s more thieves than you have fingers and toes to count them.

Secondly, if you /laugh at anyone, you should always be prepared to defend your right to do so in a super srs honor duel. It’s only polite.

fek it… I give up… it’s easier. I may get infracted, again and suspended, again or banned who cares at this point, just a game … glhf

I posted the pic of the missing 3 sentences for you to read =) no need to thank me. Yesterday was a pure Mesmer roaming day for me, so I did not switch from thief to mesmer, but we have a lot of both (to dodge zergs sometimes) and i do main my thief. *L*ike raf said, its surprising to me when I troll people contributing to a WvW server, and they decide to kill me and laugh, dance, sleep, and cry on your body but go on about there business. It astonishes me how they are actually contributing and wont stop to waste time to duel me. The ~support warrior enjoys playing~ dumb and avoid talking to avoid the embarrassment of being unable to duel on a great dueling class =P or felt the need to feed the troll his meal

Fixed. and corrected spelling

… Still I scratch my head … what do they teach in uni these days.

Wearing blinders 101? No, couldn’t be … likely majoring in misdirection as you are a mesmer after all, and a good one will give you that ~ you pop more clones and phantasms than a nursery ward produces babies.

Umm if you go to correct someone, try being right. It’s “Their business” not “there”.

Also, him roaming around ganking people going to the zerg that may have supply isn’t helping? How about all the yaks he kills while roaming?’

Maybe you should go to a uni and you’ll learn something.

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: deathTouch.9706


We ran around today and killed people and it was good.

V deathTouch V – Warrior
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: ukuni.8745


last week I got a great video of me throwing banana peels in front of zergs and it was hilarious, will either server be karma training again and if so where will you be when you do? I need more funnies to laugh at.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hydrobutter.9172


We ran around today and killed people and it was good.

sames. felt good man

Co-Guildleader: Wobbly Cat Squad [WCS]

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sam Halleck.3156

Sam Halleck.3156

I’ll just leave this here…

…So clearly this shows that the rune slot 6 – mags self invite worked, and above that line of text was your trash talk after your self invite was accepted? But the 6 slot bonus is bugged, as retal somehow prevented it. I thought it was suppose to be unblock-able. =D

TC may be nerds but were not idiots, and I think you and your buds were on thieves too prior to switching over to mesmers (am I right, or is it sheer coincidence the 3 thieves from iLL left and 3 mesmers came online… how am i doing so far?)

Anyway, I don’t see how either side shows any thing but jokes ~ seems like harmless chat, even your jabs after being accepted (or did you not want to be accepted). Is that somehow perceived as nerd rage? You were even given a compliment… not to be perceived as ‘WHOA WHOA it’s trick it means bad kid cuss words about a virtual video game no one cares about….’

… or it was … legit? Seems more the latter to me, and should probably take it as a compliment if a support war doesn’t want to duel with your build. Common sense man.


First of all, iLL has SO MANY thieves. Like an entire army of backstabbin’ fools. There’s more thieves than you have fingers and toes to count them.

Secondly, if you /laugh at anyone, you should always be prepared to defend your right to do so in a super srs honor duel. It’s only polite.

fek it… I give up… it’s easier. I may get infracted, again and suspended, again or banned who cares at this point, just a game … glhf

I posted the pic of the missing 3 sentences for you to read =) no need to thank me. Yesterday was a pure Mesmer roaming day for me, so I did not switch from thief to mesmer, but we have a lot of both (to dodge zergs sometimes) and i do main my thief. *L*ike raf said, its surprising to me when I troll people contributing to a WvW server, and they decide to kill me and laugh, dance, sleep, and cry on your body but go on about there business. It astonishes me how they are actually contributing and wont stop to waste time to duel me. The ~support warrior enjoys playing~ dumb and avoid talking to avoid the embarrassment of being unable to duel on a great dueling class =P or felt the need to feed the troll his meal

Fixed. and corrected spelling

… Still I scratch my head … what do they teach in uni these days.

Wearing blinders 101? No, couldn’t be … likely majoring in misdirection as you are a mesmer after all, and a good one will give you that ~ you pop more clones and phantasms than a nursery ward produces babies.

Is being a grammar kitten a valid troll attempt these days? Good one bra, Got me good.

Sam Halleck – Maguuma
Guild: [iLL] Illusion
Male Sylvari Thief

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104




But I’ll be serious with you. PPT wins of >20%-30% deviation is a sign of coverage.

The SOR commanders want to thank instead the TC and Mags that came out to fight. You are true warriors. We respect you.


Grats to SoR for what appears to be their first win of Season 1

/cheer FW, been awhile my friend! Definitely wise words on coverage – the fights this week have been hella fun and I’ve seen each of the servers do really well at various times. Good matchup imo, even if the PPT doesn’t necessarily always reflect it.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast