Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gensokyo.1528


why dont you attack them though when all our side of eb is blue whats your excuse there you would rather try and upgrade our stuff while all our players are asleep to post a screenshot as some sort of prestige? besides i agree its logical to attack the server that is being attacked by the other one but whenever we attack you piken just attacks us whenever we attack piken you attack us all day in sfr bl you were attacking sunnyhill and piken were attacking cragtop and you trading garrison neither attacked anything of the other just us all day no matter what piken says with their tactics its clear why they attack us cause they simply dont like us(also the fact that they couldn’t do anything to either sfr or vizunah unless one is attacking the other anyway) and you dont give a crap about piken you just want to defeat us as the biggest threat

In case you didn’t notice Vizunah held practically all of Piken’s home border (and well, almost everything on all borders, to be honest) during the whole night. They even held our own garrison for more than a couple of hours. The battle isn’t only on EB.

We even saw piken and vizu players /wave at each other as they passed

By the way, I hit “/wave @” to any opponent that I don’t wish to fight, including SFR ones. Just saying.

well look at the bl’s right now viz let you hold all your stuff on them bay,garri,hills and our bay on your bl while they cap anything we cap back straight away and are focusing us in eb again they let you tick higher than us on purpose why i dont know as it matters nothing to vizunah if we come second or third in this matchup

Piken | [Ash] | Epi The Lad
best Druid EU and South Sudan

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: BubblesWave.3470


SFR #1 EU … I guess the statistics speak for themselves sorry … just saying what I see and what the statistics are …

Just laughable, yes, laughable to see so many Seafers promote the domination of their server in combat without issues. Nevertheless, your feelings against Vizunah’s always fun to see.

Oh, you love statistics? So stop me if I’m wrong, but, all Vizunah matchups against Sfr, it is Vizunah has the most wins right?


You do not even seem to know the past of your server. You can be back to give us lessons when you have understood what’s Seafer server, and what it aspires.

[CPC] Vizunah Square

(edited by BubblesWave.3470)

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hawkeye.2037


Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gensokyo.1528


need to open the map and show half our eb stuff owned by piken takes 2 servers focusing us in the middle of the night to make us tick 0 grats

Piken | [Ash] | Epi The Lad
best Druid EU and South Sudan

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Erathiel.9318


I am not denying anything, just saying what I see and what the statistics are. Guess we will never know who should have won the league, what you say is just words with nothing to back it up, SFR beating Vizu before league in a fair fight is facts. All Vizu have done so far is double team SFR so no one will ever know the true result. The first matchup was not an agreed double team but it was ‘presumed’ because of the mutually beneficial gains for both teams. Either way it was still a double team. Vizu barely attacked piken either so you can’t put all blame on Piken. We even saw piken and vizu players /wave at each other as they passed, you can’t lie about it because we were there, we saw it! Now this last matchup is an agreed double team but it doesn’t really matter because most of SFR are loving the constant fights, too bad we will never know who the better league server was though. No one will respect Vizu or Pikens league scores because of this. Piken don’t deserve third and we don’t know if Vizu would have come first without Pikens help. Oh well, at least SFR can be proud of their servers result.

Normally, I could see Piken and SFR ‘doubleteaming’ Viz in this matchup since that would normally make more sense and would bring more interesting results imho.

But I will speak for myself here. One of the numerous reasons I think Piken and Vizunah prefer to bash SFR instead is because some of your people’s lack of respect, constant insulting and trolling towards other servers in the forums while feeding your meaningless egos. The first thing SFR forum warriors did in the previous thread when the match started was to verbally bash and insult Vizunah, and the same has been done towards Piken in the past and now.

Sadly, some of your people really depict SFR as outright kittenbags, and I really can’t blame Viz and Piken wanting to get back at you for that. With that said, I think you should turn your daggers towards your forum warriors for this seemingly expected outcome.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bart.5023


viz was a total joke this night. ye we got a tick of 0, but after that we got a zerg with about 60-70 players and even when viz had more players they lost every keep we were going for.

You should be proud viz

XS Bart
Seafarer’s Rest

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Congrats to the Vizuniens and Pikeneers for making us tick 0 points. Ouch!

I hope we can muster up some moral and keep battling hard the rest of the matchup.

You need to post more. People like you need to post more and drown out your warriors. I know there are a ton of good people on SFR. You’re proof of that.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lizerunn.9072


viz was a total joke this night. ye we got a tick of 0, but after that we got a zerg with about 60-70 players and even when viz had more players they lost every keep we were going for.

You should be proud viz

You mean that nearly an hour on the lord to take your gari back with your 60-70 men blob vs 30-40 is that glorious ?

Ok, I think I got it : Joke inside huh ?!

Glad to teach you SFR is not that powerful server you though it was.
You dont have to be scared by reality, only to accept it.
Not being the best is not a shame.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: wux.7314


SFR #1 EU … I guess the statistics speak for themselves sorry … just saying what I see and what the statistics are …

Just laughable, yes, laughable to see so many Seafers promote the domination of their server in combat without issues. Nevertheless, your feelings against Vizunah’s always fun to see.

Oh, you love statistics? So stop me if I’m wrong, but, all Vizunah matchups against Sfr, it is Vizunah has the most wins right?


You do not even seem to know the past of your server. You can be back to give us lessons when you have understood what’s Seafer server, and what it aspires.

You may twist my words however you want, but you know I was talking about the most recent match ups. The first ever vizu sfr match is obviously irrelevant, half the players back then probably are somehwere else now. Also SFR had not even a third of your player numbers back then. I think, you know I was talking about the most recent matches yet you are just looking for any reason to justify that Vizuna were so scared SFR may win again that they teamed with piken. Now no one will know who the real #1 league server is and the Vizuna league victory counts for nothing amongst the GW2 community because piken helped them get it.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: chriskin.3298


Extremely long post, sorry. It’s practically the same that I wrote the last time but I think that it should be mentioned, since many people seem to agree with it. I’ll put a TL;DR at the end.

I find it weird that people are seriously talking about doubleteaming after SFR and Piken tried to take Vizunah’s garrison together during the last matchup. Vizunah players didn’t whine about it and they earned my respect for acting that way.

This is the way I see it, being mostly a roamer (when not in guild raids, at least) :

There is a war going on out there. If you want us to attack Vizunah instead of SFR you should give us a reason to do so. Reset their towers so that they won’t be the fully sieged tier 3 fortresses that they are now, for example. You are supposed to be the best server in Europe, according to what SFR people say. If you can’t reset Vizunah’s objectives how can you expect Piken to be able to do it? Unless, of course, you just can’t capture Vizunah’s objectives either – which is nothing to be ashamed about, we are talking about Vizunah, not some bronze league server. Just because you beat Vizunah some times when they were having some internal problems doesn’t mean that SFR is magically the best EU server. Unfortunately for all of us (VS people included), Vizunah is way stronger than SFR people make it seem on these forums.

Act in a way, both in the forums and ingame, that won’t make us want to hunt you down the moment we see you. If I’m in a hurry (to get to my commander, for example) and I see an enemy waving I’ll wave back and keep going to where I wanted to go. If that enemy ganks me with five others and then starts jumping on my corpse I’ll get as many people from Piken as I can and I will go where his party is, kill them and then attack as many towers and camps from his server as I can. You can use your imagination to find out which one was the Vizunah guy and which one was the SFR one.

Don’t forget that behind that “Piken Square <rank here> [quild]” tag is a person that both doesn’t want to just die on the gates of a tower that he can’t capture and gets angry at people offending him.

Your problem is that SFR people have acted arrogantly when they managed to beat Vizunah at their worst days in the past and are now feeling what it’s like to make Vizunah angry. I understand why SFR people were proud of beating Vizunah (and it was no small achievement, I won’t deny that) but getting a couple of victories didn’t prove as much as you guys might believe. Vizunah got out of their problems stronger than before and started to destroy SFR just like they were doing in the past, it’s just business as usual now. Not every server can be “the best EU server” (as in “best in the PPT game”, obviously, since we are talking about ticks here) and that’s ok, it’s not a reason to offend anyone. One might even say that your server’s PPT isn’t all that important, having fun while fighting and taking part in nice fights is what matters most. That lack of respect that SFR people show is what is making you lose and it’s on your hands to do something about it.

TL;DR : Vizunah’s objectives are defended extremely well, SFR’s aren’t. Vizunah players tend to show respect to their fellow players, even if they are not from their server, SFR players tend to be a lot more aggressive. SFR has also caused problems in the past on both Vizunah (took their first place before the seasons) and Piken (the Riverside-SFR-Piken matchup wasn’t fair and we all know it – the way SFR players spoke on the forums didn’t help either). Let’s stop the whining, change our attitude and have some fun out there. It’s just a game, many seem to forget that.

Chriskin – Piken Square – Mesmer/Guardian

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: magicweaver.2695


I have to say that today was probably one of the best days I have ever had in WvW – especially during this “Season” thing.

Some huge awesome fights. Thanks to everyone – our team and commanders and the other two servers for trying their hardest too.

We managed some real doozies of some tactical point management, but we lost some too. Frustrating as it was, you were in the right place at the right time and we were not.

I have to say getting zerged by both of your servers at the same time and us making it through the times we did was epic – especially the times we did it with a smaller force. Goes to prove it’s not always numbers, it’s how you play it and how aware you are of what’s going on around you.

Now, if only I could figure out this magic find thing – my party partner got an ascended ring and a precursor off you guys and I am only getting greens and whites and blues – and my MF is higher – go figure! LOL!

Anyway, thanks again everyone. I look forward to another day of that tomorrow if we can pull it off. Those are the kinds of fights I like – I don’t think I saw anyone ever (at least I never caught it) exploiting or anything. Everyone was just playing their hardest and the best they could and I for one had a blast!

Piken Square

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


You need to post more. People like you need to post more and drown out your warriors. I know there are a ton of good people on SFR. You’re proof of that.

It’s your problem that you equaling whole server population to forum warriors. We can’t make them stop writing here. Many of them don’t even play GW2 anymore and just trolling here. If you can’t differentiate and build your whole matchup strategy based on some forum attitude, then we’re powerless to do anything. Because there will always be forum warriors and trolls of every side.
SFR never built its fight strategy based on forum. If we focus any server we do it only because of current WvW League state. That’s how we did against Piken, that’s how we did against JS.
But you still refer to some mystic forum warriors from sfr. Who are they? Name them. Report them. But you prefer to hurt ppl who did nothing to you instead. Very well. Stop talking about any good behavior then. Imagine if someone pushed you in subway but you’d yelled at some old man who did nothing. This is how it looks like.

I started this matchup on reset night. The fight at our bl was hard but we did our best. Then one event made me just quit the game. We attacked Piken Hills. Suddenly Viz blob came, wiped us and our siege and just… went back to their keep. Well, I could understand viz not takin some piken objects but I’ll never understand them defending piken stuff like that. Why? You already got your sweet 1st place. We’re the 2nd. Everything is written in stone. Why do you play like that then? I just don’t get it. I wanted some good fights, cuz I thought no one would care much about result which is already set, but nooo… Same old kitten…
You think you teach forum trolls like that? Hell, no, you just making good ppl you were talking about leave this bs and making you have your sweet twosome with trolls.

PS: This is the last thing I check this thread. It’s makes no sense. Same old bs.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bart.5023


I hate this talk about double teaming!! Ofc piken is going after SFR since they want that second place and Viz is just hating us, so they want us to have 3rd place. But what i dislike about viz is that they cant have fair fights, they only want to fight us when they have more numbers and if we are even numbers they run away or avoid us, but this is why i love piken, they are not scared to take a fair fight and even when we loose or win then the fights are always epic!

XS Bart
Seafarer’s Rest

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


You need to post more. People like you need to post more and drown out your warriors. I know there are a ton of good people on SFR. You’re proof of that.

It’s your problem that you equaling whole server population to forum warriors. We can’t make them stop writing here. Many of them don’t even play GW2 anymore and just trolling here. If you can’t differentiate and build your whole matchup strategy based on some forum attitude, then we’re powerless to do anything. Because there will always be forum warriors and trolls of every side.
SFR never built its fight strategy based on forum. If we focus any server we do it only because of current WvW League state. That’s how we did against Piken, that’s how we did against JS.
But you still refer to some mystic forum warriors from sfr. Who are they? Name them. Report them. But you prefer to hurt ppl who did nothing to you instead. Very well. Stop talking about any good behavior then. Imagine if someone pushed you in subway but you’d yelled at some old man who did nothing. This is how it looks like.

I started this matchup on reset night. The fight at our bl was hard but we did our best. Then one event made me just quit the game. We attacked Piken Hills. Suddenly Viz blob came, wiped us and our siege and just… went back to their keep. Well, I could understand viz not takin some piken objects but I’ll never understand them defending piken stuff like that. Why? You already got your sweet 1st place. We’re the 2nd. Everything is written in stone. Why do you play like that then? I just don’t get it. I wanted some good fights, cuz I thought no one would care much about result which is already set, but nooo… Same old kitten…
You think you teach forum trolls like that? Hell, no, you just making good ppl you were talking about leave this bs and making you have your sweet twosome with trolls.

PS: This is the last thing I check this thread. It’s makes no sense. Same old bs.

Go reread my post. It was a compliment. And a request to at least come here and post more because frankly all we see is your warriors, and with no other posts to balance them out, they start to become the face of your server, even if that’s not the case. If you don’t speak up they win, and they shouldn’t. You have some good people there. Get them here and outpost the warriors.

These guys are affecting how you’re being perceived and resulting action. What happens on the forums very often translates in game. The antagonistic trolling tends to motivate. Someone wise once told me: If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation.

And to be honest, your post feels like your blaming us for stuff your guys are doing.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

(edited by Jayne.9251)

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Erathiel.9318


It’s your problem that you equaling whole server population to forum warriors. We can’t make them stop writing here. Many of them don’t even play GW2 anymore and just trolling here. If you can’t differentiate and build your whole matchup strategy based on some forum attitude, then we’re powerless to do anything. Because there will always be forum warriors and trolls of every side.
SFR never built its fight strategy based on forum. If we focus any server we do it only because of current WvW League state. That’s how we did against Piken, that’s how we did against JS.
But you still refer to some mystic forum warriors from sfr. Who are they? Name them. Report them. But you prefer to hurt ppl who did nothing to you instead. Very well. Stop talking about any good behavior then. Imagine if someone pushed you in subway but you’d yelled at some old man who did nothing. This is how it looks like.

I started this matchup on reset night. The fight at our bl was hard but we did our best. Then one event made me just quit the game. We attacked Piken Hills. Suddenly Viz blob came, wiped us and our siege and just… went back to their keep. Well, I could understand viz not takin some piken objects but I’ll never understand them defending piken stuff like that. Why? You already got your sweet 1st place. We’re the 2nd. Everything is written in stone. Why do you play like that then? I just don’t get it. I wanted some good fights, cuz I thought no one would care much about result which is already set, but nooo… Same old kitten…
You think you teach forum trolls like that? Hell, no, you just making good ppl you were talking about leave this bs and making you have your sweet twosome with trolls.

PS: This is the last thing I check this thread. It’s makes no sense. Same old bs.

They still represent your server, if you can’t keep your own forum warriors in check, it ain’t the other servers’ or people’s problem, same goes for every server. Your forum warriors in this case are the ones damaging your server and it’s reputation. You ain’t making things any better by avoiding the problem like this.

And yes, I’m sure most people are fully aware the majority of the SFR community are pretty decent people, hence why the encouragement to turn your anger and complaints towards your forum warriors instead.

(edited by Erathiel.9318)

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rethical.3258


Congrats to the Vizuniens and Pikeneers for making us tick 0 points. Ouch!

I hope we can muster up some moral and keep battling hard the rest of the matchup.

You need to post more. People like you need to post more and drown out your warriors. I know there are a ton of good people on SFR. You’re proof of that.

Most kind of you Jayne, just a humble pirate doing my best.

We bounced back pretty well after the 0 tick, lets keep pushing tomorrow SFR!

FSP: Ranger – Rethika. Guardian – Rethical, Warrior – Taym Ah

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Actually these nice server hoppers damage our reputation. SFR have been full of kittenholes since launch and more we got kittenholes stronger we were. Now every place is full of server hopper PUGs who congratulate and praise enemy when their own braindead zerg get wiped.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: ilmau.9781


You know what’s worse than getting double teamed? Your commander sitting in spawn area and telling people on teamspeak to just lose your keep…

i am really courious, how exactly you know what we say on teamspeak and where our commanders are?


Because I play on SFR?

Sorry then, i misunderstand but hell, why did you used “your” rather than “our” referring to our commander O_o

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader – www.pevepe.net/gw2

(edited by ilmau.9781)

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: magicweaver.2695


why dont you attack them though when all our side of eb is blue whats your excuse there you would rather try and upgrade our stuff while all our players are asleep to post a screenshot as some sort of prestige? besides i agree its logical to attack the server that is being attacked by the other one but whenever we attack you piken just attacks us whenever we attack piken you attack us all day in sfr bl you were attacking sunnyhill and piken were attacking cragtop and you trading garrison neither attacked anything of the other just us all day no matter what piken says with their tactics its clear why they attack us cause they simply dont like us(also the fact that they couldn’t do anything to either sfr or vizunah unless one is attacking the other anyway) and you dont give a crap about piken you just want to defeat us as the biggest threat

In case you didn’t notice Vizunah held practically all of Piken’s home border (and well, almost everything on all borders, to be honest) during the whole night. They even held our own garrison for more than a couple of hours. The battle isn’t only on EB.

We even saw piken and vizu players /wave at each other as they passed

By the way, I hit “/wave @” to any opponent that I don’t wish to fight, including SFR ones. Just saying.

well look at the bl’s right now viz let you hold all your stuff on them bay,garri,hills and our bay on your bl while they cap anything we cap back straight away and are focusing us in eb again they let you tick higher than us on purpose why i dont know as it matters nothing to vizunah if we come second or third in this matchup

Viz didn’t “let” us hold all the stuff on their BL or anywhere else for that matter. We had an awesome team that was running ourselves crazy keeping everything we could from both SFR AND Vizunah.

Viz was trying to take the stuff we took, and we are trying to take the stuff that they took – and guess what, we are both trying to take the stuff you took. That is what WvWvW is about.

Waving at each other is not a sign of double teaming, it’s a sign of respect. Respect is a funny thing though – it is not a right, it is earned. It is earned on the battlefield. It’s earned in the forums. It’s earned in attitude. It’s earned in the way you interact.

As a whole I have had very fair interactions with Vizunah. They tend to not zerg blob me when I am one person on my own for just one example.

SFR never has done that. I can be gathering a node by my self (this happened specifically) with a huge group of our server running toward the place your zerg is attacking and you have 50 people jump me by myself and then dance and jump up and down on me and laugh – as if 1 engineer can hold up to 50+ enemy and ganking me is some great feat. This is not a “good fight”. Yes it’s my fault for being on my own, but after ganking me with 50 people for gathering some gold ore which is not the easiest to find in PvE so any time I find it I try to gather it, is it really so thrilling to have killed me you have to jump up and down on me and dance on me?

What I have seen in the past matchups with SFR and with Viz have shown me what kind of respect each server wants to have, so yes – if I see an SFR roamer and a Viz roamer within the same distance and I have a choice, I will tend to go for the SFR one because that is how collectively you have done me. I will let the lone Viz “guy” run on, if we haven’t been fighting over a point because they have given me the same respect. It is not because I can’t fight them, I will and do take any of them on in fights over points or on the battlefield when it’s a “good fight”.

I realize that based on the language in the post I am replying to, it’s not going to be easy to make you see or understand what I am saying. You are already in a frame of mind of being victimized… but, perhaps if you will listen to someone else and you will keep saying to yourself “This is water” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaVrn1Sz0H8 (focus on the frustration, and how you choose how you see your world, and making conscious decisions) you will realize there are other ways to see the relative “reality” of WvWvW and it might make you just a little happier, feel a little less like a victim, and remember that in the end, it’s just simply a game.

If not, and you continue to choose to believe as you do, that you are a victim and everyone is out to get you and make your experience miserable – then no one can change that. You have the freedom to think how you want to think.

In the end all that can be said to you is this – and I mean this sincerely, have a nice day!

Piken Square

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Asur.2510


You know what’s worse than getting double teamed? Your commander sitting in spawn area and telling people on teamspeak to just lose your keep…

i am really courious, how exactly you know what we say on teamspeak and where our commanders are?


Because I play on SFR?

Sorry then, i misunderstand but hell, why did you used “your” rather than “our” referring to our commander O_o

I used “your” because it was intended as a general statement. It just happened to be inspired by what happened earlier in EB.

E.g. “You know you’re going to have a bad day when your car won’t start”.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: ilmau.9781


Truth is that everyone is free to use the strategies they consider better and that in a 3way fight there is always the chance to being double focused. It is normal.

The result of the actual matchup and the league itself was easy predictable after the first week, and all went as planned, we achieved the best result possible (after being pushed on third spot on week one), and we are very happy and proud about how we played whole league, we have no regrets since we always did our best.

Even if the actual matchup may looks very bad, bright minds can see positives where seems to be not, indeed this is the hardest matchup ever faced by our server, but we will use each second of this week as a personal examination on our abilities, pushing ourself to our limits trying to exceed them!

This is the best training possible we could have.

so, c U on the Battlefield

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader – www.pevepe.net/gw2

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: ilmau.9781


You know what’s worse than getting double teamed? Your commander sitting in spawn area and telling people on teamspeak to just lose your keep…

i am really courious, how exactly you know what we say on teamspeak and where our commanders are?


Because I play on SFR?

Sorry then, i misunderstand but hell, why did you used “your” rather than “our” referring to our commander O_o

I used “your” because it was intended as a general statement. It just happened to be inspired by what happened earlier in EB.

E.g. “You know you’re going to have a bad day when your car won’t start”.

ok mate noprob, my english is not very good so i much probably got it wrong.


[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader – www.pevepe.net/gw2

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Misslol.9741


I don’t even bother reading all this brainstorming about honor and organization or doubleteaming..
Don’t forget in all your GDR delirium that in WvW national servers>international servers cause organization is far better than multi time zones (if we can even call that with this name cause we on SFR have maybe 35 people online from NA when we’re lucky).
Look at the gold league 8/10 are nationals and this is not by chance.
The thing i hate the most is that anet with that achievements story dismantled 1 year of hard work in 7 days and i think they aren’t even aware of that.
I take this as an offence by the developers of this wonderful game.
Ok all servers got the wtb 15k achievements points first but in national servers that can be handled and ofc in international ones we have a lot more.

[NoE] NoEntry

(edited by Misslol.9741)

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


The vizu you fought before league was thousand times different from now.

Same goes for SFR now doesn’kitten Anet made SFR tick 0, not vizunah. Sorry to bust chops.

But a clever man like you troma should know it isn’t good what’s happening. Again vizunah is left with no challenge for a while. It really is the proof vizunah mentality is not about having fun it’s simply about winning, somebody who actually cared about fun would have expressed concern about the situation instead of chest-thumping on a hollow victory. But I guess those people who come to brag on the forums about beating SFR in it’s current state are the same kind of vizunahs that would make second accounts on SFR and put them in wvw to take slots.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


The vizu you fought before league was thousand times different from now.

Same goes for SFR now does it not? Anet made SFR tick 0, not vizunah. Sorry to bust chops.

But a clever man like you troma should know it isn’t good what’s happening. Again vizunah is left with no challenge for a while. It really is the proof vizunah mentality is not about having fun it’s simply about winning, somebody who actually cared about fun would have expressed concern about the situation instead of chest-thumping on a hollow victory. But I guess those people who come to brag on the forums about beating SFR in it’s current state are the same kind of vizunahs that would make second accounts on SFR and put them in wvw to take slots.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


The vizu you fought before league was thousand times different from now.

Same goes for SFR now does it not? Anet made SFR tick 0, not vizunah. Sorry to bust chops.

But a clever man like you troma should know it isn’t good what’s happening. Again vizunah is left with no challenge for a while. It really is the proof vizunah mentality is not about having fun it’s simply about winning, somebody who actually cared about fun would have expressed concern about the situation instead of chest-thumping on a hollow victory. But I guess those people who come to brag on the forums about beating SFR in it’s current state are the same kind of vizunahs that would make second accounts on SFR and put them in wvw to take slots.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


This threads pointless…

It will just degenerate into trolling and a mod will close it…again…

Better not having a thread…

Nothing positive in a Viz/SFR/Piken matchup.

I think ALL players on all 3 servers should lose out on ALL league rewards. This may teach everyone a lesson in respect towards each another.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kingface.9781


But I guess those people who come to brag on the forums about beating SFR in it’s current state are the same kind of vizunahs that would make second accounts on SFR and put them in wvw to take slots.

No no, don’t try to drown the fish.

VS is not bragging. They just answer to SFR dirty raging kiddos trolls, one more time. If your forum warriors didn’t come to whine as usual on what your server does when it can, you wouldn’t see so much VS people trolling in here.

Weidly, only the threads with SFR involved are degenerating. Strange, no?

So clean your own house before watching the neighbor’s one.

(edited by Kingface.9781)

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: cazza.6078


Don’t forget in all your GDR delirium that in WvW national servers>international servers cause organization is far better than multi time zones (if we can even call that with this name cause we on SFR have maybe 35 people online from NA when we’re lucky).
Look at the gold league 8/10 are nationals and this is not by chance.

Gold league ranking is a ranking of night coverage. 35 from NA is enough to beat all others servers besides VS who has way more Canadian online as this time. 3rd is Jade who has the same numbers like Sfr at night but are very weak at day. Then Piken with some numbers, Baruch, too and then with a big gap the German servers, who have no NA coverage at all.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


So clean your own house before watching the neighbor’s one.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Don’t forget in all your GDR delirium that in WvW national servers>international servers cause organization is far better than multi time zones (if we can even call that with this name cause we on SFR have maybe 35 people online from NA when we’re lucky).
Look at the gold league 8/10 are nationals and this is not by chance.

Gold league ranking is a ranking of night coverage. 35 from NA is enough to beat all others servers besides VS who has way more Canadian online as this time. 3rd is Jade who has the same numbers like Sfr at night but are very weak at day. Then Piken with some numbers, Baruch, too and then with a big gap the German servers, who have no NA coverage at all.

No canadian force on VS.

You can try as hard as you can to defame on that, we won’t let you have the last word and spread something totally false.

So clean your own house before watching the neighbor’s one.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

True but show to everyone your community really does something about your side and we will be able to talk more further.

(edited by Kingface.9781)

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chicho Gosho.6507

Chicho Gosho.6507

SFR #1 EU … I guess the statistics speak for themselves sorry … just saying what I see and what the statistics are …

Just laughable, yes, laughable to see so many Seafers promote the domination of their server in combat without issues. Nevertheless, your feelings against Vizunah’s always fun to see.

Oh, you love statistics? So stop me if I’m wrong, but, all Vizunah matchups against Sfr, it is Vizunah has the most wins right?


You do not even seem to know the past of your server. You can be back to give us lessons when you have understood what’s Seafer server, and what it aspires.

Lol, take it easy. You probably have more victories over SFR but SFR won against VIz a lot as well. Also don’t talk about SFR like you know it, we were always proud to be one of the best open field combat servers and it was true before the league started.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Entenkommando.5208


Just stop filling the threads again and again with the same kitten flaming. This is so much to read for nothing
We all know Vizunah spirit from the beginning.

ps.: this was one of the answers to a viz guy asking for a Vizunah logo in sfr forums.


R.I.P Kodasch Allianz [KoA]

All we wanted was a GvG.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Holm.7058


If they have canadians or not is a total pointless discussion anyway.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: cazza.6078


The denying is the only thing I care about.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Iil.7349


Funny thing is, that you always get the French symbol even if you haven’t a French IP. Try it out by yourself. Seems that’s why you think it’s all French who play on VS, what ofc is wrong.

That’s indeed funny. I got a French flag as well. Maybe propaganda for their own players to feel stronger? :p

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kingface.9781


We never said we didn’t have some individual foreigner players as every server has but we don’t have canadian forces as you talked about earlier:

Gold league ranking is a ranking of night coverage. 35 from NA is enough to beat all others servers besides VS who has way more Canadian online as this time. 3rd is Jade who has the same numbers like Sfr at night but are very weak at day. Then Piken with some numbers, Baruch, too and then with a big gap the German servers, who have no NA coverage at all.

And the fact you joined our TS is irrelevant since a lot of people need to play with VPN to counter the lag.

(edited by Kingface.9781)

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: cazza.6078


We never said we didn’t have foreigner players but we don’t have canadian forces as you talked about:

Why are you so sure that you’re right? You mask all the country flags of all your people on ts. You can’t never know from where there are. There were 10 Canadian guys in the last thread who confirmed that they play on VS. For sure, there are many more of them.

And the fact you joined our TS is irrelevant since a lot of people need to play with VPN to counter the lag.


Oh god the return of cazza the low whiner, as usual without proof. It’s possible to voteban people from forums ? He is so boring.

Facts are there. But truth hurts, it seems.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ororo.5097


Wow… Just wow. I’ve been told this thread was loads of fun, and boy was that true !

I’m a dedicated VS player since day one of the MU. I made my mind and decided I’d have zero social life for 7 + weeks, and with one friday night karaoke exception, I kept my word and showed total dedication to my server FOR 7 WEEKS IN A ROW.

My good friend / bed warmer ? problably thinks I’m dead. My karaoke team ? are considering finding “fear not this night” karaoke version to lure me back.

So I don’t know about all those bus of canadians, but right now I’m a victory driven zombie, and I know for a fact there’s a bunch of VS just like me.

And since being a zombie is so much fun, I’m having a awesome time and I do not regret the sacrifice I made. We played against great ennemies, I have respect for all the servers we met in the league, but I will love my well earned victory come next friday

Have a nice week ppl and see you IG.

(edited by Ororo.5097)

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Which facts? The facts are only in your head.

You ask us to prove something you can’t prove it yourself. That’s funny.

“Piken Square has a whole chinese community they hide. Prove me I’m wrong or it’s true.”

Generally you need to prove what you say if you really want to be credible, not the contrary.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: cazza.6078


Ofc I won’t expect an answer, only behavior pattern.

SFR/VS comparison:

Just look at the SFR teamspeak right now. There are people from India, Korea, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, USA, Jordania, Canada and many more countries and there are much more international servers than French ones. Tell me one reason, when there are so many people from countries outside of Europe playing on SFR (someone said 35 at night), why should there NO ONE (or 3 or 10 or whatever ridiculous small number) from the millions of French speaking person outside of the French timezone on the best French server in Europe?


If you compare Quebec and Switzerland (both have the same population of 8 million with 5 million German speaking in Switzerland) and count the Swiss players on German servers you can expect the same number of Quebec players on French Servers. The only difference is that Quebec players play during EU night.

French the better players?

It’s hard to believe that a national server from France with players only from France can bring so many players during night hours online for such a long time. And all French servers are mystically strong at night so it’s not only a Vizunah thing.

And finally:
What makes you so sure that there are no Canadians on your ts (or even on the server who aren’t in ts) when you mask the identity of all people there?

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Iil.7349


Sounds plausible. He definitely has a point. But I guess we will now hear the usual denying.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aniomed.6715


Never forget, never surrender…


We will die a day, but is NOT TODAY!!!

Sfr can thx all the trol, racism, insult…

It’s not finish.


Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kingface.9781


One more time, you try to drown the fish by trying to find something we can’t explain because you have nothing for proving what you say.

You start your accusation days ago by saying the canadians make VS winning, now it’s a single question about how we know we don’t have canadians on TS.

But we do have some, like said many times, we have some canadians, even some indonesians, africans or whatever. It’s not an unexpected thing for a french speaking server. I’m sure we also have a few french players living in United States or Japan and playing with their french guilds.

But it’s not much impressive than seeing multiple nationalities on a EU server like SFR. The true fact is we don’t have Canadian guilds or Indonesian guilds properly speaking playing on VS, like SFR have a 35-members NA raiding guild on EU nightshift. All we have is some individualities playing on other timezone, certainly not as many as you think and certainly not in same time or even in WvWvW.

(edited by Kingface.9781)

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: cazza.6078


One more time, you try to drown the fish by trying to find something we can’t explain because you have nothing for proving what you say.

When you can’t prove it, then why you always say there are no Canadian on your server? I can give you thousands of quotes of that. That’s by the way the only reason I’m here.

You start your accusation days ago by saying the canadians make VS winning, now it’s a single question about how we know we don’t have canadians on TS.

Of course Canadians make you winning, because especially at night numbers are all that counts. There is a big difference if you have 30 people at night or 30+50.

But we do have some, like said many times, we have some canadians, even some indonesians, africans or whatever. It’s not an unexpected thing for a french speaking server. I’m sure we also have a few french players living in United States or Japan and playing with their french guilds.

Seems we’re getting closer to the truth. Finally.

But it’s not much impressive than seeing multiple nationalities on a EU server like SFR. The true fact is we don’t have Canadian guilds or Indonesian guilds properly speaking playing on VS, like SFR have a 35-members NA raiding guild on EU nightshift.

You don’t need guilds at night. Just like I said before, it’s all about pure numbers. You don’t even need hundreds of them. Maybe 40-50 are enough. And that’s every night. This is an advantage other server don’t have and that’s why you win.

But you can have it, I really don’t care. I’m fine with your confession.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: wux.7314


Just stop filling the threads again and again with the same kitten flaming. This is so much to read for nothing
We all know Vizunah spirit from the beginning.


ps.: this was one of the answers to a viz guy asking for a Vizunah logo in sfr forums.

Ahahahahaha that Vizuna logo is spot on. Mass arrow cart use, retreat and run away from fights and then PVD all night with Canada.

(edited by wux.7314)

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gillou.3170


Brace yourself, Vizunah is Coming

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: KarlusDavius.1024


Brace yourself, Vizunah is Coming

Hey, you stole our strap line!

Cmdr. Kiro Heimdahl
Far Shiverpeaks

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Blackwyn.8127


I wonder if Scarlet is behind the Pikunah alliance as well.

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kingface.9781


You don’t need guilds at night. Just like I said before, it’s all about pure numbers. You don’t even need hundreds of them. Maybe 40-50 are enough. And that’s every night. This is an advantage other server don’t have and that’s why you win.

And you’re still wrong. We don’t have 40-50 NA players as you THINK we have.

The point is we don’t have much individual people playing on other timezones than EU’s one than a server like SFR, and we don’t have entire guilds playing out of the EU timezone. Period.

There is no confession because it’s something obvious for ALL single servers, based on population (1% of 100 = 1; 1% of 10,000 = 100).