[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Ulion.5476


Match-ups are going to be by tournament points with Glicko rating as tie-breakers according to the blog.

Was about to commit on that when I check the news thread again to make sure I was correct.

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

(edited by Ulion.5476)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: lept.4692


Tbh, I’m not sure HoD will continuously place second to FA if they play against FA for eight straight weeks. At some point, you get sick of the match up, and your morale plummets.

That’s pretty much how we feel about CD right now (and vise versa I’m sure). All but 2 of our matchups since January have included CD and it’s gotten really stale.

Emu [VLK]

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


match up procedure :

first week – by glicko rating
second week – winners meet winners, 2nd place meet 2nd place, 3rd meet 3rd.
third week onward – by cumulative points. glicko rating will be used to separate servers on equal points.

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Unless I’m really misunderstanding it, your matchups will be as follows (based on current scoring)

Week 2:
Week 1 Tier 3/4/5 winners: FA, YB, HoD
2nd place: SBI, BP, NSP
3rd place: IoJ, SoR, CD

(and guessing those outcomes of Wk 2 matches)
Week 3:
Winners: FA, SBI, IoJ
2nd place: HoD, NSP, CD
3rd place: YB, BP, SoR

So matchups won’t really change much beside tier mainly because of my guesstimates of the fallout of SoR and BP losing a lot.

week 3 would be FA, SBI, HoD, not IoJ. If IoJ finished last, and then they win, they would only have 6 points.

YB most likely will not beat HoD, so HoD will have 8 points, leading a 10, 8, 8 ,match,

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


People have already been leaving BP. It has a strong pug force, and these pugs would rally around the few larger guilds. The downside is this didn’t foster a good environment for guild diversity and coordination. The weeks of PvDoor matchups with Dragonbrand, burnout and drama with some of the active organizers on the server didn’t help either. Leagues just ramped up the bleeding that was already underway.

Whispers with meat.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: ceol.9175


From my interactions with BP as a SoR player, it would have been awesome if we were matched up with them and another similar-sized group. They’re a great server to play against because their commanders know what they’re doing and we seem to have similar coverage (BP a little bit more.)

YB on the other hand only has coverage and numbers. Any time SoR or BP go up against them with a similar force, they crumble. I’m not sure about this “defensive strategy” mentioned earlier, because the only strategy I’ve seen has been “throw numbers, and if that doesn’t work, wait until 4am server.” We’ve taken garrisons and keeps from them multiple times when they’ve had the positional (and sometimes numerical, as in 2 to 1) advantage.

@gennyt BP has been fun to fight against. I haven’t heard anything negative about them, and I haven’t seen anyone from there be a jerk (killing in JP or taunting after a kill like a bunch of people from YB have done.)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428



Oh there are definitely still cool people on BP, the general atmosphere has always been a pretty laid back one(for better or worse). They’re trying to pick up the pieces and I wish them the best of luck. I know for our guild, fighting YB was not fun either since we prefer open field fights over prolonged siege warfare and it was either that or Dragonbrand’s PPT guilds because Ebay was already crumpled up in a pool of its own blood at that point.

Whispers with meat.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Buffy.9246


No one likes yaks bend haha

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: smack.9651


Genuinely just a curious question here. I see a lot of these predictions having CD beating NSP in later rounds: (CD v NSP v SoR). Being on NSP, I’ve noticed us coming out ahead of CD in these last 2 match ups and feel that we could beat them without the massive force of HoD skewing both of our tactics.

Is there something I don’t know about CD or my server?

Eriset (80), Heathorn (80), Ballista Flockhart (46), Donny Parchezy (80)
Northern Shiverpeaks
The Forest Guard [TFG]

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


Genuinely just a curious question here. I see a lot of these predictions having CD beating NSP in later rounds: (CD v NSP v SoR). Being on NSP, I’ve noticed us coming out ahead of CD in these last 2 match ups and feel that we could beat them without the massive force of HoD skewing both of our tactics.

Is there something I don’t know about CD or my server?

we are under the impression that NSP beating CD now only because HoD allow them to, and most ex-CD guild focusing on CD at the moment. that’s all….

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Cinder.2056


Im also under the impression that NSP stopped caring about winning the ppt long time ago…
Definitely some good fighters though.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Im also under the impression that NSP stopped caring about winning the ppt long time ago…
Definitely some good fighters though.

I didnt get it, at least i dont see it that way, and i hope not.
10-30 players fighthing a queued and stacked server , its not a mater of quit and i doubt CD has quited to, just theres no point of defend, just need to cap fast or when mega red blob isnt on map becouse with low number of players on the field gets harder to take a keep from a queued and stacked group, that melts a reinforced door in few seconds by pvd (just making a litle critic to game wvw mechanics and values).

It was requested, even though I don’t have a screenshot, for queue numbers on reset night. On HoD, we had 220 for EB, and a little over 100 for each borderland.

Here’s one. The time is EST.

… i dont know what to say!

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


It was requested, even though I don’t have a screenshot, for queue numbers on reset night. On HoD, we had 220 for EB, and a little over 100 for each borderland.

Here’s one. The time is EST.

… i dont know what to say![/quote]

Say “of course that’s EST, that’s shortly after reset on the first day of the tournament and half or more or all servers looked like that.”

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


Genuinely just a curious question here. I see a lot of these predictions having CD beating NSP in later rounds: (CD v NSP v SoR). Being on NSP, I’ve noticed us coming out ahead of CD in these last 2 match ups and feel that we could beat them without the massive force of HoD skewing both of our tactics.

Is there something I don’t know about CD or my server?

we are under the impression that NSP beating CD now only because HoD allow them to, and most ex-CD guild focusing on CD at the moment. that’s all….

HoD has queue in both our bl. They are just destroying anything and without any kind of subtility.
I don’t think they “allow” us to win anything. We can barely walk without bumping into their gigantic zergs. They have the numbers, yes, but I highly doubt they are organised enough to decide who is winning and who is losing. They are just braindead zerging everything that is not green. Not sure if this strategy will work agains’t bigger servers though.


[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: azerte.4365


Genuinely just a curious question here. I see a lot of these predictions having CD beating NSP in later rounds: (CD v NSP v SoR). Being on NSP, I’ve noticed us coming out ahead of CD in these last 2 match ups and feel that we could beat them without the massive force of HoD skewing both of our tactics.

Is there something I don’t know about CD or my server?

we are under the impression that NSP beating CD now only because HoD allow them to, and most ex-CD guild focusing on CD at the moment. that’s all….

I think CD and NSP are just tied to each other in terms of coverage, tactics, … . We’ll have to see how the rest of the fights against each other will turn out. NSP might win this week, but 2 weeks after that, you might beat us. I’m more curious on how this weeks matchup will turn out, I’d say the fight for no2 isn’t over yet considering how we won at the last moment from IoJ last season.

Schäde – Lolzie
Trillmatic |tM| / Angelic Synergy |Holy|

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: babazhook.6805


>>They have the numbers, yes, but I highly doubt they are organised enough to decide who is winning and who is losing

If one gets on very late on HOD which i tend to, those same zergs are not there and the groups that are tend to be very organized.

It is very much a “whatever works thing”. The simple fact is if one vastly outnumbers an opponent , then a Zerg strategy works. Little coordination is needed.

What remains to be seen with HOD is will they get into bad habits and rely on the massive blob strategy when that advantage no longer there , or will those groups that believe in coordination move to the forefront and are there enough of the latter?

The other question that remains to be answered is that off hour coverage. HOD has plenty to deal with CD and NSP but what of those servers with like numbers in those off hour periods?

Here it my guess there will be much less in the way of massive zergs and more in the way of coordinated tactics.

We shall learn soon enough next week and dependent upon how well or how poorly we do , we might see a substantial drop off in numbers.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: mango.9267


>>They have the numbers, yes, but I highly doubt they are organised enough to decide who is winning and who is losing

If one gets on very late on HOD which i tend to, those same zergs are not there and the groups that are tend to be very organized.

It is very much a “whatever works thing”. The simple fact is if one vastly outnumbers an opponent , then a Zerg strategy works. Little coordination is needed.

What remains to be seen with HOD is will they get into bad habits and rely on the massive blob strategy when that advantage no longer there , or will those groups that believe in coordination move to the forefront and are there enough of the latter?

The other question that remains to be answered is that off hour coverage. HOD has plenty to deal with CD and NSP but what of those servers with like numbers in those off hour periods?

Here it my guess there will be much less in the way of massive zergs and more in the way of coordinated tactics.

We shall learn soon enough next week and dependent upon how well or how poorly we do , we might see a substantial drop off in numbers.

From what I’ve gathered from this thread, it seems like HoD outnumbers even FA. That said, my general impression is that FA is more coordinated and “fights-oriented” (at least, I know that’s the rhetoric on their server), so I still predict FA beating HoD. If I know anything about fairweathers/PvE players, it’s that they’ll leave after one or two wipes. And if HoD zergs are as squishy as people here make them out to be, I imagine the HoD population will cut in half next week.

Second Child

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Next week is the real test. HoD, NS and CD have much larger populations than they did when they landed in T5. HoD is FA sized most likely and while uncoordinated contains a large number of veteran WvW players. NS and CD both have solid coverage making them natural T4 servers IMO. They just cannot handle the body count being thrown at them.

we are under the impression that NSP beating CD now only because HoD allow them to, and most ex-CD guild focusing on CD at the moment. that’s all….

Both servers are getting equally hammered. The numbers they are facing are staggering for a T5. In these blow out situations, any server that starts to gain points gets focused so both servers are kept artificially low. We won’t know how they perform until they aren’t seeing a server with more than 4 times their numbers.

The same scenario is happening in all the Silver tiers at the moment.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

(edited by Straegen.2938)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: stinkypants.8419


One of our main wvw blob/zerg guilds left for HoD, and it wasn’t a pleasant goodbye. They are definitely into hitting our BL when they can.

If they are blobbing on the NSP BL as well, that probably just says more about their numbers.

I really, really, really, really am looking for a more even-footed fight against NSP to see what it’s like without HoD (KOME) all up in our BL.

(Alvyn | Crystal Desert )

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Buffy.9246


What people get for bandwagoning…hod will fall when they face better servers like all bandwagon servers do. (Except blackgate)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: vnx.6298


Our ppt at one point today


Captain Carolina — [Jib] Jib Nation
~~400 Scribe~~

(edited by vnx.6298)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Our ppt at one point today

And that’s why free transfers were fail sauce

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Next week is the real test. HoD, NS and CD have much larger populations than they did when they landed in T5.

I don’t think the NSP WvW population has changed at all since last season.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: etrigan.4213


I really hope HoD is everything people say they are.

I actually hope they can pull off a win against us.

I doubt it, but here’s to hoping!!

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Laylie.5703


I really hope HoD is everything people say they are.

I actually hope they can pull off a win against us.

I doubt it, but here’s to hoping!!

Whether we can win or not is besides the point it is going to be one hell of a week. Good luck FA bring your best.

|Biggus|QT|Jade Quarry|

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

I doubt HoD is focussing anyone this week. You can see by the movements of their blob that they’re just going for easy captures wherever they can (I’m talking EB). I’d guess that most of their blob are just karma training and don’t care who they’re taking towers from.

It’s not even an HoD thing. NSP had HUGE blobs of karma-training PvEers when we were winning our matchups just a couple weeks ago. It went from that to being outmanned on reset night (late night pacific time) this week. That’s how PvEers play. If you don’t have a good reset, they don’t show, and it all snowballs.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: TheLargeUnit.2793


HoD will be competing for second in NA Silver. While it is true that at the moment Eternal Battlegrounds is packed full of PvE’ers that have come for the achievements, our BL groups consists of several guilds and skill groups that maintain great coverage at all times. Regarding the EB situation, next week you will see far less unorganized PuGs, and much more coordination. This will be due to the departure of the majority of the PvE’ers and arrival of the core WvW group that has fought on HoD since our time in 1st place. We look forward to great fights next week and the weeks after.

Edit: Forgot to ask, is arrowcart mastery a requirement of playing on NSP?

Achmed Afro Thunder ~ Six Ft Pole Achmed ~ Dharok The Ravenous
Long Live [ASAP] Zerg: The greatest guild that ever was or will be.

(edited by TheLargeUnit.2793)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: UndeadCorp.2198


@TheLargeUnit Naw not a requirement, you’ll just see the regulars using them mostly, myself included. If you are hit by AC, no doubt it’ll be commanded by someone with siege mastery and ac mastery combined.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


I really hope HoD is everything people say they are.

I actually hope they can pull off a win against us.

I doubt it, but here’s to hoping!!

I am not sure HoD can beat SBI, IoJ or YB much less FA. We do have a very strong population though and will fair well against any server without solid 24 hour coverage. Can we beat the hardened large skill groups… I am very interested in finding out.

We do know this much, HoD is probably a lock for at least 5th place. Where it settles between 1st and 5th is anyone’s guess at this point.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Roe.3679


I really hope HoD is everything people say they are.

I actually hope they can pull off a win against us.

I doubt it, but here’s to hoping!!

Agreed. Very excited to face HoD and a resurgent YB. IOJ and SBI have put up a solid fight, but I want to see what HoD has to offer based on what I’ve read on these forums.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: insaneshadow.1654


I really hope HoD is everything people say they are.

I actually hope they can pull off a win against us.

I doubt it, but here’s to hoping!!

I am not sure HoD can beat SBI, IoJ or YB much less FA. We do have a very strong population though and will fair well against any server without solid 24 hour coverage. Can we beat the hardened large skill groups… I am very interested in finding out.

We do know this much, HoD is probably a lock for at least 5th place. Where it settles between 1st and 5th is anyone’s guess at this point.

A lot of us on YB are predominantly PvE players (including myself) so I don’t think you have to worry too much about us. Talk on chat about next match up always ends with “it’s going to be very hard for us”, so we already know where we fall in the hierarchy of WvW servers.

Gust Root | Letum Folium | Lo Bridge | Snow Spot | Roland East | Nascharr | Bjorn Microbrew
Yak’s Bend
Lincoln Force [BOMB]

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Djamonja.6453


The battle to win Silver will be between FA and HoD — they are the only ones with respectable around the clock coverage (pretty sure YB is not queuing 4 maps, but I’d be interested to hear about their numbers and coverage). IoJ and SBI have significant periods where they are low on people and PPT — YB is probably the same way, but it won’t be noticeable until they fight the top 4 Silver servers (I think).

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Dream In A Dream.7213

Dream In A Dream.7213

I really hope HoD is everything people say they are.

I actually hope they can pull off a win against us.

I doubt it, but here’s to hoping!!

Agreed. Very excited to face HoD and a resurgent YB. IOJ and SBI have put up a solid fight, but I want to see what HoD has to offer based on what I’ve read on these forums.

I wouldn’t be too exited about YB. We are not going to re surge anytime soon.
Collapse of SOR and now BP in addition to high volume of pve players looking for achievements is the reason for the current score. We still have our militia guilds and some havoc. Yaks will still defend well at certain times, but don’t expect 25man blobs giving you guys gvgs, or even IOJ/SBI level of coverage. Our main wvw guilds are on TC, SoS and HoD now. In a few month YB will rebuild. But this match-up is going to be HOD vs FA.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: dragonrage.8921


Don’t count out YB out for the top 3 we now have a reason to make a massive showing in WVW. I will just point out season 1 predictions put YB at 5-7? yet we got 2nd. Put up a good fight and the results will be earned that’s something all your calculations and number crunching cant predict. Also have all you predicters also considered what effect the upcoming patch will have as well? Too bad it comes in the middle of season 2 but your only counting numbers, rankings, and coverage what if the wvw meta entirely changes? Not trying to talk trash but do not count your chickens until they have hatched.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: akanibbles.6237


Will be interesting if HoD actual do really well against FA. Will they attract even more transfers (HoD being only 1000 gems, and FA being 2400 gems) if people think they have the potential to win the league?

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Super Kruegs.8967

Super Kruegs.8967

I really hope HoD is everything people say they are.

I actually hope they can pull off a win against us.

I doubt it, but here’s to hoping!!

I am not sure HoD can beat SBI, IoJ or YB much less FA. We do have a very strong population though and will fair well against any server without solid 24 hour coverage. Can we beat the hardened large skill groups… I am very interested in finding out.

We do know this much, HoD is probably a lock for at least 5th place. Where it settles between 1st and 5th is anyone’s guess at this point.

This is where they could actually pull it off. IF they have solid 24 hr. coverage they can win OCX/SEA. NA will be wipe city for their blobs but being week 2 and riding high I would imagine they could keep NA PPT pretty close with even numbers and siege, plus a third server that will have numbers in NA. Meaning FA EU would have to come up big, without our celebrity EU commander that left the game recently IDK if EU could dominate enough to make up for the HOD night time PVD. If HOD can have say 50 in EB and 20ish anywhere else in OCX/SEA they could easily dominate half the time.

FA [WS]. Small group fights since 2012

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Will be interesting if HoD actual do really well against FA. Will they attract even more transfers (HoD being only 1000 gems, and FA being 2400 gems) if people think they have the potential to win the league?

I wondered this myself for anyone not in 5th or above after 2-3 weeks. If you want the skin 6th won’t cut it…..

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


without our celebrity EU commander that left the game recently

Oh no who left?! The only one that springs to mind as “celebrity” is mouse click boom.

I’m NA, but due to a weird schedule I’ve been playing EU/SEA times lately, and [GLOB] has been absolutely rockin’ out non-primetime coverage.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Buffy.9246


without our celebrity EU commander that left the game recently

Oh no who left?! The only one that springs to mind as “celebrity” is mouse click boom.

I’m NA, but due to a weird schedule I’ve been playing EU/SEA times lately, and [GLOB] has been absolutely rockin’ out non-primetime coverage.

You mean fighting close to 0 people? Those doors must be hard for glob.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


without our celebrity EU commander that left the game recently

Oh no who left?! The only one that springs to mind as “celebrity” is mouse click boom.

I’m NA, but due to a weird schedule I’ve been playing EU/SEA times lately, and [GLOB] has been absolutely rockin’ out non-primetime coverage.

You mean fighting close to 0 people? Those doors must be hard for glob.

No, IoJ and SBI have been putting up really impressive zergs during those times. It’s not GLOB itself, there is a particular commander that is organzing the PvErs and WvW PUGs into a fighting force. The action has been very hot during early morning NA times.

Like I’ve said many time, IoJ and SBI are really brining it arond the clock, and I think any other servers are going to have a wakeup call when they face these guys. Are you on HoD?

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Buffy.9246


without our celebrity EU commander that left the game recently

Oh no who left?! The only one that springs to mind as “celebrity” is mouse click boom.

I’m NA, but due to a weird schedule I’ve been playing EU/SEA times lately, and [GLOB] has been absolutely rockin’ out non-primetime coverage.

You mean fighting close to 0 people? Those doors must be hard for glob.

No, IoJ and SBI have been putting up really impressive zergs during those times. It’s not GLOB itself, there is a particular commander that is organzing the PvErs and WvW PUGs into a fighting force. The action has been very hot during early morning NA times.

Like I’ve said many time, IoJ and SBI are really brining it arond the clock, and I think any other servers are going to have a wakeup call when they face these guys. Are you on HoD?

Heavens no lol.
Why would I wanna be on that server?
I’m on tc the best server in na
I just like reading forums

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Super Kruegs.8967

Super Kruegs.8967

without our celebrity EU commander that left the game recently

Oh no who left?! The only one that springs to mind as “celebrity” is mouse click boom.

I’m NA, but due to a weird schedule I’ve been playing EU/SEA times lately, and [GLOB] has been absolutely rockin’ out non-primetime coverage.

Tyrion of BOMB and BOMB hath ceased to exist. New guild KPOP is what’s left. Solid guild still, just not getting 40+ in TS for all of EU, and NA

FA [WS]. Small group fights since 2012

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Heavens no lol.
Why would I wanna be on that server?
I’m on tc the best server in na
I just like reading forums

Oh. Well don’t dis my opponents of SBI and IoJ then, haha. They are REALLY bringing it in terms of numbers during off primetime NA hours.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


Next week will give everyone a clear picture of what HoD really is. With YB and FA in the match, they are getting their baptism of fire and quite frankly I don’t expect a server that’s been K-training for weeks/months to handle the shock well.
When their 50 man blobs get melted by 25 man guild groups from FA and get pushed off from every YB keep and tower… I suspect shorter queues to follow.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Number of HoD dying to YB arrow carts may be in the millions.

~Tarnished Coast~

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: akanibbles.6237


can’t beat a good HoD havoc group, as they ninja a keep with only 10 defenders (one for each golem) lol


[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Shonie.5297


Why is HoD wasting golems when they’re up 200k points on a paper keep with no defenders?
Should save them for next week.
Whatevs I guess.

~Tarnished Coast~

(edited by Shonie.5297)

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


sub t4 servers have a history of getting momentum, hitting the t3 wall, shedding 80% of their queues, and then fading away. I hope HoD keeps it up after leagues, cause t3 needs more activity.

History isn’t favorable to servers that get a huge influx of players in a short time and rise rapidly in ranks.

[NA] Silver League: Predicted Rankings.

in WvW

Posted by: Djamonja.6453


can’t beat a good HoD havoc group, as they ninja a keep with only 10 defenders (one for each golem) lol


Maybe you’re just joking, I can’t tell, but if you can build more than a couple of golems, it’s no longer a havoc group. Most zergs don’t bring more than 3-5 golems unless they are well organized.