No $$ in WvW so no Development?

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Tspatula.9086


So it was stated by a player in another thread that “a dev” said basically that there wasn’t a way to monetize WvW and for that reason, there is almost no resources devoted to it. Does anyone actually have any real proof that this is the case? just curious.

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Dasenthal.6520


Well proof that there is no monetization… No I can’t help…

However the $$, yea they don’t have any of that for wvw because if they did we might actually have more then one part time wvw dev. ( and that said dev might last longer than six months.)

“A conquered people will always resist you,
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Actually I think they get quite a bit of money from people buying gems to transfer because they don’t like how WvW is on their server.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Tspatula.9086


Well proof that there is no monetization… No I can’t help…

However the $$, yea they don’t have any of that for wvw because if they did we might actually have more then one part time wvw dev. ( and that said dev might last longer than six months.)

No, proof that a dev actually said something like that.

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Nanyetah Elohi.4852

Nanyetah Elohi.4852

Wonder what they mean by “monetizing” WvW? How is the stuff we buy for WvW any less monetized than the stuff we buy for PvE? Moreover, WvW doesn’t require a lot of re-design and testing every few weeks the way Living Story, festivals, and that kind of thing does. WvW should be relatively inexpensive for the attention it brings to the game.

For the Toast!

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


ANet is ran by artists, there is little art in large scale PvP. No stories to tell, no impressive world bosses, gimmicky bosses, etc.

Also to be fair, any change they make is going to kitten someone off. There is little they can do to make this segment of the population truly happy. Pick the three biggest complaints on these forums and you’ll find someone saying changes to them will ruin their playstyle.

WvW needs a major overhaul in regards to maps. Not just looks, but layout and mechanics. That DOES take a lot of time and investment. Testing for glitches alone is a major undertaking. I wish they had the willingness to undertake this; but they would only do it if they somehow work it into the Living Story and find out how to get people pumped about buying related merchandise in the gem shop.

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

I’d say WvW players want/need gold and skins just the same as PvE players.

In fact, WvW has poor rewards so there’s possibly more chance a WvW player needs to buy gems to keep up with gold inflation and all the gemstore items.

And if the devs think WvW can’t be monetized, then they are very poor at their jobs. There have been a plethora of threads about monetizing WvW …skins for siege, for example: gemstore items are frequently old skins with a few added glowing lines (see newest set for example).. they could easily do the same with siege expending little to no effort.

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Kanebrake.6192


The proof is in the state of wvw. It’s terrible. Which leads one to believe that not a lot of resources are aimed at it. Which leads one to believe that it doesn’t make Arena Net a great deal of money in and of itself. Which makes perfect sense as to why a lot of resources aren’t thrown at it.


No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Well proof that there is no monetization… No I can’t help…

However the $$, yea they don’t have any of that for wvw because if they did we might actually have more then one part time wvw dev. ( and that said dev might last longer than six months.)

No, proof that a dev actually said something like that.

As a WvW player that dont care about pve bad game or the awfull crafting system this game has, i used to spend some money in the TP from gems (since i quitted a p2p game i was focusing the cash on TP from gems).

if people think wvw players dont buy gems is a huge mistake.

now i just log to karma train a empty bl when my server isnt outmaned as most of the time.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Nanyetah Elohi.4852

Nanyetah Elohi.4852

Good WvW is not easy to do. Organizing that many volunteers and keeping them motivated is not easy. Where it works it is probably the best part of the game. Most social, intense, and technically demanding.

For the Toast!

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


So it was stated by a player in another thread that “a dev” said basically that there wasn’t a way to monetize WvW and for that reason, there is almost no resources devoted to it. Does anyone actually have any real proof that this is the case? just curious.

I truly don’t see the logic behind the “there is no way to monetize it”. Plenty continue to play GW2 BECAUSE of end game content like WvW. These people DO buy gems for the exact same reasons ppl that only do PVE buy them. Do you only see trade post skins only in PVE? I sure don’t. I also see a lot of legendaries that more than likely made more than on buy quite a few gems to accelerate the process etc.

WvW is a way to retain players in the game and therefore as potential clients on the trading post. Not investing in your end game is the one sure way to kill your gem market. Long story short, I don’t buy the “there is no way to monetize it” logic one second. It is plain idiotic.

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Sreoom.3690


The WvW paradigm needs some shifting…getting a bit worn.

“The Leaf on Wind”
JQ Ranger

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Nanyetah Elohi.4852

Nanyetah Elohi.4852

shifted on its own in T1. Now we are playing all four maps at once. That is actually more interesting, chasing the zergs around all four maps and trying to trip them up, flank them, fake them out.

For the Toast!

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


I’m just a little confused. If there is no monetization for WvW how is there any money going to PVE? I mean, same game. Its not like GW2 WvW was advertised as “sold separately”. If I spend money on gems, I would expect that money to go to the games OVERALL improvement and future development. I can understand the need for money to make improvements. But youre telling me that there is no way to allocate part of those funds that I spend to WvW? I was born at night but not last night kitten . Put some of my money towards WvW Anet, I give you permission.

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


So it was stated by a player in another thread that “a dev” said basically that there wasn’t a way to monetize WvW and for that reason, there is almost no resources devoted to it. Does anyone actually have any real proof that this is the case? just curious.

I truly don’t see the logic behind the “there is no way to monetize it”. Plenty continue to play GW2 BECAUSE of end game content like WvW. These people DO buy gems for the exact same reasons ppl that only do PVE buy them. Do you only see trade post skins only in PVE? I sure don’t. I also see a lot of legendaries that more than likely made more than on buy quite a few gems to accelerate the process etc.

WvW is a way to retain players in the game and therefore as potential clients on the trading post. Not investing in your end game is the one sure way to kill your gem market. Long story short, I don’t buy the “there is no way to monetize it” logic one second. It is plain idiotic.

Either this just wasnt stated by a dev because it is such a ridiculous statement. “Dont know how to monetize it”. Gimme a break, people monetize human fecal matter kitten .

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054

And here we have our catch 22, our chicken or the egg.

If Anet want WvW players to buy gems with money, they need to first add items to the gem store that can be used in WvW.
If Anet do not add items to the gem store which can be used in WvW, WvW players will not buy the PvE only gem items and no will spend less money.

Some WvW player would buy PvE gem store items, but the fact that Anet have refused to release any content updates for WvW has made a lot of players leave the game, those who are left are very reluctant to spend money on this game, when their money is not spent on the mode of the game they play the most.

There are 3 game modes in this game:

Yet the game content releases in the past have been, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, a few small tweaks (again tweaks not content) for WvW and sPvP, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE, PvE.

They have pushed and pushed their epsorts, yet even sPvP doesnt get much updates.

By neglecting two thirds of their game, Anet are just shooting themselves in the foot; and they already know that by simply looking at the game’s activity logs. Every 2 weeks when a LS update is released, players come on to do it. 2 days later when most people have finished it, activity drops again.

We’ve read posts from mods and devs, but I really want to talk to Anet management, I want to know what insanity is running through their heads when it looks like the “rush” of increased activity every 2 weeks is enough to convince them everything is fine.

The WvW Forum Poster Formerly Known As Omaris Mortuus Est

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: zerorogue.9410


No way to monetize WvW?! What insanity is this?
First off WvW is already being monetized. I didn’t buy a golem that smacks down my finished enemies just to stomp nightmare courtiers.

Secondly I can think of tons of ways to do so that wouldn’t cause any problems with game play.
Siege that have new skins. Use an item that acts like a blueprint but instead of disappearing it takes a normal blueprint to use.
Upgraded Guild Capes.(new borders, textures, symbols, etc.)
Flair for captured objectives(players can buy upgrades for their guild that add special skins for captured objectives.)

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: gjop.8612


No need to update WvW when launching a new WvW season pulls numbers with next to no effort/dev investment.

It’s going to get worse as soon as the new PvP/GvG mode comes out and all the focus will shift onto that.

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: retsuya.4708


I think gem sales are coming from wvw players, pve players can farm gold then convert to gem.

will not be surprised when the upper management asks “why is gem purchases at all time low”

[WB] Fort Aspenwood

(edited by retsuya.4708)

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Anet’s income from WvW pretty much relies on them not doing anything to make it better because if they did, people would transfer less.

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Anet’s income from WvW pretty much relies on them not doing anything to make it better because if they did, people would transfer less.

“Did Mr. Burns bough Anet?”

Unfortunately thats what’s look like, i was happy when appeared a thread with GUILD CDI, alot of players were talking about guild customization via guild “traits/tech” and that is where anet could invest some there to, Siege warfare games are the easiest to make profit with, players that do care to show off their guilds, couse i feel the TP is kinda weak beside one or 2 skins and convert gems to gold, they need to add more guild “careness” in future, and WVW can be monoterized in TP to, on the guild cdi players even talked about guild siege skins for guilds if i recall well, but until some serious changes aren’t made to WvW player might ignore guild stuff on TP.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Artaz.3819


Clearly WvW is currently monetized by server transfers pre/during seasons.

However, imagine a “custom” skinning of castles/towers/camps based on claiming (doesn’t have to be tied to guild). No other benefits, just add stone gargoyles or power line Asura effects to the walls/doors/stairs.

Imagine clothing the NPC guards in guild insignia (or your own gem-store version buff). Imagine picking races (like undead skinned like Halloween) for the NPC skins with a gem store buff item. Or have them spew toxic effects with another buff.

Imagine deploying siege with unique skins from the gem store.

Just imagine all the art assets that could be poored into WvW to make the standard maps with the same feel more like EotM (just the terrain dried-out/snow & ice/jungle feel); and then add a few more like crystal terrain or undead/rot terrain. No benefit, you just get your own personalized stake of the battle field. You could even just make this client-side only …

Don’t tell me you can’t monetize WvW. That’s completely false.

(edited by Artaz.3819)

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Kanebrake.6192


Clearly WvW is currently monetized by server transfers pre/during seasons.

However, imagine a “custom” skinning of castles/towers/camps based on claiming (doesn’t have to be tied to guild). No other benefits, just add stone gargoyles or power line Asura effects to the walls/doors/stairs.

Imagine clothing the NPC guards in guild insignia (or your own gem-store version buff). Imagine picking races (like undead skinned like Halloween) for the NPC skins with a gem store buff item. Or have them spew toxic effects with another buff.

Imagine deploying siege with unique skins from the gem store.

Just imagine all the art assets that could be poored into WvW to make the standard maps with the same feel more like EotM (just the terrain dried-out/snow & ice/jungle feel); and then add a few more like crystal terrain or undead/rot terrain. No benefit, you just get your own personalized stake of the battle field. You could even just make this client-side only …

Don’t tell me you can’t monetize WvW. That’s completely false.

But how many wvw players are likely to spend their money on items like that? As an overall percentage of the wvw playerbase. I have a feeling not a huge portion of them, not enough to make it worth the while to implement.


No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Clearly WvW is currently monetized by server transfers pre/during seasons.

However, imagine a “custom” skinning of castles/towers/camps based on claiming (doesn’t have to be tied to guild). No other benefits, just add stone gargoyles or power line Asura effects to the walls/doors/stairs.

Imagine clothing the NPC guards in guild insignia (or your own gem-store version buff). Imagine picking races (like undead skinned like Halloween) for the NPC skins with a gem store buff item. Or have them spew toxic effects with another buff.

Imagine deploying siege with unique skins from the gem store.

Just imagine all the art assets that could be poored into WvW to make the standard maps with the same feel more like EotM (just the terrain dried-out/snow & ice/jungle feel); and then add a few more like crystal terrain or undead/rot terrain. No benefit, you just get your own personalized stake of the battle field. You could even just make this client-side only …

Don’t tell me you can’t monetize WvW. That’s completely false.

But how many wvw players are likely to spend their money on items like that? As an overall percentage of the wvw playerbase. I have a feeling not a huge portion of them, not enough to make it worth the while to implement.

It is also a pretty damaging way to monetize that game since transfer = unhappy. You can only make people unhappy so many times before you start loosing population. Loosing pop is way worse, to me at least, than making a one shot deal.

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: caveman.5840


as much as i want to change servers i am just not going to pay for it as long as wvw is in this shape

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


This was the player saying a dev said no monetization in wvw is possible. Apparently it was in the thread “Adopt a Dev”. You might want to check it in there.

Personally I don’t agree, there’s tons of ways in which one could make money off WvW.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

No $$ in WvW so no Development?

in WvW

Posted by: Artaz.3819


Clearly WvW is currently monetized by server transfers pre/during seasons.

However, imagine a “custom” skinning of castles/towers/camps based on claiming (doesn’t have to be tied to guild). No other benefits, just add stone gargoyles or power line Asura effects to the walls/doors/stairs.

Imagine clothing the NPC guards in guild insignia (or your own gem-store version buff). Imagine picking races (like undead skinned like Halloween) for the NPC skins with a gem store buff item. Or have them spew toxic effects with another buff.

Imagine deploying siege with unique skins from the gem store.

Just imagine all the art assets that could be poored into WvW to make the standard maps with the same feel more like EotM (just the terrain dried-out/snow & ice/jungle feel); and then add a few more like crystal terrain or undead/rot terrain. No benefit, you just get your own personalized stake of the battle field. You could even just make this client-side only …

Don’t tell me you can’t monetize WvW. That’s completely false.

But how many wvw players are likely to spend their money on items like that? As an overall percentage of the wvw playerbase. I have a feeling not a huge portion of them, not enough to make it worth the while to implement.

It is also a pretty damaging way to monetize that game since transfer = unhappy. You can only make people unhappy so many times before you start loosing population. Loosing pop is way worse, to me at least, than making a one shot deal.

You may not want to transfer but there is thousands of players that do … every WvW season for a few measly tickets/rewards. It sounds dumb (and probably is) but it keeps working so ANet is likely never inclined to change it. If you think I am crazy, think of the large guild transfers every season (especially to T1 servers)… I’ve seen it first hand myself.

Who would pay for those cosmetic upgrades to WvW buildings, siege, terrain and NPCs (if done right)? I would. And I’m guessing I’m not the only one.