Showing Posts For A Beastly Stein Shimmy.6179:
Aren’t the other 2 dragons, wurm, behemoth, 15 or so meta champions enough of a “infintile” or “normal” mode comparison to SAB? You have 20+ world events you can farm by just “casually” putting your “1” skill on auto cast and go afk. I have the Sunbringer title, yet I do not have:
-a high spvp rank
-a legendary
-an ascended weapon
-a high fractal level
-dungeon master title
list goes on.
The important part here is that I CAN participate with all those things. I can try to get a high spvp rank, get a legendary or do more dungeons, but I decide not to because it is not what I am good at/want to do. I am not unique in this matter. Big kittening whoop that you can’t kill Tequatl. You blame it on other people who suck, but if you were serious about this at all you would JOIN (not even do it yourself, kitten it) a guild that does Tequatl and does all the organising for you. (Hint, there are 2 publicly advertising guilds that are farming Tequatl most of the day). All you have to do is ask for an invite, show up, follow the tactics, not suck and be done with it. Takes what, an hour of your time at the worst? Or let me guess, your life is so crowded that you only have 30 minutes to do something? Well, tough luck. This boss is not for you. Just like SAB isn’t for me. I could gather people to help me with a high spvp rank, I could get a dungeon group going, I could – I could – I could, but I do not. Neither do you do your best to kill Tequatl. THerefore, you are not entitled to having him nerfed so you can beat him. Waiting for your server to pop up in an overflow is not putting effort in when you know that 50% of the people in the game act as you describe them.
It is kittening disgusting that people have to fear that content gets nerfed when it qualified as hard, but not impossible. Impossible kitten could get nerfed. Tequatl is NOT impossible. You must organise. Deal with it.
temporarily stealing their account.
Don’t you mean persuading-them-to-lend-you-their-account-temporarily-without-their-approval-nor-consent-and- without-showing-any-inclination-to-notify-them-of-this-transaction?
Stealing is a word with such a nasty vibe to it.
That would be the OPs only option at the moment, but who knows, maybe ArenaNet will implement something temporarily that will allow you to send mail to someone without your name showing up. Something only available during christmas.
You can always overflow hop if you don’t want to start your own team. Log into an overflow, advertise, relog, advertise, relog, advertise, etc. You will get someone sooner rather than later.
I’m level 9 atm, pugging my way up as my guild consists of people from the US and I am from the EU, and I have only so many hours to spare every day. So far I haven’t had any trouble with my groups, unless you call the occasional “seize control and act as the leader” when people want to leeroy their way through the Ascalon fractal or the Dredge Facility fractal a problem.
The longest it has taken me to find a group was for level 8 and that took me about 10 minutes because I was playing another game on the side while waiting for an invite—too lazy to start my own team that time.)
Pump and dumpppppppp.
A single forum post is going to affect the prices of a single item that is in abundance and high demand. People ought to stop marking every post as a “pump and dump” just because it happens once in a while.
Supply is lower because of the bot banning, demand stayed the same. Prices go up.
Or it’s because you can no longer buy eggs with Karma and have to farm them yourself?
Helpful for some, perhaps.
Such nonsense. If this were the case, people with G15 keyboards and the like would be swimming in gold because you can just bind your mouseclick to a macro and you’d open 250 of them in a few seconds without pressing more than once.
It might, eventually, hit that number, yes, and though it seems like a bad thing for those of us who don’t buy gems, it might not be in the long run.
I might be wrong since I don’t know if arenanet can/will/would inject “unbought” gems into the market, but the price will fluctuate depending on how many gems are available that have been purchased with real money. Basically, you will get more gold for your buck if you sell them through the TP, which will be an incentive for people to buy gold from arenanet instead of goldsellers, but it would also stabilize the gold to gem transfer cost after a while once there is a steady flow of gems bought and people (those whom have the gold to spare) buying them for whatever it will cost in the future.
Light that wont happen because it would be prime times and servers would be queued for wvw so yeah this idea is perfect and would work
It’s not perfect. You are dismissing so many variables that could change the outcome of a server’s population on a weekly basis that this idea is nothing more than a brainderp which your mind disguises as pure genius.
To name a few things:
National/Religious holidays. European servers (EN) are matched against the French and the Germans, who may or may not have national holidays (ranging up to a week, perhaps) that would allow them to dominate an entire server battle. Would you prefer the French and Germans would only pit against each other? Let alone unofficial “national”/community servers created on 3rd party forums or communities.
The time it would take to acquire all this information: it would take years to gather all the information to get a view on how server population peaks and drops during certain seasons. During the summer, less people will be playing the game than during winter, however it might be the other way around on a different server for whatever reason, yetthey could be equal in perhaps spring and autumn. You would need several years to gather data for comparison, and that is assuming people/guilds do not transfer/quit playing or anything else that might upset the balance.
In the same sense as the above, expansions would call back players whom had quit over the prior year/years, upsetting the server balance anew, as a constant influx of new players/veterans returning to the game, is something you cannot predict.
I could go on and on, but my point was that you shouldn’t call your plan perfect by dismissing other people’s worries and/or opinions without any substantional reasoning.
So it seems to me that people are basically wanting this game to have option to form bigger groups than just 5, to do… something. YES, i definitely agree.
This is supposed to be MMO and social game. Bigger group size would help not only pve but also www as it is mostly people running alone there too.And I also agree there should be some kind of vague “end game goal” in the horizon. At this point only www is offering something interesting for time indefinite.
No, that is incorrect. You can already make groups bigger than 5 mans, but they do not have any instances PVE content to plow through. A small part of the vocal community wants that option to be available to them.
Raids are basically a gear treadmill and the only thing that keeps raiders going is the dream of getting that one item from that one boss. You can tell me that you are one of those few select people that do it for the challenge and not for the loot, but I will tell you that most people are done with the raids after farming them a few times, after which the need for more raid content appears.
GW2 just isn’t a game that will have raids in that form. If you crave to do some raids during your regular week, there are other games out there which you could play alongside GW2 (assuming you still love the game but wish to raid as well) as there is ultimately, no sub requirement for this game. I highly doubt this game will be able to cater to every single playstyle, so your best bet is to combine it with another game and play it whenever you need a change of scenery of said other game.
(Personally I play League of Legends and GW2, as many probably do.)
Suggestion to combine 400 crafting professions and the Mystic Forge
in Suggestions
Posted by: A Beastly Stein Shimmy.6179
2) Another idea would be to simply increase the amount of highly supplied items required in a recipe. Currently you can equal 100 Sticks of Butter to a single Vanilla Bean, though you only need 1 butter to make your craft. Make it so you need 10 sticks of butter, which will gradually allow you to lower the supply of this item over time.
3) Throw in a bunch of new recipes. This is combined with the 1) suggestion, but if the above suggested idea is unacceptable, you could always make level 400 crafting recipes which require a bunch of butter and or chocolate, and in turn will craft you something fancy you cannot buy off the AH. Super Cookie Delight or something, which grants 35% magic find for 60 minutes instead of the 30% for 30 minutes granted by the Omnom Bars? As these are soulbound, only the cooks who cooked their way upto 400 will be able to enjoy these badboys. Others will have to hang on to their 30% buff or work their way up to 400 as well. (You can make these account bound, of course)
4) As suggested often enough. Lower the amount received of these stockpiled items or seperate them into other bags so that other items won’t become as scarce. Make things like Vanilla Bean something you can receive as an extra drop (instead of dandelions) of several plants throughout the world so that these become more available as time passes on.
Though I think these changes go hand-in-hand, I can understand as to why some might be a bit too much of a risk to implement, as there would have a bunch of changes to compensate for it.
Regardless, I think that this would be a better solution than having a temporary Mystic Forge dump for rare items once we reach 2 million walnuts or whatever. It would create something hard to get, valuable and rewarding for crafters, which ultimately is what we want as crafters.
(This would open up other interesting opportunities at the Mystic Forge as well. Combine several hard-to-make items from various max crafts and get something fancy out of it. Nothing gamebreaking, but something that will reward you one way or the other for all your input. Just like the Magical Butter Churner (yes, I keep changing its name), the items purchased from them would be soulbound, but you could also make combinations of Cooking/Tailoring/Huntsman/Whatever to make a soulbound Golden Chef cooking outfit only wearable by the maker to show off their awesomeness.)
EDIT; Imagine a game where even crafting has a sort of endgame. Where those whom spend their time in the cities baking cookies and throwing tea parties could craft until they drop. The Legendary Frying Pan, an item created by combining hard-to-make items from every single profession. Unpurchasable. Unsellable. And totally kick kitten Do you want to run around in a Golden Chef uniform, have a pair of English boots that will randomly shout profanity at other crafters as they make their wares? Well, Guild Wars 2 has it. Get crafting now, baby.
The frying pan will be an in-combat like an Engineer ’s Grenade kit giving you a variety of abilities like Frying Whack, which will make you slack the enemy to the side while you storm through their kitchen pretending to be a real chef!
Suggestion to combine 400 crafting professions and the Mystic Forge
in Suggestions
Posted by: A Beastly Stein Shimmy.6179
This is an Xpost from another thread for which I typed this out for, but I thought it would belong here. Anyway, the idea generally was to lower the excess amount of several products on the TP that are currently flooded. (1.4million butter anyone?) So please keep that in mind when/if you read this through as I did not edit this post at all.
I think one of the main problems is that the recipes that use butter and several other ingredients have a STRONG imbalance in availability. Take the Vanilla Bean for example: 1s89c is the current price of the cheapest bean at the moment of writing this, with the major stock of 908 beans sitting comfortably at 2s a pop. Vanilla Bean is a highly sought after item, but is scarce in actual availability. Whereas, say, butter, which is required in the same recipe, is flooding the market at astronomical numbers, nearing the 1 million supplied as we speak. There just aren’t enough vanilla beans available to make use of 1 million sticks of butter.
From my point of view, a couple of things might fix this problem, as I don’t think items collected in any way should be sold at the TP for only a copper above vendor price.
In random order:
1) Add additional MAX level recipes that require some of highly supplied items in the market, and mix these recipes to create one “fun” items that people can make.
An example would be a Milk Churn. The Milk Churn itself would be sellable, but the items required to make this churn would be soulbound.
To make the Churn, you will have to acquire several ingredients of high proportion, craft a discovery item with them, and then throw these items in the Mystic Forge as a set recipe.
- 400 Cooking would be required to make item 1, say, an Infinite Ball of Butter, which by itself would need a silly amount of butter, perhaps 2000 pieces, and a bunch of other currently unwanted or not-even-created-yet items to make this Infinite Ball of Butter. This will create a butter dump that won’t give you a chance to get rare items (I already have my Conduit, so I might be biased towards this /shame) and the butter (with other ideas below this one) will be out of the picture permanently.
- Secondly, you would need something like 400 Armorsmithing to create a Churning Cask, which asks you smelt Iron Ingots/ Bronze Ingots and whatnot together to create the cask. Perhaps a stack of Iron and Bronze Ore should be enough for this.
-Thirdly, the churning handle will be made of wood. Perhaps 2 stacks of Green Wood Log. This would be made with Huntsman or something along those lines.
-Lastly, give the last item that has to be created to the Artificer that will make something to enchant the churning rod so that it becomes “magical” after being dumped into the Mystic Forge.
Next up would be to throw these 4 account bound items into the Mystic Forge and tada, a Magical Churning Churn comes out of the Forge. A sellable item that is created by someone who has 4 of the crafting professions maxed out, spend time collecting these items, and can now sell this baby on the AH for a fat profit.
Why you might ask? Well. This Magical Churning Churn will work like a summonable Vendor or Bank, only this Magical Churning Churn is only accessible by its owner and will sell items like (SOULBOUND)butter and other cooking ingredients used in the creation for Karma! In the long run, investing in one of the Churning Churns will win you back your money depending on how many of those ingredients you need throughout your gaming career. Heck. You could even throw in a few Vanilla Beans (2 stacks?) into the recipe and make those Karma purchasable in this Magical Churning Churn. There should be a great benefit for making/buying this monstrosity. So the true cooks will get these items so that they can—for example—make Omnom Bars easier because the Vanilla Beans and Butter are available to them for an acceptable Karma price. If the price would be balanced enough, the current prices of the foods shouldn’t have to plummit as not everyone will have this perhaps 20g-30g costing item. It will reward those whom crafted their way to MAX level by making unique items only they can make. Not everyone can afford to powercraft 4 professions to MAX and then collect a silly amount of mats over time.
-Char limit-
2) Another idea would be to simply increase the amount of highly supplied items required in a recipe. Currently you can equal 100 Sticks of Butter to a single Vanilla Bean, though you only need 1 butter to make your craft. Make it so you need 10 sticks of butter, which will gradually allow you to lower the supply of this item over time.
3) Throw in a bunch of new recipes. This is combined with the 1) suggestion, but if the above suggested idea is unacceptable, you could always make level 400 crafting recipes which require a bunch of butter and or chocolate, and in turn will craft you something fancy you cannot buy off the AH. Super Cookie Delight or something, which grants 35% magic find for 60 minutes instead of the 30% for 30 minutes granted by the Omnom Bars? As these are soulbound, only the cooks who cooked their way upto 400 will be able to enjoy these badboys. Others will have to hang on to their 30% buff or work their way up to 400 as well. (You can make these account bound, of course)
4) As suggested often enough. Lower the amount received of these stockpiled items or seperate them into other bags so that other items won’t become as scarce. Make things like Vanilla Bean something you can receive as an extra drop (instead of dandelions) of several plants throughout the world so that these become more available as time passes on.
Though I think these changes go hand-in-hand, I can understand as to why some might be a bit too much of a risk to implement, as there would have a bunch of changes to compensate for it.
Regardless, I think that this would be a better solution than having a temporary Mystic Forge dump for rare items once we reach 2 million walnuts or whatever. It would create something hard to get, valuable and rewarding for crafters, which ultimately is what we want as crafters.
(This would open up other interesting opportunities at the Mystic Forge as well. Combine several hard-to-make items from various max crafts and get something fancy out of it. Nothing gamebreaking, but something that will reward you one way or the other for all your input. Just like the Magical Butter Churner (yes, I keep changing its name), the items purchased from them would be soulbound, but you could also make combinations of Cooking/Tailoring/Huntsman/Whatever to make a soulbound Golden Chef cooking outfit only wearable by the maker to show off their awesomeness.)
EDIT; Imagine a game where even crafting has a sort of endgame. Where those whom spend their time in the cities baking cookies and throwing tea parties could craft until they drop. The Legendary Frying Pan, an item created by combining hard-to-make items from every single profession. Unpurchasable. Unsellable. And totally kick kitten Do you want to run around in a Golden Chef uniform, have a pair of English boots that will randomly shout profanity at other crafters as they make their wares? Well, Guild Wars 2 has it. Get crafting now, baby.
The frying pan will be an in-combat like an Engineer ’s Grenade kit giving you a variety of abilities like Frying Whack, which will make you slack the enemy to the side while you storm through their kitchen pretending to be a real chef!
(edited by A Beastly Stein Shimmy.6179)
I think one of the main problems is that the recipes that use butter and several other ingredients have a STRONG imbalance in availability. Take the Vanilla Bean for example: 1s89c is the current price of the cheapest bean at the moment of writing this, with the major stock of 908 beans sitting comfortably at 2s a pop. Vanilla Bean is a highly sought after item, but is scarce in actual availability. Whereas, say, butter, which is required in the same recipe, is flooding the market at astronomical numbers, nearing the 1 million supplied as we speak. There just aren’t enough vanilla beans available to make use of 1 million sticks of butter.
From my point of view, a couple of things might fix this problem, as I don’t think items collected in any way should be sold at the TP for only a copper above vendor price.
In random order:
1) Add additional MAX level recipes that require some of highly supplied items in the market, and mix these recipes to create one “fun” items that people can make.
An example would be a Milk Churn. The Milk Churn itself would be sellable, but the items required to make this churn would be soulbound.
To make the Churn, you will have to acquire several ingredients of high proportion, craft a discovery item with them, and then throw these items in the Mystic Forge as a set recipe.
- 400 Cooking would be required to make item 1, say, an Infinite Ball of Butter, which by itself would need a silly amount of butter, perhaps 2000 pieces, and a bunch of other currently unwanted or not-even-created-yet items to make this Infinite Ball of Butter. This will create a butter dump that won’t give you a chance to get rare items (I already have my Conduit, so I might be biased towards this /shame) and the butter (with other ideas below this one) will be out of the picture permanently.
- Secondly, you would need something like 400 Armorsmithing to create a Churning Cask, which asks you smelt Iron Ingots/ Bronze Ingots and whatnot together to create the cask. Perhaps a stack of Iron and Bronze Ore should be enough for this.
-Thirdly, the churning handle will be made of wood. Perhaps 2 stacks of Green Wood Log. This would be made with Huntsman or something along those lines.
-Lastly, give the last item that has to be created to the Artificer that will make something to enchant the churning rod so that it becomes “magical” after being dumped into the Mystic Forge.
Next up would be to throw these 4 account bound items into the Mystic Forge and tada, a Magical Churning Churn comes out of the Forge. A sellable item that is created by someone who has 4 of the crafting professions maxed out, spend time collecting these items, and can now sell this baby on the AH for a fat profit.
Why you might ask? Well. This Magical Churning Churn will work like a summonable Vendor or Bank, only this Magical Churning Churn is only accessible by its owner and will sell items like (SOULBOUND)butter and other cooking ingredients used in the creation for Karma! In the long run, investing in one of the Churning Churns will win you back your money depending on how many of those ingredients you need throughout your gaming career. Heck. You could even throw in a few Vanilla Beans (2 stacks?) into the recipe and make those Karma purchasable in this Magical Churning Churn. There should be a great benefit for making/buying this monstrosity. So the true cooks will get these items so that they can—for example—make Omnom Bars easier because the Vanilla Beans and Butter are available to them for an acceptable Karma price. If the price would be balanced enough, the current prices of the foods shouldn’t have to plummit as not everyone will have this perhaps 20g-30g costing item. It will reward those whom crafted their way to MAX level by making unique items only they can make. Not everyone can afford to powercraft 4 professions to MAX and then collect a silly amount of mats over time.
-Char limit-
(edited by A Beastly Stein Shimmy.6179)
Right now Lemons are the 5th spot of top demanded items list, which as most people know, is an unsellable item. Would it be possible to just remove these items from the TP all together? Or at least an option that hides them or something.
Oh, and please make it impossible to make a bid below or at vendor price, as this, too, is clogging up the Top Demanded List and gives an askew representation of what the true demand for an item is.
I use a simple soundcard and I have this very same problem. The oscilatting tone persists until I either restart the game or switch to Digital Audio. Switching back to regular audio (this is in the ingame Sound options by the way) will resume the strange tone. Turning the audio to 0 does nothing and the horn will persist.
EDIT: After reading AnFace’s post, I’d like to add that I only hear the sound coming from the left ear of my headset as well.
From what I can tell, this started happening after one of the patches a few weeks ago, though I cannot pinpoint which one it was. It is very annoying as I either have to restart my game after a big event or play without sound by putting my sound on Digital Audio.
I think this is mainly done to manipulate the demand list in the Trading Post buy window. You can safely post these requests as they will never be filled, meaning you can get your money back with a few simple clicks.
No clue on how this should work in practice because of the current flood of stockpiled items from when the Trading Post was dead for more than a week, but I imagine that if at one point the stockpile runs out the prices would rise because of the fake high demand.
Pretty sure someone with more knowledge on this subject could elaborate on this, I guess.
Have the same thing.
Using plain Realtek HD audio of the mobo.
Seems to happen during big events (20-30+ players around)
Changing the in game sound options doesn’t seem to prevent it.
The same thing is happening to me, except that I crash whenever I temper with the sound options as this is happening.