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loot since update

in WvW

Posted by: AMP.2398


I brought this up in another thread..

This may be a measure to pull people away from WvW to participate in the new content. WvW was great for loot (best place IMO), but now the new Queen’s Jubilee content is far superior to WvW in regards to loot/gold.

Realistically, if your a player who played WvW mainly for loot, it doesn’t make sense anymore to farm there. You can easily fill your bags up in the new content in less than 30 min.

This also could have an indirect impact on the WvW populace if next’s weeks matches are mismatches. I highly doubt you’ll find servers that are getting blow out to remain in WvW when they can clean up in Queen’s Jubilee.

Anet better take note of the match-ups created next week

WvW has never been the best place for loot. It has always been the worst place, with the poorest drops and the poorest quality of drops. A single fractal run usually nets more than a whole night of WvW and even the new chests routinely drop greens when PvE chests have guaranteed rare items.

From my experience, fractals is atrocious for loot compared to WvW, but that also might depend on what servers we play on.

If you can convince me that fractals can net over 8g per hour then i’ll admit im doing something wrong in Fractals and I’m gladly all ears to get more if you have a suggestion.

My record right now in WvW (without getting any exotics and I believe 3 yellows) is 46g in just over 4hours of play. On average I get about 4-5g per hour and 15-20g a night (as I play usually 3-4hrs). Can fractals get me that?

I havn’t tested the current loot in WvW as I’ve been strictly doing Queen’s Jubilee. As I’m able to fill my bags in about 30 min of play in Queen’s jubilee.. from the sounds of it, it sounds like the go-to place instead of WvW.

How are you making 46g in 4 hours in WvW? It would take me hours just to juggle around/get rid of the 40+ gold worth of white or blues from my inventory.

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: AMP.2398


Well at least one person have already completed one of them.

I do agree however that most of them are somewhat extreme, but calling them a grind is quite silly, since they all come naturally by simply playing the game mode as usual.

They will not come naturally by simply playing the game, exception aside. Go and crunch the numbers yourself – or check out the post that has already crunched the numbers for you in 5/10/15 year figures. The vast majority of players are going to fall into the 15+ year estimates. A small amount are going to fall into the 10 year estimate, and if you fall in the 5 year estimate you’ll likely be dead in a year or two from muscle atrophy, malnutrition, and sleep deprivation from physically being attached to a computer that much.

Besides, GW2 servers simply won’t be around to play on so many years in the future.

Don’t take this as a personal attack but one would have to be completely deluded or ignorant of the numbers involved to say they are achievable from simply playing the game mode as usual.

No Grind? Hehehe... Funny

in WvW

Posted by: AMP.2398


So, playing the game is “grinding” in your eyes?
Because that is exactly what these achievements are about. Playing WvW. By playing WvW you will, sooner or later, finish these achievements.

Almost all of the achievements would take a moderately dedicated WvW player 10 to 15 years to get. Or in other words, just about no one will ever finish these achievements.

GW 5 will likely be out by then and I doubt GW2 servers will be kept going for that long.

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: AMP.2398


If you want to play small group/solo stuff, I would say engi is better as far as mobility and therefore could probably survive a lot longer. Necro pets are pretty bad outside of taking camps, but wells/plague/corrupt boons/epidemic are pretty fun to play (but are probably more successful in zerg fights).

If you want to follow the zerg, either would do fine. You’ll probably get more loot with necro.

I agree with most of what you said completely except that with grenades, bombs, or flame thrower I’d say an engineer could arguably compete with an necro for collecting bags while zerging if that’s the goal.

This advice is horribly misguided and as a newcomer to WvW the direction is steering you into a trap. Do NOT go for a class based on “How many lootbags can i tag/get”. Go for what is more USEFUL to your team/server. To judge a class on how much loot you can rake is your last concern as this is terribly selfish and honestly, the more you help your server, the better they do, the more bags you get etc… The better you play, the better your teammates do, leads to bags.

Back to the thread. Please go necro with plague form elite, your server mates will appreciate this as necros have a role in WvW. Engineer’s with the current meta do not have any accepted roles. For roamer, idk since I never roam.

Regarding tagging and bags, I mentioned it in response to someone else and it’s relevant in any case when pointing out AoE abilities. It’s not a good thing or a bad thing – just depends on how you play a build (single point damage vs. AoE). Relax.

Back to the thread though, engineers have great mobility in between traits and rocket boots – both sustained and burst mobility is better than most classes and survivability means you can get away with roaming and/or skirmish well.

As far as engineer usefulness in groups, you can switch kits up as needed to support other players like: Elixer Gun is great when PvDoor’ing (AoE heals + condition removal + blasts) or Supply Drop, rifle is great for CC or chasing, bombs can be traited to heal, etc… Not sure why anyone would say engineer has less of a group role in WvW than any other class (well besides thief anyway) other than people aren’t as familiar with engineer versus FOTM classes.

(edited by AMP.2398)

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: AMP.2398


If you want to play small group/solo stuff, I would say engi is better as far as mobility and therefore could probably survive a lot longer. Necro pets are pretty bad outside of taking camps, but wells/plague/corrupt boons/epidemic are pretty fun to play (but are probably more successful in zerg fights).

If you want to follow the zerg, either would do fine. You’ll probably get more loot with necro.

I agree with most of what you said completely except that with grenades, bombs, or flame thrower I’d say an engineer could arguably compete with an necro for collecting bags while zerging if that’s the goal.

Do you punish bad's?

in WvW

Posted by: AMP.2398


Lol punish?


I guess if you take yourself way too seriously and can’t ‘punish’ others in real life without getting punched in the face… online games offer a safer alternative.

Certain consumables in WvW? Safe?

in WvW

Posted by: AMP.2398


Charr Mines are not deployable in WvW.

This list is a little more recent (not by much but it lists most of the changes) than the one you referenced:

Instant Death in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: AMP.2398


Not at SM but similar: I’ve had this happen at a tower (forget which one now). Was going down some stairs while building siege, and then instant downed state. No enemies around, wasn’t in combat, and no noticeable lag at the time.

On 2 or 3 other occasions, while going down stairs I’ve taken heavy damage (but not enough to be downed) for no apparent reason.

7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: AMP.2398


Darkhaven epic fail at Fergusons Keep.
To the few defenders that where there, amazing work.

You guys did great defending but the reason it went on so long was because the keep lord bugged outside the wall and then kept respawning on the inside without ever turning the keep over after being killed multiple times (wasn’t a hack like someone said in your chat). A lot of us left (inc. myself and my friend) after it became apparent it just wasn’t going turn over… a lot stayed and just kept fighting the stream of enemies flowing in until you guys got smart and built up on the walls and used siege to finally decimate the zerg pointlessly staying in the circle.