Showing Posts For Aaron.6103:
The #1 guy will have to do 100% of the dailies every day for those extra few points to guarantee that spot. Sounds troublesome, but some people are just that hardcore to be #1.
In the end, the amount of achievement points will be tied to how many days you’ve actively played, giving no chance for a new account to ever catch up to a veteran. Just a years worth of dailies by itself is a huge gap (10 points a day, 365 days = 3650 points). Isn’t it basically the same thing as being able to buy points through salvaging (age vs gold)? On the other side however, what would be the point of an achievement scoreboard once a lot of people have 100%’d everything, though the 100%ers are usually a very small minority.
Saw a post where someone already has 25,000 points what is the most anyone has so far?
I’m that someone.
I doubt anyone got higher. I cornered the salvage market for months in order to get that high.
Unless you’re also the guy recently featured in an anti salvaging achievement point thread, someone else has around 36k points. Don’t remember where the thread is, was a week or two ago.
Yeah that was me, you’re misremembering the number.
Nah, the guy with 35,000 achievement points is me. This will be my first and probably only forum post, because I don’t usually like bragging. Achievement points are not the only thing I have. I also have three legendary weapons and have about 40 Agony resist with of ascended gear on my main and 8 level 80s one for each class. Anyway, I do like this change, this will allow me more free time to do more things in the game. Hopefully I’ll still be in the top of the leaderboards once all my points are removed, I have not missed a single daily since the game out so there’s a good chance.