Showing Posts For Aaron Boone.4021:

Jumping Puzzle compromise

in Wintersday

Posted by: Aaron Boone.4021

Aaron Boone.4021

it’s easy:
-Timed JP’s like Winter Wonderland and Clocktower should be solo instance, so we can retry right after we failed. No one likes the waiting.
-Add an option to let the player choose what difficulty they want. Higher difficulty means higher rewards of course but at least everyone should be able to get the achievement

I totally agree with this… I like a challenge but don’t like having to wait between attempts for ages in between goes… puts me off.

Having better rewards for a higher level would mean more tries to get better, especially now I’m not waiting in between goes for an age. But (like at Halloween) if I only have a limited amount of time due to RL then I can choose easy, kitten the reward but have the Achievement.

Anyone else not able to open chests in the Labyrinth??

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Aaron Boone.4021

Aaron Boone.4021

I’m from Europe so missed out on the pre-hotfix fun… Thing is I don’t mind making the drops rarer and hard to find but limiting me to one of each chest per day seems like taking away any chance to get anything good, my 2 chests today I got nothing good and this event is only on for a few days, Part 3 starts tomorrow so all i got from part 2 was those crappy teeth… (that should be a Mad King event t-shirt) I am going to go and do the scavenger hunt part 2.

Final note for Anet, I am a casual player and what I mostly see on here is casual players complaining… thing is I am happy to find very little loot in chests as long as there is a chance I might find something good, and that on occasion I am rewarded.. but I want to keep looking, not get limited because a group of exploiters took advantage of a flaw in your original plans… cut down the Exotics but let us loot more for the chance of cosmetics and stuff….