Showing Posts For Ace.1378:

Henge of Denvari, looking for a new guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ace.1378


Hello thanks for reading my post. My game handle is Ace, I am 25, and a California native. I am Relatively new to guild wars 2 but I am eager to learn and get involved with a good group of players. I have a lot of experience in gaming communities ranging from officer positions to designing logo’s and websites for the past communities I have been associated with in other titles. I love the comradery that develops among these communities and ultimately I am just looking for a group that shares those same views. I have teamspeak, and skype and I play on average a few hours a day. If you feel like I may be a fit for your guild please don’t hesitate to message me.
Thanks you,

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ace.1378


I am relatively new to the guild wars realm and I never got to play see Cantha content since I started in guild wars 2. The reason for staying away from “Asian” cultures isn’t a reason in my mind not to add this content to the game. I love all ancient cultures including the Chinese, Korean, and Japanese civilizations and incorporating a unique culture based off these cultures i.e the Cantha would be a very enjoying experience for me as a player. These cultures have strong prides in their heritages and traditions and very beautiful and unique architecture that would greatly benefit the guild wars universe. I hope that Arena.Net you go forward with this as an expansion.
There is nothing wrong with embracing all cultures in the art design and story of a fictional world. Makes me sad that I may not get to experience this content. I study martial arts under very strict Instructor from Korea and I can stay as long as it is done with respect I highly doubt he would be offended if some “game” put Asian themed content in it that looked more Chinese or Japanese than Korean. Please release this content if you do I will buy it!