Showing Posts For Acidbaron.6724:

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Acidbaron.6724


I think some of you need to read up on the meaning of the word ‘exploit’

But this is no real surprise to me, when people hit something they can’t beat, this is the result.

To give others some context a tower was taken in EB, near JQ green keep and we kept it for 2 hours with no walls or a gate.

Guess they didn’t like that

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Acidbaron.6724


There is a reason other games have lock out periods on captures. The past has shown time and time again to maintain a competitive environment 24 hour activity will always bring forth these issues and hemorrhage players until you’re left with a small group. Now i’m not advocating a flat out lock out period as it doesn’t fit here, my suggestion will be a bit more down.

This is not something arenanet should want or the players involved.

I’m all for PvP solutions to a PvP problem however the only solution here right now is either team up with cross region guilds or have a large populace of the unemployed on your server.

I would be more open to the idea of night captures if you Arenanet for starters made the servers international to begin with, however you did not you setup servers regional, while not locking them It does give plenty a clear view that if another region join there they will always be on top.

Let’s say a night is at least 8 to 10 hours this means a tick every 15 minutes, so this means 32 to 40 times 500 to 600 point gained when the rest is below 100. So let’s say easily 20K points gained the other party has a hard time to recover from and this is me not including the remaining morning and work day what makes that a 40K point leap. Now to recover from that the Night capping server needs to have little activity during peak hours, what doesn’t happen and so even being in disadvantage during the peak hours but still 200 points near them you cannot regain it.

Generally if it was just you against the other region it would balance out as their activity would be low during your times but it isn’t in reality.

Please do not adopt this Ostrich stance and write it off as just a vocal minority issue, check your graphs and see how the server point shifts from near equal or with some advantage to almost everything to one server during off hours.

Anyway i think my stance on this is clear i find it a flaw in the system and an error that will cause more issues down the line.

So what do i propose?

We get rid of static point gains and make them variable, the amount of points per type of structure gained per tick is based directly of how many people are active.
This would lead to off hour camping when there’s no to barely any resistance to not give the full amount of points now but only a minor fraction.

This allows those kittenally play on the other region server to be with friends from europe and vice versa, but removes the situation now that each day the other servers end up with

This reasoning is based that from a design point of view you want a competitive environment, so you want to focus the biggest rewards on the time where the activity is the most another side effect is that you also keep the points closer together what removes the discouraging element we see now when another is miles ahead when the region peak hour starts and keeps WvWvW really competitive.

The large point gaps served their purpose when getting a more correct balance now it doesn’t anymore for the biggest part at least in my opinion.

This could indirectly also effect server population balance if you think further on it or at least gives incentive to not pick the largest populated servers as your main choice, while server queues already play a discouraging role there.

I Would like to have a developer poke holes in my suggestion here, although asking for a response can make you generally persona non grata on forums but taking no course of action will not make WvWvW a competitive enviroment PvP guilds looked for in this game in the long run and it will be treated as a mini game inside the game.

Warriors in WvW and in general

in Warrior

Posted by: Acidbaron.6724


To be honest all i can say is, are we playing the same class.

Yes i have CC, my utility skills when build right in terms of gear and traits can do a lot for the team.

I go with either a longbow, Hammer or a sword/horn + hammer. depending on group size.

You cannot be a tank and a dps class, you can at most push Tank and CC. This is not your WoW warrior or SWTOR assasin (which were grossly OP as i could tank 20 people with heals), you can soak damage but you cannot take all damage.

I really fully disagree with the idea we can’t do things well, warrior from the first day i picked it up was a class that to me seemed something that was easy to play but harder to fully master due to the amount of paths we can take and so spread ourselfs too thin across the board.