Showing Posts For Adamant.2543:

Why so Toxic?

in PvP

Posted by: Adamant.2543


You sound a lot more toxic than they do.

Because I… what? Pointed out the flaw in their snarky response, giving me advice to ignore people, which I’ve done since I started playing games a decade ago, and making assumptions about which game mode I’m joining, which caused them to flat out be wrong?

Ignoring people after they’ve insulted me doesn’t change the fact that they’ve insulted me, and it doesn’t make the game more fun to have members of my team that I have to ignore and never speak to, forgoing any ability to communicate and organize a strategy.

Whatever, this thread confirms it, Guild Wars 2 sPvP is a scene I want no part in, since apparently the order of the day is “Get a premade or never play as a team ever, and if you don’t want to be treated like kitten, it’s your own fault for not ignoring everyone”

Why so Toxic?

in PvP

Posted by: Adamant.2543


Step 1: block player
Step 2: …..
Step 3: profit

How insightful. I’ve never thought to do that in a game, ever. That clearly makes toxic players cease to exist for everyone, right?

Step 4: Get out of hotjoin.
Step 5: Queue unranked.

I am queuing unranked, way to make assumptions though.

People like you two are exactly part of the problem, just pop in and make snarky comments and act like it’s made you superior to the poor noob.

Why so Toxic?

in PvP

Posted by: Adamant.2543


Seriously, I just started up with sPvP, and already I’m sick of it. As I understand it, we’re stuck in the same map until rank 10, and every single map there’s at least one guy who just can’t shut up about how we’re all noobs and how he’s doing everything. Meanwhile, I’m playing defense, because apparently nobody else wants to do it, and someones gotta keep the gates up. We’ve got guys running supply and fighting in the center to keep the other team from getting it, and Mr. Toxic is always, ALWAYS running face first into the enemy base and flopping over.

Maybe I’m just an idiot for trying to explain all that to them, but I can only be called a [Bundle of Sticks] so many times before I give up altogether, and I have to wonder, how many other newbies are experiencing this and saying screw it?

What is wrong with WvW in this game?

in WvW

Posted by: Adamant.2543


It seems every time I go to do any WvW, because hey, I’m a fan of keep sieges, it’s just… constant people wanting to trade keeps for exp/karma, and asking if any actual pvp is going to happen gets you told “You don’t have a tag so shut up or go do Shadow Behemoth”. I mean… what the hell? How is this a good environment in the game? I can run around on my own doing skirmishes with stragglers (In which case, why am I not just doing sPvP), but if I want an epic siege, I’m SOL, all the carebears took over WvW and nobody seems to care.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adamant.2543


Probably been said before, but the ‘Unlocking traits via killing X’ feels like a good idea that’s been implemented in the worst possible way. I’ve been standing around at the Gates of Arah for ages waiting for the defense event to start on the slight chance that the High Mage spawns (Because there’s zero chance of the zerg allowing the event to fail), and the only thing I can think is “Why is this tied to one single creature’s death? Why not award the trait on completion of the event to either take or defend the gates?”

Frankly, this encourages the exact opposite of good gameplay, these traits actually require people NOT PLAY THE GAME in order to progress.

LF Beginner-Friendly Dungeon Guild (CD)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Adamant.2543


Hey, it’s been well over a year since I last played, and I’m looking for a guild that runs dungeons and doesn’t mind having someone who’s, well, never done them before. Not to say I’m totally inexperienced, I’ve done AC and CoF, but never anything else, and now with having a year away from the game, I hardly remember much of those two. I can’t really do WvW since my comp has trouble handling the number of people on the screen, so looking for dungeons as a way to keep the game enjoyable.