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Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Aedh.2631


Here’s my Norn Ranger. She’s only lvl 35, but I couldn’t wait to try this look so I wasted a few transmutation charges. I will change the boots for something better once I reach lvl 80.

I wanted to avoid showing too much skin, so I went with a mix of Technomagic (chest), Aetherblade (legs, boots) and Norn t3 (gloves, shoulders).
What do you guys think ?


Niamh Ruadhan – Norn guardian (Augury Rock)
Rend Brokenfist – Charr warrior (Augury Rock)

Rate the Charr Name Above You

in Charr

Posted by: Aedh.2631


Though his name might not fit a guardian so well, it’s still very good all around. First name or last name, both sound beastly !

My charr’s name is Rend Brokenfist, a warrior from the Iron Legions.
He got his nickname after breaking his fist on a superior officer’s jaw.


Niamh Ruadhan – Norn guardian (Augury Rock)
Rend Brokenfist – Charr warrior (Augury Rock)

(edited by Aedh.2631)

Wars healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Aedh.2631


Yes, it was a typo.

If it was 392 hp/3 sec, it would actually be a nerf to healing signet.

Niamh Ruadhan – Norn guardian (Augury Rock)
Rend Brokenfist – Charr warrior (Augury Rock)

[VIDEO] Warrior in a 5man team vs Guilds

in Warrior

Posted by: Aedh.2631


Great vid as usual, with very good teamplay.
Hope to see more soon

Niamh Ruadhan – Norn guardian (Augury Rock)
Rend Brokenfist – Charr warrior (Augury Rock)

Matale's Hammer sPvP Duels and Strats

in Warrior

Posted by: Aedh.2631


I’ve been playing this build for the past few days as well, with healing signet and soldier ammy.
Lots of fun to play, but I only tried it in hot-join for now. Do you think you will record touney games with this build ? It would be quite interesting to watch, I think.

Anyway, great vid, and thanks a lot for the guide.

P.S : Healing signet + Adrenal health actually provides around 500-550 HPS (adrenal health ticks every 3 seconds, and not 1 as the signet). 900 would be OP.

I’ve just seen several warriors that you could tell were bad, with random dodges, constantly using stuns into blinds and so forth and they did really well vs much better players simply because of that signet. On the 1v1 server we had a warrior that constantly won playing with the signet and when I dueled him it just didn’t end, it went on forever because he couldn’t land his skills but I couldn’t kill him either, I didn’t do enough damage. I convinced him to try a different healing skill like I was doing and it was over pretty fast afterwards. In my eyes it just feels like that signet carries a lot of players based on what I’ve been seeing. In the hands of a really good player I’m sure it’s devastating.

I guess it’s true. It happened to me as well, a few 1v1 where neither of us had the dps to go through the sustain healing of the other.
I’m just an average player, so it might carry me sometimes. Just a little :>
After all, when you take healing sig, you have one less skill to worry about. You don’t have to be careful about stuns, interrupts or other CCs since it’s a passive ability, and its active heal probably won’t save you if you have to pop it.

With the high toughness of soldier’s ammy, and the ability to dispell conditions via the bursts (and with this build, you use both of them almost on cd), the sig just feels too good to pass.

Niamh Ruadhan – Norn guardian (Augury Rock)
Rend Brokenfist – Charr warrior (Augury Rock)

Matale's Hammer sPvP Duels and Strats

in Warrior

Posted by: Aedh.2631


I’ve been playing this build for the past few days as well, with healing signet and soldier ammy.
Lots of fun to play, but I only tried it in hot-join for now. Do you think you will record touney games with this build ? It would be quite interesting to watch, I think.

Anyway, great vid, and thanks a lot for the guide.

P.S : Healing signet + Adrenal health actually provides around 500-550 HPS (adrenal health ticks every 3 seconds, and not 1 as the signet). 900 would be OP.

Niamh Ruadhan – Norn guardian (Augury Rock)
Rend Brokenfist – Charr warrior (Augury Rock)

[WvW] The Healway Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedh.2631


I see, not as good as I thought then. Thanks for your input.

Niamh Ruadhan – Norn guardian (Augury Rock)
Rend Brokenfist – Charr warrior (Augury Rock)

[WvW] The Healway Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedh.2631


I recently got my guardian up to lvl 80, and I’m thinking of running this build in WvW (or at least something very close to it). Thanks for putting it back online btw

What do you guys think of the runes of Lyssa ? Allows you to get a little more crit (I’m thinking of using the trait Retributive armor as well, with some emerald jewels on the trinkets), and the random boon every 10 secs + the elite dispelling conditions and adding all boons look interesting.

Niamh Ruadhan – Norn guardian (Augury Rock)
Rend Brokenfist – Charr warrior (Augury Rock)

Static Discharge build and gear?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aedh.2631


It’s PVE gear, with the following stats : power, precision, crit damage.

Some people are against it because it doesn’t offer any survivability stats, and people running with this kind of gear usually die fast.
This is great gear for glass cannon builds however. You hit hard (very hard), but you have to learn how to use dodge efficiently, as well as -in the case of an engi- other skills which might improve your life span (net, knockback, etc.).

Niamh Ruadhan – Norn guardian (Augury Rock)
Rend Brokenfist – Charr warrior (Augury Rock)