Showing Posts For Aeldros.8249:

This is what happens when surprise, FREE TRANSFERS

in WvW

Posted by: Aeldros.8249


Learn to read:

You should’ve closed server transfers on the second or third day. Too late now, tho. Damage has been done.

This is what happens when surprise, FREE TRANSFERS

in WvW

Posted by: Aeldros.8249


I got bored of our own match up in blackgate, so I went ahead and switched to other servers to see how they were doing.

You know? I really don’t mind the “SERVER A 2.000 points – SERVER B 3.500 points – SERVER C Over9000 points” anymore, it’s not like that will ever get fixed… But when I see a player from another server openly advertising their own server on the map chat of one of the defeated servers, that’s lame.

I know that may sound kind of difficult at first to understand, so I’ll just name it:

In the match up of Eredon’s Terrace – Isle of Janthir – Sea of Sorrows, a player named Archaos, from the RUIN Guild, one that belongs to Eredon’s Terrace, was in Isle of Janthir server, recruiting for Eredon’s Terrace on the Isle of Janthir server map chat.

That’s lame, but you know? I’m not gonna blame the player or the guild or whatever. I blame ArenaNet for their decision of allowing free server transfers with no cooldown for so long.

This is what happens when you make a decision like that. You get 4 top tier servers, always full, and the rest of the servers empty, or with guilds about to leave them, because they are all going to where the fun is. You get the poor matchups and the unfair fights everywhere. And you get the spamming and advertising of other servers.

Had you closed the free server transfers on the second or third day, guild wouldn’t have been able to jump on the bandwagon of victory just because they lost one of their matchups.

You should’ve closed server transfers on the second or third day. Too late now, tho. Damage has been done.

Let’s see now if your solution to this, the “could you guys go to low population servers? kthxbai” works. I doubt it.
