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Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Aelfaeth.6512


Specific Game Mode

Proposal Overview
Change to functionallity of LB#5

Goal of Proposal
Giving the ranger more fast AoE damage, since the skill currently is easy to dodge and does require the ranger to stay in place

Proposal Functionality
Change the skill into shooting a marked arrow/flare arrow to call in support from fellow rangers, bombarding the targeted area with arrows over a short period of time, also possible inflicting root or condition(s), or boon(s) for the ranger

Associated Risks
Might create issues if the damage is to high and rangers will lose one of their highest damage AoE skills, however since it rarely hits all of it’s duration anyway it seems unlikely.

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Aelfaeth.6512


Specific Game Mode


Proposal Overview

Changes to allow rangers chose between skills on pet and passive buffs for the ranger.

Goal of Proposal

Make it possible for rangers to be less reliable on pets while still be able to use them, while also allowing the ranger more control of the pet by allowing commands of all the pets active skills.

Proposal Functionality

Change the current way of controlling a pet into having the pets 4 skills go inte a “pet skillbar”, then allow the player to choose between having a skille for the pet there or a passive buff for the ranger.
examples of buffs:
Corrosive weapons: Attacks have a chance of inflicting posion on the target
Call target: Amplifies damage when attacking a new target for a couple of seconds, with a cd
Sharpened edges: Melee attacks have a chance to cause bleeding
Barbed Arrows: Chance to inflict bleeding on ranged attacks

Associated Risks

Might be hard to balance, also a risk of players leaving the pet without any active skills at all. Might also choose the best of both worlds, i.e. the strongest skills of a pet with the strongest buffs.

Another issue would be players going bear pets with 4 passive buffs and just use the bear for tanking in standard PvE, in other word people going pets with the most stats and ignoring the active skills they have.

Final Thoughts

I know it has been brought up over and over again with preperations instead of pets etc, but imo this would allow for pets to still be a part of the game, while also giving the ranger the possibility to just go hard dps for dungeons etc.

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Aelfaeth.6512


Specific Game Mode
Proposal Overview
Adaption to the class being made to increase mobility and positioning factors, making it a more mobility based class.
Goal of Proposal
Adjust rangers from current low dmg dealers standing in the same spot into a profession that benefits from movement and positioning
Proposal Functionality
Either severly alter current weapons or adapt them into a more positioning based system, ex add rifle and let Rifle and Longbow give substained damage from a stable positioning while changing Short bow and axe to have increased damage and give larger advantages depending on positioning.
Allow for movement with Axe 5th, give Axe 3 a bonus if hit from behind etc.
Associated Risks
The rifle portion brings the risks of adding a new weapon into a class
Changes on shortbow and axe might be imbalanced in PvP.

7 second lupicus kill... balanced??

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aelfaeth.6512


Hey Kyubi, how does that affect you actually? Have you ever been in a party that killed Lupi under one minute? Have you ever tried to make your LFG look like what you want?

The two things I’m saying is that you should play how you want with the people you want. And nobody forces you to go full zerker and play speedruns. So go on, “play how you want” and leave the actual speedruns problems to those that are interested in it.

You mean the devs that should have fixed this a long time ago? Speedrunning shouldn’t even be possible as it’s done now and before you say “it’s a part of the game” or something other like that, I strongly doubt the devs intended for most of the game which they spent a long time making to be skipped.

This is also something that affects all players since most gear etc is dependent on the TP and people making gold in ways that shouldn’t be possible therefore affect everyone.

OT: Zerker is kinda fine, Fiery Rush needs to be fixed, current issues with walls etc needs to be fixed, and simply buff the enemies so that zerkers can’t survive as easy as they do now.

[iR] RANGER Redesign

in Ranger

Posted by: Aelfaeth.6512


Agree with Aeri, this wont happen end of story, Anet is more likely to simply remove the ranger class (which I would almost welcome since ranger in it’s current stage is just making me sad)

[Ranger] We need changes NOW not march

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aelfaeth.6512


ESO sucks, they won’t have much competition from it

Most likely not, they will just have people stop playing the game, In the current state of the game they might as well remove the ranger from PvE and make it a PvP-only class, you can do better with pretty much any other class blindfolded atm.

[PvX] Concerning Eles and Sigils

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aelfaeth.6512


Really can’t see the logic here sorry, would be really silly to allow an ele to have 4 sigils on a staff, the on swap effects are kinda stupid since not all professions can swap weapons, however chaning amount of sigils is not really an answer.

You can’t make the comparisson that you are making since today the same problem exist except with just half the sigils.

Ranger: "Spam to win!" (2/8)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aelfaeth.6512


Should have asked this in my previous post, but are these changes ment for PvE or PvP or both? because personally I belive that rangers are fine in sPvP, however they are pretty much useless in PvE content, though pets are a big part of the problem I feel that the shortbow should be changed, since the damage of it is inferior unless you get to stack up bleed, which will be done allready (typically bleed reaches 25 stacks just by peoples traits). I also still agree that most of the skills lack an actual punch, which however might be balanced with respect to the pets.

TL:DR Rangers are fine as they are in sPvP and in PvE the main thing that needs to be changed is the pets, which wont happen and unless it does rangers will stay useless in PvE.

[All] ANet - Do You See This as Balanced?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aelfaeth.6512


GW2 Activity / Dominant Profession

Dungeons: Guardian + 4 warriors or 5 warriors
Exceptions: AC 1-3 1 ele 1 guard 3 wars, cof1 1 mesmer 4 wars

Fractals: 2 Guardian +3 warriors
1 war and 1 guard are absolutely mandatory for 99% parties.
Any party not asking for at least 1 guard is either low level or playing for a challenge.

This is true, however as you also states, a majority of the party is ususally still warriors, which is kinda silly

Necromancer: "I lack an identity!" (1/8)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aelfaeth.6512


Similar to your ranger thread I feel that there are much that would be nice and some inovation in it, what I feel would make more of a difference to make this into an attrition class would however rather be an introduction of hexes (I figure this sounds silly to anyone with skills in programming since I have a feeling it would be very hard to implement), skills of the necro in GW1 like life transfer and spiteful spirit and insidious parasite are some of the things i miss with the necro, currently necromancers feel more like a class with some dps and loads of hp (high hp pool + death shroud hp pool).

As for the change with blood magic thing, I think this would be inbalanced, I do like the thought but since this essentially would give necros a second mechanic it just feels imba.

Ranger: "Spam to win!" (2/8)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aelfaeth.6512


One of the better fixes to the ranger I’ve read in a while, though I like the idea of the change with the Axe auto-attack, one have to take into consideration that this removes the ability to use the axe for ranged dps, personally i feel that poison volley for the short bow should be changed completly to a different skill, feel that shortbow shouldn’t have any aoe skill and should rather be focused on single target, a longer duration posion arrow for example would be prefered imo.

[Warrior] Berserker's Might

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aelfaeth.6512


i dun use these 2 grandmaster traits, are there other warriors who use these traits to great success? are these 2 traits normal? overpowered? underpowered? balanced? weak? working as intended?

what if we gave these 2 grandmaster traits some conditional buffs?

Berserker’s Power
Trait line: Warrior – Strength
Tier: Grandmaster
Type: Major

Increased damage based how much adrenaline you have built and while below the health threshold.

Adrenaline stage 1: 5%
Adrenaline stage 2: 10%
Adrenaline stage 3: 15%

Health threshold: 75% Damage Increased 5%
Health threshold: 50% Damage Increased 15%
Health threshold: 25% Damage Increased 35%

^ health < 75% adrenaline stage 2, do extra 10% + 5% = 15% extra damage
^ health < 50% adrenaline stage 3, do extra 15% + 15% = 30% extra damage.
^ health < 25% adrenaline stage 1, do extra 5% + 35% = 40% extra damage.
^ health < 25% adrenaline stage 3, do extra 15% + 35% = 50% extra damage

Berserker’s Might
Trait line: Warrior – Strength
Tier: Grandmaster
Type: Major

Gain might when health is below the threshold and adrenaline while in combat.

Adrenaline: 2
Health threshold: 75% Might 10 s
Health threshold: 50% 2 Might 10 s
Health threshold: 25% 3 Might 10 s
Interval: 3 s

^ health < 75% warrior gains 1 might 10 s and 2 adrenaline every 3 seconds.
^ health < 50% warrior gains 2 might 10 s and 2 adrenaline every 3 seconds.
^ health < 25% warrior gains 3 might 10 s and 2 adrenaline every 3 seconds.

so … overpowered? what do you think? conditional buffs. makes the warrior stronger when the warrior is closer to death.

if this is implement, would people combo this with “defy pain” for the built in endure pain activation at 25% health and use another endure pain for 8 seconds of extra 50% damage if the adrenaline is level 3 as well?

however, healing signet is always ticking and may cause the warrior to only benefit from health < 50% damage increase instead.

If the initial was removed and just have the conditional one it would be more balanced, but why do you want this changed? The trait is freaking strong as it is

[All] ANet - Do You See This as Balanced?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aelfaeth.6512


this is working as intended because warriors are meant to be the easiest profession to play. do you remember that guild wars 2 is a very casual game and has a lot of casual players? casual players like to play easy professions.

Cart leading the donkey? The class is easy to play due to the level it’s been buffed/built up to.

Two solutions are, make warrior more challenging to play, or make all other professions more easier/favorable.

since launch, before the various buffs, warriors have been easy to play in PvE, this is the intended game design since launch.

warriors is and always will be the easiest profession.
i do not think making them more challenging is good for the massive casual player base.

however, i do object if the other professions are made more favorable to play.

for example, i do not really play elementalist due to lowest health pool and light armor. as for how i level my PvE elementalist to level 80, it was via the 30% exp bar from doing 5 PvE daily achievements, over many days. errr lets see now.

5/5 dailies = 30% exp bar.
so 4 days = 120% exp bar = 1.2 level.
20 days = 6 levels

from 39 to 80 is about 40 levels so …
maybe i took around 130 days.

as for sPvP, i tried playing elementalist in sPvP. died within seconds in each encounter so i stopped doing so. the other times i got try out elementalist is when during friendly 1 vs 1 duels with guild members. i still died in the end though.

perhaps, the main issue with so much warrior hate, is that, warriors are very much easier to play when compared against other professions.

for example, an average player may find thief to be weak, not good enough, etc. but for a player who is very experienced with thief, live in USA, near the physical servers, have good latency etc may think otherwise.

some professions such as thief does not allow for any errors in combat, and any bad latency may adversely affect their combat game play.

warriors on the other hand, allows the warrior player to make a lot of mistakes and still survive, provided if the enemy are equally not that skilled.

Okey so a few things I should point out here, first of all if you die that easily with ele you’re apparently doing something wrong, however warriors are essentially on par with ele at dmg output if the ele is played at max potency (which is a lot harder to do than with the warrior) yet warrior has loads of more hp and armor, if you consider this to be balanced, then your post stands otherwise you should probobly reconsider it.