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The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Aeonax.1207


+1 Teldo
+1 Helseth
I think most of “top” players are agree with teldo and helseth.

That’s exaaaaactly where you are wrong Posiqtpie! Not only top players would appreciate it: 90%+ (just a rough guess) of the playerbase would.

Why? Because SoloQ’îng in a rated environment is “the best” way to improve your own mechanical skills, solo decisions, etc that any player can find because he will be matched with and against players of the same skill level who also are playing by themselves and share the same goal: improving (well, this one does not stand true for the very top and very bottom of the ladder in which a lot of people will troll around, but still!).

Please allow me to list a few pros:

- All players would get a place where they can improve their mechanical skills by playing against opponent’s of the same skill level;

- Team players would not have to be scared about affecting their team’s average rating by playing SoloQ;

- Team players would have something to do whenever their full team is not online to play, gathering 5 people is a lot and sometimes you just want to play more;

- Solo players would have a solo ladder to show how good they are whenever they want to join a team and/or create one with people of the same skill level;

- New teams could be born from this system, which would make the game more competitive.

Here’s a little something on that one: In any team-based game that wants to be anywhere near competitive you need to give players an EASY way to create Networks.

Networks are the most IMPORTANT thing a player will need in such games, the good old “be noticeable and get noticed” has always and will always be king in team-based games because it’s what starts everything: joining/creating a team.

As of now, there is ABSOLUTELY no easy way for people who want to be noticed to actually do so because they have no Solo rating, nothing. Guys, in competitive games numbers are THE FIRST thing people will know about you! You know how important a first impression is in life right? It’s the exact same thing in gaming, the only difference is that you’re not judged on how you look, the way you speak or the ammount of money you have in the bank, but on your rating. If you have no rating, you are no one. It’s that simple, really.

Now, let’s think of a game in which being no one was a problem…. from what I gathered we could even take Guild Wars 1 as an example (I’ll be using the ladder type of game, which was GvG and pardon me if I make a mistake). It ended as an elitist-lair in which if you weren’t known no team would bother with you and you would never manage to get into the system, never manage to become “somebody” in the eyes of the people who played the game the way you wanted to play it. Why? Because a player had absolutely NO WAY to get noticed by himself.

Unfortunately, that is the exact same path GW2 is taking. It’s pretty simple. I’ll use my example as someone who’s been playing at the “top” since day 1: the only people I know and would play with in a serious environment are all the other players from top teams with whom and against whom I have played a countless ammount of games. Why? Because I know how good each and every one of them is.

Would I play with someone I don’t know, if I have never heard of that person and there is no rating to show me how good that person is? Obviously, because I’m a fluffy guy so I’d enjoy fun games with anyone. However, there is absolutely no way for me to play seriously with that guy!! I wouldn’t be able to consider him as a trustworthy player.

That is the worst possible path to chose if you hope the game to ever become a big name in the e-sports industry or even a big name in the amazingly fun team PvP games circle.

Please Anet, do not let a game as beautiful as this one become the elitist-lair it’s steadily becoming;
Please, do not let it become GW1;
Please, give players the opportunity to prove themselves to everyone else by themselves.
Please, give a way to people to get noticed.;
Please, let players become part of the networks they need to make your game a successful one, both as a fun and enjoyable game and as an e-sport;
Please, give us a SoloQ-only ladder.

I beg your pardon for my poor English.



You nailed it mate! Superb write up.

Please devs, hear this man out!

Just made the end of my work shift so much better Lowell; Thank you!

“Never understimate the predictability of stupidity”

The Unnamed [ThUn] - Desolation WvW Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Aeonax.1207


  • Website:
  • Recruitment Status: OPEN for dedicated WvW players (Open to all races/classes.)
  • Region: UK/EU (Anyone outside of these regions can still apply.)
  • Age Requirement: Applicants must be 18 or over.
  • Play-style: Semi-Hardcore / WvW
  • Guild Leader: Benki
  • Officers: Aeonax, Bladeh, Kaboom, Papaganoosh, Phoru, Snort

About Us

The Unnamed is a semi-hardcore European Guild looking to recruit for WvW players. Since beta when being on Desolation, we have moved to Gunnars Hold and then to Blacktide before coming back to Desolation which we believe to be the most consistent server for players and WvW. Our recent move here our focus is 100% on recruiting a WvW force large enough to take on the other zergs and blobbing kittens of tier 1. We’ve been on tier 1 in Blacktide before so we’ve already fought these people before!

Back on GH and BT we roamed WvW in force and did our part in contributing to the WvW effort. We decided to move over to Desolation because the WvW community didn’t feel strong enough for us on BT, and although we had an unbeatable server it was at the sacrifice of the good fights that we are now back to return to our old, yet new home server. We wish to build our numbers up and settle in to our new home in Desolation, helping with the coverage of the WvW maps and contributing to our new server community.

Since regrouping on Desolation we have made it our main goal to focus on WvW in 2013. As of late old and very experienced players that have been a part of The Unnamed before in Warhammer Online are flooding back to GW2 to join us in our efforts. As it stands we don’t WvW on a strict nightly basis due to our smaller numbers, with our official WvW nights being Tuesday and Thursday, but we hope to expand upon that and be present in WvW every day once our roster gets bigger.

If you want to be a part of a guild and community of players who care about WvW and work well as a team while having a good laugh along the way, then The Unnamed will suit you just fine. We are semi-hardcore and we take our WvW seriously, though we also like to have fun with it as well, so we can also be laid back and a great laugh too. We also stick by a rule that real life always comes before in-game.


- When in WvW you must be present on Mumble to listen to commands
- You must always represent The Unnamed when in WvW
- If online, you are required to join our compulsory Tuesday night WvW (RL commitments will be excused)

A Brief History

The Unnamed, originally a UK based guild, has been going strong for 5 years, and was formed by a group of friends and previous members of a former guild for the release of Warhammer Online. When WAR came out, we started off small but within 6 months of the game’s release we grew huge, recruiting players and several smaller guilds resulting in us having some of our finest Open PvP players to date. We became a large force and influence in the RvR and through one of our Commanders, Bladeh, we made a name for ourselves.

We branched off into other MMO’s such as Aion, FFXIV, Rift and SWTOR. None of these games suited us as a guild and when our core members heard about GW2 and the promises of WvW, we knew that it would take us back to our glory days.

Additional Information

As well as a sub-section for Guild Wars 2 on our forum, we also run a Mumble server for us to play games together on. People are on there most nights and it’s a very friendly environment full of laughter and banter. There are members on every night, with a large amount in the WvW channel within people also in other channels exploring PvE content.

How to Apply

To apply, make an account on our website and then head over to our WvW application form:

A response may take a few days, as our Commanders are usually very busy with leading, so please be patient when waiting for acceptance!

If you are an old member of The Unnamed then simply message me, Benki, on our website and we can sort you out from there.

Aeonax, The Unnamed Guild Wars 2 Officer

“Never understimate the predictability of stupidity”

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeonax.1207


My lv80 guardian; with things from here and there. Like this more than my lv80 crafted armor look


“Never understimate the predictability of stupidity”

Scepter/Shield? Is it not viable?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeonax.1207


I use the scepter+shield combo for point holding in sPvP. It gives a good range of control with chains of light as well as the knockback from shield. It also allows a steady stream of dmg via Smite. Add to the fact that it is our only means of range dmg

As mentioned, it isnt the most popular combo of weps amongst guards, but for my specific build and gamestyle, I find this combination pretty awesome.

Do try out the rest before sticking to it tho

“Never understimate the predictability of stupidity”