Showing Posts For Aeraeni.8234:
Supersin, I don’t wish to begin a discussion in this thread as that isn’t the point of the thread itself. Suffice to say, we took a dim view of your actions. Our loyalty to our server is not negotiable.
Your statement that Gunnars do not use spies is unfortunately either dishonest or naive. With the numbers you’re fielding, and the consistent response times we’ve seen, it’s a virtual certainty that some guilds will be, even if you don’t know of it – I would be unsurprised if some on Aurora do or eventually will. I’m used to dealing with it from Eve Online, and the simple truth is; if it is possible in an mmo, people will do it. That I was unaware of that use of the report mechanic doesn’t change that fact.
The change to transfers in November is unlikely to make any real impact on the problem as a whole. The length of wvw matchups is a week, same as the new transfer limit and that still allows guilds to make a comparison and potentially move each week to greener grass if they choose. There’s a thread for that in here if you wish to debate the issue.
And yes, I’m sure this week has been fun for Gunnars.
- To those that have responded.
Thankyou for your declarations thus far, and I’m glad to hear from our regular comrades in Unity.
To Grekk, I cannot speak for UNTY, but FURY are recruiting. In UNTY’s case you would need to check with Skly. If you wish to discuss a potential merger, or simply to work together, that’ll be fine by us.
To Arawn, thanks for getting in touch, I’ve PM’d Skydda.
To shadow, hmmn, another vanguard huh? Nice. Thanks for sharing your details, we’ll doubtless be in touch soon.
Keep them coming people!
(edited by Aeraeni.8234)
FURY are also working on organising our server’s valiant warriors a little more. Look out for a thread inquiring over auroran guilds in this forum.
As to UNTY, FURY are always glad to work with you gents. We’ll be there.
I’ll start us off.
1) Storm Vanguard [FURY]
2) 150 members.
3) 19.00 – 01.00 GMT Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
4) 20-30
5) Guild Leader – Aeraeni
Second In Command – Shadow Ray
Further Diplomatic Contacts; Alkahell, Akiyar,
Hey there guys.
I’m known as Aeraeni, the guild leader of the Storm Vanguard [FURY] on Aurora Glade.
In the last two months we have seen Aurora Glade change from a promising wvw server, to barely having a chance in the mid table. The free transfers allowing guilds to chop and change to winning servers is the reason why. We know of multiple good guilds that have left Aurora Glade for greener grass. I intend to do all I can to put an end to it.
Even tonight, after I led 20-25 in a doomed defense of our garrison against more than 70 Gunnars (we counted), we had whispers from officers of Gunnars Hold guild KISS (confirming our suspicions of their use of spies) asking us to transfer to their server and its 1200 man alliance, as if they didn’t have enough already. The response FURY gave them cannot be repeated in polite conversation.
Our interest, is in organising those that remain on Aurora into a more cohesive force comprising those loyal to the server. This alliance will help us increase Aurora’s wvw presence by better organising our sheduling of each of our own wvw events, focusing force where and when it is needed in the week.
To do this, I’d like to ask for some details from those guilds that remain on Aurora:
NOTE: Please post here only if your guild is committed to staying here and fighting for the server. This must not be a resource for other servers to try poaching further guilds from Aurora. If you’re committed to Aurora, post the following;
1) Your guild name.
2) It’s size.
3) It’s current active time range in wvw.
4) Regular numbers fielded.
5) Names of your leader, your prominent wvw cmdrs and good diplomatic contacts.
6) Any other information you feel is relevant.
If you wish to do this via private message to me, that is entirely fine too.
I’ll be comprising a list of those that make this statement. Works are in place to create a functional alliance for the server with joint voice comms. Knowing precisely who is out there and loyal, will be the key to forming it quickly and effectively.
Thanks guys.
Back to the top with yee!
Name: Storm Vanguard
Ticker: FURY
Leader: Aeraeni
Server: Aurora Glade
Current Size: 50 members
Voice Communications: Mumble Server
- Able to speak english
- Must download and use Mumble voice comms (microphone not strictly necessary)
- Must represent, and participate reasonably within the guild.
The Storm Vanguard are a guild that has played since beta, where our founding members met on the early WvW testing runs. We’re a good friendly group, with weekly weekend meetings, use of voice comms, and while we enjoy WvW as our primary focus, we have plenty of people running groups for dungeons, and teaming up for general PVE.
We have built up our guild to 50 members at time of this writing, and we’re open to many more. Our current membership hails from a mixture of european countries and the UK, with all our members being english speakers.
Our intention is to take FURY to a size where we can routinely field 20, 30 or even more at a single time in WvW, so that we can easily defeat even moderately defended keeps without external support. At present, our WvW events have us fielding 10-15 regularly, so we’re already one of Aurora’s larger and more effective combat groups.
How to Join
So, if this sounds interesting to you, head over to our temporary domain, register at the forum and apply in the relevant section;