Showing Posts For Aeroali.2814:
It is tough, but if there are multiple people that have completed it, that means it is possible. I myself can’t pass the fire boss in tier 2. I got to the little bugger without dying on any of the previous bosses and I thought, “hey this isn’t too bad” until I got to him. I have died 15 times on him and I seriously am getting worse (ie like dying almost instantly)lol. But guess what, that’s ok. Not everyone can have everything. And if i am not good enough to beat him, then I’m just not. I might try again later or i might not. Either way, I understand wanting something that you haven’t earned, but the mature thing to do (especially when there are quite a few who have completed it) is to either keep trying, or give up and be ok with it. I haven’t decided which one I am going to do yet.
Whispers Shoulders
Duelist Coat
Whispers Gloves
Rubicon Leggings
Predatory Boots
Storm Eye
Acolyte Mantle
Acolyte Coat
Winged Gloves
Cabalist Legs
Winged Boots
I consider myself casual. I play 1-2 hours a night, maybe 4-5 days a week. I even took about a month break in December where I didn’t log in at all. I have 1 level 80 in full exotics and I just got 100% map completion a few days ago.
I try to do my daily 5 times a week if I can. If I can’t, no big deal. It will take me a month and a half or so to get my amulet I’m saving for and that’s fine too.
Oh, and I’ve never set foot in a dungeon.
In other words, this game is extremely casual friendly.
My husband, who plays even less than me, and he took a 2 month break, has a level 70 character right now. He doesn’t mind that he isn’t 80 ( he knows he will get there soon) and he doesn’t mind that it will take him a few weeks to get all his exotics (after all, the journey is fun too right?).
Like someone above said, the pressure to have it all now is entirely put upon you by . . .YOU. Just play the game, have fun earning it. I know I’ll never have a legendary, and that doesn’t bother me, because I know not only do I not need it, but I wouldn’t have fun grinding for it. But guess what, I don’t whine that it’s too hard to get, I just don’t worry about getting it.
My medium armor wearer has one of the few non “trenchcoat” models in the game . . . so, there is one at least . . . in other words, I agree, there need to be more coat-less armor models. I actually like alot of the armor models (even the “coated” ones), but a bigger variety is always better.
The easiest way to get the dodge: Find mobs called Ember (you can find them in most of the Charr areas I think, or any place with fire. They are bird looking fire elementals.) They drop a bunch of aoe fire on the ground that sits there for quite some time. All you have to do is roll/dodge right through their aoe and you get dodge credit. No timing to it at all. If none of the other suggestions work for you, I highly recommend you do this. The only part about it that would be any work at all is finding where some embers are.
I was working on my chef and I couldn’t find strawberries for the life of me so I looked it up and found out there was a big patch in southern Kessex hills. I hadn’t been there yet (since I was leveling my Norn in the Norn areas) so I starting running south from Divinity’s reach for the long journey to the much needed strawberries.
When I finally got there and bent down to gather the berries . . . “No gathering tool equipped” (or whatever the fine print reads). Forheadsmackforheadsmackforheadsmack
Darn. Ok well where was the nearest town so I could buy gathering tools. The strawberry patch was on a cliff overlooking the ocean and a quick swim would take me to a vendor down there, so I got ready to jump, but I saw something called swimming goggles and out of curiosity picked them up.
How fun. My character was now suited up for her Olympic dive and my action bar changed to allow me to do tricks on my way down.
Best moment ever. Turned my stupid gaffe into a super fun moment.
In my opinion GW2 has one of the best armor/transmute/dying systems. I actually love most of the armor in this game and can easily find multiple armor combinations that I like. (aside from the awful leather pirate set which I hated wearing while leveling)
A few tips for getting more out of your armor.
First, be creative: mix and match sets. Don’t be confined to what the game tells you goes together, but try mixing and matching.
Second thing is, try different dye combinations. I’ve seen alot of people dye their armor all one color and it doesn’t give your armor much depth. In other words, it might be one reason you don’t like your armor. Try things other than black, white, red and blue, which are the majority of colors I see. Use contrasting colors to add depth to your armor, and take advantage of the fact that some pieces can use 3-4 different colors. (using neutral colors like browns, blacks, greys and whites for major pieces can allow you to add a splash of a bolder color on another piece without making it look too outrageous)
Tip 3: this one is for Anet. Add previewing to the trading post. Maybe this is already in the works, but it would really help people find nicer looking armor easier.
Anyways, my level 80 female ranger looks pretty neat and unique and I have gotten a few compliments and questions about her armor. All you have to do is be creative. Mix and match sets. And try color combos you wouldn’t normally think to use. My ranger has cultural boots, karma pants, random drop chest piece, order of whispers gloves and shoulder, and not showing helmet. What I ended up with is a completely unique looking character.
Anyways, I know it’s just subjective but I think there are loads of options in this game and with the dye system makes it even more fun.
Dyes drop so often that it isn’t even necessary to make them account bound. As someone said before, to make them account bound, they would have to cut the drop rate so dramatically that it wouldn’t be fun anymore.
I also was hoping it would be account bound when I first heard about it, but I actually believe this way is much more enjoyable. It gives me more to collect, it requires me to individualize my characters and pick different palates for different characters. It allows me to get dye drops more often, which in and of itself is pretty exciting. I only have one level 80 character and yet I have collected at least 50 different colors. Probably more.
I would actually be angry if they changed it to account bound because then I wouldn’t get as many dye drops. Like I said it is fun to get those unidentified dyes. I use browns and greens on my ranger, purples, oranges and reds on my elementalist, and blacks/greys on my thief so far. Any extra colors I just give to my main (ranger) so far. Since some are very cheap at the TP and since I have already received many duplicates, I’m not worried about about hording them until I find the perfect character as some of you are.
Oh and if no-one has corrected the guy on page 2 (I think) that was talking about wanting yellow on one character and wanting black on another, but having the bad luck of having the wrong character get black and the other character getting yellow. Dyes aren’t bind on pickup, they are bind on use. So you can open your unidentified dye, and even preview it before you decide to use it. You can then pass it right along to another character if it’s not the color you wanted with that character. You are inventing a problem that isn’t there.
Point is, the current method is far more fun, has more lasting power, keeps the dye economy alive, and allows you to individualize your characters even more. And those of you hording dyes and punishing yourself, stop. The dye system is fun, they practically fall from trees, most of them sell for less than a silver, so just use them, and in all likelihood you will find it (or can buy it cheap, other than the super rare) again.
Open your mind and you might find that the current system is actually fun (and this is coming from someone who initially hated the idea of character specific dyes, and who also deleted a character with the beautiful iron dye, which is semi expensive).
(edited by Aeroali.2814)
1-30: I have only played Human and Norn so far. I found the human one pretty decent. I like the political intrigue of it all. I was disappointed that most of the Norn choices were “something bad happened because I am an alcoholic.” Makes the Norn not seem very capable whereas the humans are dealing with big social issues. Which is sad cause the Norn are my favorite race.
Oh and spoilers . . .
30-50: Played Order of Whispers and part of Durmond Priory. I don’t much care for the priory. And Sieran (spelling?) I found fairly annoying and far to perky. But maybe that’s just because I played priory after the Order of Whispers story . . . so. much. fun.
I honestly played these quests back to back to back because I couldn’t wait to see what happened and to hang out with Tybalt (yes, I said hang out (more spoilers) When he died at Claw Island I was like . . . :O And honestly was pretty sad/mad.
If you secretly bring Tybalt back and pretend he miraculously made it, I wouldn’t be disappointed. Do it . . . I’ll wait here.
50+ Honestly I was kinda still mad that Tybalt wasn’t gonna be in my story so these didn’t seem as fun. Kinda depressing, difficult and well, I don’t care for Trahearne. His character has very little charisma/charm/more than one dimension.
So to sum up . . .
Intro story quests are light hearted and fun.
Order of Whispers is insanely fun. Let me run missions with my buddy Tybalt, and I’ll be here awhile.
I actually quite liked the cinematic style and voice acting (for most characters).
Trahearne, and the fact that he is 20 levels of my story, and I feel like my character has no emotional bond with him whatsoever cause he is a monotone personality-less character.
The fact that my character was very cavalier about the death of her partner. I felt like there was very little mourning. When people gave her condolences she was like, “yeah he’s dead, move on already.” “Ummmm, but he died an hour ago.”
I like a little light hearted fun mixed in with my undead slaying, so I felt one or two missions where I wasn’t being ambushed by undead would have really been ok. Really. : ) Like when I thought I was simply delivering a message to a widow and BAM, undead ambush.
Overall though, I like it, keep up the good work.
(edited by Aeroali.2814)
Didn’t have this problem up until I got Trehaerne (yikes forgot how to spell his name). The Sylvari guy. His dialogue cuts out quite often while I’ve never had any problem with my characters dialogue.
Server: Darkhaven
Guild: Vigilant Odyssey [Tale]
After about 24ish hours in queue the guild stash disappeared from the queue. It says in my history that I bought it, however I have no guild stash, none of the influence that I used to buy it, and nothing in queue. : ( My guild could really use some storage space, hope this is fixed soon.