Showing Posts For Aether.7250:

Having a shield stowed + backpiece

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aether.7250


Ugh, I thought so. Doubt anything is going to be done about it then. Thank you!

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aether.7250


Warriors can move pretty quick with their Bull’s Charge, greatsword 5, greatsword 3, sword 2, and I think the shield 4 as well. Between all that, they can cover an insane amount of ground in about 10 seconds. It’s like dashing 5 times in a row.

When I’m on my warrior, I can go the same distance as my ranger & guardian friends in about half the time if I really try and utilize all the different skills at my disposal.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

Having a shield stowed + backpiece

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aether.7250


I’m not sure if this is a bug or not, but I just recently started using a shield on some occasions. When I have my weapons stowed (so the shield is on my back), my backpiece does NOT show up. I am currently using the Sclerite Karka Shell backpiece skin. When the shield is on my back, the backpiece does not show up. When I draw my weapons, the backpiece suddenly appears. Stowing my weapons again removes the backpiece again.

Not sure if this is the case with other backpieces.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

Disconnecting during Ulgoth metaevent

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aether.7250


Since the first patch today, myself and many, many other players on my server (Maguuma) have been repeatedly disconnecting while fighting Modniir Ulgoth. While I would normally chalk it up to server load issues due to the new patch content, it has happened to me three times today, ALL while fighting Modniir Ulgoth. The first two times actually caused me to miss out on the bonus chest. I managed to get the bonus chest on my third try, just barely making it back into the game in time after disconnecting during that fight.

Other players have reported having the same issue ONLY at Ulgoth as well. I have not experienced any disconnecting or lag at any other area of the game today.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

Mail Problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aether.7250


I have had this same issue occur within the last 24 hours. I am sure that I mailed two messages to the same player, both with items attached. The other player only received the SECOND message, not the first. It has been more than 12 hours and he has still not received the first message.

I did contact support and they have told me that on my account logs it only shows that I sent out ONE message. However, I definitely received confirmation that I sent mail TWICE in game. I am very sure on this. The items lost were quite valuable (I was crafting another player a full set of Sentinel’s Draconic gear, I sent the set in two separate mail messages).

Support has stated that they can not return the items to me because the mail system “is functioning properly”, however, if more than one person is having these types of issues, I believe this should be investigated. I would like my items returned to me if possible, but more importantly, the issue should be fixed if there is an issue.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

What should I do with these karma exotics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aether.7250


Yeah, I started using the Mystic Forge maybe a month ago. I haven’t gotten anything of real value out of it, but a few weeks ago my friend got a precursor out of it from 4 random rares, so now I’m finding it hard to stop doing it…

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

What should I do with these karma exotics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aether.7250


AH. See, it’s not letting me combine non-karma items AND karma items together in the forge. That’s why I thought I couldn’t do it.

But if I use 4 karma items, works fine. Thank you.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

What should I do with these karma exotics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aether.7250


Alright, so a few months ago I went and filled the 6 accessory slots on my warrior with exotics from the temple karma vendors in Orr. As of today, I have now replaced 4 of the 6 exotic pieces with ascended pieces.

Now, since I’m pretty positive you can NOT salvage or Mystic Forge anything that you acquired through karma…is there ANYTHING I can do with these 4 exotic accessories sitting in my bank? I didn’t want to destroy them because, well, they are still pretty nice pieces of gear. But at this point they’re taking up space I could be using, so before I go ahead and destroy them, I just want to make sure there is nothing at all I can do with them.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

Look over my build, WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Aether.7250


Thank you for your input guys. Warlord, I’ll try your changes out for a couple days and see how it goes. No harm in trying new things out. Faster weapon swaps might be good for me in fights considering the Hydromancy sigil I have on my shield.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

Look over my build, WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Aether.7250


Could someone look over my build? I mostly play WvW. In groups/zergs, I frontline with my greatsword. Roaming, I close with my greatsword and switch to axe/shield for combat, switching to my greatsword for chasing if need be. I also have a warhorn for swiftness and blast finisher, not really used in combat unless I’m forced to. I’ve found this build is plenty tanky enough for most situations, I rarely if ever get downed, even when running right up front with commander. And I can deal enough damage to finish people or duel one on one while roaming. I’ve been running this build for the last month and have had great success in WvW, both running in medium-sized groups and roaming solo/small party. I just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas on how to improve it. Thanks in advance!


Armor – All Knight’s (PPT) w/ Ruby Orbs

Backpiece – Soldier’s w/ Exquisite Azurite (PTV/VPT)
Rings – Ascended Soldier [Lost Seal of Usoku][Royal Signet of Doric] (PTV)
Accessories – Cavalier’s w/ Exquisite Azurite (PTCr/VPT)

Weapon Set 1:
Soldier’s Greatsword (PTV) w/ Superior Sigil of Fire

Weapon Set 2:
Berserker’s Axe (PPCr) + Berserker’s Shield (PPCr) w/ Superior Sigil of Bloodlust & Hydromancy

Siege Weapon:
Berserker’s Rifle (PPCr) w/ Superior Sigil of Force


20 Power (V, IX)
20 Precision (V, X)
30 Defense (II, VIII, XII)

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Aether.7250


Here’s my main!
Helm – Primeval (gems)
Shoulders – Human T2 cultural
Chest – Primeval (gems)
Arms – CoF
Legs – Draconic
Boots – AC

Dyes – Redemption/Illumination


[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

Formula 1 Fans on Maguuma! Come join [RBR]!!

in Guilds

Posted by: Aether.7250


Formula 1 fans on Maguuma! Join Red Bull Racing!

I’m a big F1 fan, my warrior main’s name is Sebastian Vettel. I made [RBR] originally just as a personal guild, mostly so that I could run around as Seb and have [RBR] next to my name. However, I’ve started meeting other F1 fans who want to join the guild, not surprisingly, so I’m advertising to any F1 fans who want in, whether to be an actual member or if you just want to have the [RBR] tag to whip out whenever for your alt named Mark Webber or something.

Right now we’re 3 members, and we are NOT like, a PvE or WvW or sPvP guild or anything. We’re just a social guild for people who like F1. If the guild gets big enough I’m sure we’ll start doing guild events and focus on specific stuff. But right now, I’m just seeing if anyone wants to join…for fun.

Send me a PM or whisper me in game if you’re interested.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

Resetting WvW Skill points

in WvW

Posted by: Aether.7250


There isn’t a way to reset WvW Skill points, is there?

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

Living Story dungeon as mist fractal.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aether.7250


Oh my goodness, this is actually a fantastic idea! This would be amazing.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

An option to disable right click targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aether.7250


I’m adding my support to this. I have this problem all the time in larger battles. Rotating my camera almost always ends up changing my target on accident.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu


in Suggestions

Posted by: Aether.7250


Okay, so, I don’t have a lot of dyes unlocked on my characters, I’ve always sold them on the TP. I have all the starter ones and maybe 3 uncommon and 3 rare dyes. So I don’t know about many of them. But I think it would be amazing if you guys released a rare “TARDIS Blue Dye”. That would be hot. Or call it “Tardis Blue Dye”, so it’s not like you’re directly stealing the “Time and Relative Dimension in Space” from Doctor Who. Just saying. I know there’s a lot of Whovians that play this game.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

Karma jug won't stack (Retribution)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aether.7250


Oh, I created a new thread and did not see this one was already created.
See my other thread (or merge it with this one), I am having the same bug.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

Jug of Karma from Crumpled Pages not stacking

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aether.7250


So, I gave the Crumpled Pages from the Molten Facility Dungeon to Sten Veilshredder in Ruins of Rin (Black Citadel). He gave me a Jug of Liquid Karma (the same item you get from your daily achievement completion) as a reward.

However, this particular Jug that I received from him will NOT stack with the other Jugs that I have saved in my bank. I have tried stacking it in my inventory and in my bank, stacking it with just one other Jug, and tried to stack OTHER Jugs on top of it. It just switches their position in my inventory as if they were different, unstackable items. Is this supposed to be a “different” Jug of Liquid Karma, or is this a bug? Thanks.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

Any server have open CoF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aether.7250


Looking for a CoF that is uncontested. Can not find one.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

Uncontested Temple Of Grenth

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Aether.7250


Has anyone found an open Grenth on an NA server? Appreciate it.

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu

Maguuma - 2 looking for PvE/Dungeons guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Aether.7250


Hey guys, a friend and I are looking for a laid-back, PvE/Dungeon running, medium-sized guild on Maguuma. We’re tired of never being able to find enough people to consistently run dungeons with. We spend a lot of our time doing map completion and just leveling. I do a little bit of WvW on my warrior (I’m not looking for a WvW guild though), and I also have an 80 ranger that I play mostly just PvE with. My friend has a guardian and he doesn’t really play PvP or WvW at all.

If anyone has a guild that matches up with what we’re looking for, let me know! Thanks!

[PYRO] – Maguuma
Sebastian Vettel – Wa (M) / Mylenne – Ra
Lux Crownguard – Me / Phalanx – Gu