Showing Posts For Affinity.2479:
Try putting the Spell Trap and all three ancient magics in your inventory and then double-click one of the ancient magics. I believe this is how I got it to work.
This isn’t a bug. The Invisible Mushroom Spore is a required item for each elite specialization’s weapon collection, and as such, it will unlock the collections in alphabetical order based on the name of the elite specialization:
So, for example, if you wanted to unlock the Spore for your Herald’s weapon collection, you would have to kill 6 Treasure Mushrooms to unlock it for your shield collection.
I don’t believe this is a “bug” perse. It’s just a result of the way megaservers work. However, I don’t agree with people not being able to get their rewards because the chest is placed in the actual world and not as a bouncy bonus chest on our screen. People are going to crash. People are going to get disconnected. We are participating in two-hour long events. There should be more of a guarantee of rewards than hoping you don’t get thrown off the map you’re on.
Edit: And, for the sake of our collective sanity, please let us skip that cutscene after killing the Mouth of Mordremoth. I’m grinding (yes, grinding) out legendary weapon requirements here, and I’m sick of seeing it over and over again.
(edited by Affinity.2479)
This isn’t a bug. The Invisible Mushroom Spore is a required item for each elite specialization’s weapon collection, and as such, it will unlock the collections in alphabetical order based on the name of the elite specialization:
So, for example, if you wanted to unlock the Spore for your Reaper’s weapon collection, you would have to kill 7 Treasure Mushrooms to unlock it for your greatsword collection.
I was able to bypass this bug by logging in and out from the character selection screen many times, trying to spawn a new instance in Iron Marches. I finally was able to do so. The event tracker on the right side of the screen said “There are currently no major operations in the Brand”. This is what you need to see in order to know you’ve gotten a clean event map.
Head over to the Village of Scalecatch Waypoint — [&BOcBAAA=] — and look for Sentinel Scalebrusher’s event chain. The event that kicks everything off is called “Escort Sentinel Scalebrusher and his devourers to the pen”. You may need to complete “Gather devourer eggs for Scalecatch Village” or “Pick up a training kit and use the whip to train devourers how to destroy targets” first.
Once you’ve escorted Sentinel Scalebrusher and his devourers to Sentinel Whiptail in Brandwatch Encampment — [&BOkBAAA=] — the event “Protect Sentinel Whiptail while he finds and tames a siege devourer” should trigger if he does not happen to get stuck in the outpost. If he isn’t stuck, and ventures out to tame the siege devourer, there is a good chance the event will stall. This happens atop the nearby hill when the siege devourer becomes perma-invulnerable because Whiptail stops too far away from it to trigger his dialogue.
At this point, I lured marmoxes and grubs to Whiptail and got him killed. This took quite a while, since there were people around who wouldn’t listen, and they would often kill the mobs I was using to kill Whiptail. Finally, after about 20 minutes of yelling at everyone in say chat, they allowed him to die. After you rez Whiptail, he will immediately run into range of the siege devourer and his dialogue will trigger, allowing the event to continue.
Once you run through all the subsequent events — — the “Kill the Branded devourer queen” should spawn and you’ll be able to harvest your Branded Devourer Ichor from her after she’s dead.
I can confirm this. I’m unsure if this is intentional RNG, or if it is a bug. I was able to loot the Blademaster’s Core on my second try, but I was unable to loot the Axemaster’s Core just now. I am going to attempt the Stavemaster’s Core right now. I was able to loot Mordremoth’s Core on the first try.
I’m completely with you on this one. It’s like they specifically chose events that they knew would anger the player base (I’m looking at you, too, Champion Risen Wraith). I don’t feel challenged. I feel wildly frustrated.
I can’t imagine this ever passed a QA test, since if anyone had just played through the HOPE IV collection once, they would have noticed that this event is just all kinds of jacked up. It obviously wasn’t tested on a live server, so we’re stuck with incomplete collections due to old, broken content.
It probably went something like: “Hey, this champ sounds remotely related to the collection we’re making, let’s throw that one in there. Aaaaaand done.”
If you find a map where he’s not stuck at camp and gets to the spot where the devourer becomes perma-invuln, you can force Whiptail to reset by dragging some nearby grubs to him and getting him killed. He should stand up and move closer after rezzing, forcing his dialog. It worked for me that way.
Thanks for replying. I did already try this quite a few times, but since the map happens to be part of the dailies, I could never find an empty map, and it was impossible to get people to NOT kill the mob I was trying to use to kill the NPC. People are so eager and bloodthirsty. Guess I will try again tomorrow.
I’m unable to complete the Champion Branded Devourer Queen requirement for the Branded Devourer Ichor due to the events in Iron Marches being bugged (specifically Sentinel Whiptail being constantly stuck in Brandwatch Encampment). I’ve seen him get out only once, and when he fought the Veteran Siege Devourer, it became perma-invulnerable, so this entire event is broken from start to finish. Sentinel Scalebrusher’s event to bring the devourer pets to Brandwatch Encampment also freezes due to the Mordrem event that spawns in its path. Iron Marches is just a clusterfrack right now.