Showing Posts For Agent Clubbers.8562:
Pvping isn’t that bad of a way to get Dragonite ore along with Empyreal Fragments. I think one champ box gives you 25 ore and 25 fragments
Maybe it’s because if you have a bow that shoots rainbows, there could’ve been an advancement in the technology behind the bow.
I doubt they will bring in old characters at least in season 2. It might be more like the first season in more new characters. Eventually I hope, they tie it all back to something like this so it isn’t just endless storyline.
Most likely, I would prefer as some other thread suggested, the first step is rebuilding Lions arch.
Mainly for Solo Queue and Parties with LFG.
It can be optional to join voice chat, but I think it would help game play and cooperation between people which randomly use Solo Queue or LFG tools. It would help communication and speed up dungeon runs. It would also be pretty cool to see how people who have never met each other would cooperate in Solo Queue and dungeons
This has worked in several other games, and although outside devices such as team speak would still be more common, it’s still a good idea in my opinion.
I am also suggesting that the voice chat be optional as mentioned before so if people are kinda busy or listening to music or many other excuses, they can still opt out.
Ok thanks, It would also help if someone posted a picture they might have had of tribal armor. I kinda want to see how it looks like.
I am quite confused about Masquerade armor right now. Is it only attainable in pvp or something because lots of people are making quite a big fuss about it. I have a masquerade set sitting in my inventory quite useless because it was a rare MF set that I use to have. Someone please explain the big fuss.
Not sure if this was mentioned or not. One more thing to add, please make asuran weapons, especially daggers bigger than butterknives. Otherwise, great list.
I actually think Anet is working hard to get rid of these problems. I think one of the things they did was made it so in PVP everyone gets same points regardless of their role.
For WvW, I actually had a positive experience. So after WvW was my last map to finish, I actually had a commander friend who personally ransacked the enemy castles, including their main fort, just for me to get map completion. I thought it was pretty cool lol.
I just found it disturbing that areas, after being explored to an extent just die out, that was my main problem and why I suggested having people go through the place themselves. Lion’s arch is always crowded, along with maps such as Frostgorge sound, and Queensdale, but most of the maps, such as Mount Malestrom, and Blazeridge Steppes are completely deserted. I basically went through the levelling process for my characters as if this was a solo game, soloing events, soloing bosses, soloing hearts, and on the rare occasion a guildie might join me making the process much more fun. ‘Defeated’ events are just sitting there and maps are devoid of life. That took the dynamic, out of dynamic events.
Well, Guild Wars 2 isn’t “any other MMO”. They actually want you to do events by yourself, not as a long dragged out story line where you go walk over there and then you kill 10 chickens. They want you to do this by yourself, and waypoints are preventing people from doing this, as there is no journey, its just, ok lets get here(Like a quest system) so we can farm this dungeon for hours until an exotic drops(Bad example, but that’s how it worked). That’s not how the game is suppose to work. The usage of mounts is a good reason for people to explore and may give incentive for people to keep playing.
(Not exactly sure where this should go)
I know Charr’s and humans have been at it for a really long time. Maybe 1000+ years now. In the guild wars series, since we all played humans, (both in game and irl), I am just curious about bringing that fight back. Would it be cool if Charr’s and humans could continue their fight in an instanced open war zone. Except it could be like any person could pick their own side, they would just have to fight the great charr legions. I think this separatist movement and the ghosts by humans and the flame legion, are kind of lame excuses for enemies on both sides. There could be instances where Charr and humans are allies as well, perhaps an ancient tomb artifact. Perhaps we could have an area where NPCs are in constant battle, as ANET does support a living world and where players have to prevent their side from going overboard and causing another flame legion armageddon, or preventing the ascalonians from turning everyone into ghosts.
With all this story going on, I would think it would be cool if we had some sort of historical warfare going on, like right now. Kind of like battle of Khylo. Of course I know this would impossible to implement BUT….
Would you like this, the PvP or NPC version?
If you had to pick a side, which side would it be?
Who would win?
The whole purpose of Guild Wars 2 PvE is to explore (and farm for legendaries). The entire game was pretty much built around exploring. Yet, waypoints are kind of like the reason people don’t explore, because there is a shorter way to an event. Maybe perhaps after an expansion, which would result in a greater surface area of the world, it would make sense to reduce the amount of waypoints for people to teleport to. Mounts like Moa’s which would only increase character speed by perhaps 25%, might convince people to explore more and give them more reasons to finish achievements instead of teleporting there. As long as ANET works itself up aesthetically, perhaps, mounts might be a good idea.
Just giving a personal example, and an example which applies, or did apply to about everyone once upon a time. CoF, I bet everyone with an 80 character has done CoF, it is a common dungeon. But all they need to do is guest and get there. When I leveled my first character, all I did was waypoint. But one day I sat down and decided I wanted map completion(mostly because of that shiny star, I wasn’t too sure about the legends, I hadn’t heard of them at the time, though it is a good incentive). And so when I went to do the map of CoF, I actually had a lot of fun. I met new people, people trying to level, people trying to map complete, and rarest of all, people there for the fun of it and helping their friends. The map Fireheart rise had several interesting events, which I am sure the community would enjoy, like killing the Godforged Hellstorm(Giant molten lava) with actual mechanics. Or the Noxius Castrum events. My personal favorite was uniting the grawl. So I think waypoints are the reason we miss these fun events. Of course, fun is my opinion, but still…
So what do you guys think?
(edited by Agent Clubbers.8562)
Do not worry, that is a symptom for beginner eles. I have died a total of over 1500 times while getting my ele to 80.(Shhhhh).
Although I died a lot, I loved using dd, for the fun of it and after fixing my rotation, my skill level continually rose.
Though more on builds, water tends to be a good condition remover, something which is quite useful for about…anything. I also suggest 30 in arcane which you can use for evasive arcana, which in water can heal you in seconds by dodge rolling. I would also suggest using lots of healing armor.
However, if you wish to be useful(which is understandable) try staff and keep your distance. Constantly dodge.
Use mist form a lot, and don’t forget to keep up your elementals. Armor of Earth isn’t too shabby, nor is arcane shield. These are quite good for defense. Lightning flash is common for when you want to escape immobilize or a stun.
But have fun, if you enjoy it, you will get better.
Imagine a world….where asura are bigger than Charr. Haha, I have invented the Charrminiaturinator.