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I’d also like some damage builds
Hi! I know a lot of people say that condition sucks in PvE. I,on the other hand, had a different experience: i leveled a my first character ever (a mesmer) until lvl 40 using a condition-ish build. Then i changed to pure damage build with GS, S/P…didn’t turn out so well. I found that i did kill the monsters a lot faster, but i also died a lot easier and i actually spend more time running around than doing something interesting. What’s more, i simply could not take down any champion monster, i either died, or lost aggro and the monster revived himself…So i re-respecked at about lvl 60 into a full condition 0/20/30/0/0 build using Staff, Scepter/Torch and worked my way to 20/20/30/0/0. Having chaos armor up all the time when fighting tough opponents is really handy!
That being said, i’m fully aware that perhaps i didn’t really grasp the power build i tried to use. But i leveled just fine using condition in PvE so i can’t see why you can’t also do that if you want.
Now on the torment idea: I REALLY like it!In fact I might give it a try as well! I’m no expert but i think it could actually work fine.Your idea is better than using rune of the undead or perplexity…I have a question though: what gear would you use in order to get condition damage as well as precision?I guess rabid?
(edited by Akenatwn.6813)
Thnx for the info on the damage calculation . As for the build, i can see your point. What would you suggest?
So, I got to lvl 61, did some searching and came up with this idea: go 10/30/0/0/10 until lvl 70. 30 in dueling to get Empowering mantras, 10 in illusions to get Compounding Power and 10 in domination for Halting strike, using Greatsword and Sword/pistol. This way i can have +9% damage with 3 illusions and +8% damage with two readied mantras (the one that removes conditions and the one that dazes). With the Magic bullet and the dazing mantra i can dish out some nice vulnerability and damage (thnx to domination). Not sure if I’m gonna use the healing mantra as well instead of eather feast, I’m gonna test this.
And then, at 70 respec, go 0/30/0/20/10, 20 in inspiration to get the reflect on the focus skills and change pistol to focus fore some added survivability.
So, what do you guys think about this?
One more question: i noticed that with the readied mantras and the 3 illusions, my attack on the hero overview doesn’t change. However, the damage that i do does increase. Is that normal?
Thnx again for your help guys and i apologize for not referring to all the skills and traits with their proper name cause i haven’t learned all of them yes .
Hey, don’t know if I’m right, but i “feel” that all skills are actually reduced regardless of what the description says. It’s common to have differences between what really happens and what the toolkit says.
Thnx Kai, really helpful. Another question: there’s a trait that gives power per mantra charged. Personally i don’t like mantras but do you think this can be a good boost in damage?
Hi guys. I have a lvl 51 mesmer. I use septer/pistol, staff and run a condition-ish build. I have great survivability but things around me die too slowly. So slow that i’m thinking about changing my build. Do you have any builds to suggest? I mainly play PvE. I know mesmers aren’t much of pve-ers but i really enjoy them and I sure would like to kick Zhaitan’s @ss with one of them
Hi there! I’m quite new to the game and i started with a mesmer, which i find a very interesting proffesion this far. I often find myself having two clones and a phantasm and thinking :" now it would be nice to shatter…but if i shatter i lose my phantasm, which deals a lot of damage". So this is my proposition: what if we could somehow have a specific shatter that shatters only our clones?
I find the ethereal field quite useful cause I really like chaos armor. Something you haven’t mentioned is that if you put a pistol phantasm inside an ethereal combo field, you get projectile finishers that stack confusion on the foe. I know confusion isn’t the best condition there is for pve, but if you’re doing a condition build it’s quite useful.
Hi there! I’m really new to this game and this prof. I use a sword/pistol and staff. I find the staff awesome with all the conditions you can apply to the enemy+ survivability thanks to chaos armor. I’m not an expert, not even close, but if i had to chose the best weapon, it would be the staff