Showing Posts For Alathaer.3960:
It would just mean that instead of using the best pure DPS class picks we’ll take the best condition damage class picks, which don’t include Ranger or Necro.
I personally don’t care if condition builds become optimal in this case, it will add more flavour to harder content, I’m not however looking forward to making even more gear sets when I’m already using a static minimum of 60/160 slots on most of my characters -_-
+1 on this. Already carrying a kittenton of gear/weapons/potions/consumables and most importantly cat tonics on every character around.
This video at 1:26, look where he places his wall of reflection, have fun cheesing.
I think u misread what OP wrote. He wants to know if there is anything known from Anet trying to fix this Oneshot-bullkitten. I’m all in for a fix, it’s ingame for far too long. I really despise “experienced only meta blablub OS Guard!” lfgs. What the actual kitten is experienced or meta about being able to place a wall on top of a wall and cheese the fight >.>
Edit: eh yeah it is sadly unknown if they intend to fix it (ever). Dungeons are a nono for Anet it seems, i’m really suprised they released infos on fotm for HoT
(edited by Alathaer.3960)
Necro favourite class in this sub-forum.
this is a request to the community to take action for healthy Pugging.
Basically what u want is a witch hunt because apparently something like that happened to you OR you assume you got kicked in order to sell your spot (how can you know that?). Sorry for that, but this is surely not what in the majority of cases happens.
PvE content is easy, so many set challenges for themselves. If a bit of extra gold may come out of it, so why not? What i mean is that i know many people that duo or lowman fractal 50 for the fun and at the end decide to sell spots (if no one wants to leech the spots) At least fotm selling is not yet as dead as arah selling.
There are multiple instances where several folks kick a person out of the group and promptly sell it for 15-20g.
Again, where do u get your knowledge from? Can u prove it? Else it is just a weak claim of yours. Let me clarify that i do not think such things do not happen, but it isn’t the majority of cases.
It is stupid to buy into FoTM as the reward is not a guarantee […]
That is true, but in the end it is the “problem” of the ones that buy, and they know what they do i think, when they spend 20g on something u can do with a proper group in 20+min.
When anyone sees an advertisement to sell last boss of FoTM, please join this group and keep abandoning them till they give up and try to recruit a proper team member to complete the instance or 4 man it themselves.
Yeah good idea – Hint: it is not! As Linken mentioned, how would you be able to know that this group kicked someone? You just can’t be sure and therefor your suggestion is total BS. Also you seem to be quite anti-selling instances, but anet clearified that this is not prohibited through the lfg tool, it is just not supported by them if one or the other side gets griefed.