Showing Posts For Aldare.5836:

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Oh ok I was mistaken then. I see anths in vent a lot so I assumed it was Os. My bad, guys, my bad.

Just a Guy

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Plenty of small guilds that are recruiting on NSP. Ask Jscull or possibly osif? They probably know the gm’s and officers better than I do. I’m terrible with remembering names.

Just a Guy

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


It just occurred to me, we mustn’t of properly welcomed you NSP guys to tier 7. So here it is.

Welcome to Tier 7, dont forget to enjoy your stay and please, if you can, leave your qq at the door.

Seriously Nsp, you cry foul at everything and gloat at the smallest of things, stop it. HoD can get kittened on all week and i dont hear a single peep out of them. Instead they try harder and do better.

( yeah thats right, i payed HoD a complement, people who know me, amiright?)

Please don’t assume the the entirety of NSP is like this. Every server has this problem in some shape or form.

Just a Guy

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Hey, uh, NSP? Can we possibly NOT cause any more forum drama? Didn’t we get enough of that crap back in t6 with AR/BP? Come on now. I really enjoy the new rivalry with GoM and HoD, why do we have to start pulling this crap again? Let’s just keep things clean on all sides and just enjoy the match. We do NOT need this to devolve to the level the t6 forums were at. Let’s have some class, guys.

Just a Guy

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


To those on GoM and HoD thinking NSP intentionally tanked our last match, I want to tell you that you’re mistaken. I can tell you for a fact that a LOT of us were still fighting hard last week. Yes we did have a couple of loudmouths, not saying any names, stop playing for the week and they may have taken a few people with them. But, large amount of us stayed on for hours at a time to fight. It just happened to turn out that AR and BP really loved our BL and didn’t want us to have it back. Also didn’t help that there were some guilds on AR that admitted to exclusively focusing us to knock us down a tier, haha. But, regardless of result, what’s done is done and we’re here to fight you guys. I really hope we can keep forum activity clean and proper. We can be civil, eh?

Just a Guy

System sound cutting out entirely

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Lately I have been having an issue with my Creative X-Fi Titanium HD sound card and GW2. I will be playing, with my own music running in the background, and all system sound just suddenly cuts off. I have to exit all applications, and disable/re enable my card in device manager. I have reinstalled sound drivers, rolled back a version, and made sure all dust and/or hair was off of the card itself. After it repeatedly kept cutting my sound, I removed the card and switched to the onboard realtek, and so far there have been no issues. So my question is this: What exactly is wrong here? I never had issues regarding my card up until the latest patch, but I can’t specifically think of anything that would be wrong with card physically. I can play any other game/listen to music just fine. It just seems to be a problem specifically related to GW2.

Hoping you guys can help,



If it helps, here are my system specs.

Asus P8Z68-V
i5 2500k @ 4.3Ghz
16GB DDR3-1600
GTX 670 2GB
Corsair TX750W
Mushkin Chronos Deluxe 240GB
Win 7 64-bit

Just a Guy

(edited by Aldare.5836)

2/8 AR / BP / NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Thank you to [leaf] for the fun fight club in nsp bl. Had a lot of fun!

Just a Guy

2/8 AR / BP / NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


There were a number of guilds that contributed to NSP’s awesome run last night. Os, Seks, Zos, ROFL, and others I can’t think of. (Sorry!) It was a hell of a combined effort that really showed what NSP is capable of when we’re coordinated.

Just a Guy

2/8 AR / BP / NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


NSP are doing good because Sekz completely carrying it all IMO – no offence i wonder for how long they can last. i Almost can say the same thing about ALS. almost, which is a good thing btw

Sekz isn’t the only guild pulling their weight in this match. Then again if you only play in EB, I can see why you’d make such a statement.

Just a Guy

Feb 1st: NSP/BP/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


I wish NSP could even field a 50-man zerg on a single map. At most we may have 20-35 on a good day. In our heydey we used to easily field 50-man zergs on each map, but those days a pretty long past, haha. I’ll admit I do find myself caring about points and tend to get bent on a bad day.

Just a Guy

Feb 1st: NSP/BP/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


I respectfully disagree with the sentiment that a small group is more skilled than a large guild. That kind of statement can really apply to any person v person scenario. Any group/guild anywhere can have a better player than another group.

Just a Guy

Feb 1st: NSP/BP/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Take the mudslinging to PM’s, guys. Match is almost over.

Just a Guy

Feb 1st: NSP/BP/AR

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Back off of Toble, PAXA. You guys did, indeed, break up fight club on multiple occasions. These were organized as a fun way for people from all 3 servers to test themselves 1v1. The fact that you guys broke it up proves, to me, you don’t hold that much respect towards any of the servers here. Toble has called you guys out because that is what your are currently presenting yourselves as. I personally don’t care how you play, but I do care about server and guild respect.

Just a Guy

(edited by Aldare.5836)

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Jeebus not this again. Just leave it. ya? There’s no use posting the same pic 4 times. It doesnt really even show anything. In fact it makes about as much sense as posting a pic of 3 people from the same guild exploiting a terrain bug and calling it “an entire zerg”. all this dick measuring is meaningless guys.

As I’ve stated before, I’m an AR pug. Our EB game is obviously horrible because the alliance only goes there to defend the keep or to mess about leading pug zergs for quick caps we have no intention of holding. [Sekz] and any other guild group running will have easy badges, thats not really anything to brag about. The pugs in EB dont read and half of them are just there to complete daily.

King fire rat, I’m not ragging on you because you did a good job, but we hardly “wiped them”. I was there and was one of the guys trying to back our zerg off of them. But our guys dont listen and kept falling for the same one trick pony again and again: lure them in by backing up then use overwhelming numbers and a portal bomb to steamroll them. Rinse. Repeat. You did a good job organizing them in order to finally push them out of Umber and retake DG, but they made a killing on badges and wiped us at least 3 times.

All I’m saying is that there’s no reason to be arguing so heavily against whether or not [Sekz] is as uber pro as they are stating. Its the same as [Paxa]. They are a group of like minded players that have found something they can do reliably to get badges. Their tactics may or may not work. That being said, the ones on this forum have the same showboat attitude that [Paxa] does, and calling people “bads” just show how immature they are.

Stop defending AR’s pride. Its a game. If someone calls you bad, don’t start forum drama and turn keyboard warrior, work on beating them in game and forcing them to change the way they think about you. No amount of storytelling whether or not its true is going to convince them that you’re good. Beating them will.

Now stop this petty bullkitten before you guys get the thread locked.

Pipe the kitten down you bad.

Lol. Case and point, kid.

Anyways, good match up so far. Been some really good fights. [Os] has been impressive as always on their coordination and defense. You guys are really a credit to your server.

Thank you, Rashagal. It’s nice to see a post that isn’t Os hate. You guys have been a blast to fight against. Hope the fun continues through the week.

Just a Guy

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


To that Asuran elementalist in Spiritholme, thank you for the best duel I’ve ever had. Let’s grab lunch!

Just a Guy

(edited by Aldare.5836)

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Welcome to NSP, Envy! Glad to have you with us, and hope to see you guys show your stuff.

Just a Guy

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Thank you, Catisa. If you can get that vid to me asap I’d appreciate it. I’ll pass it along to one of the Os guild officers right away.

Just a Guy

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Hammer and Bankai, I cannot stress enough that you guys report them if they are indeed exploiting. NSP does NOT tolerate cheating of kind.

Just a Guy

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


If it all possible, can you guys provide evidence to support your claims? I’m not saying you’re lying, it’s just that NSP takes these kinds of claims very seriously. If TMCC is exploiting, please report them immediately. We do not condone the use of exploits as it just ruins the fun of the wv3 environment.

Just a Guy

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


You know for ARs huge hate for BP they sure are attackin us a lot…

But dude. Don’t you remember when it was AR vs NSP vs DR?

All AR did was attack us.
And all we did was attack DR.

I think Anvil will always have the tendency to lean towards an easier fight.
I love taking a shot at the big guy and I feel bad when we wipe a server who has less than us.

But that could be just me.
I play to put a smile on my own face,
Not to one up on a spreadsheet.

Ahh thats a shame birdy, i heard some good things about you! Now i find out how lost you are with the enemy you’ve been fighting for a few weeks now.

I spent most of my day today in eternal BG, then took ahold of BP’s bay and hills… Was on my way to taking BP’s garrison when my PAXA friends came looking for me at the water gate of BP garrison. Gotta say guys, kindaaaa sketchy you all know where i am, BP bl or AR bl. Since that nice little move that caused me to derail my attack on BP garrison and thus, having me call off the attack.. I’ll be sure to “take the easy fight” and see you on your borderlands tomorrow. Sleep well.

p.s. Nicholas Silvia, where you at man? No more whispering me of where your server will hit so i can wipe you all at a claimer room of some other tower? Nothing better then an enemy spy commander whispering me what they are going to do. Still got the pics from our last conversation months back… You made a name for yourself as the worst spy anvil rock has ever seen, time to remind us again of your talents.

No one expects anyone to ‘pick on’ someone.
You seems to have ignored the fact that this was me talking in referral to DR a few weeks ago and looking into the future of this week. I have foretold nothing.

Your end statement on topic has just proven me right though. You are just going to totter off and do the easy deal. Good way to tell that I’m wrong, making the vast majority of your post hypocritical. A Public Relations Manager? Who gave you that title XD Or maybe its because you manage to get on a poor relationship the first time you speak to someone. Intelligent!
Maybe your guild leader should have thought twice before appointing you with it! Or maybe it has self-given

I was starting to think better things of AR, as you had so graciously put about myself. But now?
Good to know that its led by children, and not very bright ones at that.

In response to this?
If you’ll read my post, I do not do things like that.
I play for the enjoyment of playing.
So I will continue to attack whoever is tactically viable.
And not because of Q_Q

I’m amused to see your response.
You can easily dig yourself out of this hole and I will accept that.
But will ALS actually grow some?
I advise you think harder the next time you write something to me.
And excuse me if I have been too rough in this post.
But you add insult to insult as I am not and never will be PAXA.

where to begin

first of all, while you were typing all this nonsense you lost your eternal bg. Left you your keep and veloka.

that p.s. was directed at a BP commander, who was a known spy.

and yes, you’ve caught onto the inside joke of me being the public relations manager.. you are super bright, must explain why you capped all those supply camps on ar bl with no one stopping you……..

ALS has already grown, they picked me up a few days ago and i’ve been very gracious as to not taking all of your map, and taking BP’s instead. You made a name for yourself by being a keyboard warrior on the forums and taking anvil rock supply camps. Os has been a very small threat to anything going on in wvw, seeing as the only good guild i’ve recognized on NSP is Sekz.

Trust me, you don’t want to make your server my target Robert. You’ll be begging Sekz for help to stop me… that or for meow to come back… which ever is more convenient for you.

You must really not pay attention if you consider OS to not be a threat. I suggest you back off on your threats towards us, lest you regret your actions. I do not appreciate anyone belittling our guild in any way. Watch your words, good sir.

Just a Guy

(edited by Aldare.5836)

NSP vs EB vs SF 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


I can honestly say my motivation to wvw this week just wasn’t there. It’s been a hard few weeks for us here at NSP.

Just a Guy

Black Lion Chest Update

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Didn’t the lack of decorations in LA tip you off?

Just a Guy

Darkhaven vs. Northern Shiverpeaks vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


My drive to play wvw hit an all-time low today. It’s just not fun getting on when you know there’s nobody on to help defend the borderlands. I really do hope NSP can recover from this downward spiral we seem to be in.

Just a Guy

What is your Server's Motto?

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Everyone to SM!

-Northern Shiverpeaks

Just a Guy

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Well that’s it. Good game DH you’ve won this. I’d like to say I’m not bitter about this, but I’d be lying. This match was incredibly frustrating from start to finish, and I’ll be glad when it’s over.

Just a Guy

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Northern Shiverpeaks would love to have some more EST players like myself. We’re in need of a solid night/evening crew to help back up our morning/day crew. We’ve shown to have amazing potential, and our commanders do a fantastic job of bringing people together.

Just a Guy

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


I can definitely say I’m not getting the same rush I had from last week’s match, but when you’re fighting a blowout it’s to be expected. Hopefully these 2-in-a-row losses will help us learn and fix our problems in wv3. We’ll probably see some xfers off server this week, but we don’t need fair weather players anyway. Props to DH for a smashing victory, and to EB for being a great bunch of determined fighters.

Just a Guy

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


I’m honestly unsure of what to say regarding NSP right now. Last week we fought tooth and nail against YB/SoR and lost by a small margin. Now it just feels like a lot of the server has given up since that loss. I’ve seen significantly fewer players on lately and it shows in our inability to hold the map. I’ve been fighting since reset but now even I’m starting to feel demoralized. It’s not so much the score, but the general “I give up” feeling the server has currently. I wish we could rally and show DH and EB what we’re really capable of.

Just a Guy