Showing Posts For Aldrin.8620:

List of the un-Fun elements of Downstate

in PvP

Posted by: Aldrin.8620


Your comment about the thief bursting down mage to fight warrior in DaoC doesn’t sound very fun to me. If it’s another burst class that makes fights frustrating for everyone else then that’s not the direction to go. Fun for thief, but ruins PVP overall, just like certain builds are atm in gw2.

You should be able to win a 2v1 but not through OMG I PWNED HIM IN 2sec LAWL but rather through excellently timed mitigation and interrupts. That makes an audience say dammmn this dude is amazing he just 2v1’ed those guys. Rather than…wow that thief does so much damage he can own 2 people.

Apparently you never played DAOC. It was amazing fun. Sure the mage didn’t like getting wacked, but they understood the game. That class wasn’t meant to solo. They would be for keep defence and they would destroy tons of people at a time due to their AOE dmg.

GW2 sold me on their ideas they ripped off from DOAC. But, they ended up being nowhere near as good. Getting rid of downstate would make it one giant step in the right direction though.

List of the un-Fun elements of Downstate

in PvP

Posted by: Aldrin.8620


Take away the downstate and the game sucks because people would just burst you? So?

DAOC has be said to STILL be the best pvp mmo out there. DAOC was all about bursting and CC, that’s what made the combat so exciting. Being a rogue watching a duo run down the road and picking off the mage real fast so you can 1v1 the warrior was so fun!

You cannot do that in this game because of the downstate. It is difficult to impossible to win a 2v1 against even terrible players, because they keep rezing each other. This is basically equivalent to everyone having a heal bot.

They took away healers to kill the holy trinity, but downstate makes it almost a guarantee in every fight…

remove downstate at least from pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aldrin.8620


I hate downstate in pvp. I have been known to win 3v1 and 4v1 fights in other games, but I can barely pull off a 2v1 in this game. Skill isn’t the issue, game mechanics doesn’t allow it. I only have so many vulnerabilities or stealth tricks up my sleeve and when they are on cooldown, I have no chance.

I have stopped playing the game simply because I bought it to pvp, but get ticked when have to kill someone twice before they actually die for good. I doubt they will ever remove it, but I have a proposal.

How about they offer a new spvp mode that is downstate-off. Heck, if they later observe the majority of players are using this new mode, then they might have some motive to remove downstate completely from pvp and move it over into WvW.

(edited by Aldrin.8620)