Showing Posts For Aleet.4096:

Can't queue

in PvP

Posted by: Aleet.4096


Yeah.. No. problems not fixed, still having issues getting into a game getting stuck on match ready. Not to mention when I am lucky enough to get into a match I get kicked because “please check your connection and try again”? Yet I have internet or I wouldn’t be typing on here. And of course when I get kicked from a game I get jumped on by my team as they cuss and curse at me for something that’s completely Anet’s fault. This game is becoming more of a pain in the ass to play and is losing it’s appeal.

Client Crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aleet.4096


Add me to the list. Crashed in the middle of ranked pvp. Says no internet connection yet I’m on here typing this out. I Came back after 2 years. I left out of frustration. I had hoped Anet got their kitten together, doesn’t look like it.

PvP community since League

in PvP

Posted by: Aleet.4096


Honestly, I see more people exploiting. It’s sad. Today was my last day playing GW2 I spent all week trying to get up in rank only to have all my hard work shot down by an unbalanced system. This game and it’s new pvp system is a scam. I can’t even enjoy it anymore. I regret spending money on HoT.

League Hotfix Neded.

in PvP

Posted by: Aleet.4096


Its OK, there won’t be many people left. Most of my guild members stopped playing because they got tired of 15+ losing streaks. All of our w/l went from 50%+ to like 40% or lower. Only thing anet is doing is hurting itself.

15 losing streak

in PvP

Posted by: Aleet.4096


It’s good to know I’m not the only one getting frustrated by this. Me and my husband have been playing GW2 from launch, we have both put tons of money into this game because we really enjoyed it. We are avid pvprs and loved everything about the pvp and wvw system, then they changed it. We spent countless hours tweaking and building toons and learning the ins and outs of our classes. Then it started to go down hill. We found ourselves on constant losing streaks. We tweaked our toons more but it didn’t help. We talked about just quitting the game last night. it was really heartbreaking to know we put in all that time and money into a game we once enjoyed only to have the game go south. Very disappointed with the patches and such. PvP isn’t as fun as it used to be. They just got a bunch of people to play with HoT, but I doubt they will stay long.