Showing Posts For Alex.4186:

Why was monthly reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alex.4186


it isnt fair because someone get double rewards,

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Clutch Toilet Plundering

in Crafting

Posted by: Alex.4186


lv 78 right?

15 char

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Clutch Toilet Plundering

in Crafting

Posted by: Alex.4186


one question about the stones, so it seems to be a good idea to use them with 3 random rares (not even of the same type) of lv 80 ? or its just better with 3 exo? i’m not looking for a precursor in particular but just to put those stone in use

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Pristines relics need more uses

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alex.4186


just a question about the pristine token, can i obtain more than one at day? example, i do fractal 10 and i get a pristine, then i do fractal 12, will i obtain a second token?

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Juggermancer[Final][Blog Link]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alex.4186


how much crti chance you get in this way?

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Juggermancer[Final][Blog Link]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alex.4186


in the end for a pve focus soldier armor and knight trinket its a good mix?

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Juggermancer[Final][Blog Link]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alex.4186


how is perfoming in dungeon? i’m gearing armor and weapon full soldier and triket knights (without the medallion) to stack some precision, i dont really need 28 k health for dungeon if i have so much thoughness, and some more precision truly help

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Juggermancer[Final][Blog Link]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alex.4186


would you recommend this build for a more general pve/istance focus than wvwvw? i play wvwvw just once/two evening at week, and run a lot of dungeon, i have just capped the level with my necro alt i was looking fo something different than the usual contion build. Which utilities you would go for Istance? wells?

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Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alex.4186


i’m also leveling a necro, and i really like playing him condition, now i was considering the common build that Savan posted and i have a pair of question
1) Jewelry: with the introduction of rabid exotic jewelry you would go full rabid or still use a mix of carrion/rampager for the trinket?
2)Death magic: i was thinking to put those 20 point in blood magic instead, to gain some form of life regen that its great with the toughness of the rabid gear, my experience with my war main is that armor + life regen is a great combo

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How to use exceding Skill points

in Crafting

Posted by: Alex.4186


i’m sitting here with a kittenload of unusued skill points, i’m not interested into farm for a legendary weapon, so which is the best use i can do of them? convert materials? craft mystic weapon?

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CoF Defend Magg NEEDS (re)NERF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alex.4186


A couple of things, i have done chamber a few times, its not impossible, but the only way i could find to do it is to burst down the first smokelord (when we could do it) and then kite them around, it works but require some luck and a few try, what i cant believe that the better method is to suicide yourself a ffew times i norder to give magg the time he need, its really worked as intended? Rather than nerf it i would remake the chamber in some way, keep it challenging but give it a sense.
On the other hand i keep find escorting magg in the lava field frustating, every time he run in random direction instead of follow the team

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Latest patch bug: Dungeon Rewards.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alex.4186


algo got not a full reward after the first time i was completing the dungeon today

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Yojack's Min/Max, home of the Yojack Build 2012 for GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Alex.4186


another idea, whats your though abount the Sigil of Superior Earth(apply bleed on crit, 60%) for more bleeding?

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Yojack's Min/Max, home of the Yojack Build 2012 for GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Alex.4186


what you think to use rampager on armor and weapon but carrion on jewelry? you lose 6% crit chance, and while still being over 90% crit you gain some more life
i’m in my way to make up gold to obtain full orange, but i want to besure before i buy the gear

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Yojack's Min/Max, home of the Yojack Build 2012 for GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Alex.4186


full rampager doesnt add any vitality, how do you ahve 26 k of health?

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Finding defensively speced Warrior lacking

in Warrior

Posted by: Alex.4186


i tried speccing myself defensesively like you but i encountered the same problem, i found hard blocking in dungeon because i cant see the animation while the boss is being target by the whole team its a mess of light and graphic effect.
Also i think the boss prefer to attack player with the highest maximun healt, regardless of theyr current healt, because a i found myself being focused a lot despite of my low damage

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Yojack's Min/Max, home of the Yojack Build 2012 for GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: Alex.4186


i’m looking for a build viable in both wvw and dungeon, i tried to spec +heal power and toughness but in dungeon all boss hit like a truck regardless of your defense, so iwas basically doing less damage but still taking a lot of damage, so i think at the moment vit>toughness, do you have tried your build in some istance? it worked well?

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