Showing Posts For Alex.9507:

Tempest: Heat Sync bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alex.9507


Still no word on this? Heat Sync gives 3 might but shares nothing.

Seviryn [Rekz]

Like or Dislike new WvW Bordelands

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


Short and sweet: I like what the map is trying to do. It’s interesting, it looks nice. But it’s too kitten big. At least for the amount of people in it. Increase map size or make the map smaller.

Also please, less PvE elements in what is supposed to be large scale PvP.

Seviryn [Rekz]

A rant on siege

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


Entitled? Nah. By all means, I’m OK with losing a fight if there was an actual fight involved. 8 shield generators pretty much stripping any stability we could muster is not something that’s possible to overcome without throwing a full-on zerg at it. Counter siege doesn’t work due to positioning inside SMC, siege disablers doesn’t work because by the time you’re in range to throw it, you’ve had to blow through all your invulns and stability to disable maybe two, and that’s if you’re not being controlled to death.

If “the counter that would work (in theory)” was splitting up to go in multiple entrances… that would’ve been 3 groups of 10. That’s again, leaving us vulnerable to control in a room full of siege.

So I would like to see a change to shield generators. Even if it’s just an increase in cooldown for the crowd control it grants, since limiting the amount you can place probably isn’t gonna happen.

Don’t get it wrong, I was actually enjoying the fight until it became clear that nothing we could do would work, save getting more people.

Seviryn [Rekz]

Shield Generators need to be nerfed.

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


Well, that’s petty.

Seviryn [Rekz]

Shield Generators need to be nerfed.

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


As a side note: Sjonnar, are you so behind the times that you don’t even know about when an ANet dev uttered that phrase in an attempt to interupt a GvG, that you’re attributing that quote said as a joke to me?

Get with the times, man.

Seviryn [Rekz]

Shield Generators need to be nerfed.

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


25 stacks of stability can’t get through 10 shield generators and a group of (at least semi-competent, I don’t doubt your guy’s intelligence) players dropping their own statics, fear marks, and walls. So then we’re fighting outnumbered in arrow cart fire, ballista fire and the SMC lord dropping knockdown meteors on us.

Doubling our numbers from 30 to 60 and charging in there and breaking everything through sheer brute force… that would probably work. But that’s no fun. That’s just mindless zerging. Hence the “giving zergs more tools as a substitute for skill”. That bothers me.

So yeah. You can call us toxic all you want. This cutesy “good fights” and “theory craft so you can beat it” and “well we had fun”… to me, that’s more toxic than outright hostility. Hiding behind siege then coming to the forum to mock us, derailing a thread that could’ve been about constructive discussion about shield generators turned into this nonsense.

And our roster has 39 max. We had 25 at the start of raid which dwindled to 20 towards the end. We had at most 10 or 15 pugs. We’ve been dealing with people not counting us properly for freakin’ 3 years. I’ll be the first to admit when we zerg someone down, and the first to correct you when you miscount us.

Seviryn [Rekz]

(edited by Alex.9507)

Shield Generators need to be nerfed.

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


This just leaked, [TL]’s comms:

1st Rekz push:
“Ok Shield Generators 1-5 go,Arrow Carts 1-7 Go! Ele Statics 1-11 Go! Wells 1-13 Go!”

2nd Push:
“Ok Shield Generators 6-10 Go! Arrow Carts 7-13 Go! Ele statics 11-23 Go! Wells 14-29 Go!

Wow they didnt even have to call the ballistas? Thats some real skill

Ballistas are “fire at will”.

Seviryn [Rekz]

Shield Generators need to be nerfed.

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


40+ with 30+ pugs?! We had 20 in our roster and less than 10 pugs!

Seviryn [Rekz]

Shield Generators need to be nerfed.

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


It’s a 7 second wall with a 12 second cooldown, pulsing 4 stacks of stability, and AoE knockdown and aegis.

That would be fine… if you were allowed only one.

When you have 10, you perma wall an entrance constantly knocking people down, pretty much nullifying your stability. Then you get inside and you have to deal with actual damage siege, players and the lord.

I mean, we killed you guys everytime you charged out. Not gonna complain about farming bags because you get overconfident and leave the safety of your seige. But I will complain about the potential abuse of Shield Generators.

You’re ruining my game mode.

Seviryn [Rekz]

Let's tweak Retaliation mechanics! (?)

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


I really don’t know how you’d take that much damage from retaliation using Meteor Shower, unless you’re running absolutely no vitality and are stuck with ten thousand health.

But reading through this, I think I’d agree that the best solution would be a very small internal cooldown per target, and increasing the damage retaliation does, preferably increasing the scaling in relation to power. This way, straight tanks can’t stroll in with retaliation and reflect a ton of damage, players speccing into damage will be the ones doing so, and hopefully be a bit less resilient for it.

Seviryn [Rekz]

11/8 SBI/BP/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Alex.9507


We decided we need a vacation since we’re a buncha casual baddies.

Seviryn [Rekz]

9/13 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate

in Match-ups

Posted by: Alex.9507


everytime i see a blob of tw on a map i expect them to run away. i guess everyones expectations are coming true.

Hi NS, fought you guys several times this week, roaming and group, i must say you guys are good. you must meet SUPR ( ex CA ) when you roam, they will provide you with a good fight that you are looking for, also alot of guild roaming RIOT, oPP, but im not sure they can match your numbers usually they are 5-7 man.

nice seeing you guys, welcome to T1 all.

Hi Zeke, we do small man and i’m curious about small manning in tier 1. Just this afternoon SOR has 2 teams of 15 running nodes in JQBL, whats the ideal size of small manning?

oh btw, you might think we’re just normal pugs but we do have our own guild that we rep for the bank when we are not raiding as NS. So far i’m having fun roaming fighting against blackgates roamers, especially those from [mds].

I’m more into pvp personally. If you are keen for some tpvp, message me.

yeah it depends on the guild, we have HB, SUPR, RIOT and oPP and some i forgot to mention, usually roaming depends on the guild if your talking about HB and SUPR usually they have 10 to 16 max, but for the rest i only see 5-8.

LOL i do not think that way, the moment we saw you guys move on the battle field these are organized wvw guilds we thought, i only encountered NS, i saw 2 bank tags the other night but they were away from keyboard in SM when we took it over.

ah you might have caught us on our raid time. If u want a duel with any of us, just wave, we’ll be happy to have some scrimmage with you guys for sure.

ok will keep that in mind, i use point then the guy and bow. see you on the battle field then.

Just make sure you move it to someplace secluded like behind the windmill in a BL. I really like the smaller fights, but random groups running around tend to ruin it in a hurry.

Seviryn [Rekz]

blah blah new matchups = exactly the same

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


Can’t be worse then T5

This x100

In all honesty every person in T1 can only blame themselves for fighting the same servers over and over. Don’t stack servers and you wouldn’t have this problem to begin with.

T5 on the other hand is a different story. Ya know why? Because the actual tier has been nothing but blowouts.

Don’t forget Ebay was supposed to be in T4 this week under the old system vs SoS/CD. SBI who was supposed to drop to T5 is now in T3….

I kinda feel bad for SBI. They were set to have an easy week, and are probably gonna spend the rest of the week getting dumpstered instead.

Seviryn [Rekz]

No WvW Change for Ehmry/Anvil/Borlis

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


We’re ranked 12th. We’re fighting a tier below our rank. Why? lolrandomnumbers

Seviryn [Rekz]

LAWL BPAREB oh goodness

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


Well, I think it’s time to go do some PvE because I’m not fighting this for the umpteenth time since January.

Seviryn [Rekz]

No WvW Change for Ehmry/Anvil/Borlis

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507



This is extremely stupid. Everyone was looking forward to a new match up and NOT ONLY are we fighting the same servers, but we’re now the BLUE server fighting the SAME people!

Please do something!

Seviryn [Rekz]

4.26 EBay/AR/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Alex.9507


Actually, we’re occasionally met with resistance when we drop in unannounced, we kinda just take the PvDoor out of the equation.

Seviryn [Rekz]

4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


6) Our intention is to gut and cut Ehmries down till we get your attention and formalize a challenge to take us on, equal in numbers and fight in skill, last night, we met a impressive Rekz elementalist whom we dueled 1 vs 1 at a time, and if he represents the caliber of players in Rekz, then once proven, you will have EDGE’s respect.

Aaaaaaugh I just wanted to fight some people ’cuz I was boooooored. How do I even get myself involved in this stuff? x.x

Seviryn [Rekz]

4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


Dear Ehmry Bay,

Greetings from the guild Exiles Edge [EDGE] from Borlis Pass
You may have heard of us, you may not, and it matters not. I come here to address troubling rumours and whispers I hear in the air. I have heard that Ehmry Bay relies on numbers and not skill, I have heard that Ehmry has much hate agaisnt us from the Pass, and that Ehmry looks down upon Borlis from time to time….

I sincerely hope these rumours arent true, and that Ehmry Bay is not a bunch of zerg minded individuals, I stand agaisnt the Borlis perception of Ehmry, and I must prove that Ehmry is home to as skillful soilders and heroes as Borlis has.

Our guild EDGE, will be venturing into your fabled homeland in WvW from this week onwards, on the hunt for Ehmry flesh, We will be stalking your forces and will KILL any Ehmry we deem fit to stand against us, I wish to disprove the rumours that you need to outnumber us 2 to 1 to kill us, for if our numbers are around equal in a fight, you can never defeat a borlis….please prove this wrong, for I had already sent a hunting party into Ehmry so far, and the rumours appear true….4 of us fighting off 6 of Ehmries proved too difficult for you…

There will be plenty of time for you to prove your skill, and we will be watching….waiting…and hunting…bring your best skill groups when you see the tag EDGE, we will be waiting…of course we welcome the wipe out from your zerg if you deem if a must to kill us by outnumbering us by the droves….

We will be waiting for you….you will either learn to fear us, or learn to respect us…I sincerely hope it will be the latter….

More specifically to Rekz, I have long heard you have developed a skill group for WvW, and I am very very eager to see you on the field, I have long for battle with your guild on equal terms but it seems the other Borlis Guilds such as WAR and WFD have already slaughtered your guild a few times, or so I have heard….come let us test our mantle…

Be wary of us EDGEs on your field Ehmry….we will hunt you…defend yourselves….

Arch [EDGE]
Founder and Marshall of Exiles EDGE

ha, What a joke…. I guess you deemed that lone up lvl to go against your 8 or so…

Its Not A Joke. We will hunt u down One by One.
Here are some of your Fellow member getting slaughter By Us.
So Watch your backs.

Hm. The fact that it took 6 or so forever to kill two of us…
…not impressed. Not impressed at all.

And for the record, most of us are just tryin’ to have fun with this game. If you get all mad ‘cuz you have to pay a repair bill every so often, tough. We’re not some god’s gift to WvW, we’re a bunch of guys who want to have fun (you know that thing we play games for). If EDGE wants to challenge us to a GvG, then that’s all fine and dandy, but hiding in an upgraded camp and picking off people who come close then gloating about it on the forums isn’t something that’ll earn you respect. It’ll earn you the disdain of kitten near everyone that happens to glance over your posts.

I don’t even check the forums that much, but being told “oh, you should’ve heard of us, we’re on the forums” and then coming on to this drivel is just disappointing.

All that aside, I genuinely enjoyed that little spat we had earlier near Bluevale and Bluebriar. It was interesting trying to figure out a way to beat you guys with two guys and promptly be made to feel like an idiot by forgetting mortars exist.

Seviryn [Rekz]

(edited by Moderator)

3:29 |T5| BROLIS vs ROCK vs Errrbay

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


I figure that if SOMEONE isn’t getting mad at what we’re doin’, we’re doin’ something wrong.

So this is a good thing? I guess?

Seviryn [Rekz]

Quality of loot bags in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


I believe the quality of loot you receive is not just based on your level, but also the level of the enemies you kill. Like if you’re a Lv. 80 and you kill a Lv. 30 upscaled to 80, you’ll receive Lv. 30 loot or the respective materials.

Although this is just conjecture based on my experiences in WvW, so I could be wrong.

Seviryn [Rekz]

3/1 Yaks vs Ebay vs CD

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


Well in tier 6 we took on nigh on thrice our number. So glad it’s not as easy anymore.

Seviryn [Rekz]

Downed State Vapor Form

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alex.9507


On that note that Elementalists are forced into cookie cutter builds, I’d have to agree and would perhaps remedy this with letting them use more weapons. Shortbow, axes, hammers, shields and greatswords are out due to conjures, so they could let us toy around with (in order of likeliness to happen) one-handed swords, longbows, maybe torches and maces? As it stands, we get two off-hand and main-hand weapons and the staff. Some more variety and some incentive to use something other than dagger/dagger or staff would be magnificent.

Seviryn [Rekz]

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Alex.9507


Hm. That actually looks pretty even. Hope you guys don’t lose your lead after the weekend.

Seviryn [Rekz]

[Bug] Reward UI stuck on screen

in Wintersday

Posted by: Alex.9507


You need to select either the glue or the stuffing, and you can accept your rewards. You can’t have both.

Seviryn [Rekz]

Please fix Glyph of Renewal

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alex.9507


Evie, you’re absolutely right. Being able to revive 3 dead players and immediately turn a fight around was pretty overpowered (hilarious, but definitely OP). But they nerfed it too hard. It’s now a 5 second channel to do something most other classes can do in two. Also assuming you don’t get interrupted. It went from pretty kitten useful to completely useless in all but the most specific of circumstances.

What I’d like is for them to change it to the following:

Revives allies from downed with full HP, additional effects based on attunement. Change casting time to two or three seconds for all that is holy.
Fire: Next time you go down, auto-rally.
Air: Pulls target to you. Grants swiftness to caster and target.
Earth: Rallies nearest 3 friendlies. -OR- Rallies target, grants 4 second stability and protection to target.
Water: Here’s the kicker; fully revives target from dead, but with maximum down penalty. In other words, target will be revived from dead with 3 stacks of downed penalty, so next time they go down, they die immediately. Possibly increase casting time to 5 seconds again for water attunement.

So yeah. Something to that effect, in part or in whole. At the very least, reduce the cast time.

Seviryn [Rekz]

Please fix Glyph of Renewal

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alex.9507


It used to be that I ran Glyph of Renewal and swore by it, but after it not reviving from dead, it was just a 5 second windup that usually ended up in the target being dead or revived from other sources. Casting time needs to go down, or it needs to revive from dead, maybe make it an elite skill or some other downside if need be. Right now, all it’s good for is using the air attunement to pull dead NPCs to you instead of running up to revive them to avoid trouble in dungeons. That’s… about all the use I can think of for it.

Seviryn [Rekz]