Showing Posts For Alisster.8260:

WvW builders wish list

in WvW

Posted by: Alisster.8260


I want my workers to refresh my siege. No sense in having them stand around when there is maintenance to be done.

7 Seconds instant casts...really???

in WvW

Posted by: Alisster.8260


I lagged a lot yesterday. Wasnt just in wvw either as the AC runs we did b4 reset proved to be fruitless when trying to do burrows with the game consistently pausing the then catching up every few sec for everyone. WvW was a lot less laggy though once we went there.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Alisster.8260


Lot of cheaters i see going on this week. best way to make wvw even more worthless


in WvW

Posted by: Alisster.8260


May i ask what the point is in having NA/Euro/Asian servers? I mean it obviously is not to let you play with the people in your zone. If you were to follow that guideline then you would simply be capped the other 2/3 of the time when its not your zone. Why not just open up a sever list and let people choose so there is much better coverage across all zones?

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Alisster.8260


Maguuma BL Just now opened

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Alisster.8260


Yes, any US servers open?

Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood/Dragonbrand! Jan-25

in WvW

Posted by: Alisster.8260


Mag here

I have Qed for Mag BL 3 times now only to get kicked to character select screen all 3 times it poped. I have restarted inbetween each time. This is lame.

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Alisster.8260


So there was a patch yesterday. After patching i looked to my map to see if possibly the temple was unbugged. Lo and behold the waypoint was up. So I teleported there and the karma vendor was up. There was also about 3 dozen other people there was well whom all had a kitten like i did when they saw the wp up.

That was quickly crushed once we saw the event was still up and they werent moving anywhere. The Karma vendor told you to go escort the people whom were already at the camp.

I hope they realize that once they allow “guesting” that there are going to be 1000s of us “guesting” to the 10% of the servers whom do not have a bugged temple of balthazar. Lets hope we dont crash those servers…

Predict the patch time.

in WvW

Posted by: Alisster.8260


This is the reason i call you devs care bearing amateurs. There is no real reason for bringing the servers down 1 hour after a reset for the majority of the patches you do at that time.

Everyone here can understand that at times you may need to bring the servers down for a new build based on some game breaking bug. but again, most of the times you do it are not for that reason.

It is not only amateurish but imo, even ignorant to do so during the most competitive time frame in your game.

No excuses

Is dropping blueprints considered abuse?

in WvW

Posted by: Alisster.8260


I do this all the time for our commanders. Should i just stop doing it and just mail them gold each night so they can buy a bunch of siege next time they port back to spawn?

Did you really need to make a thread about this? I am 99% sure this is completely legitimate but incase of that 1%; again i can simply just mail them some gold and have them buy siege.

Same outcome. So quit waiting on your response from anet as they have better things to respond to.

People taking supply

in WvW

Posted by: Alisster.8260


Name and Shame the noobs. When they want to talk their kitten, point the noobs to this thread. They sure can do what they want just like we can shame the noobs they are.