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Your picked races for your Revenant?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alkene.5072


I already have two Asura, two Humans and two Sylvari (one of which is my main) so probably Charr or Norn since I only have one of those.

I was so hoping to play a Tengu one. A strong winged warrior who in his personal story broke with the philosophy of his fellows and joined the other races in the fight to save his world but… `sniff’. I understand why there isn’t a new race but eventually Anet is gonna have to bow to the pressure and make the Tengu playable with their lands split into two new 1-15 & 15-30 zones. I just so want that!

In the end my race of choice will heavily depend upon the backstory I give him or her. So yes, I am an RP’er.

I’m a RP’er too, wondering how this profession is going to work into our RP and the canon of the game. Kind of excited to work out a back story for my Norn Revenant but I’m eagerly awaiting more details on how the profession works but…I was also hoping for Tengu as a playable race. I think they’d be an amazing race to play.

Revenant Legends - Who would you channel?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alkene.5072


Jora as her bear form :o

Want some norn love!

Later edit: The more I think about, the more bad I feel if she didn’t make the cut… this is EXACTLY what the norn philosophy strives to be and she is after all the norn! I mean her statues are still all over Hoelbrak and Wayfarer’s!

Hells. Yes. Jora.

Just one legendary tease!!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alkene.5072


Please, PLEASE, P L E A S E no “footprints” and “auras” and “swooshes” on all the new Legendaries! Can’t something look “legendary” and not look like a Las Vegas sideshow? I would like one someday too, as something post-80 to shoot for. But not if it makes me look like a circus clown.

That’s what the Black Lion Ticket skins seem to be. Given the amount of time investment needed for a Legendary, I’m all ’Vegas baby…Vegas."

^ Totally agree with Pipra. Flashy animations and footfall effects are exactly the point of a Legendary. There’s Ascended for stats and looks (if you like them) and plenty of cool BL weapons now to fill the gap between boring and totally crazy animations. I’m not putting all that work into a short bow if it doesn’t fire Rainbow Unicorns!

Your picked races for your Revenant?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alkene.5072


Norn for sure.
They already have a link to spirits, and their huge bodies make heavy armor look amazing.
This class has norn all over it imho

Exactly my thoughts too, I’m going Norn for Revenant first.