Showing Posts For Alkuan.4962:
Well.. as a previous huntard of another era and game I’d like to have the concept of rangerdom still as mystery. I mean, easy to play, hard to master.
I had my bearbow times… “No my Arnold tanks and me skill 2 makes sooo much damage”
Untill I learned go Brazilian
After the wax all was so different. The sword? Why? Blasting with horn? But…
Jokes aside for a moment. But still, in my opinion the this class is the: L2P
For PvE – Everything but bearbow. The ranger should check what the other players provide, meaning sometimes sporting a fire field, axe reflection, gs block, what not – you think them dumm warriors think about these? Hah!
For WvW – Most say theyre useless – Sure, in a blob perhaps, but if specced right rangers are nasty roamers
For PvP – For this, remember – it’s a 5v5 – so a team game. I’ve tried a lot of builds and came to a conclusion that what suits best shouldn’t be changed.
But I’m not an expert.. playing casually :/
“anything guys say personally”
“don’t mean to hurt your feelings”
“they’ll get over it pretty quickly”
So out-of-words… but I kinda uderstand. In your little world everything happens to “them”.
There are no actual victims none, ever… “theyre just venting”.
Sorry to open a Pandora’s box even I can’t describe..
Thanks for the replies… perhaps I didn’t express myself properly: playing a female character and kitten horried of the language/attitude towards when they seeminly think it is a female IRL
I’m very much male. My female game ranger just happens to be named as if a real person. And I’ve had a share of dorky guys whispering to me.. the last one turned the cup.
Lessons for me is to.. kitten love them pretty women really, all of them… and to protect them from idiots like sans mentioned.
I play a female human ranger with a name that would suggest a similar name in the real life.
Thus, some people assume, by my character name, than I am female.
And this leads to the subject:
I’ve been so far flamed with various: “worthless kitten”, “is it that time of the month” and such when we had lost a soloQ
I agree that sometimes I haven’t been on par of my capability, but still – after seeing afkers, bearbows and whatnot I still don’t go rage and blame it all on someone personally.
I know, I should ignore those griefers right away but..
Just effing makes me angry..
Do I have a point here.. well figure out yourself, perkele!
(I mean I got so kitten aggroed a few hours ago when some idiot again started blaming his soloQ loss on me, the “girl” and flamed with all the regalia ending with “this time of the month”
No-one.. NONE.. messes with my sweet Rebecca
(edited by Alkuan.4962)
Today, again.. was flamed in tpvp as being a worthless ranger and “u suck”.
Well, the “commander” aka the vocal imo idiot on /t chat was insisting us going for the middle when it was clear we couln’t do that and I was implying an alternative to go hold close and far instead.. oh, we lost ofc :P
So.. if you want to play a ranger… be a ranger
Rangers soly on wits and cunning Not perhaps listening to nor reading the meta on the forums.
Longbow… sigh.
To add some beef to my speech… new rangers: or old too, learn to use sword and bring frostspotter into your party in dungeons. Go sport a GS and a Pink Moa! :P
The best of this profession… them callled us huntards in some other game and agreed that easy to level, hard master
Haha.. yea it went backwards :P
Thank you Bran, for the support.
And for me, played my ranger as a main since launch (i detest beta’s)…
And.. I love that hunters…. err.. rangers have a skillcap
I seldom post on forums.
I played a WoW Hunter for 6 years till found this game.
Played bear and longbow quite a few – but thanks for the few and dedicated learned to adapt to being melee.
Well, a melee ranger really is a monster.. if the buffs align The pet hits hard… etc.
Aaand.. I hate a debate when ppl say “what can rangers bring other classes aren’t able”.
Those “no rangers” pug-groups are for wannabe speedrunners who don’t know of anything better.
MH: Useless
OH: One of the best offhands in the game? (Super high damage, CC pull, Vulnerability/Retaliation, Reflect)
Imo mainhand axe is a viable weapon in Pugs or in envorements requiring some aoe damage youre not ascertain and in certain pulls blah blah :P
The axe offhand is purely situational.
tl:dr when soloing packs, doing dungeons with ppl the axe is a good aoe wpn… considering the sword does the cleave as well, but hey – isn’t it nice to go full zerg as a ranger in a pug dungeon, only to see youre the only melee there between staff guards, stupidly traited warrs and whatnot…
I love being a ranger!
(edited by Alkuan.4962)