Showing Posts For AlphaDawn.9042:

Black Lion Trading company

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AlphaDawn.9042


Hi Anet and Tech support for Guild Wars 2 …. I am an avid player since GW2 launch and have well over 1500+ hours of play…
I am aghast at your inability to solve issues in a timely manner with MAC users … This is entirely inexcusable …
Come on Tech support and Anet …. There is NO reason to have so many problems with MAC let alone have those problems be allowed to make it into gameplay….
Do you NOT test your updates-patches with MAC client prior to launching for
gameplay …
This current problem with BLTC ( Black Lion Trading Co. ) and all of its functions not working for thousands of players is shameful at best … The game is unplayable at some point, which I am sure most of us have reached , due to being unable to sell items from your inventory as well as with progression help in crafting
( i.e.. buying and selling items ) …
There should be not only timely and swift explanations to this and all issues concerning MAC clients but this whole half kittened hack solutions at temporary fixes to this issue make me sickened ( paste this, paste that, make a dummy folder and erase lol ) …
WE DESERVE things tested for MAC before patches are released and if by some chance that something gets by an immediate response as well as a real and permanent fix …
You not only owe us this but should send some form of value back to us for all the game time you have wasted for us …
I should not feel bad for writing this or even have to write it … This IS on point and needs to be adressed …
Please get it together …
Loyal GW2 fan ( but not sure why anymore )

Client Crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AlphaDawn.9042


srry for spelling … 4got to check lol

Client Crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AlphaDawn.9042


I have had game start crashing again after latest patch on Fri. At first game seemed to be “Fixed” Although Did have it crash about 3 times … Now since yesterday eve. is has crashed about every 30 – 50 min in WvW … I get “Blacked out” areas around icons and or “Patch Work Quilt” Looking symmetry on map page when it is about to crash and only have secs to a few minutes before it will chrash when this strat to happen .. It has now chrashed over half a dozen times since late yesterday eve. There must be a way to solve this issue and I would encourage everyone to ask others to post as well to GW2 tech team so they can put forth greator effrot in fixing this issue .. Thanx players it is awesome gaming with you

Client Crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AlphaDawn.9042


GW2 team ,
I have played for about 4 1/2 hours since latest patch and I can say you definitely fixed for the most part the issue … Played for about 2 hrs on my new character and it did crash once after about 2 hrs of play in WvW … Then I have been playing one of my lvl 80’s for 3 hrs and no problems …
Thnx so much for getting in some coding solutions … You guys n gals deserve your props …

Client Crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AlphaDawn.9042


Hey all,

Just checking in to let everyone know we believe we have identified the issue and we are working on getting it in the next hotfix. If this changes, I will let everyone know.

I also want to let you know that uninstalling/reinstalling the client will not fix this crash, so I just ask that everyone hang tight until we can get this fix rolled out to you all.

I appreciate everyone’s patience as I know how frustrating this can be.


Yes I am “Still” having this issue … It is apparently very widespread … I have 2 level 80’s … My game Crashes every 5 secs to 10 min … Makes it impossible to play game … Tried starting a new character and it only lasted for about 10 min before crashing … Running on a late 2013 MacBook Pro 16gb 1600 Hz memory and Nvidia GeForce Gt 750m graphics with 2gb dedicated … Really hope that GW2 tech dept. gives more updates …
Matt please know :
Great game but basically unable to play because of crashing issues on server or coding end..

Client Crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AlphaDawn.9042


Thnx Matt for getting on this … Hope you and the other members of the team are able to find this fix ASAP …

Client Crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AlphaDawn.9042


Hey all,

Just checking in to let everyone know we believe we have identified the issue and we are working on getting it in the next hotfix. If this changes, I will let everyone know.

I also want to let you know that uninstalling/reinstalling the client will not fix this crash, so I just ask that everyone hang tight until we can get this fix rolled out to you all.

I appreciate everyone’s patience as I know how frustrating this can be.


Client Crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AlphaDawn.9042


I have been an avid player since launch date and have not had ANY issues running game until recently …. Game crashes / freezes about every 5 min to 30 min while playing especially in WVW .. It will either freeze then immediatly log me out as if I had never started game or mostly it will freeeze and I have no control except for cursor but cannot access my computer so I have to do a hard shut down by pressing and holding the pwr button on the computer to do a restart… This is on a late 2013 MacPro 15" just opened Feb. 2nd.. With Dedicated 2 GB graphics and 16Gb 1600 hz memory … Used to run on a 13" 2008 MacPro and never had any issues aside from some minor slide show frame rate issues but, NEVER any shutdown or freeze … I am suprised that Tech support has not addressed this issue yet . Does any one have any ideas to bring about a faster response from GW2 on this …