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LFG smaller guild on NA servers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Alucard.6015


I’m looking for a smaller, casual guild with TS or Vent on a NA server. My old guild basically stopped playing due to Eve online. :‘( Anyway I’m currently on a EU server looking to move back to a NA server since I’m Gmt -5 anyway. Haven’t decide on a new home server but should in next few days. No kiddie guilds, I have a problem with swearing sometimes :P I rep 100% and like to help members when I can. I do mainly pve and often wvw. Mainly miss just having fun in the game since I play alone :’(

Pack Runes and MM

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alucard.6015


Does each minion do +7% or does it only make my char do +7%?

The damage bonus for six superior runes applies for any summoned pet, such as Glyph of Elementals or Sigil of Demon Summoning, but not for illusions.

(edited by Alucard.6015)

Pack Runes and MM

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alucard.6015


Lame, lol. Would be nice, prolly OP then.

Pack Runes and MM

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alucard.6015


Does rune of the ranger work like this? Does it consider a minion a pet? If so, would the +7% damage stack for each minion?

+25 Precision +35 Ferocity +50 Precision +65 Ferocity +100 Precision +7% damage while you have an active companion

Looking for the right guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Alucard.6015


Thank you all for the invites so far. Hopefully I will get a few more so I can make the best decision that will make gaming in GW2 great for me.

Thank you all again.

Looking for the right guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Alucard.6015


Hello Guilds of GW2. I’ve been play GW2 since first beta with a few good friends and we have just recently disband the guild due to most of us have other priorities in rl/ lack of recuits joining us in game to do stuff and on Ventrilo. I currently am looking to join a new guild that is small/medium size 15-30 daily players. I would to also be in a tight knit guild that cares for fun more then anything. I do like pve over wvw, but do enjoy dabbling in wvw, as long as other guildees attend. Also maturity is a big plus, being able to kid around goes along way and can make the game even more enjoyble. Vent, TS, or any other voice comm is a must for me, as I hate typing ingame. As for servers, I currently play on Desolation, even though I am in the U.S.A. I will switch servers if I find the right guild for me. I am a daily player and do like contributing to other guild members when I can. Hope the best to you all for reading this and hope to see some of you in the near future.