Showing Posts For Ammorth.3604:

Unable to Login/Disconnected After Map Change

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ammorth.3604


Stuck on STATE_SERVER_WAIT for numerous IP addresses.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ammorth.3604


I am unable to stick my Crystalline Band (Infused) and Red Ring of Death (Infused) ascended rings in the mystic forge (chat codes [&AgHokAAA] and [&AgHrkAAA]). Although I’m not 100% sure, they should be rings that were originally infused via the mystic forge recipe. I noticed a few of my characters had the same problems with their berserker rings as well. I tried moving the rings to another character, adding and removing infusions, etc and couldn’t find a way for them to show in the mystic forge recipe. My other rings in my inventory are visible (even while in my 20 Slot Safe Box) , I’m not sure why these are not.

Lets talk about the new Gem conversion [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ammorth.3604


Before I quit for good, just wanted to leave this suggestion here.

Use a slider.

Buy Gems or Buy Gold. Use the slide to specify the number of gems or gold you wish to get, interface calculates the number of gold (for gems) or gems (for gold) you will need to get that amount. Fix the top of the slider to the max amount you can do in one transaction or the maximum funds the player currently has for the given mode. Make the slider move in one currency increments with the arrow keys to allow fine-tuning at higher resolutions than pixel-level. For simplicity, add buttons to jump the slider to specific values if desired (or hide the slider in a “Custom” option).

Have fun everyone, was a good two years!

Session Cookie 1 year TTL; Forces Re-login

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Ammorth.3604


I browse /r/GuildWars2 on reddit and usually follow links back to the forum. It has driven me crazy that I am always required to login before proceeding to the post, so I figured I would look into why.

It appears the session cookie (which is, I assume, “s”) has a year-long expiry… Normally session cookies should last for the browser session (hence the name “session cookie”) and will therefore be cleared when the browser closes. This does not happen with a year-long TTL and therefore the session cookie persists through closing the browser.

The second problem is that the web-service session appears to have a much lower TTL for the server-side session. This is fine, BUT, when my browser presents my session cookie from yesterday, I am presented with the login form instead of the page I was hopping to land on. This unneeded disconnect is frustrating and discouraging.

Proposed Solutions:
1) Make the session cookie expire on the session. Since the server-session doesn’t appear to persist for that long, there’s no point in the browser holding onto a token that is unusable after a small amount of time. If session cookies are not your thing, at least make it the same length as the server-session.
2) If presented with a cookie for a stale session, do not require a login. Instead either recycle the token and clear the server-session (so they are a guest) or generate a new session and send that token to the client.

There is no reason I need to login to view the forums because I didn’t log out from the night before. If I want to post a reply, I can easily login as needed.

Thanks for listening to my suggestion!


email from NCSoft

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ammorth.3604



After checking, it appears the email IS a valid email from NCSoft. However, it is for an account I did NOT authorize.

There should be a statement in these generated emails that explains what it is for (what triggered the email). Something along the lines of:

“Before we can finish creating your new NCSoft account, we need to verify your email address. If you did not authorize the creation of this account, please report this incident… blah blah blah.”

The current email is very non-descriptive and “verifying an email” can be used for multiple things, not just account creation. I know ANet is not directly responsible for NCSoft emails, but I think forwarding some recommendations such as this to them would help security for both companies by reducing customer human error.

[Suggestion/Vanity] Reserve Slot for Off-hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ammorth.3604


Besides, it doesn’t cure having your dedicated I-use-this weapon getting shuffled around to random places in your bags.

Yeah, this is the main problem. I currently switch weapons on the equipment panel by dragging or right-clicking and can’t tell if some other item has taken up the slot for my off-hand.

[Suggestion/Vanity] Reserve Slot for Off-hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ammorth.3604


When switching between weapon sets that are main-hand/off-hand to two-handed, there are two items replacing one item in the inventory. This can cause small layout problems for people who use invisible bags or like to keep their gear organized. This is especially problematic when junk fills these slots and then valuable weapons end up with the rest of the junk in your bags.

Have the ability to dedicate up to 2 bag slots as “Reserve Slot for Off-hand”. These slots would get some graphical change to reflect their state. The selection of these slots would likely be from the right-click context menu on an empty slot. Once set, the slots can only accept off-hand items. The items can only be placed in these slots by user moving them (drag in inventory) or by equipping and removing items from the equipment panel. This is to prevent possible junk off-hand items from filling the slots.

If that is not possible, an alternative is to allow off-hand items to remain in the off-hand slot while wielding a two-handed weapon. This would obviously change the number of items people could carry, and so I feel the previous solution is better suited.

Thoughts and opinions?

Daily reset bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ammorth.3604


Same issue. Dailies didn’t reset, nor did ascended crafting timers. Not willing to run a dungeon to test that as well.

Was muted when the patch came out originally. Might be related to that. However, a poll of the guild shows no correlation between dailies not resetting and the muting. The poll also showed I was the only one, so it appears to be a pretty rare problem. Hopefully its fixed soon!

You opinion about Dredge?

in Fractured

Posted by: Ammorth.3604


I’ve seen several people now say the bomb run is easy enough they can solo it. I’m curious – how?

Although its with a specific professions / build, this is how I solo it:

  • A Thief with 10 points in Shadow Arts – Infusion of Shadows V
  • A dagger
  • Smoke Screen, Shadow Refuge, Blinding Powder

You start in a corner, usually on the platform to the right, against the fence and the cage wall. Drop Smoke Screen and start Heartseekering on it. You need to time it right and constantly walk toward the corner, so you don’t go flying out. Once the Smokescreen has dropped, head off to pick up a bomb. Wait for your stealth to be at 0 seconds before placing the bomb (So you don’t get revealed). Drop Shadow Refuge slightly behind you and dodge backward so you don’t get hit by the bombers. Let Shadow Refuge stack your stealth, and then make your way back to the stacking point. Wait for cooldowns and repeat.

You opinion about Dredge?

in Fractured

Posted by: Ammorth.3604


Before the update to fractals, my 48 group took about 12 minutes, on average, of constant DPS, to kill all the dredge in the cart. 12 minutes of pressing 1. Over and over again. To the point where the game glitches out and you can’t attack anything. Your animations are working, your skills are chaining, but no numbers are showing up and nothing is losing health.

No, we don’t fight them where they spawn, cause they are invulnerable for the first 3 seconds, but fight them at the back of the car and pull them with guardian staff, etc. The best part: we actually look forward to the clown car. Its the easiest part of the fractal and gives us lots of free miner’s bags!

I also have a thief, who’s sole purpose has become running a stealth build to place bombs on the bomb path. Yep, those class roles are really shining here!

Please fix Dredge. Don’t make it such a chore. Remove a bunch of the infinite spawns and let us breath without shoving dredge down our throats around every corner.

Simin, The high priestess Dwayna bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ammorth.3604


Just ran this last night with our guildies, and no matter how we tried, we could not get her past 50%. If we DPSed our hearts out, 50%. If we only let two people DPS, 50%. There’s just no winning. Half of our group was reading bug reports/watching videos during the fight cause it made no difference, we brought her to 50% and she would basically restart the fight…

Don't Make Popups in an Action Game MODAL!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ammorth.3604


For the love of all things holy, please, PLEASE, make it so popups are not modal! Why does it clear focus from the chat window? Why do some of them prevent you from reviving others? Seriously! They need to change. I know you want them to be noticeable, but there are better user interface solutions that can achieve the same effect without blocking everything else on the screen. Please change it!