Heroes of lost Alara – HOLA
Guild type – Small, PVX (We play anything and everything)
Home server – Seafarer’s Rest
language – English
Guild Leader’s – Amondarkspawn.4789, Flectec.6203
Time/s active Primarily 6/7 – 11/midnight weekday’s. Active most weekends. Some of us my be on at different times due to working shift patterns.
We are a small guild composed primarily of friends in the UK.
We have been inactive for some time but are slowly getting back into the game due to the release of heart of thornes.
We have only 4 active core members currently that have been playing the game since lauch, other members have dropped away from the game however we are hoping more will return due to the expansion annoucement.
We are a laid back, fun, guild focusing on all area’s of the game. Our primary objective in the game is having fun.
Hopefully, once we gain more active members we can have alot more structured play.
If you are new to the game, are looking for a home, help leveling, completing events or are looking for a generally laid back ‘play when you can’ environment, message me.
All players, either new to the game or veterans, would be most welcome.
Contact Amondarkspawn.4789 or Flectec.6203 if you are interested.