Just to address this part
“If all you ever find in your hand is a staff, you’re probably doing it wrong. Just saying …”Maybe in a dungeon yes, it might be worth changing up weapon sets? If you are another profession, who actually has an in combat weapon swap, this is also very true.
In dungeons its often very worthwhile to change weapon sets in between fights. Some fights find the staff useful for reasons of range, AOE, etc, while in others the staff is considerably less effective.
However, attunements should make up for the lack of weapon swap. If someone wants to hold a staff in their hands, then they should be able to stand on the strength of the skills and traits involved in that. By changing their attunements, they should be able to cope with a diverse array of situations.
Well, attunements do make up for no-swaps in any particular fight. Someone surely can hold a staff and be able to stand on its strengths. However, that doesn’t mean the staff is or should be equally useful in every scenario. And it’s not!
The fact is, whatever weapon you’re using does offer a diverse array of solutions, but not all of them are applicable in every fight and not all of them are even ideal. Knowing which weapon may be most effective for coming situations is part of what makes a good dungeon elementalist.
What is tiresome is hearing people expect to use the same strategies and the same weapon sets and the same powers, over and over and over, for every challenge they face. Instead of playing what is arguably the most dynamic class in the game, dynamically, it seems some people are only satisfied by trying to shove a square peg into a round hole, and complaining when it doesn’t fit.
So you can’t apply “If all you ever find in your hand is a staff, you’re probably doing it wrong” that statement, to an ele. An ele should be able to use whatever weapon they like, because all weapons should be strong enough to stand on their own due to our attunements. In that case, and especially in the PvE environment, you have to play what you enjoy. So you can’t make a statement like that for someone using an ele.
You can absolutely do that. Just don’t come into the forums and whine that it isn’t as effective as other ways of doing things, or that it is the only way and now the devs have broken it.
I happen to really like the staff and EA was a great compliment to that. I found it extremely fun. Admittedly I’m going to enjoy it less now, and I’m going to have to find way to adapt.
I love the staff, too. It’s amazingly effective even without EA, particularly in dungeon scenarios. But it isn’t the only way, and it certainly isn’t broken or ineffective because EA is no longer powerful. That’s garbage talk.
So far as it goes, being willing to adapt to the changes will make you a better elementalist even when you’re using the staff throughout the future. It’s not the end of the elementalist world, though some people would have others believe it.