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Condition Damage.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andaras.9317


I sincerely don’t know why people always think that condi builds absolutely need expertise in order to be a condi build. Yes for a maximizing damage standpoint yes but under normal circumstances a reduced crit rate won’t hurt your DPS enough.

A simple example would be a ranger shortbow or condi mesmer. Give either of them condi damage/toughness/vitality and spec for defensive utility and they’ll outlast any power build, even against a full bunker anything.

And as many people have mentioned, many attacks with condi builds can inflict 3-5 conditions on a single attack and the damaging conditions are usually covered by a single stack of vulnerability or cripple.

There has to be a universal armor against condition damage. One type of damage shouldn’t have a means of mitigation while another doesn’t. Imagine if the armor stat didn’t exist and all direct damage inflicted their full amounts. That’s what conditions do unless you’re on of the few classes who have traits that reduce condi damage.

PoF and Gen 2 Legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andaras.9317


When it comes to making the next batch of missing legendaries like the dagger and so forth, will the Gift of Maguuma Mastery still be an item needed using the same materials or will it require an entirely new batch of items related to Path of Fire alone?

My main concern is the Crystalline ingots. Since those items could be made ahead of time will they apply to new legendaries released after PoF? Logic dictates that they will be but future legendaries could require the item but have a different recipe to make them since PoF is meant to be played even if you don’t have HoT.

It was mainly something I was thinking of.

Condition Damage Mitigation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andaras.9317


@DeadlySynz What you said about an organized group providing complete immunity to conditions is a problem too. It’s gotten to the point where people have to do things like that merely because conditions are everywhere. Condition cleanses have also been buffed like crazy for the exact same reason so now everything is disproportionate, but it’s still in favor of the attacker instead of the defender.

And for your example for complete immunity for physical damage guardians can provide AOE aegis, mesmers can provide aegis with wells and the trait that shares distortion, the multitude of immunities that almost every class has, vigor for increased dodges, blocks that many classes have, blinds…you get the idea. Reasonable access to direct damage defense is there but that’s not the case involving conditions.

Someone will most definitely say “Sure all of that will work against skills that inflict conditions”. Yes that’s true but think of a viper’s revenant or ranger, or even a condi warrior. You would have to use all of that in order to prevent the wave of conditions from their auto attacks on top of procced conditions from traits then use cleanses in order to remove anything they apply after you’ve run out of defensive options, all the while they’re pinging you with their auto or low cooldown condi skills.

Destroying two classes? That’s also a problem but that’s due to bad balancing. Every class should have access to a power and a condition build and the differences in how they play should be in how the mechanics of the class work.

All I’m proposing is a means of picking and choosing wisely what attacks you and what to block. That can be done against power builds but not conditions. It literally makes no sense that I can stack 20-30 stacks of bleeding on someone as my viper ranger, hitting them for 3k-4k while at a range of 900 and simply keep them at bay or create gaps while they die. And if they cleanse the bleeds, so what? I can reapply them with sharpening stone and auto attacks while they waste skills.

But I sincerely doubt anything will be done about the rampant conditions. People like what’s effective.

Condition Damage Mitigation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andaras.9317


A separate stat for condition damage might be the best option but the last thing we need is for power/tank builds to have to sacrifice or weaken toughness or vitality in order to reduce condition damage. Honestly I would still take a condition damage reduction stat over toughness merely because a dodge roll/block/invuln/whatever can avoid massive hits but avoiding a barrage of auto attacks from a ranger’s shortbow or necro’s scepter is nigh impossible.

Going further into those two classes, as well as any class that applies a condition as part of its auto attack, there’s no real defensible way to deal with the constant spam. Either waste half your skills curing conditions that’ll be reapplied by someone standing there pressing 1 or save them to cleanse a bulk of them but you’ve taken the damage while waiting. It makes no real sense that the defender has to blow a ton of skills that are on long cooldowns to remove conditions from an auto attach chain.

Condition Damage Mitigation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andaras.9317


It’s an old topic I’ve seen every once in a while but it does need to happen. There needs to be more options for reducing damage from the insane amount of conditions flying around, preferably built into something like toughness or vitality. Although vitality isn’t the ideal choice since it would just involve a larger health pool to heal.

Things like the occasional trait for classes like Engineer and light auras aren’t anywhere near enough. Path of Fire is also introducing more classes that can further add to the condition spam means we need more ways of reducing damage from conditions instead of clearing them and having them come back within a few seconds.

In my opinion toughness needs to be the be-all end-all for anything reducing damage/condition duration so it could be tied to that. It honestly doesn’t make much sense that a berserker and a knights statted character die at the same rate to conditions but not at the same rate when it comes to direct damage. its also really doesn’t make much sense either that there are PVE enemies with high armor but they absolutely melt to conditions.

Toughness needs to reduce condition damage as well. There are far too few ways of effectively reducing condition damage and all it does is promote condition spam and Anet will build off of it in future expansions thinking everyone only plays condition builds.

Attempting Legend giving exact same staff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andaras.9317


I don’t know if this is a bug or not but I’ve thrown in about 60+ exotic staffs in the MF and I consistently receive either Carrion or Cleric Pearl Quarterstaffs . I would agree that its just random luck but I’m wondering if something isn’t messed up with the MF since of the 20+ attempts, a vast majority have been those two staffs. Anyone else having weird “luck” with this?

New Red Ring of Death

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andaras.9317


I like how its easier to see but the lines move too much. I liked the standard line they had before, but I just wished they made it thicker and brighter so you can see it at a glance

The adds in Orr events are off the charts

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Andaras.9317


I feel like Anet is basically doing everything in their power to get people to scatter from Orr into other sections of the world, however that’s never going to happen unless we get another 80 zone where we can get mats for our legendaries.

Champions should not be in practically every event, they aren’t hard in the least, they’re nothing but a big waste of code and a waste of valuable player time, time that is most likely going to get used somewhere else if they have to fight a champion in nearly every event.

I think they’ve changed every Risen now, giving them overpowered attacks that normal trash world monsters should no possess. I learned to deal with the Risen noble’s aoe that does a ton of damage, especially when 8 or so of the annoyances stack em on npcs I’m supposed to keep alive, instant killing them.

I’ve dealt with the Risen pirates with their stupid powerful flame shield might stacking hitting for 6k surrounding me in groups of six or more. I feel like I’m on my toes more, but making enemies that overpowered and making them the only enemies in most all of Orr events is insane.

Now after this patch, the patch where nothing was stated that they changed so many of Orr’s monsters, I discover that so much has changed that Orr is becoming unplayable, or at least the events are. Too many vets and champs scaled two to four levels higher than us that take ages to kill that give us nothing for the effort? Not even more silver from event completion? What does Anet expect us to work three times harder for not even half the reward? If you’re gonna cram so many stronger adds into these events, give us better loot, increase the event completion rewards (exp, gold and karma) or better yet, just take them out. Champs are universally hated because they’re sacks of HP that do nothing for a player but waste our time, or push us away to a different game.

I liked being able to work on my legendary, I just got my precursor for the Moot, don’t deny me from being a disco charr because you want me to spam fight Champs

Why are your Tooltips so vague

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andaras.9317


I can understand what the thought process might have been in deciding not to give too many specifics / numbers, since GW2 promises not to be a numbers game. I was actually counting on that, and try to play without thinking about numbers.

What bothers me is that when numbers are given, it’s not always clear how they apply. Take this Engineer tooltip (lvl 29) for example:

[Poison Dart Volley]
Fire a volley of darts that poison foes.
Damage: 40
Poison: 2s (86 damage), -33% Heal Effectiveness
Number of Darts: 5
Range: 900

Is that 40 damage total, or 40 damage / dart? 86 poison damage total over 2 seconds, or each second for 2 seconds?

For that skill, I’m about 90% positive that it means that each dart does the 40 damage, so if you are at point blank range, you’ll do 40 damage five times.
The poison does 86 damage total across the 2 seconds for one dart, so if all 5 darts hit, you get 10 seconds of poison that is SUPPOSED to do eight hundred and sixty damage total, or something like that, at least mathematically that’s the total.

But I am in full agreement, tooltips are pretty friggin useless, especially trait ones, and having to open my browser to check the wiki feels like a waste of time.

Power creep and ascended gear in WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andaras.9317


I keep seeing so so sooooo many threads about how power creep has come into GW2, and all that mess, and how it’s going to destroy wvw cuz you have to grind for this new gear that has slightly better stats.

I propose a test of this when someone gets enough ascended gear. Give it a week. The hardcore people will have every piece available by then.

Then find a buddy on another server, that you are faced up against in WvW, or if you are willing switch to another server that you are faced up against and put up with the week of non transfers. Meet in a secluded spot away from others and ONE person puts on their exotic armor set, duel, and redo the duel with the ascended stuff. A video of this is a MUST, and post it here.

I am not issuing a challenge, I am just curious about if there is a genuine difference between the two. Now, if someone is kind enough to do this, traits and such must all stay the same, the only difference between the duels is just the armor being switched.

This should determine whether or not power creep is really here. I hope this doesn’t turn into a flame thread.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andaras.9317


Holy crap it scares me that people are freaked out.

People are freaking out over words chosen by a marketing team. Think about it, if you add a defensive ascension slot that allows you to say best this type of monster or reduce such and such status effect, is that not growing more powerful?

People say there will be a gear treadmill. Please, show me one of the ascension stats that will be in the game.

Since you can’t, isn’t it a little too early to worry?

People need to stop speculating over words in an article. If they introduce it and there is an obvious treadmill, then by all means, blow up the forums about the distaste. I know I will.

But until Anet actually adds the items, why freak out? No one knows what they will be so it’s A LOT early to worry.

Now the agony debuff, that I don’t like. But then again, I find % based attacks/debuffs to be a pathetic excuse for difficulty. Enemies already hit hard enough, why have them take off a set % of my health?

And yes, I am aware that the new gear will have 5 stats on it. On the screenshot in the article comparing the rings: How much exactly is +18 power and precision? At lv 80, 18 precision is what? 1%, if that? Granted if you get a full set, it will add up (OBVIOUSLY), but how is that exactly game breaking? People run instances with masterwork and rares instead of exotics. If you are in a lower instance, you will get scaled down, so you won’t notice your little power boost.

I see no treadmill coming.

If one comes though, I will join all of you in screaming at Anet.

The truth is, dungeons are unbalanced.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Andaras.9317



Now that strategy that you discuss at the beginning of your post, how long did it take for you to figure that out? Or did you look it up on youtube or ask a guildmate/friend/whatever? And if you asked someone or watched a video, how long did it take for them to figure that out? You say that people are complaining about things being too hard or whatever, when all people want is just a difficulty indicator in explorable modes, which is something I favor greatly.

Second, dungeons ARE unbalanced. Hands down. You tell me you can play a warrior or a thief, or even a melee ranger and can stay in melee range before you lose 90% of your health from one boss attack or from two-three trash mob attacks before having to back up and use ranged? You say that the game is developed a certain way, which was what? To play your class your way. Now I will say going berserker is dumb in a dungeon, but given the current mechanics where trash can practically destroy a party with no effort and it takes 5 players several minutes to kill one thing is annoying, but berserkers should be useful for that. People who want to play that class shouldn’t be restricted from doing so. Skillsets is what I am sure they meant by filling certain roles, like reflects for guardians and so on, but you shouldn’t be punished for not bringing a pair of guardians to an instance because every single enemy does a projectile skill and the skill that blocks them is on a 30-60 second cooldown.

You say that people complain that things are too hard. The abilities that would make the instances much easier are on too long of a CD for no real reason. I would love to have a difficulty indicator on explorable modes to ease myself into a new instance that I haven’t done before. Cuz let’s face it, Story modes are pathetically easy compared to Explorable modes of their respective instance.

I am not gonna make an insanely long post, but flat out, it boils down to this. Melees can barely play in instances, (unless you’re mr/mrs. perfect in dungeons. If that is the case, please upload a video where you run CoF/Arah as a melee warrior or thief, not get downed even once and not using any sort of ranged weapons.) Certain classes are literally needed or else an instance can’t be done (I ran SE with 2 guardians, a mesmer, with me as my engineer. I use the elixir that grants quickness, which gives the toolbelt skill that can create the wall of reflect guardian skill randomly, well frequently. With all of those reflects, it was pathetically easy, compared to other peoples experiences.) and with a game that says you can run an instance with any combination of classes with no trinity, I don’t see it.

Dungeons need to be scaled down. Hard. Either make trash hit as hard as it does now but give it a quarter of the health, or keep the immense health pools but weaken their attacks, and give bosses a crapton less health.

Also, another good suggestion would be to add a trait reset merchant at the beginning of the instance by the repair anvil. That way we can switch it up for the instance without having to go one route the entire instance. There is a lot they can do with instances, but as of now, saying the L2P bs isn’t helping anybody. It’s going to turn away new players and make an aspect of the game people are supposed to find fun be a waste of code.

You wanna see hard dungeons? Play runes of magic, where you had to spend real life money to get yourself geared for an instance where practically everything one shot you, and you had to pay real life money to maintain that armor. This game has plenty of potential, and I hope that they do fix instances, because as of now, they’re too hard and unbalanced.

(edited by Andaras.9317)