Showing Posts For Angel Sweet.9056:

Auto track/route

in Suggestions

Posted by: Angel Sweet.9056

Angel Sweet.9056

Auto tracker would make life so much easier for all players. I couldn’t believe it when I started playing GW2 it didn’t have any type of one. I hate all the searching trying to find places and mobs to kill for quest. I have missed quests because I didn’t know which way to go next. Auto tracker would also help with crafting to finding areas where items are. I have players told me not to cook, the searching for items is too much of a pain. As the map gets bigger and bigger it will become even more frustrating getting around the game. For players like me who are not a map people. Get confuse with maps in games and end up lost. I have given up on quest and trying to craft cuz I can’t find places. Wish GW2 had a GPS to help us find places and not go in circles till we give up. I have 2 Rangers and looking for pets is a huge pain trying to find all these pets locations.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Angel Sweet.9056

Angel Sweet.9056

Plz bring in mounts. My friends and I all complain about all the running around the game. It gets so boring and time consuming. Even if you made the teleports all free, which you should. We still have to run to teleports all the time and location to location. I feel like all these Mount Haters on here should remember not everyone loves to waste all their time running everywhere. If they don’t want mounts then they don’t have to get one. But for players who do then we should be able to have a mount. As the maps get bigger the more frustrating it will become for players. Mounts will help speed up travel time to meet with players to do quest together. Not all this standing around waiting for all the players to run all the way over to them. I loved riding my mounts in other games to enjoy looking at all the game design. With teleports players miss out on seeing all of GW2 beautiful landscapes. I have seen animals in game that would make awesome mounts. We don’t need these huge mounts just make mounts that change size to fit players size.