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Trapless Ghost Thief - Tier 1 gameplay

in Community Creations

Posted by: AngryGrump.5863


most headspinning condi burst post update?

in WvW

Posted by: AngryGrump.5863


However only 3 classes have access to a reveal skill that doesn’t require a target to cast (AKA the only 3 that work on someone already in stealth), and of those 3 skills, 1 of them is a trap that the thief would have to wander through in order to trigger. So even if you believe that stab is a necessity to fight mistrust mesmer, you can’t deny that at least all classes have access to that, whereas really only 2 classes have meaningful access to an AoE reveal that would be needed to deal with ghost thief.

5 of the 9 classes have access to aoe reveal, because warrior and ranger have access to taunt. No, it isn’t used much. No, it isn’t part of the meta, but the meta needs to change. It wrecks the kitten out of ghost thieves.

Ghost thief needs to go.

in WvW

Posted by: AngryGrump.5863


AngryGrump your mesmer example only shows you have no clue how the game works at its most basic level.

You got me. I was hoping nobody would notice but I’ve been exposed.

Ghost thief needs to go.

in WvW

Posted by: AngryGrump.5863


3. Not counting the stealth disruptor traps only engineer can reveal them actually as the rest of professions need a valid target to cast they reveal skills.

Heralds have a 360 range aoe reveal and they don’t have to sacrifice anything to take it.

Dragonhunters have an aoe reveal trap.

Also any class can stand in black powder to either force reveal or cause stealth to expire. Ghost thieves typically don’t run stunbreakers. Stun them after standing in black powder.

Additionally, both warriors and rangers have access to taunt, which will cause reveal on the thief. Neither requires a target.

This means 5 of the 9 classes in the game have access to aoe reveal or taunt without a target.

Of the classes that don’t: Elementalists are condition removal machines. Necros have consume conditions and condi transfers. Thieves are immune to conditions if they run shadows embrace. Mesmers have so many clones that the traps rarely hit the real mesmer if they aren’t AFK.

Hoelbrak, antitoxin, or melandru runes reduce incoming condition duration by 20-25%. Pair this with an anti condition duration food and you will be able to AFK while the thief drops his traps on you.

Ghost thief needs to go.

in WvW

Posted by: AngryGrump.5863


The permastealth-trapper thief needs to be nerfed. There is no counter play to this. It’s toxic and should not exist in this game.

Stand in the thief’s black powder. That’s really all it takes. You can also see and hear the traps being set. Dodge through them. If you get hit with conditions use condi clear.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: AngryGrump.5863


This player is using a macro. You can download the video via sites such as and watch it frame by frame on video editing software. In every single case in the entire video both signets are activated on the exact same frame, with steal coming 7 frames after, with cloak and dagger being pressed 10 frames before the signets. On his youtube channel he says he is sliding his thumb across for the combo. If so there would be delays between the signet activations (since they are not the start of the combo, cloak and dagger is) and variations on the frames in which steal is activated afterwords. Even if he was pressing both signets at the same time there would be at least one example of them not coming on the exact same frame.

To anyone that thinks what is happening in the video can be done by human hands I’ll give you a chance to prove me wrong. Produce a video where you hit cloak and dagger, 10 frames later hitting both signets frame perfectly, and 7 frames later hitting steal. Do it five times in a row on a target dummy in the pvp training area while moving. In your video show your real time button presses as they happen. In the same uncut video open up your gaming mouse software and convince me that you don’t have any macros programmed. I am quite familiar with the logitech software so I know what to look for. You probably also want to show the “details” tab in your task manager to show you aren’t using a separate third party macro. To the first person that can do this I’ll send you a greatsaw chainsaw skin. I have a couple laying around.

To be clear, I am not arguing that this playstyle cannot be done without macros. I am saying this particular player in this case is using one and it is obvious.

We’ll put a one month time limit on this offer, and I reserve the right to increase the reward.

Ghost Thief Gameplay - Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: AngryGrump.5863


Attached is a compilation of ghost thief gameplay using a Sylvari. This character was made specifically to be a ghost thief, as the elite skill is an invulnerability that can be used while revealed. With the sources of revealed only going up and up over time, naturally this build becomes more and more effective. I believe this build to be the most effective tactic available when fighting outnumbered.

There are variations of ghost thief that can do more damage (notably the Asura variant with Pain Inverter, and/or the Perplexity/Tormenting rune variant) and may be better 1v1, but for survivability in outnumbered fights this has to be the king.

There has been much written about ghost thieves on various forums. A lot of the information given is of questionable quality. Now that bona fide ghost thief gameplay is being released this thread should serve as the official “what is a ghost thief, what can they do, and let’s QQ about them” location.

All these clips were taken from Tier 1 over the last month. In none of these clips was there an effort to roam with anyone else or coordinate attacks via map chat or TS.

At some point I will probably put together a post outlining how to fight against a ghost thief, but for now just see what a ghost thief does from the videos.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

Video 6

Video 7

Video 8


path findgings and LoS - bugs

in WvW

Posted by: AngryGrump.5863


The really frustrating one for me is around the edges of the green keep in EBG. Steal doesn’t work there at all, even standing right next to someone. It just says no valid path or something like that.