The event for the most part was fun I liked how the zone was introduced but I think it could be handled a bit better in the future. First day had the most issues but the 2nd and 3rd were both fun. I was around for all three except I didn’t finish phase one since the underwater chest in kesex hills was bugged and I missed the end of the Ancient Karka fight due to massive amounts of lag and general connection problems.
Anyways, direct feedback time. First event as has been explained by most people did have a large variety of lag issues/bugs that were rather disappointing. From the results I think moving away from singular one time events would be a wise choice. An event that recurs every hour (or two or three hours) in a 24 hour period probably work better. It’d take the stain off that specific time and allow people who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to complete the event do so. In terms of exposition I think the story came out pretty decently, I really appreciated how it built a foundation to the story of the zone.
Second event was a little rough to get going. On my overflow nothing happened until someone said head for the boat. The events on the island were fun although it ended a bit abruptly and the zerg I was with was fairly confused and just kept fighting its way across the island. The zone itself is a great addition. Visually I really like the unique vibe it gives. Enemies are definitely more annoying than I would like and in some aspects worse than Orr mobs so like Orr it’s not a zone I will spend much time in. The jumping puzzles were fun, Stepping Stones in particular was absolutely amazing to run through and that alone probably made the weekend for me.
Third event was mostly good. It had some moments of hilarity such as, when the veteran karaka’s appeared for the first time with their massive AOE poison and the entire zerg bar maybe ten people got killed. That many downed players was incredibly funny to see. It also had some fun aspects, knocking down trees on the ancient karka, releasing steam vents were nice to break up the constant Karka slaying. Where the event falls short was the length. I was around for 2-2.5 hours and we still were pushing the karka. After that my connection got so bad I was unable to log back into the game until after the ancient karka was defeated. In other-words my reward for 2-2.5 hours was 2 pieces of crab meat, a shell and the repair cost for four damaged pieces of equipment. Also for over 2 hours of fighting it doesn’t seem like much was accomplish. It would have been a lot more fun if the events took 1/3 or 1/2 the time they did.
Overall I’d say the idea behind the event was solid. There are just a few technical things about how the event works out that would have made it an A+ event.