Showing Posts For Anvar.5673:

Identity Theft

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Anvar.5673


Or, since he speaks English quite well (according to his post history), he could try updating his ticket in English, and try again. =)

Your friend’s ticket is just a few hours old and it is premature to ask for assistance beyond what is expressed in the ticket.

Please allow the team time to resolve this issue. If he still needs help after three full days, he can post in the Tickets for Review thread above.

Thanks for understanding.

Yes, he have done a ticket in english after this brutal answer from the french support (it’s just a procedure, I know):

“Comme nous l’avions mentionné, nous avons toute confiance dans la fiabilité de nos systèmes de détection. L’analyse de l’historique des infractions a confirmé la clôture du compte, ce qui met un terme à toute discussion à ce propos. Toute demande subséquente sera donc ignorée par nos services.”


“As we mentioned it, we have full confidence in the viability of our detection systems. The violations history analysis has confirmed the account’s cloture, which concludes any discussion in this regard. So, all subsequent requests will be ignored by our services.”

Thank you for your help. He is waiting for a response from the english support now.

Identity Theft

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Anvar.5673



I speak for another player with an account stolen by an identity usurper. The usurper have infiltrated the computer of his victim with a trojan and have stole important informations enabling him to impersonate the owner of the account.

Since, the account was banned and his real owner has not been successful with the french support who don’t want listen everything despite of all possible proofs (first name, second name, Activation Key, contact informations, identity card and credit card).

Note: The computer was reformatted and cleaned since this incident and the usurper don’t have the identity card and credit card informations.

Please, can you help him ? He is really desperate now to lose everything with his 2000 game hours, his warrior with Sunrise, his guild and his 12 000 achievement points, especially as his account’s integrity isn’t compromise anymore.

His account name is Zenix.1706.

Thank you in advance.

PS: Sorry if my english is not really good. It isn’t my native language.

Edit: Here is his last ticket number : 847587. Thanks Astral Projections.

(edited by Anvar.5673)

[Suggestion] Reroll friendly BLTC items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Anvar.5673


you bought 7 identical unlimited tools yourself. if you really meant to tell me you don’t think people’ll buy more than 1 for the convenience, I have nothing more to say.

Yes, but I’ve done that because these items were soulbound. Never I would have thought that they will pass unlimited tools from soulbound to account bound one day.

Why they have made this items account bound ? I don’t think this is for the business but more for the convenience. They could be leave this items soulbound and the earning were more significant, but they didn’t do that. Why ?

But the real question is : why there isn’t more solidarity between players when a good suggestion is published on forums ? There is nothing negative in what I propose for players. I better understand why the game struggling to advance with the mentality here. No encouragements. Only negative reviews.

You defend your interests or what ? You’ve buy identical items and this suggestion makes you jealous ? Let talk the logic. These suggestions are only positive for our entire characters instead of one of them only.

[Suggestion] Reroll friendly BLTC items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Anvar.5673


“Add a special NPC at the Black Lion Trading Company or in the home instance for reclaim unlimited account bound gem store items (there is no flaw because it’s account bound).”

I assume here you are talking about the harvesting tools. I can see two flaws from ANet’s point of view.

1) If customers can buy one unlimited axe and then go to an NPC and get a copy for each of their chars, then why should they buy a second unlimited axe? (And yes, people do buy multiple unlimited harvesting tools, one for each char in some cases). So, loss of sales for ANet.

2) A second flaw from ANet’s point of view. If someone already has multiple unlimited axes and can now go to an NPC and get free axes, then they are going to demand refunds for all those multiple axes. This means either refunding all that money or have endless complaining on the forum about it.

As to deleted Mini Rytlocks, I’ve seen threads where they contacted support and got another.

1) They could buy another’s unlimited tools with another skins for vary, and honestly I don’t think that players buy unlimited tools for all of their characters since they are account bound.

2) There was already a refund here for english peoples and there was no problem as you can see here :
For me and my identical seven unlimited tools, the refund was refused by the french support without valuable reason but it’s another problem…

(edited by Anvar.5673)

[Suggestion] Balancing open world rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anvar.5673


I understand that my first idea is a little brutal but, without getting into an another debate “farmers versus others players”, I want to find alternative solutions to a much more complex problem.

I understand that champions trains are the less painful solution to earn T6 mats and I understand players who doing that, but I don’t think it is the ideal solution for a game who want to shove the ideals sets and revolutionize the genre.

I don’t say that they should remove champions trains immediately. As you say, this could kill the game. On the contrary, I say that they should remove champions trains with the only condition that they offer to players a similar or better alternative, but only an funiest and more interesting alternative.

There are more than 1700 events in this game. It’s a thing more fun to do them than have to kill always the same monster all over a day a week and all of this events could better satisfy players who complain about the lack of content. All of them just need a good dose of balancing.

And for the “Just block them and move on.”, I have to disagree. As a player who play the game for the pleasure and the relaxation (I’m not jobless and GW2 isn’t a second work after the first), I don’t have to suffer bad behavior from a handful of players who decided to make their own law against other players and against the rules of conduct. If I want to kill every champions or win every events of this game, it’s my right. I don’t have to just move on to another place.

[Suggestion] Reroll friendly BLTC items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Anvar.5673



Here is some suggestions to make the game more reroll friendly with the gem store items.

In terms of account bound unlocks, there were a progress in a good way since the launch:
- Account bound unlimited tools instead of soulbound unlimited tools.
- Permanent Finishers
- Account unlock skins with Wardrobe
- Account dyes instead of soulbound dyes.

All of this is very good, but for me one major problem remain: I’m constrained to go to the bank when I want to make use of this convenience or fun items with an other character.
Result: I prefer to play with only one character instead of constantly switching and it is a pity.


- Add a special NPC at the Black Lion Trading Company or in the home instance for reclaim unlimited account bound gem store items (there is no flaw because it’s account bound).

- Create a “Black Lion Trading Company Wardrobe” for Gem Store items with some categories (Miniatures, Toys, Tools, Pass, etc, or simply: Services, Toys, etc).
An example for your sales representatives: empty slots from this wardrobe could be encourage players to buy more unlimited tools to vary.

Also, these solutions allow players to recover some items who were accidentally deleted (like the miniature Rytlock from the Digital Deluxe Upgrade for example).

Thanks for listening.

[Suggestion] Balancing open world rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anvar.5673


Full title: [Suggestion] Solutions for balancing open world rewards and bring life in the whole world


I open this topic for raise some game design problems about the rewards and the player apportionment in the world of Tyria and bring solutions to resolve thems. I’ll be concise in order to save time. (sorry in advance if my english isn’t perfect, I learn it)

Problem: Champion’s bags farm monopolize the great part of the player population in some maps (examples: Frostgorge Sound, Cursed Shore) and leads sometimes some conflicts.

Solution: Champions alone without events or who are the only objective to accomplish them can only give one loot bag per account per day.

Why: Champions loot bags originally were created for reward adventurer players who get off the beaten track. Then, this concept was deflect for farming. So, this solution allows to always reward the adventurer instead of the farmer.

Problem: Some players force others players to fail some events because failure is more rewarding for farming (examples: “Defend Penitent Camp from Risen”, “Defend Jofast’s Camp against Risen attacks”) and leads sometimes some conflicts.

- No loot bags from monsters but a bonus chest at the end of the event (with heavy moldy bag for example) only if the event is a succes.
- A bonus chest with tokens (like geodes from the new area Dry Top) only if the event is a succes to exchange to a special merchant specific to an area with general rewards (Obsidian Shards, Heavy Crafting Bags, Letter of Commendation, Profession Gear Box, Unidentified Dye, etc) and specific rewards to an area (miniature Eye of Zaithan in Malchor’s Leap, unique weapon sets, unique food recipes, etc).

Why: The vast majority of Tyria is deserted because some areas aren’t “lucrative”. With a token system only founded on every events, who providing access to good general and unique rewards, all areas of the world could be populars instead of few of them.

This solution should allow the players to earn T6 materials as easily as they could do from champions farming, but simply by doing dynamic events and bring life to the world.

Really, I understand players when they say they farm champions loot bags because 250 Vial of Powerful Blood requierement for an item is terrible, and they are right, but this game could be both more rewarding and more enjoyable for all with others solutions.

Thank you for listening.

You can suggest another solutions for balancing open world rewards but please, respect the “Problem, Solutions, Why” model and be concise. It’s the better thing to do to save the developpers time ; time that they can reinvest for more answers on forums or in the development.
Agressivity leads to nothing too. Be thoughtful. The goal is to find solutions to some problems, and no to enter into another debates without background.

(edited by Anvar.5673)

[Suggestion] Super Boom Box Improvements

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Anvar.5673



Here is some suggestion for improve the Super Boom Box from the Black Lion Trading Company.

General improvements

  • Give more practical names to the skills of SBB (example : “Play Sunny Glade” for the first skill).
  • More musics (see below).
  • One skill for carry the SBB over their shoulder (just because it’s fun).
  • One skill for put the SBB on the ground, with the last sound that is played, for participate in events with the SAB music in the same time.

World 1 musics

  • Sunny Glade
  • Dark Woods 1
  • Dark Woods 2
  • Warp Worm
  • Kingdom of Fungus
  • Kingdom of Fungus Version 2
  • King Toad Boss

World 2 musics

  • Hillbilly Hoedown
  • River Rapids Preview
  • Pain Cliffs
  • Shortcut Eagle
  • Storm Top
  • Wizard of Storm

Other general musics for another SBB ?

  • Main Theme
  • World Hub
  • Sub Hub
  • Rescue The Princess
  • Town Shop
  • Cave
  • Victory!
  • Bonus Stage
  • Moto’s Continue Room of Death
  • Rytlock’s Critter Rampage (half-boss)
  • Commercial Music

(edited by Anvar.5673)