Showing Posts For Arago.3706:

Looking for a general PvE build for mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arago.3706


So I have come back to this game recently with my guild to partake in WvW, Spvp, Fractals and Dungeons and I have noticed that metabattle.come has a great list of builds for most of these occasions until I learn to start making builds of my own with the class.
But I noticed that there was not a general use PvE build besides a running build that wasn’t designed to kill anything but more of a map completion/jump puzzle type thing.

So I was wondering if they community here on the mesmer forums know’s of and wouldn’t mind sharing some general use PvE builds that I can use, I am open to any and all weapon combinations and I appreciate any help in advance.

PvP and PvE necro questions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Arago.3706


Thanks for all the responses everyone consider this topic closed. I am going to add my self to the necro legions! =D

PvP and PvE necro questions.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Arago.3706


Hello necromancer community, I have been looking to get back into the game for a bit now and I really want to play necromancer, I really like the aesthetics and play style of the class but I have been searching here on the forums for a bit and finding out that for what I want to do apparently necro is not very good .

I have read a bunch of threads stating that necro is a very weak class in sPvP and tPvP two things that I would like to do a great deal coming back to the game. I have heard they are alright in WvW but in groups and that’s fine since I will be running in a roaming group of friends.

But I wanted to ask if necro is really as weak in some areas of PvP and PvE as people are saying? Am I going to never get a group for fractals because I am a necro? Am I going to on a constant basis be sat in tPvP in favor of another class?

any answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated as its a pretty big decision on what class to pick and play until 80.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Arago.3706


But in the end, all this fuss is people facing more organized team (yes, time coverage is organization) and wanting the game to be fixed in their way instead of them having to match those team to compete, am i right?

Being lucky enough to pick a server where Oceanic players were is.. organization now?

The only server where you could even say that would be Henge. The others with a heavy oceanic presence were simply luck of the draw.

No ones asking the game to be fixed in anyone’s way. What’s being asked for is simply to make every players contribution count as much as every other player which currently isnt the case.


The hatred you have for Oceanic players is insane, please, take a break from GW2, you seem like you need it.
And fyi, It’s not like Oceanic servers are the top NA servers, why? Because they lose during the day, how do you not understand? If you think it’s unfair Oceanic players cap during the night, when NA players do still play don’t forget, I find it unfair you cap during our night, see how it works?

Anyone having a serious discussion about this isn’t saying that oceanic servers in general are the problem, the actual problem is servers with a ton of off hours players (sorry but you aussies are no so important that we are only talking about you) combined with a ton of NA players, have an advantage that nobody else can manage to overcome with any amount of skill. The skill cap being “get more off hours players”.

What Anet is basically saying to me as a NA player that wants to do a ton of WvW (because lets be honest their PvE is sub par at best) that your time doesn’t matter because this server has off hours players and no matter how hard your server tries when your server goes to sleep you are going to lose because you do not have the off hours players to compete in the high levels of game play. And if you don’t like losing transfer to the winning server or a server with off hours players. Which btw kills any sense of server community down the road when people stop doing WvW because fighting a losing battle after 5 months gets old.

This is a terrible way for the game to go and hopefully Anet realizes this before its to late, CCP did when they region locked EvE online because they realized it was killing any real sense of competition between factions or in this case servers, because when the bracket for moving up in WvW is dependent on who has more off hours players and not who is an actual better server at fighting, then this game is going to become stale really fast.

WvWvW will eventually die unless these are attended to.

in WvW

Posted by: Arago.3706


Hacking is a legit tactic, because war isn’t fair.

Cheap tactics and exploit zones

in WvW

Posted by: Arago.3706


War isn’t fair guys as per anets stance on all things wrong with WvW.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Arago.3706


I hope big American Guilds go transfer to the Euro bracket and kill it. So That anet will learn from its mistake.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Arago.3706


Well they have now officially stated that they want the top tier bracket of WvW and the best servers to be based upon those that have the best night capping forces.

Also since “nobody’s time is more important than someone else”, I better not see people getting banned for cross realming/spying/burning supply on another server and making false calls and coordinating with another server so they lose. since if I choose to spend my time doing that stuff in WvW I shouldn’t be punished, since I am a paying customer.

Guess we shall see some US guilds hopefully going over to the EU bracket to ruin it.

(edited by Arago.3706)

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Arago.3706


If that is going to be the position until further notice for WvW then I better not see people getting banned for doing things cross realm. It better be an and acceptable practice to go to other servers, spy and direct troops to the wrong locations with commander tags, waste siege on towers, burn supply and cross realm to all hell. Things that Anet have said are bannable offense should no longer be labled so.

New players avoid Elementalist.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arago.3706


With everyone complaining so much if anet makes a mistake of over buffing ele to appease the complaints I will literally be a god.