Showing Posts For Arc Angelus.2109:

LF NA casual guild.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arc Angelus.2109

Arc Angelus.2109

I have been playing since beta but took a long break due to the people i was playing with losing interest in favor of other games. I don;t plan to leave again so I am looking for a guild to do more content with, I have barely gotten into fractals but would love to play more. I have played some pvp and plan to play a LOT more But i will mostly play PVE. I’m 26, married with a job so I play most weekdays between midnight and 5 AM EST. And most of the time throughout the day on weekends or days off. I would prefer a guild that was casual and didn’t mid players who maybe don’t know all the content of the game but want to get into it or who have been away and much has changed. And preferably but not needed that the guild does events on weekends rather than friday nights as seems popular with most guilds. But again this isn’t a deal breaker but the more content I can do, the better. I would prefer to join a social guild that does not require voice chat even if i want to participate in it so that it is optional. Other than that I am a friendly guy. I would love to help out with what i can and help others do content/ have fun and make the most of the game.
If it sounds like I would be a good fit for your guild, please don;t hesitate to message me here, ingame or send me a guild invite with a message about your guild and if I think it is a good fit I can jump right in. Thanks. ^^

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arc Angelus.2109

Arc Angelus.2109

Played in beta, came back after a long break. Looking for a guild with friendly people who don;t mind someone who doesn’t know all the content and isn’t hardcore about raids/fractals.
( I do actively play the game and have been back for a while, i just haven’t participated in fractals/dungeons/raids since my return.)The guild of friends I am in is very small so I’m looking for more people to do content with or have fun with while still sometimes hopping over to the tiny guild of friends. If that fits please add me ^^
I normally get on weekends/ after midnight on weekdays due to work.

(edited by Arc Angelus.2109)

Moving country

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arc Angelus.2109

Arc Angelus.2109

Hi, I am currently in the UK playing on an NA server.
I am just making sure I wont have any problem playin when i move to america on Sunday?

Looking for a fractals guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Arc Angelus.2109

Arc Angelus.2109

I’m looking for a guild who run fractals often and don’t mind a noob fractals runner or require me to represent 100% when not running fractals etc.

Server: anvil rock
Class: necromancer (sorry XD)

All Necro Guild!

in Guilds

Posted by: Arc Angelus.2109

Arc Angelus.2109

I would love to join if you guys don’t mind me mainly representing a small guild I have been part of with friends of mine. I will of course represent when doing guild activities etc. Been playing Necromancer main since beta and I would love to be part of and contribute to the necro community. I’m on anvil rock if it matters. Normally do a few dungeons daily, enjoy PVE and WVW and I’m about to get into PVP. I also look forward to helping out if you get the guild site up.Thanks.