Showing Posts For Archituethis.8274:

05/24 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


okay so ONI – skilled players ( about 20 members total ) are looking for a server on T3. All are skilled and know their classes; to the server that fully covers our transfer; we’ll come. message me for details.

I hate to be “that guy” (why am I lying? I LOVE being that guy) but wouldn’t it be best to go to a server you have the greatest opportunity and interest with other than the one that throws you the most gold at you? Or is your current situation so terrible that any ol’ gal will do?

Its not that we want gold it is simply that we are all rather poor from our constant roaming so even if a server was a great fit a large majority of our players wouldn’t be able to finance the move.

What beats phantasm mesmer? (Not on point)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


Lets give them a chance to prove themselves, please post a phantasm build that will be more effective in group play than a shatter build.

TC-Colonial vs a Developer 1v1

in WvW

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


I think what you need to do is use a lot more unload with p/p and maybe use some pistol whip as well. That might make you a better player.

Superior Runes of Air are BUGGED?!

in Thief

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


I also just got this rune set and It is most certainly bugged. It also procs when I stealth with conditions ticking on me.

Chillin Villain

in Ranger

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


The runes are working for chill duration. I just tried it without them last night. I also have started using a warhorn for the team buffs. As for the bleeds on crit, I use those as a buffer for my chill so that enemies have to use up more cleanses to remove the chill.

Chillin Villain

in Ranger

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


I recently was thinking of a fun build to use in team fights as a ranger and came up with what I call the Chillin Villain. This specs main goal was to let me run around dropping chill and other conditions on my enemies so my allies are easily able to chase and kill them. This spec is not a 1v1 build and if you find yourself in a situation where you are alone against enemies do not expect to be able to kill any of them or escape.
Here is the build :;TEBAzypESJlSNlSKKhM/I+xClTIJUrLGXcu4dx0AA

The only necessary utilities with this build are the frost trap for the chill field and the condition signet for much needed condi removal and a stun breaker. All the other slots can be changed out depending on what the group needs.

So far I have had the most success using this build with a full glass cannon warrior in duo roaming, or in larger groups with a necro using epidemic to spread the chill to even more target.

My armor is full rabid with my jewelry being 1/2 rabid 1/2 carrion.

For food I use the maintenance oil and veggie pizza during the day and I have been trying out chili poppers at night.

Anyways hope you guys enjoy the build and keep chillin it in wvw. :P

Incarnadyne 80 Thief
Archituethis 80 Ranger

Tier 2 Dueling Club, show your skills!

in WvW

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


I am ready to duel anyone on my thief, lets get this Dueling Club big.


Advice against thieves?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


Not at all, although Targ won’t be on to record again until later.

Advice against thieves?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


So, I am considered a relatively decent thief among my friends. If any of you claiming to be able to beat all thieves in a 1v1 fight please send me a tell so we can set something up. Necro’s are simply at a disadvantage when fighting a thief 1v1.


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


My guildmate is unable to post in this thread due to her account being bugged and saying it requires a new serial code. She has been unable to access her account for 4 days. Please help her. Ticket Number: 121112-000714

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


It has been 3 days since my account was banned. I recently received an email telling me that access had been restored but the game is still telling me that my account has been suspended for unauthorized use. Please help me I feel like I was just getting hope of having the issue resolved to have it crushed under the foot of error 45:6:3:2114. Ticket Number: 121112-000627

(edited by Archituethis.8274)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


I received an email telling me my account has been restored but I am still unable to access the game with the new password. Please help me. Ticket: 121112-000627

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


I don’t really know where else to ask this, but, if I do not get my account back despite to my knowledge being innocent, is it possible to get a refund for the game?

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


The craziest part is how the upcoming event is overshadowing the scandal and allowing anet to take their time on an issue which should have been dealt with swiftly. Perhaps after this event the community will be able to take a stand and ask for some answers.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


I have been banned for about 24 hours and have yet to get a response to my ticket. I have come to believe that people are getting randomly banned around the dragon events. I was with 3 guildies in frostgorge waiting for jormag when we got banned for botting. I genuinely hope they are able to resolve these issues before the lost shores event as missing that event would be very frustrating to those of us who are wrongfully banned for botting.

Helpful Tips To Not Get Banned!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


Well I am glad that if I ever get my account back I will be unable to enjoy playing in high level zones. Hurray! One more hurdle to farming for a legendary.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


Myself and 3 guildies were recently banned at exactly the same time after farming in frostgorge for about 15minutes. We were running in a tight pack but our group was not 4 rangers but 1 theif 2 necro’s and 1 engi. None of us recall getting a tell before the ban and we were in the process of fighting a champion troll when the ban went out. I am extremely confused as to why and how we would have been tagged as bots to be banned. I am sincerely hoping that we were not reported by an angry player mad that we were killing mobs too quickly.

Discuss our Oct 22nd changes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Archituethis.8274


I have a few things I think might be beneficial to people complaining about the most recent patch. First, even before the nerf in a full condition build staff clones did more damage per second then the i warlock. Second, a lot of people fail to realize that with illusionary persona simply running into a pack of mobs and pressing f1 and f2 will tag most if not all of the mobs. Add in a clone or two to that if you feel the need to be safe. I hope some people will benefit from this knowledge.