Showing Posts For Ariachi.8096:
Steam takes about 30% of each purchase. They would be stupid to put GW2 there.
If that’s the case then why is GW1 even on there in the first place?
Because 70% of “Not very much” is still more than 100% of “Nothing At All”
It doesn’t work that why I’m afraid. Granted they may pull more sales through it but if it was added to steam basically all of future sales would go through the platform based on how popular steam is. Meaning they may lose out in the long run. People would go from buying directly from Arenanet/Ncsoft to directly through Steam they would lose a lot on the next xpac and gems in the long run.
I feel so lucky, I got my 80 clovers after 10 attempts on the x10 mystic forge recipe. Sorry not sorry
I have the best armour and stats at the moment, and i’m happy with everything. But I just sat back in horror as I watched a level 15 icebrood elemental in a low-level region remove half my health in a few seconds.
If they ever decide to make a gw3 I hope they get rid of that stupid scaling system, because it really makes the game look like child’s play.
Even if my health suddenly drops from 20k to 1.5k, I would expect a low level enemy to struggle against a level 80. My suspicion is that levels are actually meaningless in this game.
I’ve posted on this topic before, and I’m posting again because this is something that is still bugging me.
ADDENDUM: some of these mobs are actually killing me quicker than level 80 mobs.
Based on most of your replies to other answers/responses it seems like when you mention “true mmo” you mean one that sets you mindlessly farming mobs/grinding and hitting 1 button on your keyboard… If you don’t like the way GW2 scales then quite simply don’t play. They’re not going to change one of their main selling features because one player is still stuck in the past and doesn’t want to actually learn to play. The large majority of players love this feature. When you hit level 80 traits and gear make a large difference in lower level zones. I still find I can basically afk a zone with very little worry about dying on my max toons. But it keeps me paying a little more attention. Besides low level zones aren’t the areas you want to be farming, etc. Unless of course you’re doing map completion.
You’re lucky to even get a refund. Under consumer law they are not obliged to even give you one. You’ve used the product for 7 months, and in there T&C’s it is clearly outlined that changes can be made to the product at their discretion… I think $50 or whatever you made for the game is pretty good for 7months of play time considering some games are the same price and offer a single campaign worth 10 hours of playtime…
Bolt is fine as it is. Although there are other weapons that shrink on stowing.
I would like an even bigger Bolt, a greatsword version of the skin would be a nice option for the gem store.
For that matter how about normal sword sized Sunrise and Twilight?
I doubt if this would be that difficult knowing the present skins are there and could be reused.
Never going to happen, at least not in the gemstore. Could you imagine the screams and how annoyed players would be that have the legendary if they knew someone could just go and buy the skin for gems in the store?
Yes, a lot are tied up in the personal stories, LW2, Dry Top and Silverwaste collections. I’m at a point where every track is waiting for points that will take me months even to get. 2000 gold for all the culture outfits? A near impossible JP? Teq and the TTW?
Yeah, not fun nor easy to obtain. Certainly not as easy as some in HoT.
Near impossible jumping puzzle?! Are you high?
Never had an issue with bolt clipping on area of my characters, Asura included. Making bolt smaller stowed than it is wielded is more ridiculous than it clipping anyway! What a stupid idea…
Have you played HoT properly? If at all? I challenge you to get map completion on one single Magus falls map solo. Oh sorry no you can’t it’s near impossible….
I’d like to see a story involving the premature death of Kralkatorrik at the hands of Palawa Joko. Under the advice of Glint’s offspring in LS3, we would go to the desert to destroy a still-injured Kralkatorrik, only to find out he has already been eliminated by the undead ruler of Elona.
Palawa Joko has found a way to steal / harness the magical power of defeated Elder Dragons. Due to his close proximity to Orr, he has already managed absorb power from Zhaitan’s lost corpse. In addition to that, Palawa has also absorbed and re-purposed the remaining Risen armies into his own undead legions. He used this new power to grow his empire, and immediately targeted the next nearest Elder Dragon — Kralkatorrik. The Crystal Elder Dragon, still recovering from his fight with Destiny’s Edge, was no match for the unrelenting numbers of Palawa Joko’s army. Palawa Joko now commands the power of two Elder Dragon’s, and has become a greater threat than anything we’ve previously faced.
The plot would revolve around us infiltrating an occupied Elona (via the Crystal Desert), finding new allies, and ultimately dismantling this new threat before it gets out of control. We would recruit the help of a misplaced tribe of Tengu living in the Desert, with them becoming a new playable race. We would push further south, and ultimately meet up and ally with a secret society of Sun Spears who are still active in the area, despite the authoritative rule of Palawa Joko. These new allies would teach us new fighting techniques, revealing a whole slew of new elite specs.
We would of course get the Paragon elite spec, utilizing Spears on land. It could go to either Warrior or Guardian. The Paragon would be a tanky / supportive archetype, defending the front-lines while bolstering allies.
I’d also like to see a Lich elite spec for Revenant, channeling the forbidden power of Vizier Khilbron. The Lich would be a Scepter wielding condition based spell caster, an archetype that Revenant is currently missing.
The Tengu would teach us their ancient magics, revealing the Shaman elite spec for necromancer. Wielding a torch and summoning ancient black flames, the Shaman would be a primitive brawler, teleporting in and out of melee combat while hexing foes and burning them with sinister black fire.
I’d personally love to see something like this happen. I am so tired of one-dimensional dragons being our main enemy, and I’m not looking forward to every expansion featuring them. Palawa Joko is such a perfect enemy — he’s unique, has personal motivation, lots of backstory, and he isn’t a mindless dragon “eating” magic all day. Let’s kill two birds with one stone — get rid of a boring Elder Dragon, and give us a real villain to fight.
Big fan of this theory! Fancy applying to become part of the dev team? Probably better than anything they’ve come up with so far!
Same “character” different classes.
Do you mind me asking what race the heavy armour set is on? I’m guessing its human but I’ve tried a similar combination on my human warrior in game but it doesn’t seem to come out looking the same.
Rev’s are in no way an OP class, what makes them strong is there ability to stack well together and cover all bases efficiently. However they do not massively excel in any given area, a jack of all trades but master of none if you will. They also have a lot of trouble dealing with Condi, and in the current sPVP meta that is a big issue. Come up against a Condi Necro? Run for the hills. You can try running Mallyx but that means losing Shiro and in turn most of the revs mobility and a large DPS loss, and even with Mallyx it’s still an uphill battle. If anything nerf necros, but lets not go down that avenue, other classes can fight them so it’s just a case of picking your battles.
OP is getting nowhere with his/her argument purely because they are providing no suggestions or points to back up his claim that Revs are OP.
Why would that make people play dungeons? Obsidian Shards are already easy enough to get and have few uses other than Legendaries…
Added you guys in game, will drop you a message when I see you online.
Would be really interesting in Joining, I was looking for a slightly smaller guild where I could get to actually know the individual members. I’ll drop you guys a message in game on Thursday when I’m back home. Can discuss from there. I’ve only just got back into the (upon release of HoT) so would be nice to have a few guys to get back into the game with.